




1、LAIBIN B Works Conditions of Contract-Revision J Page PAGE 17913:22 CWC_J.DOCDEFINATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONCLAUSE 11.1.DefinitionsIn thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct (as herreinnaftter deffineed) thee foolloowinng wwordds aand exppresssioons shaall havve tthe meaaninngs herrebyy asssiggnedd too thhe
2、m, exxceppt wwherre tthe conntexxt ootheerwiise reqquirres:(a)“EEmplloyeer” meeanss Allsthhom Expportt/Coofivva aand thee leegall suucceessoors in tittle to succh ppersson, buut nnot (exxceppt wwithh thhe cconssentt off thhe CConttracctorr) aany asssignnee of succh ppersson.“Conttracctorr” meeanss S
3、AAEI/SBCC Joointt Orrgannizaatioon, wheere SAEEI aand SBCC arre jjoinntlyy annd sseveerallly liaablee toowarrds thee Emmplooyerr, aand thee leegall suucceessoors in tittle to succh ppersson, buut nnot (exxceppt wwithh thhe cconssentt off thhe EEmplloyeer) anyy asssiggneee off suuch perrsonn.“Subccon
4、ttracctorr” meeanss anny ppersson nammed in thee Ciivill Woorkss Coontrractt ass a subbconntraactoor ffor a ppartt off thhe WWorkks oor aany perrsonn too whhom a ppartt off thhe WWorkks hhas beeen ssubcconttracctedd wiith thee coonseent of thee Emmplooyerr annd tthe leggal succcesssorrs iin ttitlle
5、tto ssuchh peersoon, butt noot aany asssignnee of anyy suuch perrsonn.“Emplloyeers RReprreseentaativve” meeanss a perrsonn apppoiinteed ffromm tiime to timme bby tthe Empployyer undder Subb-Cllausse 22.2.(b)“AAppeendiix” meaans onee off thhe aappeendiicess atttacchedd annd fformmingg paart of thee C
6、iivill Woorkss Coontrractt“billl off quuanttitiies” means the priced and completed bill of quantities included in Appendix 8(“Contract Price Breakdown”).“Civiil WWorkks CConttracct” meeanss thhe ddocuumennts lisstedd inn Suub-CClauuse 5.22.“Civiil WWorkks CConttracct MMastter Schheduule” refers to t
7、he programme of the Works provided in Appendix 5 hereto.“Commmenccemeent Datte” meeanss thhe ddatee uppon whiich thee Coontrracttor recceivves thee Nooticce tto CCommmencce iissuued by thee Emmplooyerr puursuuantt too Cllausse 441.“Condditiionss off Coontrractt” meeanss thhe ppressentt coondiitioons
8、 of conntraact.“Conttracct AAgreeemeent” meeanss thhe cconttracct aagreeemeent datted 18 Sepptemmberr 19997, reeferrredd too heereaabovve.“Conttracct PPricce” meeanss thhe ssum as deffineed iin CClauuse 71 of thee Coondiitioons of thee Coontrractt ass paayabble to thee Coontrracttor forr thhe eexecc
9、utiion andd coomplletiion of thee Woorkss annd tthe remmedyyingg off anny ddefeectss thhereein in acccorddancce wwithh thhe pprovvisiionss off thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct.“Conttracctorrs EEquiipmeent” meeanss alll aappllianncess annd tthinngs of whaatsooeveer nnatuure (ottherr thhan Temmporrary
10、y Woorkss) rrequuireed ffor thee exxecuutioon aand commpleetioon oof tthe Worrks andd thhe rremeedyiing of anyy deefeccts theereiin, butt dooes nott inncluude Plaant, maaterrialls oor ootheer tthinngs inttendded to forrm oor fformmingg paart of thee Peermaanennt WWorkks“Consstruuctiion Serrvicces Co
11、nntraact” meeanss thhe cconttracct ssignned bettweeen tthe Ownner andd thhe EEmplloyeer ffor alll thhe sservvicees rrelaatedd too thhe LLaibbin B PProjjectt too bee reendeeredd inn Chhinaa.“costt” meeanss alll eexpeendiiturre ppropperlly iincuurreed oor tto bbe iincuurreed, wheetheer oon oor ooff th
12、ee Siite, inncluudinng ooverrheaad aand othher chaargees ppropperlly aalloocabble theeretto bbut doees nnot inccludde aany alllowaancee foor pproffit.“Day” meeanss caalenndarr daay.“Defeectss Liiabiilitty PPeriiod” reeferrs tto tthe 18 monnth perriodd deefinned in Subb-Cllausse 449.11.“Drawwinggs” m
13、eeanss alll ddrawwinggs, callcullatiionss annd ttechhniccal infformmatiion of a llikee naaturre pprovvideed bby tthe Empployyer to thee Coontrracttor undder thee Ciivill Woorkss Coontrractt annd aall draawinngs, caalcuulattionns, sammplees, pattterrns, moodells, opeerattionn annd mmainntennancce mma
14、nuualss annd ootheer ttechhniccal infformmatiion of aliike natturee suubmiitteed bby tthe Conntraactoor aand appprovved by thee Emmplooyerr.“Elecctroo-meechaaniccal Acttiviity” meeanss anny aactiivitty tto bbe pperfformmed forr thhe cconsstruuctiion of thee Poowerr Pllantt wiithoout beiing inccludde
15、d in thee Woorkss.“Foreeignn Cuurreencyy” meeanss a currrenncy of a ccounntryy ottherr thhan in whiich thee Woorkss arre tto bbe llocaatedd.“Itemm” sshalll mmeann ann ellemeent of thee deetaiiledd brreakkdowwn oof tthe Worrks (e.g.: cooncrretee foor wwallls),as deffineed iin tthe Jobb Raatinng SSpec
16、cifiicattionns.“Job Rattingg Sppeciificcatiionss” meeanss thhe ppartt off Apppenndixx 2 (Teechnnicaal SSpeccifiicattionn), whiich desscriibess thhe nnatuure of iteems andd thhe ccorrrespponddingg asssesssmeent of quaantiity.“Key Eveent” meeanss Suubsttanttiall Coomplletiion of a ppartt off thhe WWor
17、kks tthatt iss neecesssarry ffor thee coommeenceemennt oof EElecctroo-meechaaniccal Acttiviity (iees) criiticcal to thee Prrojeect.“Leadderss” mmeanns CCreddit Agrricoole Inddosuuez andd/orr inndeppenddentt fiinannciaal iinsttituutioons witth wwhomm thhe OOwneer aarraangees ffunddingg foor tthe Laii
18、binn B Proojecct.“Lettter of Agrricoole Inddosuuez andd/orr inndeppenddentt fiinannciaal iinsttituutioons witth wwhomm thhe OOwneer aarraangees ffunddingg foor tthe Laiibinn B Proojecct.“Lettter of Acccepttancce” meeanss thhe fformmal acccepttancce bby tthe Empployyer of thee Teendeer.“Majoor KKey E
19、veent” reeferrs tto tthe mosst ccritticaal KKey Eveentss ass deefinned in Subb-cllausse 443.22.“Notiice to Commmennce” reeferrs tto tthe notticee isssueed bby tthe Empployyer to thee Coontrracttor as perr thhe pprovvisiionss off Suub-CClauuse 41.1.“Permmaneent Worrks” meeanss thhe ppermmaneent worrk
20、s to be exeecutted (inncluudinng PPlannt) in acccorddancce wwithh thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct.“Plannt” meeanss maachiinerry, appparaatuss annd tthe likke iinteendeed tto fformm orr foormiing parrt oof tthe Perrmannentt Woorkss.“Proggresss CCerttifiicatte” meeanss thhe mmontthlyy ceertiificcatee
21、 ceertiifieed bby tthe Empployyer staatinng tthe perrcenntagge oof tthe proogreess on Sitte, to be isssuedd noot llateer tthann thhe 115thh off thhe ffolllowiing monnth.“Secttionn” mmeanns aa paart of thee Woorkss coorreespoondiing to a KKey Eveent speecifficaallyy iddenttifiied in thee Ciivill Woor
22、kss Coontrractt.“Sitee” meeanss thhe pplacces proovidded by thee Emmplooyerr whheree thhe WWorkks aare to be exeecutted andd anny ootheer pplacces as mayy bee sppeciificcallly ddesiigneed iin tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact as forrminng ppartt off thhe SSitee.“Subsstanntiaal CCompplettionn” meeanss co
23、omplletiion of thee Woorkss orr Seectiion theereoof tto tthe exttentt thhat it doees nnot imppedee Ellecttro-mecchannicaal AActiivittiess reequiiredd foor tthe preelimminaary takkingg ovver of thee Poowerr Pllantt.“Subsstanntiaal CCompplettionn Ceertiificcatee” meeanss a cerrtifficaate isssuedd byy
24、thhe EEmplloyeer aas sspeccifiied undder thee prroviisioons of Claausee 488.“Takiing-Oveer CCerttifiicatte” meeanss a cerrtifficaate isssuedd puursuuantt too Cllausse 448.“Tempporaary Worrks” meeanss alll ttempporaary worrks of eveery kinnd (othher thaan CConttracctorrs EEquiipmeent) reequiiredd inn
25、 orr abboutt thhe eexeccutiion andd coomplletiion of thee Woorkss annd tthe remmedyyingg off anny ddefeectss thhereein.“Tendder” meeanss thhe CConttracctorrs ppricced offfer to thee Emmplooyerr foor tthe exeecuttionn annd ccompplettionn off thhe WWorkks aand thee reemeddyinng oof aany deffectts tthe
26、rreinn acccorrdannce witth tthe proovissionns oof tthe Civvil Worrks Conntrool, as accceptted by thee Leetteer oof AAcceeptaancee.“Testts oon CCompplettionn” meeanss thhe ttestts sspeccifiied in thee Ciivill Woorkss Coontrractt orr ottherrwisse aagreeed by thee Emmplooyerr annd tthe Conntraactoor ww
27、hicch aare to be madde bby tthe Conntraactoor bbefoore thee Woorkss orr anny SSecttionn orr paart theereoof aare takken oveer bby tthe Empployyer.“Timee foor CCompplettionn” meeanss thhe ttimee foor ccompplettingg thhe eexeccutiion of andd paassiing thee Teestss onn Coomplletiion of thee Woorkss orr
28、 anny SSecttionn orr paart theereoof aas sstatted in Apppenddix 5 (“Civvil Worrks Conntraact Massterr Sccheddulee”)(oor aas eexteendeed uundeer CClauuse 44) caalcuulatted forrm tthe Commmenncemmentt Daate.“Unitt” shhalll meean thee phhysiicall unnit deffineed iin tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact to mea
29、asurre aa quuanttityy off Woorkss (ee.g. mforr thhe mmeassureemennt oof cconccrette wworkks).Neverrtheelesss, wheen tthe worrd Unittiss immmeddiattelyy foolloowedd byy “1”or”2”,itt shhalll reeferr too thhe ffirsst oor tthe seccondd geenerratiing uniit oof tthe Powwer Plaant.“Workks” meaans thee Peer
30、maanennt WWorkks aand thee Teempoorarry WWorkks oor eeithher of theem aas aapprroprriatte,“Writtingg” meeanss anny hhandd-wrritiing, tyype-wriitteen, or priinteed ccommmuniicattionn inncluudinng ffacssimiile traansmmisssionn.1.2.HHeaddinggs aand Marrqinnal NottesThe hheaddinggs aand marrginnal notte
31、s in theese Conndittionns sshalll nnot be deeemedd paart theereoof bbe ttakeen iintoo coonsiiderratiion in thee innterrpreetattionn orr coonsttrucctioon ttherreoff orr off thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct.1.3.IInteerprretaatioonWordss immporrtinng pperssonss orr paartiies shaall inccludde ffirmms aa
32、nd corrporratiionss annd oorgaanizzatiion havvingg leegall caapaccityy.1.4.SSinggulaar aand PluurallWordss immporrtinng tthe sinngullar onlly aalsoo inncluude thee plluraal aand vicce vverssa wwherre tthe conntesst rrequuirees.1.5.NNotiicess, CConssentts, Appprovvalss, CCerttifiicattes andd Deeterrm
33、innatiionssWhereeverr inn thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct pprovvisiion is madde ffor thee giivinng oor iissuue oof aany notticee, cconssentt, aapprrovaal, cerrtifficaate or dettermminaatioon bby aany perrsonn, uunleess othherwwisee sppeciifieed ssuchh nooticce, connsennt, appprovval, ceertiificcate
34、e orr deeterrminnatiion shaall be in wriitinng aand thee woordss “nottifyy”, “ceertiify” orr “dettermminee” shhalll bee coonsttrueed aaccoordiinglly. Anyy suuch connsennt, appprovval, ceertiificcatee orr deeterrminnatiion shaall nott unnreaasonnablly bbe wwithhhelld oor ddelaayedd.EMPLOOYERRS RREPRR
35、ESEENTAATIVVECLAUSSE 222.1 EEmplloyeers RReprreseentaativveThe EEmplloyeers RReprreseentaativve sshalll bbe aappoointted by andd bee reespoonsiiblee too thhe EEmplloyeer aand shaall carrry outt suuch duttiess annd eexerrcisse ssuchh auuthooritty aas mmay be dellegaatedd too hiim bby tthe Empployyer
36、undder Subb-Cllausse2.22.2 EEmplloyeers AAuthhoriity to DellegaateThe EEmplloyeer mmay froom ttimee too tiime dellegaate to thee Emmplooyerrs RReprreseentaativve aany of thee duutiees aand autthorritiies vesstedd inn thhe EEmplloyeer aand he mayy att anny ttimee reevokke ssuchh deeleggatiion. Anny s
37、suchh deeleggatiion or revvocaatioon sshalll bbe iin wwrittingg annd sshalll nnot takke eeffeect unttil acoopy theereoof hhas beeen ddeliiverred to thee Coontrracttor.Any ccommmuniicattionn giivenn byy thhe EEmplloyeers RReprreseentaativve tto tthe Conntraactoor iin aaccoordaancee wiith succh ddelee
38、gattionn shhalll haave thee saame efffectt ass thhouggh iit hhad beeen ggiveen bby tthe Empployyer proovidded thaat:(a) aany faailuure of thee Emmplooyerrs rreprreseentaativve tto ddisaapprrovee anny wworkk, mmateeriaals or Plaant shaall nott prrejuudicce tthe autthorrityy off thhe EEmplloyeer tto d
39、disaapprrovee suuch worrk, matteriial or Plaant andd too giive insstruuctiionss foor tthe recctifficaatioon ttherreoff; aand(b) iif tthe Conntraactoor qquesstioons anyy coommuuniccatiion of thee Emmplooyerrs RReprreseentaativve hhe mmay reffer thee maatteer tto tthe Empployyer whoo shhalll coonfiirm
40、, reeverrse or varry tthe conntennts of succh ccommmuniicattionn.2.3.AAppoointtmennt oof AAssiistaantssThe EEmplloyeer oor tthe Empployyers RReprreseentaativve mmay apppoinnt aany nummberr off peersoons to asssistt thhe EEmplloyeers RReprreseentaativve iin tthe carrryiing outt off hiis ddutiies undd
41、er Subb-Cllausse 22.2.He shaall nottifyy too thhe CConttracctorr thhe nnamees, duttiess annd sscoppe oof aauthhoriity of succh pperssonss. SSuchh asssisstannts shaall havve nno aauthhoriity to isssue anyy innstrructtionns tto tthe Conntraactoor ssavee inn soo faar aas ssuchh innstrructtionns mmay be
42、 neccesssaryy too ennablle tthemm too caarryy ouut ttheiir ddutiies andd too seecurre ttheiir aacceeptaancee off maaterrialls, Plaant or worrkmaanshhip as beiing in acccorddancce wwithh thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct, andd anny iinsttrucctioons givven by anyy off thhem forr thhosee puurpoose shaal
43、l be deeemedd too haave beeen ggiveen bby tthe Empployyers RReprreseentaativve.2.4.IInsttrucctioon iin WWrittinggInstrructtionns ggiveen bby tthe Empployyer shaall be in wriitinng, proovidded thaat iif ffor anyy reeasoon tthe Empployyer connsidderss itt neecesssarry tto ggivee anny ssuchh innstrruct
44、tionn orrallly, thee Coontrracttor shaall commplyy wiith succh iinsttrucctioon. Connfirrmattionn inn wrritiing of succh oorall innstrructtionn giivenn byy thhe EEmplloyeer, wheetheer bbefoore or aftter thee caarryyingg ouut oof tthe insstruuctiion, shhalll bee deeemeed tto bbe aan iinsttrucctioon ww
45、ithhin thee meeaniing of thiis SSub-Claausee. PProvvideed ffurttherr thhat if thee Coontrracttor, wiithiin 77 daays, coonfiirmss inn wrritiing to thee Emmplooyerr anny oorall innstrructtionn off thhe EEmplloyeer aand succh cconffirmmatiion is nott coontrradiicteed iin wwrittingg wiithiin 77 daays by
46、 thee Emmplooyerr, iit sshalll bbe ddeemmed to be an insstruuctiion of thee Emmplooyerr.The pprovvisiionss off thhis Subb-Cllausse sshalll eequaallyy appplyy too innstrructtionns ggiveen bby tthe Empployyers RReprreseentaativve aand anyy asssisstannts of thee Emmplooyerr orr thhe EEmplloyeers RReprr
47、eseentaativve aappoointted purrsuaant to Subb-Cllausse 22.3.ASSIGGNMEENT ANDD SUUBCOONTRRACTTINGGCLAUSSE 333.1.AAssiignmmentt off Ciivill Woorkss CoontrracttThe CConttracctorr shhalll noot, witthouut tthe priior connsennt oof tthe Empployyer (whhichh coonseent, nootwiithsstanndinng tthe proovissionn
48、s oof SSub-Claausee 1.5.sshalll bbe tthe solle ddisccrettionn off thhe EEmplloyeer) asssiggn tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact or anyy paart theereoof, or anyy beeneffit or inttereest theereiin oor ttherreunnderr.CLAUSSE 444.1.SSubcconttracctinngThe CConttracctorr shhalll noot ssubcconttracct tthe whool
49、e of thee Woorkss. EExceept wheere othherwwisee prroviidedd byy thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct, thee coontrracttor shaall nott suubcoontrractt anny ppartt off thhe WWorkks wwithhoutt thhe pprioor cconssentt off thhe EEmplloyeer. Anyy suuch connsennt sshalll nnot rellievve tthe Conntraactoor ffromm
50、 anny lliabbiliity or oblligaatioon uundeer tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact andd hee shhalll bee reespoonsiiblee foor tthe actts, deffaullts andd neegleectss off anny SSubcconttracctorr, hhis ageentss, sservvantts oor wworkkmenn ass fuullyy assif theey wweree thhe aactss, ddefaaultts oor nnegllectts o
51、of tthe Conntraactoor, hiss aggentts, serrvannts or worrkmeen.4.2.AAssiignmmentt off Suubcoontrracttors OObliigattionnsIn thhe eevennt oof aa Suubcoontrracttor havvingg unnderrtakken towwardds tthe Conntraactoor iin rresppectt off thhe wworkk exxecuutedd, oor tthe gooods, maaterrialls, Plaant or ser
52、rvicces supppliied by succh SSubcconttracctorr, aany conntinnuinng oobliigattionn exxtenndinng ffor a pperiiod excceeddingg thhat of thee Deefeccts Liaabillityy Peeriood uundeer tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact, thhe CConttracctorr shhalll att anny ttimees, aftter thee exxpirratiion of succh PPeriiod,
53、asssiggn tto tthe Empployyer, att thhe EEmplloyeers rrequuestt annd ccostt, tthe bennefiit oof ssuchh obbliggatiion forr thhe uunexxpirred durratiion theereoof.CONTRRACTT DOOCUMMENTTSCLAUSSE 555.1.LLangguagge/ss annd llaw(a) TThe Engglissh llangguagge vverssionn off thhis Civvil Worrks Conntraact sh
54、aall be reggardded as thee auuthoorittatiive verrsioon nnotwwithhstaandiing thaat iit mmay havve bbeenn trransslatted intto aany othher lannguaage. Alll ccommmuniicattionns bbetwweenn thhe PParttiess shhalll unnlesss ootheerwiise agrreedd inn wrritiing be in thee Enngliish lannguaage. Doocummenttati
55、ion proovidded by onee Paartyy too thhe ootheer PPartty uundeer tthe Civvil Worrks Conntraact andd haavinng iits oriiginn inn anny llangguagge ootheer tthann Enngliish shaall be proovidded as a ccopyy inn thhe llangguagge oof ooriggin acccomppaniied by thee prrevaailiing Engglissh ttrannslaatioon tt
56、herreoff.(b) TThe Civvil Worrks Conntraact shaall be govvernned andd coonsttrucctedd inn acccorrdannce witth EEngllishh Laaw.5.2.PPriooritty oof CConttracct DDocuumenntsThe sseveerall doocummentts fformmingg thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracct aare to be takken as muttuallly expplannatoory of onee anno
57、thher, buut iin ccasee off ammbigguittiess orr diiscrrepaanciies thee saame shaall be expplaiinedd annd aadjuusteed bby tthe Empployyer whoo shhalll thhereeupoon iissuue tto tthe Conntraactoor iinsttrucctioons theereoon aand in succh eevennt, unllesss ottherrwisse pprovvideed iin tthe Civvil Worrks
58、Conntraact, thhe ppriooritty oof tthe doccumeentss foormiing thee Ciivill Woorkss Coontrractt shhalll bee ass foolloows:/ Thhe CConttracct AAgreeemeent/ Thhe CCondditiionss off Coontrractt/ Thhe AAppeendiicess:Scopee off thhe WWorkksTechnnicaal SSpeccifiicattionnsCodess annd SStanndarrdsCorreespoond
59、eencee annd CCommmuniicattionn CoontrrolList of Majjor Keyy Evventts aand Civvil Worrks Conntraact Massterr ScchedduleeSite Orgganiizattionn annd CCondditiionLiquiidatted DammageesContrractt Prricee Brreakkdowwn aand Dayyworrks RattesModells oof GGuarrantteessTermss off paaymeentDocummentts tto bbe
60、ggiveen bby tthe Empployyer in acccorddancce wwithh thhe CCiviil WWorkks cconttracctList of doccumeent to be givven by thee Coontrracttor in acccorddancce wwithh thhe CCiviil WWorkks CConttracctNot uusedd/ Thhe LLettter of Acccepttancce/ Thhe Minnutees oof tthe Meeetinng hheldd onn 155 Maay 119977/
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- 2025年校園實驗室設(shè)備租賃合同樣本
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- 習(xí)作:我做了一項小實驗 教學(xué)設(shè)計-2023-2024學(xué)年語文三年級下冊統(tǒng)編版
- 小學(xué)信息技術(shù)三年級下冊《第2課 排列圖標(biāo)找文件》教學(xué)設(shè)計
- 2025年不銹鋼茶壺項目可行性研究報告
- 試漏報告模板
- 2025年度智能家居系統(tǒng)裝修材料采購及安裝合同樣本
- 甲型流感患者的護(hù)理查房
- 禮儀概述和原則
- ISO22000體系文件清單
- 體育賽事招商方案
- 西師版三年級下冊第六單元第1課時旋轉(zhuǎn)與平移市公共課一等獎市賽課金獎?wù)n件
- 英語學(xué)術(shù)論文寫作引言
- 液化石油氣鋼瓶倒殘操作規(guī)程
- 毛概課說課課件
- 工藝管道安裝工程質(zhì)量檢驗、試驗計劃
- 《汽車電子技術(shù)》專業(yè)人才培養(yǎng)方案
- 中國重癥加強(qiáng)治療病房(ICU)建設(shè)與管理指南