1、 Progressive Reading Revised Edition 1策劃:鞠方安 商希建主 編:劉蘭芝 楊真真副主編:魯顯生 Gerald Zimmerman 王歐制作人:吳安民2 Lesson FourWhy Should We Hire You?3CatalogueBackground Information Warm-up Questions Main Idea Difficult SentencesLanguage Points Keys to the Exercises4 Background Information Globalization is the process
2、of increasing international integration in economic, political, social and cultural spheres, whereby actions beyond national boundaries constrain and influence national outcomes. The interaction is seen in the form of increased flow of goods and services, increased flow of capital, increased cultura
3、l and political interactions, migration of people and many others. The process of globalization being inevitable, the challenge is how to shift the process to our own advantage. Globalization 5 Background InformationGlobal competition Global competition refers to the competition between one country
4、and another regarding such aspects as politics, economy, culture, etc. all over the globe. However, it refers, in its essence, to the competition concerning science and technology as wellas talents at present.6 Background InformationGlobal competitive economy According to the world Economic Forum, t
5、he US has tumbled further down a global ranking of the worlds most competitive economics, landing at fifth place. Singapore moved up to second place, bumping Sweden down to third. Finland moved up to fourth place, from seventh last year. Germany, Europes economic powerhouse, was sixth, followed by t
6、he Netherlands and Denmark. Japan came in ninth, and Britain was 10th. France was 18th, and Greece, saddled with debt, fell to 90th. China took 26th place, highest among major emerging economies; Brazil was 53rd; India was 56th; and Russia was 66th. 7 Background InformationAbout the Author Jim Malon
7、ey, an English professor in the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.8Warm-up Questions Directions: Watch the video clip and then discuss the following questions.Do you think that Claudia will be hired? Why or why not?Video watching Watch and check Key9Watch and check Warm-up Questions 10Key to Wa
8、rm-up Questions From the video clip, we can conclude that there are several reasons why Claudia should be hired. First of all, she has gained a great deal of experience about the job she applies for.Secondly, she has tried to acquire as much as practical knowledge in that she has been continuing stu
9、dying the graduate course Marketing in her free time.Last but not the least, she is enthusiastic and energetic, which can also make her qualified for the job. 11Main IdeaThis is a friendly warning to be well-prepared themore, the better and what we can do. I Maloney described his first experience wi
10、th this question. After discussing the problems, he turned the question around Why should I be hired? This made the quesiton more significant. Then he knew how to prepare the right credentials, skills and experiences.12Main IdeaIIStudents need to expect a shift in their careers three or more times.
11、Many find they never work in their chosen fields. Why? Reduced work forces still needed to maintain the same or higher productivity in the Global Market. Or some earning higher pay had to be laid off only to be 13Main Ideareplaced by part time or contract workers for less pay. Some government agenci
12、es have downsized, some from funding cuts. Now graduates need to learn how to fit into this new work world. IIIMany students simply do not look ahead, do not 14Main Ideaprepare for the skills needed by future employers.They trust their programs too much. Prepare yourselfto be desirable to prospectiv
13、e employers by takingextra courses in that field, getting good grades allhelps. Get experience volunteer and think aboutwhat type of people are in your chosen field and learnto do the same. 15Language Points 1.license n c (line 5, para.2) 1) document; an official document giving you permission to ow
14、n or do sth for a period of time ; permit頒發(fā)/吊銷/暫扣/申請駕駛執(zhí)照 to grant/revoke/suspend a drivers license為設備頒發(fā)出口許可證 to issue an export licence for the equipment16Language Points 2) n u c an agreement with a company or organi- zation giving permission to make, sell or use their product 我完全取得了行醫(yī)的許可。 I had fu
15、ll license to practice medicine. 這些貨物只有經(jīng)許可才可進口。 The items could only be imported under licence. 17Language Points 3) vt to give official permission for someone to do or produce sth, or for an activity to take place 這家餐館有酒類銷售執(zhí)照。 This restaurant is licensed to sell alclhol. 藥劑師獲準開處方配藥。 The pharmacist
16、is licensed to dispense drugs.18Language Points 2. pulse n c singular 1) the regular beat that can be felt, for example at your wrist, as your heart pumps blood around your body ; heartbeat 他們經(jīng)常檢查他的呼吸、脈搏和血液。 They made frequent checks on his respiration, pulse and blood. 他脈搏很弱,但心臟還跳著。 His pulse is lo
17、w, but his heart is still active.19Language Points 2) n u the ideas, feelings, or opinions that are most important to a particular group of people or have the greatest influence on them at a particular time 白宮堅持稱總統(tǒng)是了解黑人群體的心聲的。 The White House insists that the President is in touch with the pulse of
18、the black community. 20Language Points3. sensation n c (line 5, para.2) 1) a feeling that is difficult to describe, caused by a particular event, experience, or memory 漂流會是一種非常愜意的感覺。 Floating can be a very pleasant sensation. 那么多年以后又見到他,是一種不可思議的感覺。 Seeing him again after so many years was a strange
19、sensation. 21Language Points 2) your ability to feel things physically, especially through your sense of touch 太疼了她都失去了知覺。 The pain was so bad that she lost all sensation. 神經(jīng)損傷導致四肢麻木。 Nerve damage can lead to loss of sensation in the limbs.22Language Points4. previous adj (line 3, para.4)only before
20、 noun having happened or existed before the event, time, or thing that you are talking about now 她前一段婚姻有一個十幾歲的女兒。 She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage. 她索要了一份去年賬目的打印件。 She asked for a printout of the previous years accounts.23Language Points 5. a speeding ticket n (line 6, para.4) dri
21、ving offence; a printed note ordering you to pay money because you have done sth illegal while driving or parking your car 拿到超速違章通知單的時候,他很生氣。 He was very angry when he got the speeding ticket. 違章停車通知單 a parking ticket24Language Points 2) a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to ent
22、er a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc 音樂會招待券 a complimentary ticket to concert 入場券 admission ticket 雙程車票 a round-trip ticket 25Language PointsCATALOGUE6. open-ended adj (line 2, para.5)sth that is does not have a definite answer or definite rules about how it must be done 這是一個開放性的問題。 This is an op
23、en-ended question. 所有線索都未能導致破案,每條線索都使案情撲 朔迷離。 Clues failed to lead to a solution of the crime; all was open-ended.26Language Points7. query n (line 2, para.5) 1) a question, especially one asking for information or expressing a doubt about sth 我們的助理很樂意回答諸位的疑問。 Our assistants will be happy to answer
24、your queries. 若對保險單有疑問,你不妨撥打我們的咨詢熱線。 If you have a query about your insurance policy, you might as well contact our helpline. 27Language Points 2) a question, especially one asking for information or expressing a doubt about sth. 因為約翰來不來我不肯定,所以我在他的名字旁邊打 個問號。Because Im not sure if hes coming, I put a
25、 query against Johns name. 28Language Points 3) vt to express doubt about whether sth. is correct or not 賬單上的費用似乎太高了,我們對此表示懷疑。We queried the bill as it seemed too high. 4) written to ask a question “由誰來當隊長呢?” 杰克問道。“Who will be leading the team?”queried Jack.29Language Points8. suitability n u (line
26、3, para.5) the degree to which sth or someone has the right qualities for a particular purpose 我們想評估一下他是否適合這項工作。 We tried to assess his suitability for the job. 對這一職位他是否適宜很成問題。 His suitability for the post is open to question.30Language PointsConfusing spellings: rsum / resume / assumersum n (line 4
27、, para.5) a short of summary or account of sb 教授將他講座的要點作了個提要。The professor gave a rsum of the major points of his lecture. 每一位申請人必須交一份學歷簡歷。 Every applicant must submit a rsum of his education.31Language PointsConfusing spellings: rsum n a short account of ones career and qualifications resume vi&vt
28、to begin again or continue after an interruption 喝過茶后,會議繼續(xù)進行。 After tea, the meeting resumed. 他重新回到公司做原來的工作。 He resumed his former position with the company.32Language PointsConfusing spellings: rsum / resume / assumeassume vt 1) to think or accept that sth. is true but without having proof of it 普遍
29、認為,緊張系工作過重所致。 It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 2) to take or begin to have power or responsibility 法庭承擔了這個女孩的福利責任。The court assumed responsibility for the girls welfare.33Language Points9. crucial to adj prep(line 4 , para.5) extremely important, because everything els
30、e depends on it 要實現(xiàn)我們的目標,錢是至關重要的。 Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives. 這次試驗的成功是整個工程的關鍵所在。 The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.34Language Points10. pointless adj (line 8 , para.5) worthless or not likely to have any useful result 他向我們提了各種毫無意義的
31、問題來拖延時間。 He asked us all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time. 我們不了解所有的情況,妄加推測是沒有意義的。 We dont know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.35Language Points11. turn around v adv(line 8, para. 5) 1) to turn to the opposite direction or order 我把椅子轉(zhuǎn)過來面向火爐。I turned my cha
32、ir around to face the fire. 2) to change sth. from bad to good 采取措施以后,經(jīng)濟有了好轉(zhuǎn)。 Economy has been turned around after some measures had been taken.CATALOGUE36Language Points 12. back up v adv (last line of para. 5)1) to supply evidence to suggest that it is true 從該星系中心收到的無線電信號證實了黑洞理論。 Radio signals rec
33、eived from the galaxys centre back up the black hole theory. 1989年內(nèi)政部的一份犯罪報告印證了她的觀點。 Her views are backed up by a 1989 Home Office report on crime. 37Language Points 2) to make a copy of it which you can use if the original file is damaged or lost 一定要定期備份文件。 Make a point of backing up your files at
34、regular intervals. 當我因為忘了備份把完成的工作弄丟時,真是懊惱 極了。 I get so annoyed when I lose work because Ive forgotten to back it up. 38Language Points 3) to provide support or help for someone or sh 他的雇主給予了他支持。 His employers backed him up.4) the car or other vehicle that you are driving moves back a short distance
35、那輛公共汽車不得不先往后退,然后再掉頭。 The bus had to back up and turn around. 39Language Points13. credential n (line 12, para. 5) 1) documents attesting to the truth of certain stated facts 公司的主管正在查驗他的資格證書。The manager of the company is examining his credentials. 2) the qualities, training or experience that make yo
36、u suitable to do sth. 他做這項工作完全夠格。He has all the credentials for the job.CATALOGUE40Language Points14. take for granted (line 1, para. 6) to expect that someone or sth will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are 不要認為他的幫助是應該的。 Dont take his help for granted
37、. 我們不要認為什么都是理所當然的。 We shouldnt take anything for granted.41Language Points15. downsize vt &vi (line 1, para. 7)a company or orga- nization reduces the number of people it employs in order to reduce costs 美國制造商們一直在縮小他們工廠的規(guī)模。 American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories. 銷
38、售業(yè)績減少很多,所以他們必須縮小規(guī)模。 Sales have decreased so much that they need to downsize.42Language PointsCATALOGUE16. picktake up the slack(line 6, para. 7)to make a system or organization as efficient as possible by making sure that money, space, or people are fully used 如果你交不起學費,你父母能幫忙嗎? If you can not afford
39、 the fare, can your parents picktake up the slack? 由于大型航空公司放棄了乘客較少的路線,一些較小 的飛機正在加緊補位。 As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.43Language Points slack adj there is not much work or activity 電腦業(yè)的淡季 the slack season in computer industry對商品需求的萎縮 the slack
40、demand of the productslacks plural trousers 她從不穿休閑褲。 She never wears slacks. 44Language PointsCATALOGUE17. benefit packages n c plural (line 10, para. 7) extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have 確保酒店的薪資福利水準在市場上具競爭力。 Ensure that salary and benef
41、it packages are competitive with the market. 我們提供一流的福利待遇。 We offer an excellent benefits package.45Language PointsCATALOGUE18. cuts n c plural (line 3 , para. 8)reduction a reduction in the size or amount of sth, especially the amount of money that is spent by a government or company 藥品的價格已大幅度下調(diào)。 Bi
42、g cuts have been made in the prices of money. 國會強烈反對削減軍費開支。 Congress is strongly opposed to cuts in miliatary spending.46Language Points19. nasty a (line 4 , para. 8) 1) dangerous or serious 他的眼神里露出兇光。 He has a nasty look in his eye. 交通事故發(fā)生后,他因嚴重的傷勢被當即送往醫(yī)救 治。 He was sent to hospital for treatment du
43、e to a nasty injury after the traffic accident.47Language Points 2) very bad or unpleasant 她要跟著我,這會我感到十分不快。 I had a nasty feeling that she would follow me. 3) unkind; unfriendly 她聽見瑪麗在說我的壞話。 She heard Mary making nasty remarks about me. 48Language Points20. brutish adj ( line 4 , para. 8) 1) showing
44、 lack of human sensibility 我無法容忍虐待動物的人。 I cant stand people who are brutish to animals. 2) resembling a breast 他父親是個蠻橫的醉鬼。 His father is a brutish drunken man. 49Language PointsCATALOGUE21. put sth on the correct track ( line 11 , para. 10) to think in a way that is likely to lead to a correct or in
45、correct result 我們有責任幫助他們走上正道。 It is our responsibility to put them on the right track. 生產(chǎn)已經(jīng)走上軌道。 Production has already been put on the right track. Antonym: on the wrong track50Language Points a detailed description of how sth. is, or should be designed or made22. specification n (line 1, para.11)
46、辦公室是按高規(guī)格裝潢的。 The office was furnished according to a high specification. 設計師并沒有提供這輛新型號轎車的技術規(guī)格。 The designer did not provide the technical specifications of this new model car.CATALOGUE51Language Pointsspecify vi to give information about what is required or should happen in a certain situation他尚未明確說
47、明自己希望他們采取什么樣的行動。 He has not specified what action he would like them to take. 我們應指定會議的時間和地點。 We should specify a time and a place for the meeting. 52Language Points23. prospective a (line 3, para.11) 1) expected to do sth. or to become sth. 他是個有潛力的領導者,能管理這個國家。 He is a prospective leader who is able
48、to control the country. 這篇報道應該對其他潛在的購買者起到警示作用。 The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers. 53Language Points2) expected to happen soon 他們對即將做出的法律修改憂心忡忡。 They are worried very much about prospective changes in the law. 可能達成的交易的條款 the terms of the prospective deal54Language PointsSy
49、nonyms: anticipated, coming, intended, forthcoming, future, imminent, intended, likely, possible, potential, probableConfusing spelling: prospective adj perspective n a way of thinking about sth; viewpoint 55Language PointsCATALOGUE24. optional adj(line 7, para.11) you do not have to do it or use it
50、, but you can choose to if you want to; not compulsory 性教育對某些家長而言是個敏感領域,因此應該 保持其非強制性。 Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional. 考試中有些非必答問題。 There are some optional questions in the examination. 56Language Points to add sth. to sth. in order to improve it
51、 or make it more complete25. supplement vt (line 10, para.11) 他在晚上做家教以補充收入。 He supplements his income by giving private lessons in the evenings. 搭配有維生素片的飲食有助于她手術后的康復。 A diet that is supplemented with vitamin pills is helpful to her recovery from the operation.57Language Points 2) a pill that you tak
52、e or a special kind of food that you eat in order to improve your health 我吃含復合維生素和礦物質(zhì)的營養(yǎng)劑。 I take a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.3) a separate part of a magazine or newspaper, often dealing with a particular topic 這是一本金融雜志月刊的特別增刊。 This is a special supplement to a monthly financial magazi
53、ne. 58Language Points26. make-over n C U (last but 2nd line of para.11)(the process of ) using again in altering form 老師認為這位女孩需要在性格上做些改造。The teacher thinks that the girl needs a slight personality make-over. 你的工作尚有改進的余地。 There is still room for make-over in your work.59Language Points27. sound out v
54、 adv(line 5, para.13) to try to learn someoneopinions and intentions, often in an indirect way;to feel out 我想就一項工作探探他的口風。 I wanted to sound him out about a job. 他們決定試探一下她對那個項目的興趣。 They decided to sound out her interest in the project.60Language Points28. complacent aaj (line 6, para.13) pleased with
55、 a situation, especially sth you have achiev- ed, so that you stop trying to improve or change things; self-satisfied 我們決不能因進步變得自滿。 We must not become complacent about progress. 他審視著自己的畫作,一臉喜色。 There was a complacent look in his face as he examined his placency n the state of being complacent61Langu
56、age Points29. human resources n u(line 5, para.14) or HR, the department in a company that deals with employing, training, and helping people 我們有舉世無雙的人力資源。 We have unparalleled human resources. 人力資源管理是任何工作特別是家庭工作成功 的關鍵。 Management of human resources is a key to success in any operation, particularly
57、 a family operation.62Language Points30. pay off v adv(line 7, para.14) 1) to yield a profit or result 他們的努力終于有了回報。 Their greater efforts paid off in the end. 2) to finish paying money owed for sth 我們歷經(jīng)十年的時間還清了抵押借款。 We paid off our mortgage after ten years.63 1. I was no more prepared to be caught s
58、peeding than I was prepared to explain why I should be permanently employed teaching English at a community college.(line 2, para.2)Difficult Sentences 我沒有做好超速被抓的思想準備,正如我沒有做好讓我解釋為什么要長期雇用我在一所社區(qū)大學教英語的思想準備是一樣的。64 2. The question is a significant one, not just because you will encounter it, in some form
59、, as part of a job interview, along with other “open-ended” queries designed to uncover your understanding of the position and of the suitability of your qualification. (line 1, para.5)Difficult Sentences 這是一個重要的問題,不僅僅是因為在工作面試中你會以某種形式遇到它,它還與其他一些已設計好的開放性問題一起來考察你對這個職位的了解程度,考察你對自己的資歷是否適合這個職位的了解程度。65 3.
60、In some companies, another consequence of a smaller workforce is the replacement of permanent full-time employees who receive higher salaries and significant benefit packages with part-time or contract workers who are offered lower salaries and few, if any, benefits.(line 7, para.7)Difficult Sentenc
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