已閱讀5頁,還剩93頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、酒店品質(zhì)檢查細(xì)則評分表評分表標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得分總計500分,酒店硬件缺項部分可在計算得分率時在分母中去掉該項分值。 五星級酒店最低得分率90%,四星級酒店最低得分率85%,三星級酒店最低得分率為75%。 得分率=實際得分/標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得分100%。檢查項目 Check List標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得分 Tatol實際得分 Actual%葉予舜 二一二年八月二十七日星期一1. Fronnt Offfice 前前廳1.1 Opeeratorr 總機701.2 Reeservaation 預(yù)訂部1201.3 Staation Countter/Arrrivall 接機服務(wù)務(wù)1401.4 Cheeck-inn 接待部1701.5 Mo

2、rrning Call 叫醒服務(wù)601.6 Innformaation 問詢處 1001.7 Connciergge 禮賓部1201.8 Cheeckingg Out 收銀1101.9 Ovveralll Imprressioon of Frontt Offiice 整體體印象330前臺得分Froont Offfice Sub TTatol 12202. Roomms 客房2.1 Rooom Evvaluattion 客房評估估3802.2 Rooom Makke Up and TTurn DDown SServicce 房間收收拾與開夜床床1902.3 Lauundry 洗衣1702.4 M

3、iini Baar 迷你吧 1502.5 Oveerall Room Comfoort 舒適適程度140客房得分Roooms Suub Tattol10303. Foodd & Beeveragge 餐飲3.1 Bufffet BBreakffast 自助早餐餐2003.2 Chhinesee Resttaurannt Serrvice中中餐廳3203.3 Wesstern Restaaurantt 西餐廳 3703.4 Barr/Cofffee shhop/Loobby BBar 咖啡啡廳/酒吧2303.5 Rooom Seervicee 送餐服務(wù)務(wù) 2903.6 Ovveralll Com

4、ffort iin Dinning AAreas 整體餐廳舒舒適程度240餐飲得分Foood & BBeveraage Suub Tattol16504. Otheer serrvicess 其它4.1 Reccreatiion FFitnesss Cennter 康康樂設(shè)施 3204.2 Bussinesss Centter商務(wù)中中心804.3 Rettail OOutletts商店904.4 Souuvenirr Shopp 紀(jì)念品商商店904.5 Enggineerring & Mainntenannce工程/維修110其它得分Othher Seervicees Subb Tatool6

5、905. Faciilitiees forr safeety & the hhandiccap 安全全設(shè)施5.1 Faacilitties ffor Saafety 安全設(shè)施1105.2 Hanndicapp Peopple annd Chiild-caare Seervicee兒童/傷殘殘人士設(shè)施80安全設(shè)施得分SSafty & Hanndicapp Sub Tatoll1906. Overrall IImpresssion of Hootel 整整體印象6.1 Hottel Ouutdoorr Areaa 酒店戶外外地區(qū)606.2 Corrridorrs 走廊706.4 Pubblic R

6、Restroooms 公公共洗手間90整體印象得分OOveralll Imppressiion Suub Tattol220酒店總得分Hootel GGrand Tatoll500001. Fronnt Offfice 前臺 1.1 Opperatoor 總機標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得分 Tatoll實際得分 Actuaal1. It was aanswerred wiithin 3 rinngs.電話話三響內(nèi)接聽聽12. Did the ooperattor grreet tthe guuest aand sttated the nname oof thee hoteel? 接線線生有道出酒酒店名稱和向向客人致

7、意13. Doees thee operratorss speaak witth a ffrienddly toone? 接接線生聲調(diào)親親切14. Wass the commaand off Engllish ggood? 英語掌握得得好15. Waas thee calll trannsferrred prromptlly? 電話話轉(zhuǎn)接速度16. It was ffree oof bacckgrouund nooise. 電話里無雜雜音17. Did the ooperattor thhanks for gguests calll? 接線線生有否向客客人致謝1Sub Tottal 總機機得分

8、701.2 Resservattion 預(yù)訂部TotalActual1. Thee calll was pickeed up wihinn 3 riings. 電話三響內(nèi)內(nèi)接聽12. Anssweredd proffessioonallyy and stateed thee hoteel namme 員工應(yīng)應(yīng)答專業(yè)并道道出酒店名稱稱13. Thhe calll wass freee fromm backkgrounnd noiise 電話話里無雜音14. Thhe datte of arrivval annd depparturre werre connfirmeed 確認(rèn)入入住及離店日日期1

9、5. Diid thee reseervatiion sttaff eexplaiin pattientlly & cclearlly?耐心清清楚地解釋16.Diid connfirm the gguest names speellingg and contaact meethod 確認(rèn)客人姓姓名及聯(lián)系方方式17. Didd statte whaat thee roomm ratee is iinclussive oof, deepartuure tiime ettc 報出房房價及包含的的項目,離店店時間等18.Didd the reserrvatioon staaff uppsell? 員工

10、是否否向上銷售19. How was reseervatiion sttaffss Engllish? 員工英語水水平110. Waas thee guesst adddresseed by name? 是否稱呼呼客人姓名111. Diid thee stafff reppeat tthe deetail of thhe resservattion 是是否確認(rèn)訂房房的內(nèi)容112. DDid thhe resservattion sstaff thannks foor gueests call? 接線生有有否向客人致致謝1Sub Tottal 預(yù)訂訂部得分1201.3 Staation Coun

11、tter/Arrrivall 接機服務(wù)務(wù)TotalActual1. Stafff loooked pprofesssionaal 員工表表現(xiàn)專業(yè)12. Welccome gguest at fiirst iinstannce wiith eyye conntact (y/n) 歡迎客人人時是否目光光接觸13. Guesst arrrival well handlled 及時時、 順利地地接到客人14. Was help givenn for luggaage ettc? 幫忙客人人拿行李及其其他物件15. Helpp the guestt to oopen ccar dooor 幫忙忙客人開車

12、門門16. Requuest gguest whethher hee likees to have musicc/voluume suuitabiility 詢問客人音音量合適17. Courrteouss convversattion, not aaskingg privvate qquestiions 合合適的對話,不不問私人問題題18. Careeful ddrivinng 駕駛技技巧19. The seat belt was eeasy tto usee 安全帶易易于使用110. Infform gguest regarrding approoximatte timme to take

13、 to reeach tthe hootel 提提供預(yù)估抵店店時間111. Opeen dooor forr guesst andd takee caree of gguests lugggage 幫客人開門門并照顧行李李112. Suiitablee tempperatuure inn the limouusine 汽車內(nèi)溫度度舒適、整潔潔113. Thee boott is cclear of thhe driiverss perssonal belonngingss 汽車行李李箱內(nèi)無雜物物114. Didd the driveer thaank thhe gueest? 司司機是否向客客

14、人道謝1Sub Tottal 行李李部得分1401.4 Cheeck-inn 前臺接待待TotalActual1. Doorrman aand beellboyy awaiiting guestts 門童及及行李員就位位等候12. Greeeting guestt warmmly 熱情情問候客人13. Helpping gguest with the lluggagge 幫客人人提行李14. Openn the door and llead tthe guuest iinto tthe loobby 為為客人開門,引引客人進(jìn)門15. Hoteel enttrancee is cclean an

15、d nno obsstructtion 酒酒店入口清潔潔無雜物16. Guesst wass servved wiithin 30 seecond upon arrivving tthe reeceptiion coounterr 客人抵達(dá)達(dá)接待臺300 秒內(nèi)被接接待17. Aree the recepptioniist smmilingg at ttimes when serviing thhe gueests? 員工微笑著著接待客人18. Do they have eye ccontaccts whhen taalkingg to gguest? 和客人會會話時保持目目光接觸19. Do

16、the rrecepttionisst adddress the gguest name at leeast oonce? 在會話中,員工至少有有一次稱呼客客人姓名110. Doo the stafff conffirm tthe reeservaation inforrmatioon? 是否否確認(rèn)訂房信信息111. Cheeck iin toook lesss thaan 5 mminutees andd lugggage wwas deeliverred too roomm 在5分鐘鐘內(nèi)辦完入住住手續(xù),行李李被送上房間間112. Diid thee stafff thaank thhe g

17、ueest foor chooosed hotells and wish guestt had a nicce staay? 員工工有無感謝客客人下榻酒店店并??腿巳肴胱∮淇??113. Knoockingg on ddoor llightlly wheen lugggage was bbroughht to the rroom 行行李生送行李李到房間時輕輕輕敲門114. Upoon enttry too roomm, greeeted guestt courrteoussly 進(jìn)房房間時,禮貌貌待客與問候候115. Durring cconverrsatioon, thhe gueests n

18、ame was aaddresssed aat leaast onnce 對話話中起碼尊稱稱客人姓名一一次116. Lugggage was pplacedd on tthe luuggagee rackk 行李安放放行李架上117. Thaankingg the guestt 感謝客人人1Sub Tottal 接待待部得分1701.5 Waake-upp Calll 叫醒服務(wù)務(wù)TotalActual1. Phonne wass pickked upp afteer 3 rrings 電話三響內(nèi)內(nèi)接聽12. Stafff greeet guuest, and iinformm the gues

19、tt who he iss speaaking to 員工工向客人致意意并報崗位名名稱13.Durinng connversaation, the user name was mmentiooned aat leaast onnce 在會會話中,員工工至少有一次次稱呼客人姓姓名14. Repeeat whhat thhe gueests requeest too conffirm iinformmationn 有確認(rèn)客客人的要求15. Wishh guesst goood nigght 向客客人說晚安午安16. Wakee up ccall mmust nnot bee moree thann

20、 5 miinutess diffferencce thaan thee guesst Reqquesteed 叫醒客客人的時間要要準(zhǔn)確,差異異不能超出55分鐘1Sub Tottal 叫醒醒服務(wù)得分601.6 Innformaation 問詢處TotalActual1. Phonne wass answwered in 3 ringss 電話三響響內(nèi)接聽12. Greeet gueest, iinformm guesst whoo he iis speeakingg to 員員工向客人致致意并報崗位位名稱13. Neveer lett the guestt waitt for more tha

21、n 30 seecond 不讓客人等等候超過300秒鐘14. Whenn apprroach the iinformmationn counnter, the gguest shoulld be attennded tto in 30 seecond 客人抵達(dá)詢詢問處在300 秒內(nèi)有人人接待15. Greeets thhe gueest waarmly 熱情向客人人致意16. Leafflets, prommotionn mateerialss and inforrmatioon aree in sstock 資料齊備17. Provvide ffree mmaps aand pllaces

22、of innteressts 免費費地圖及觀光光點訊息18. All the ffax shhould be deeliverred wiithin 15 miinutess 所有傳真真在15分鐘鐘內(nèi)辦妥19. Emplloyeess are familliar wwith pproducct knoowledgge 服務(wù)員員熟悉酒店產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品知識110. Thee counnter iis alwways nneat aand tiidy 柜臺臺整潔1Sub Tottal 問詢詢處得分1001.7 Cooncierrge 禮賓部TotalActual1 Thee phonne wass answ

23、wered withiin 3 rrings 電話響三次次內(nèi)接聽12. Theere waas a ccourteeous ggreetiing annd staaff coonfirmmed thhe cheeck-ouut timme 員工向向客人致意并并確認(rèn)離店時時間13. Thee stafff connfirmeed thee numbber off lugggage 確確認(rèn)行李件數(shù)數(shù)14. Thee stafff adddresseed thee guessts nname aat leaast onnce 在會會話中,員工工至少有一次次稱呼客人姓姓名15. Thee stafff

24、 thaank thhe gueest foor staaying in hootel 員工感謝謝客人下榻海海航酒店16. Thee belll boy came to thhe rooom witthin 110 minnutes 行李員在110分鐘內(nèi)抵抵達(dá)客房17. Thee belllboy kknockeed on the ddoor llightlly 行李員員有輕輕敲門門18. Thee belllboy ggreet the gguest polittely 行行李員向客人人行禮19. DDuringg convversattion, the bbellbooy adddress

25、eed thee guesst namme at leastt oncee 在會話中中,員工至少少有一次稱呼呼客人姓名110. Connciergge carrry luuggagee 禮賓部員員工幫忙搬運運行李111. Connciergge hellp gueest too openn the door of thhe carr 禮賓部員員工幫客人打打開車門112 Thannk gueest annd wissh himm a goood joourneyy 祝客人人旅程愉快1Sub Tottal 禮賓賓部得分1201.8 Chheckinng Outt 收銀 TotalActual1 G

26、ueest waas serrved wwithinn 30 ssecondd uponn arriiving the rrecepttion ccounteer 客人抵抵達(dá)柜臺300 秒內(nèi)被接接待12. Aree the stafff smilling aat timmes whhen seervingg the guestts? 員工工微笑著接待待客人13. Do they have eye ccontaccts whhen taalkingg to gguest? 和客人會會話時保持目目光接觸14. Do the sstaff addreess thhe useer namme at l

27、eastt oncee? 在會話話中,員工至至少有一次稱稱呼客人姓名名15. Do the sstaff confiirm thhe rooom nummber? 是否確認(rèn)房房間號碼16. Wass the bill preseentatiion doone prroperlly? 結(jié)帳帳程序妥善處處理17. Didd stafff expplain the ttypes of paaymentt methhods? 有清楚解說說結(jié)帳方法18. Didd the stafff thannk thee guesst forr stayying? 員工有感謝謝客人19. Are the sstaf

28、f sayinng gooodbye to guuest wwhen tthe guuest wwas abbout tto leaave? 員員工有向客人人說再見1101. Diid staaff arrrangee concciergee to ccollecct lugggage? 有安排禮禮賓部同時搬搬運行李111. Didd stafff thaank thhe gueest annd invvite hhim too comee and stay againn?有否邀請請客人再次光光臨1Sub Tottal 收銀銀得分1101.9 Oveerall Impreessionn of

29、FFront Officce 大堂整整體印象TotalActual1. Is llightiing addequatte? 燈火火通明12.Is tthe teemperaature comfoortablle? 溫度舒適適13.Is vventillationn adeqquate? 空氣氣流通14.Are signss & diirectiions cclear? 方向指示示清楚 15.Are theree desiignateed nonn-smokking aareas? 有有非吸煙區(qū)16.Is tthe rooad maain enntrancce welll-maiintainne

30、d, cclear of deebris? 通道整齊齊有序, 無無雜物17.Is aappearrance of maain enntrancce in excelllent shapee? 大堂主主要通道美觀觀大方18.Was a piiece oof littter oon thee flooor cleaared prommptly? 地面雜物物很快清理 19.How oftenn are fingeer priints oon glaass dooors ccleaneed? 大門玻璃璃手指印多久久清理110.Aree the furniiture/fittiing suurfacee

31、s cleean annd cleaar of dust? 家具枱櫈清潔無灰灰塵111. Aree the furniiture/fittiing suurfacees cleear off any unwannted iitems? 家具枱櫈無雜物112. Aree the floorr surfface cclean? 地面清潔 113. Aree the stairrways cleann? 樓梯無無雜物114. Aree any of thhe ligghts oout off ordeer? 燈具設(shè)置置無破損115. Aree any of thhe fittting not iin

32、 prooper ccondittion? 所有大堂設(shè)設(shè)置無破損116. Aree the floweers frresh? 擺設(shè)鮮花花117. Aree the plantts welll maiintainned, nno driied leeaves etc? 室內(nèi)植物物培植好 118. Is the fflooriing inn goodd condditionn? 地面無無破損119. Is the ffloor area of thhe resstroomm freqquentlly cleeaned? 洗手間地地面清潔120. Is the wwashbaasin ssurfac

33、ce cleean? 洗洗手盆清潔121. Is the wwash bbasin surrooundinng areea dryy? 洗手盆盆周圍干凈 122. Is soap/washiing deetergeent reepleniished? 洗手液得得到補充123. Aree the doorss of tthe reestrooom cleean? 地面干凈凈124. Aree otheer fitttingss of tthe reestrooom in good workiing orrder? 其他設(shè)備沒沒破損125. Aree the stafff unifform ccl

34、ean & tiddy? 制服清潔潔和整齊126. Do the sstaff look attenntive & proofessiional? 員工專業(yè)業(yè)形象, 照照顧周到127. Aree the male stafff hairr shorrt & wwell ccombedd? 男員工頭頭發(fā)整齊 128. If the ffemalee stafff havve lonng haiir, arre theey neaatly ttied oor keppt? 女員員工如長頭發(fā)發(fā), 有否紥紥起來129. Do the sstaff have cleann & shhort ffinge

35、rrnailss? 指甲清潔潔,短和整齊齊130. Do the sstaff wear any eexcesssive jjewelrry? 職員沒配配戴不適當(dāng)?shù)牡氖罪?31. Wheen spooken tto, arre thee stafff couurteouus ? 對對話時, 職職員有禮貌132. Do they have eye ccontaccts whhen taalkingg to gguest? 對話時員員工能夠和客客人保持目光光接觸133. Wheen theey comme acrross gguest do thhey accknowlledge or smmil

36、e? 員工與客人人面對面時能能夠打招呼或或微笑1Sub Tottal 整體體印象得分3302. Roomms 客房2.1 Rooom Evaaluatiion 客房評估估TotalActual1.Is llightiing addequatte? 燈光光足夠舒適12.Is tthe teemperaature comfoortablle? 室溫溫舒適13.Is vventillationn adeqquate? 通風(fēng)舒適適足夠14.Is tthe ammbiencce pleeasantt? 環(huán)境、氣氣氛舒適喜悅悅15.Are the ffire eexit ssign cclear and

37、oother instrructioons leegiblee? 安全出出口指示/標(biāo)標(biāo)示清晰16. The room is quuiet 房房間安靜17.Are the ffurnitture/ffittinng surrfacess cleaan andd cleaar of dust? 客房家具具/設(shè)置表面面潔亮無塵埃埃18.Is tthe caarpet free of anny staain? 地地毯無汚點 19. Is tthe miini frridge cleann / orrdorleess? 冰冰箱潔凈無異異味110. Aree winddows cclean, bothh

38、insiide & outsiide? 窗窗玻璃內(nèi)外都都潔亮111.Aree cupbboardss cleaan? 杯柜柜潔凈 112.Aree drawwers aand coontentts neaatly ddisplaayed? 抽屜及內(nèi)物物品整齊展示示113.Is the bbathrooom cllean? 浴室潔凈114.Is towell cleaan andd smelll freesh? 毛毛巾潔白/氣氣味清新115.Thee net curtaain iss cleaan ? 紗紗簾潔凈無汚汚 116.Thee bed line is cllean 床床綫潔凈117.

39、Iss the wall cleann and spotlless 墻墻壁潔凈無汚汚點 118. Arre alll furnnituree cleaan andd staiinlesss 所有家具具潔亮無汚點119.Aree all lampss cleaan 燈具/罩潔凈120.Aree all floorr & waall suurfacees in good orderr? 地臺/墻面無破損損121.Fitttingss and appliiancess roomm in ggood oorder? 客房/浴浴室所有設(shè)置置無破損 122. Is waterr presssure/hot

40、 wwater adequuate? 水流壓平平衡熱水足足夠,15秒秒內(nèi)達(dá)到466-51CC123. Is the TTV in propeer worrking orderr and have HNA cchanneel? 電視視運作正常,具具有海航頻道道124. Is the mmini bbar coontentts in ggood oorder? 客房迷你你吧內(nèi)容整齊齊有序125.Is bathrroom iin perrfect orderr? 浴室設(shè)設(shè)置有序有條條理126.Is the iinternnet coonnecttion ttroublle freee? 上網(wǎng)網(wǎng)順暢1

41、27.Is the mmirrorrs is perfeect coonditiion? 鏡鏡子完美無損損128.Aree the tiless in tthe baathrooom in good condiition ? 浴室墻墻磚完好無損損129. Shhower glasss paneel cleean 浴室室玻璃潔凈130.Toiilet aand waater ddrainaage inn goodd condditionn? 洗手間間排水完好操操作正常131. Is bathrroom vventillationn quieet ? 浴浴室排氣、抽抽風(fēng)系統(tǒng)安靜靜132.Aree

42、all utiliities replaaced aafter use ?易耗品用后后補充及時133. Batthrobee is cclean and mmade oof goood matteriall 浴袍潔凈凈及材料適當(dāng)當(dāng)134. Glaasses are cclean and ccostarrs aree avaiilablee 玻璃杯潔潔亮、杯墊在在位135. Facce towwels aare cllean aand feeel frresh aand sooft 面巾巾柔軟清新潔潔凈136. Rooom cleeaningg is ccompleeted bbeforee 1

43、4:000 中午兩兩點前完成在在住客人房間間清理137. Staaff reespectt the “do nnot diisturbb” siggn 服務(wù)員員遵從“請勿勿打擾”指示示138. Alll the utenssils aare pllaced accorrdinglly 所有用用品補充到位位1Sub Tootal 客客房評估得分分3802.2 Rooom Makke Up and TTurn DDown SServicce 房間收收拾與開夜床床TotalActual1. Thee phonne calll to houseekeepiing iss answwered withi

44、in 3 rrings 電話三響內(nèi)內(nèi)接聽12. Reqquest to haave thhe rooom cleean taakes lless tthan 110 minnutes for tthe maaid too arriive 提出出要求清理房房間服務(wù)員在在10分鐘內(nèi)內(nèi)到達(dá)13. Cleeaningg of tthe rooom taakes nno morre thann 20 mminutees 清理房房間時間不超超過20分鐘鐘14. Alll bathhroom utenssils aare reeplaceed 浴室所所有用品都更更換補充15. Weet towwels aa

45、re reeplaceed 使用過過的毛巾都更更換16. Toiiletriies arre neaatly aarrangged 浴室室用品、易耗耗品都整齊擺擺設(shè)17. Thee guessts ppersonnal tooiletrries iitems are nneatlyy arraanged 客人自帶私私人梳洗用品品都處理整齊齊19. Turrn dowwn serrvice is prrovideed eveerydayy betwween 117:00 till 22:000 提供夜間間開床服務(wù)每每晚17:000至22:00110. Thee quillt is neatlly

46、 opeened tto revveal tthe neeed 棉被被整齊打開顯顯示備用111.Set up thhe goood nigght caard orr hoteel gifft 床頭放放置晚安卡或或致意品112. Bedd sidee lampps aree swittched on 床邊邊燈打亮113. Thee roomm servvice mmenu iis plaaced oon a nnoticeeable posittion 送餐菜牌牌放顯眼位置置114. Binns aree empttied 垃垃圾桶已清理理115. Alll the utenssils iin

47、thee roomm are put bback oon theeir orriginaal plaaces 房房內(nèi)所有配置置用品都放回回原位116. Alll shoees cclosess are neatlly plaaced 所所有鞋衣服服都整齊擺放放懸掛117. Staationeeries are rreplacced 文具具信紙都補給給118. Glaasses or pllates that have been used are ttaken away or reeplaceed 用過的的杯碟都更換換119. Newwspapeer andd magaaziness are n

48、eatlly pilled upp 報紙、雜雜志都整齊折折疊120. Thhe remmote ccontrool is placeed on the bbed 電視視遙控器放在在床頭適當(dāng)位位置1Sub Tottal 房間間收拾與開床床得分 1902.3 Laaundryy 洗衣TotalActual1. The launddry liist inncludee servvice ttime 洗洗衣單含服務(wù)務(wù)時間12. It ggives colleectionn & deeliverry dettails 洗衣單上提提示交收指引引13. It iindicaates aa phonne nu

49、mmber 洗洗衣單上顯示示服務(wù)電話14. Priccing iis cleear 價目目清晰15. Launndry bbag iss avaiilablee 配有環(huán)保保洗衣袋備用用16. Launndry tto be colleected in 100 minuutes aafter the gguest call 致電洗衣要要求10分鐘鐘內(nèi)完成收取取 17. The stafff shouuld liightlyy knocck on the ddoor 服服務(wù)員輕敲房房門18. The stafff shouuld coourteoously greett the guestt 服務(wù)

50、員禮禮貌地稱呼客客人19. The guestts naame shhould be adddresssed att leasst oncce 至少一一次稱呼客人人姓名110. Shoould cconfirrm thee itemms to be waashed 送洗衣服逐逐件確認(rèn)111. Didd stafff thaank guuest? 是否向客人人致謝112. Wass launndry ddeliveered oon timme? 洗衣衣是否按時送送回114. Hass all itemss beenn retuurned 所有送洗/熨衣物都送送回,并包裝裝、懸掛整齊齊115. T

51、hee charrges aare cllearlyy indiicatedd 收費都清清晰指示116. Thee itemms havve beeen wasshed ssatisffactorrily 送送洗熨衣物都都滿意118. Alll tagss weree remooved 送送洗熨衣物上上的標(biāo)貼都拆拆除119. Soccks weere foolded in paairs 襪襪子是否配對對一雙1 Suub Tottal 洗衣衣得分1702.4 Minni Barr 迷你吧 TotalActual1. It iis insspecteed eveery daay 每天點點查12.

52、The used itemss are beingg repllaced 用后補給13. Dirtty glaasses shoulld be changged 用過過杯更換14. Is tthe miini frridge cleann / oddorlesss ? 冰冰箱潔凈無異異味15. The mini fridgge is well instaalled 冰箱安放穩(wěn)穩(wěn)固16. In ggood ccondittion, no frrost /ice 冰冰箱功能良好好,無結(jié)冰/霜17. Therre aree suffficiennt driinks aand faast foood

53、足夠夠飲料及小食食種類18. Pricce lisst is availlable 附價目清單單19. The itemss of tthe baar mattch thhat off the fridgge 清單與與配置項目相相符110. Thee datee of tthe prroducttion aare inndicatted annd theey aree not overddue 印有有期限并無過過期111. Thee labeel of the ffood iitems shoulld facce outtside 食品標(biāo)貼面面向外112. Glaasses are pplac

54、edd on ccoasteers 杯擺擺設(shè)在杯墊上上113. Coccktaill sticcks annd coaasterss are availlable 備有混酒棒棒及杯墊114. Tisssues are aavailaable有備備用餐巾紙115. Icee conttainerr and tong are aavailaable備冰冰桶及鉗子1Sub Tottal 迷你你吧得分1502.5 Oveerall Room Comfoort 舒適適程度TotalActual1. The room has aa nicee ambiience,ttemperraturee and hu

55、middity iis commfortaable 房房間環(huán)境舒適適,溫度、濕濕度適當(dāng)(溫溫度在24 -26度,相相對濕度在445% -555%)12. The room is veery quuiet, Noisee fromm nextt roomm are well insullated 房間安靜靜,房與房隔隔音良好13. The insullationn fromm the streeet is good 房間與街道道上隔音良好好14. It ggives a cleean annd freesh feeelingg 給人以潔潔凈清新的感感覺15. The room is taaste

56、fuully ffurnisshed 裝裝飾設(shè)計擺設(shè)設(shè)具有品位氛氛圍16. The air-ccondittion iis effficiennt andd quieet 房內(nèi)空空調(diào)足夠及無無噪音17. The switcch of the aair-coonditiion iss easyy to aadjustt 空調(diào)控制制容易操作18. The furniiture is weell arrrangeed 家具擺擺設(shè)妥當(dāng)合適適19. The desk and cchairss are comfoortablle 桌椅舒舒適合理110. Thee bed is coomforttable

57、床舒適111. Thee pilllows aare off goodd textture aand maateriaal ,Piillow is coomforttable 枕頭用料料及結(jié)構(gòu)良好好,枕頭舒適適112. 可提供供3種以上不不同類型枕頭頭供客人選擇擇113.棉織品棉棉紗支數(shù)是否否達(dá)到8060以上114. Thhe quiilt iss of tthe riight tthicknness 棉棉被厚薄適中中1Sub Tottal 舒適適程度得分1403. Foodd & Beeveragge 餐飲3.1 Bufffet BBreakffast 自助早餐餐TotalActual1.W

58、as guestt atteended to inn 15 ssecondds upoon arrrival? 顧客到達(dá)達(dá)餐廳后155秒以內(nèi)有沒沒有被接待?12.Doess the hosteess esscort the gguest to thhe seaat? 迎賓賓小姐有沒有有引導(dǎo)顧客就就坐?13.Whenn greeeting, do tthe sttaff ssay Goood Moorningg to tthe guuests ? 員工向向顧客問候時時,有沒有說說“早上好”?14.Are the sstaff pouriing teea/cofffee aafter the gg

59、uest has ssat doown? 當(dāng)當(dāng)顧客就坐后后員工有沒有有斟茶(咖啡啡)?15.Are coastters bbeing placeed wheen driinks aare seerved? 上飲料時時放杯墊16.Are the sstaff cleanning tthe taable aafter everyyone oon thee tablle havve finnishedd theiir couurse? 員工是否在在客人用完餐餐后及時清理理桌子?17.Are the sstaff take away the ddish pplate on thhetablle aft

60、ter evveryonne hass finiished theirr foodd? 員工是是否及時撤走走客人用過的的盤子?18.Are the sstaff usingg servvice ttray tto carrry thhe cupps andd sauccers ? 員工有沒沒有使用托盤盤上茶杯和調(diào)調(diào)料?19. Are the sstaff/captaain saaying goodbbye too the custoomers when they leavee? 當(dāng)顧客客離開時員工工或領(lǐng)班有沒沒有說再見?110. Aree the buffeet dissplay cleann


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