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1、 目 錄TOC o 1-1 h u HYPERLINK l _Toc4437 Part 1 PID type fuzzy controller and HYPERLINK l _Toc11907 parameters adaptive method PAGEREF _Toc11907 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc24918 Part 2 Application of self adaptation fuzzy-PID control for main steam tempeeraturre conntrol systeem in HYPERLINK l _Toc15990 powerr

2、 stattion PAGEREF _Toc15990 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc18495 Part 3 Neuroo-fuzzzy genneraliized ppredicctive contrrol HYPERLINK l _Toc408 of booiler steamm tempperatuure PAGEREF _Toc408 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc25309 Part 4 為Partt3譯文: HYPERLINK l _Toc8913 鍋鍋爐蒸汽溫度度模糊神經(jīng)網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的廣義預(yù)預(yù)測(cè)控制 PAGEREF _Toc8913 211 PAGE 39Part 1

3、PID type fuzzyy contrrollerr and Parameeters adapttive mmethodd Wu zhi QIAO, Masahharu MMizumooto Absstractt: The aauthorrs of this paperr try to annalyzee the dynammic beehavioor of the pproducct-summ crissp typpe fuzzzy coontrolller, reveaaling that this type of fuuzzy ccontrooller behavves apppro

4、xiimatelly likke a PPD conntrolller thhat maay yieeld stteady-statee erroor forr the contrrol syystem. By rrelatiing too the conveentionnal PIID conntrol theorry, wee proppose aa new fuzzyy conttrolleer strructurre, naamely PID ttype ffuzzy contrrollerr whicch rettains the ccharaccterisstics similla

5、r too the conveentionnal PIID conntrolller. IIn ordder too imprrove ffurtheer thee perfformannce off the fuzzyy conttrolleer, wee workk out a metthod tto tunne thee paraameterrs of the PPID tyype fuuzzy contrrollerr on lline, produucing a parrameteer adaaptivee fuzzzy conntrolller. Simullationn expe

6、erimennts arre madde to demonnstratte thee finee perfformannce off thesse novvel fuuzzy ccontrooller struccturess. Keyywordss: Fuzzzy coontrolller; PID ccontrool; Addaptivve conntrol 1. Intrroducttion Among vvariouus infferencce metthods used in thhe fuzzzy coontrolller ffound in liiterattures , the

7、e mostt wideely ussed onnes inn pracctice are tthe Maamdanii methhod prroposeed by Mamdaani annd hiss assoociatees whoo adoppted tthe Miin-maxx comppositiional rule of innferennce baased oon an interrpretaation of a contrrol ruule as a conjuunctioon of the aanteceedent and cconseqquent, and the ppro

8、ducct-summ methhod prroposeed by Mizummoto wwho suuggestted too intrroducee the produuct annd ariithmettic meean agggregaation operaators to reeplacee the logiccal ANND (miinimumm) andd OR (mmaximuum) caalculaationss in tthe MMin-maax commposittionall rulee of iinfereence. In the algorrithm of a fuz

9、zyy contrrollerr, thee fuzzzy function calcuulatioon is also a commplicaated aand tiime coonsumiing taask. TTagagii and Sugenno prooposedd a crrisp ttype mmodel in whhich tthe coonsequuent pparts of thhe fuzzzy coontroll rulees aree crissp funnctionnal reepreseentatiion orr crissp reaal nummbers in

10、thhe simmplifiied caase innsteadd of ffuzzy sets . Witth thiis moddel off crissp reaal nummber ooutputt, thee fuzzzy sett of tthe innferennce coonsequuence will be a discrrete ffuzzy set wwith aa finiite nuumber of pooints, thiis cann greaatly ssimpliify thhe fuzzy function algorrithm. Both thhe Min

11、n-max methood andd the produuct-suum metthod aare offten aapplieed witth thee crissp outtput mmodel in a mixedd mannner. EEspeciially the mmixed produuct-suum criisp moodel hhas a fine perfoormancce andd the simpllest aalgoriithm tthat iis verry eassy to be immplemeented in haardwarre sysstem aand c

12、oonvertted innto a fuzzyy neurral neetworkk modeel. Inn thiss papeer, wee willl takee accoount oof thee prodduct-ssum crrisp ttype ffuzzy contrrollerr. 2. PID type fuzzyy conttrolleer strructurre As illuustratted inn previious ssectioons, the PD function approoximattely bbehavees likke a parammeter

13、time-varyiing PDD contrrollerr. Sincee the matheematiccal moodels of moost inndustrrial pprocesss sysstems are oof typpe, obbvioussly thhere wwould existt an ssteadyy-statte errror iff theyy are contrrolledd by tthis kkind oof fuzzzy coontrolller. This charaacteriistic has bbeen sstatedd in tthe brr

14、ief rrevieww of tthe PIID conntrolller inn the previious ssectioon. If we wwant tto eliiminatte thee steaady-sttate eerror of thhe conntrol systeem, wee can imagiine too substitutte thee inpuut (thhe chaange rrate oof errror orr the derivvativee of eerror) of tthe fuuzzy ccontrooller with the iinteg

15、rrationn of eerror. This will resullt thee fuzzzy conntrolller beehavinng likke a pparameeter ttime-vvaryinng PI contrrollerr, thuus thee steaady-sttate eerror is exxpelleed by the iintegrrationn actiion. HHoweveer, a PI tyype fuuzzy ccontrooller will have a sloow risse timme if the PP paraameterrs

16、aree choseen smaall, aand haave a largee overrshoott if tthe P or I parammeterss are choseen larrge. SSo theere maay be the ttime wwhen oone waants tto inttroducce nott onlyy the integgratioon conntrol but tthe deerivattive ccontrool to the ffuzzy contrrol systemm, beccause the dderivaative contrrol

17、 caan redduce tthe ovvershooot off the systeems rresponnse soo as tto impprove the ccontrool perrformaance. Of coourse this can bbe reaalizedd by ddesignning aa fuzzzy conntrolller wiith thhree iinputss, errror, tthe chhange rate of errror aand thhe inttegrattion oof errror. HHoweveer, thhese mmetho

18、dds willl be hard to immplemeent inn pracctice becauuse off the diffiicultyy in cconstrructinng fuzzzy coontroll rulees. Ussuallyy fuzzzy conntrol ruless are consttructeed by summaarizinng thee manuual coontroll expeeriencce of an opperatoor whoo has been contrrollinng thee induustriaal proocess ski

19、lllfullyy and succeessfullly. TThe opperatoor inttuitivvely rregulaates tthe execcutor to coontroll the proceess byy watcching the eerror and tthe chhange rate of thhe errror beetweenn the systeems ooutputt and the sset-pooint vvalue. It iis nott the practtice ffor thhe opeeratorr to oobservve thee

20、inteegratiion off erroor. Mooreoveer, addding one iinput variaable wwill ggreatlly inccreasee the numbeer of contrrol ruules, the cconstrructinng of fuzzyy conttrol rrules are eeven mmore ddifficcult ttask aand itt needds morre commputattion eeffortts. Heence wwe mayy wantt to ddesignn a fuuzzy ccon

21、trooller that posseesses the ffine ccharaccterisstics of thhe PIDD conttrolleer by usingg onlyy the errorr and the channge raate off erroor as its iinputss. Onee way is too havee an iintegrrator seriaally cconneccted tto thee outpput off the fuzzyy conttrolleer as shownn in FFig. 11. In Fig. 1,andda

22、re sscalinng facctors for ee and resspectiively, and fl iss the integgral cconstaant. IIn thee procceedinng texxt, foor connvenieence, we diid nott conssider the sscalinng facctors. Heree in FFig. 22, wheen we look at thhe neiighborrhood of NOODE pooint iin thee e - plaane, iit folllows from (1) tth

23、at tthe coontroll inpuut to the pplant can bbe appproximmated by (1) Hence tthe fuuzzy ccontrooller becommes a parammeter time-varyiing PII conttrolleer, itts equuivaleent prroporttionall conttrol aand inntegraal conntrol compoonentss are BK2D and iilK1 PP resppectivvely. We caall thhis fuuzzy ccont

24、rooller as thhe PI type fuzzyy conttrolleer (PII fc). We caan hoppe thaat in a PI type fuzzyy conttrol ssystemm, thee steaady-sttate eerror becommes zeero. TTo verrify tthe prropertty of the PPI typpe fuzzzy coontrolller, we caarry oout soome siimulattion eexperiimentss. Beffore ppresennting the ssi

25、mulaation, we ggive aa desccriptiion off the simullationn modeel. Inn the fuzzyy conttrol ssystemm showwn in Fig. 3, thhe plaant moodel iis a ssecondd-ordeer andd typee systtem wiith thhe folllowinng traansferr funcction: (22)Where KK = 166, = 1, and= 0.5. In ouur simmulatiion exxperimments, we uuse

26、 thhe disscretee simuulatioon metthod, the rresultts wouuld bee sligghtly diffeerent from that of a contiinuouss systtem, tthe saamplinng timme of the ssystemm is sset too be 00.1 s. For the ffuzzy contrrollerr, thee fuzzzy subbsets of e and dd are definned ass showwn in Fig. 4. Thheir ccores Thee f

27、uzzzy conntrol ruless are repreesenteed as Tablee 1. FFig. 55 demoonstraates tthe siimulattion rresultt of sstep rresponnse off the fuzzyy conttrol ssystemm withh a Pll fc. WWe cann see that the ssteadyy-statte errror off the contrrol syystem becommes zeero, bbut whhen thhe inttegrattion ffactorr fl

28、 iis smaall, tthe syystems ressponsee is sslow, and wwhen iit is too llarge, therre is a higgh oveershooot andd seriious ooscilllationn. Theereforre, wee may want to inntroduuce thhe derrivatiive coontroll law into the ffuzzy contrrollerr to oovercoome thhe oveershooot andd insttabiliity. WWe proopo

29、se a conntrolller sttructuure thhat siimply conneects tthe PDD typee and the PPI typpe fuzzzy coontrolller ttogethher inn paraallel. We hhave tthe eqquivallent sstructture oof thaat by conneectingg a PII deviice wiith thhe bassic fuuzzy ccontrooller seriaally aas shoown inn Fig.6. Whhere is tthe wee

30、ight on PDD typee fuzzzy conntrolller annd fi is thhat onn PI ttype ffuzzy contrrollerr, thee largger a/fi meeans mmore eemphassis onn the derivvativee conttrol aand leess emmphasiis on the iintegrrationn conttrol, and vvice vversa. It ffollowws froom (7) thatt the outpuut of the ffuzzy contrrollerr

31、 is (3)3. The parammeter adapttive mmethodd Thuus thee fuzzzy conntrolller beehavess likee a tiime-vaaryingg PID contrrollerr, itss equiivalennt prooportiional contrrol, iintegrral coontroll and derivvativee conttrol ccomponnents are rrespecctivelly. Wee calll thiss new contrrollerr struucturee a PI

32、ID typpe fuzzzy coontrolller (PID fc). Figs. 7 annd 8 aare thhe simmulatiion reesultss of tthe syystems steep ressponsee of ssuch ccontrool sysstem. The iinflueence oof aand fll to tthe syystem perfoormancce is illusstrateed. Whhen 0 aand/3 = 0, meaniing thhat thhe fuzzzy coontrolller bbehavees likk

33、e PD fc, tthere existt a stteady-statee erroor. Whhen = 0 aand fll 0, meanning tthat tthe fuuzzy ccontrooller behavves liike a PI fcc, thee steaady-sttate eerror of thhe sysstem iis eliiminatted buut theere iss a laarge oovershhoot aand seeriouss osciillatiion.When 0 aand 133 0 the ffuzzy contrrolle

34、rr becoomes aa PID fc, tthe ovvershooot iss subsstantiially reducced. It iss posssible to geet a ccomparrativeely goood peerformmance by caarefullly chhoosinng thee valuue of and. 4. Concclusioons We havee studdied tthe innput-ooutputt behaavior of thhe prooduct-sum ccrisp type fuzzyy conttrolleer,

35、reevealiing thhat thhis tyype off fuzzzy conntrolller beehavess apprroximaately like a parrameteer timme-varrying PD coontrolller. Thereefore, the analyysis aand deesigniing off a fuuzzy ccontrool sysstem ccan taake addvantaage off the conveentionnal PIID conntrol theorry. Acccordiing too the covenn

36、tionaal PIDD conttrol ttheoryy, we have been able to prroposee somee imprrovemeent meethodss for the ccrisp type fuzzyy conttrolleer. It has been illusstrateed thaat thee PD ttype ffuzzy contrrollerr yiellds a steaddy-staate errror ffor thhe typpe sysstem, the PPI typpe fuzzzy coontrolller ccan elli

37、minaate thhe steeady-sstate errorr. We propoosed aa conttrolleer strructurre, that combiines the featuures oof botth PD type and PPI typpe fuzzzy coontrolller, obtaiining a PIDD typee fuzzzy conntrolller whhich aallowss the contrrol syystem to haave a fast rise and aa smalll oveershooot as well as a

38、 shortt setttling time. To imprrove ffurtheer thee perfformannce off the propoosed PPID tyype fuuzzy ccontrooller, the authoors deesigneed a pparameeter aadaptiive fuuzzy ccontrooller. The PID ttype ffuzzy contrrollerr can be deecompoosed iinto tthe eqquivallent pproporrtionaal conntrol, inteegral c

39、ontrrol annd thee deriivativve conntrol compoonentss. Thee propposed parammeter adapttive ffuzzy contrrollerr decrreasess the equivvalentt inteegral contrrol coomponeent off the fuzzyy conttrolleer graaduallly witth thee systtem reesponsse proocess time, so aas to increease tthe daampingg of tthe sy

40、ystem when the ssystemm is aabout to seettle down, meannwhilee keepps thee propportioonal ccontrool commponennt uncchangeed so as too guarranteee quicck reaactionn agaiinst tthe syystems errror. WWith tthe paarametter addaptivve fuzzzy coontrolller, the ooscilllationn of tthe syystem is sttronglly r

41、esstrainned annd thee setttling time is shhortenned coonsideerablyy. We havee pressentedd the simullationn resuults tto demmonstrrate tthe fiine peerformmance of thhe prooposedd PID type fuzzyy conttrolleer andd the parammeter adapttive ffuzzy contrrollerr struucturee. Part 2 Appliicatioon of self a

42、dapttationn fuzzyy-PID contrrol foor maiin steeam teemperaature contrrol syystem in powerr stattionZHI-BINN LIAbstracct: In liight oof thee largge dellay, stronng ineertia, and uuncerttaintyy charracterristiccs of main steam teemperatture prrocesss, a selff adapptatioon fuzzzy-PIID serrial ccontrool

43、 systtem iss pressentedd, whichh not only contaains tthe annti-diisturbbance perfoormancce of seriaal conntrol, but aalso ccombinnes thhe goood dynnamic performaance oof fuzzzy coontroll. The ssimulaation resullts shhow thhat thhis coontroll systtem haas morre quiickly respoonse, betteer preecisioon

44、 andd stroonger anti-distuurbancce abiilityKeywordds:Main steamm tempperatuure;Seelf addaptattion;FFuzzy contrrol;Seerial contrrol1. IntrroducttionThe boiiler ssuperhheaterrs of moodem tthermaal powwer sttationn run underr the condiition of hiigh teemperaature and hhigh ppressuure, and tthe suuperhe

45、eaters temmperatture iis higghest in thhe steeam chhannellsso it haas impportannt efffect tto thee runnning oof thee wholle theermal ppower statiionIff the tempeeraturre is too hhigh, it wiill bee probbably burntt out. If thhe temmperatture iis tooo low ,the efficciencyy willl be rreduceed So the mm

46、ain ssteam tempeeraturre masst be stricctly ccontroolled near the ggiven valueeFig l shoows thhe boiiler mmain ssteam tempeeraturre sysstem sstructture.Fig.1 bboilerr mainn steaam temmperatture ssystemmIt can be cooncludded frrom Fiig l tthat aa goodd mainn steaam temmperatture ccontrool systeem not

47、t onlyy has adequuatelyy quicckly rresponnse too fluee distturbannce annd loaad fluuctuattion, but aalso hhas sttrong contrrol abbilityy to ddesuperheatinng waterr distturbannce. The ggeneraal conntrol schemme is seriaal PIDD conttrol oor douuble lloop ccontrol sysstem wwith dderivaative. But wwhen

48、tthe woork coonditiion annd extternal distturbannce chhange largee, thee perfformannce wiill beecome instaable. Thiss papeer preesentss a seelf addaptattion ffuzzy-PID sseriall conttrol ssystemm. whichh not only contaains tthe annti-diisturbbance perfoormancce of seriaal conntrol, but aalso ccombinn

49、es thhe goood dynnamic charaacter and qquicklly ressponsee of fuzzzy conntrol Designn of CControol Sysstem Thee geneeral rregulaation adoptts serrial PPID coontroll systtem wiith looad feeed forwaardwhhich aassurees thaat thee mainn steaam temmperatture iis neaar thee giveen vallue 5440in most condi

50、itionIf paarametter off PID contrrol chhangelless aand thhe worrk connditioon andd exteernal ddisturrbancee channge laarge, the pperforrmancee willl becoome in stablleThee fuzzzy conntrol is fiit forr conttrolliing noon-linnear aand unncertain pprocesss. Thhe genneral fuzzyy conttrolleer takess erro

51、or E and errorr channge raatio EEC as inputt variiablessactuually it iss a noon-linnear PPD conntrolller, so itt has the ggood ddynamiic perrformaanceBBut thhe steeady eerror is sttill iin exiistencce. In liinear systeem theeory, integgral ccan elliminaate the ssteadyy erroor. So iff fuzzzy conntrol

52、 is coombineed witth PI contrrol, not oonly ccontaiins thhe antti-dissturbance peerformmance of seerial contrrol, but aalso hhas thhe goood dynnamic perfoormancce andd quicckly rresponnse.In ordeer to improove fuuzzy ccontrool sellf adaaptatiion abbilityy, ProfLong Shengg-Zhaoo and Wang Pei-zzhuangg

53、 takee the located inn brinnging forwaard a new iidea wwhich can mmodifyy the contrrol reegulattion oonlineeThiss reguulatioon is: Thiis conntrol rregulaation depennds onn onlyy one parammeter.Onceiis fixxedthhe weiight oof E aand ECC willl be ffixed and tthe seelf addaptattion aabilitty willl be ve

54、ry smalllIt wwas immproveed by Prof. Li Doong-hui annd thee new regullationn is aas folllow; Beccause it iss veryy diffficultt to ffind aa selff of ooptimuum parrameteer, a neww methhod iss pressentedd by PProfZZhou XXian-LLan, the rregulaation is ass folllow: Butt thiss algoorithmm stilll cann not

55、elimiinate the ssteadyy erroorThiis papper coombinees thiis alggorithhm witth PI contrrol,thhe perrformaance iis impprovedd Simulaation of Coontroll Systtem3.1 Dynnamic charaacter of contrrolledd objeect Pappers sshouldd be limiited tto 6 ppages Paperrs lonnger tthan 66 pagees willl be subjeect too

56、extrra feees bassed onn theiir lenngthFig .2 main steamm tempperatuure coontroll systtem sttructuureFig 2 sshows the mmain ssteam tempeeraturre conntrol systeem strructurre,aree mainn conttrolleer andd auxiiliaryy conttrolleer,aree charracterrs of the lleadinng andd inerrtia ssectioons,arre meaasure

57、 unit.3.2 Simmulatiion off the generral seerial PID ccontrool sysstemThe simmulatiion off the generral seerial PID ccontrool sysstem iis opeeratedd by MMATLABB, the ssimulaation modall is aas Figg.3.Seetp1 aand Seetp2 aare thhe givven valuue dissturbaance aand suuperheeatingg wateer dissturb & rice

58、.PID Contrrollerr1 and PID CControoller22 are main contrrollerr and auxilliary contrrollerrThe parrameteer vallue whhich ccomes from referrencess is aas folllow:Fig.3. the geenerall PID contrrol syystem simullationn modaal3.3 Simmulatiion off selff adapptatioon fuzzy-PPID coontroll systtem Sppacingg

59、The simmulatiion moodal iis as Fig 44.Auxiiliaryy conttrolleer is:.Mainn conttrolleer is Fuzzyy-PI sttructuure, and tthe PII conttrolleer is:Fuzzy ccontrooller is reealizeed by S-funnctionn, and tthe coode iss as ffig.5.Fig.4. the fuuzzy PPID coontroll systtem siimulattion mmodalFig 5 tthe S-functti

60、on ccode off fuzzyy conttrol3.4 Commparisson off the ssimulaationGiven tthe saame giiven vvalue distuurbancce andd the superrheatiing waater ddisturrbancee,we ccomparre thee respponse of fuuzzy-PPID coontroll systtem wiith PIID serrial ccontrool sysstem. The ssimulaation resullts arre as fig.66-7. F


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