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英文大學生應不應該兼職辯論賽主持人:大家好,此次辯論賽的題目是:大學生應不應該兼職。讓我們歡迎來自。的正方 。 (鼓掌) ,歡迎來自。 。的反方選手?,F(xiàn)在比賽正式開始,首先是正方一辯發(fā)言。 Host: Good evening everyone,the theme of this debate is .lets welcome Square player from group 5, and Opposition players from group 6.Now the competition is beginning, first the welcome the number 1 of square. 正方一辯:首先,我方認為大學生應該兼職,何謂兼職?兼職就是在不影響學習的情況下的 工作,作為一個大學生,我們人生大部分時間都在讀書, everybody,I Im Thank you for the host ,hello everybody,Im xu meng ting ,the number 1 square . We think that college students should be have part-time . What is a part-time?Part-time is do some work to earn money in spare time。 Why we advocate 。 college student part-time .the one reason is: College students through the part-time can earn a living expenses, reduce the economic burden of home, and to make money can feel easy, cultivate good economic concept .the another reason is College students to the purpose of university also include adapt to society, and promote the university students function to adapt to society. In general, part time job can help us to learn a lot of staff which we cant know just by books. Host : thank you for the speaking of the square .the next let we welcome the number 1 of opposition . 反方一辯:大家好我是反方一辯婁振剛, Hello! I am the leader of the opposition Lou Zhengang 誠如對方辯友所言兼職是有一定益處的, 但我方堅決認為大學生兼職弊大于利。 理由有以下 兩點: As the other party debate said there is a part-time the benefits of a certain, but we firmly think that college students part-time do more harm than good. Reason to have the following two points: 首先。 大學生兼職不外乎兩個理由, 其一是為了獲得一定的物質財富來支持自己的學習和生 活。但是我們知道,教育作為一種長期性的投資,它需要大量的金錢和時間來維持,靠做兼 職來緩解經濟壓力只能是杯水車薪,兼職使我們過度勞累而導致精力分散,無心學習,致使 學習不扎實,甚至很多同學掛科,這樣本末倒置的方法我們是絕對不贊同的。兼職使我們過 度勞累而導致精力分散,無心學習,致使學習不扎實,甚至很多同學紅燈掛起,這樣本末倒 置的方法我們是絕對不贊同的, First of all. College students part-time is nothing more than two reasons, one is to get some material wealth to support their own learning and life. But we know, education as a long-term investment, it need a lot of money and time to maintain, by doing part-time to ease economic pressure is only a drop in the bucket, part-time, make we overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students is hanged division, so that put the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agree. Part-time make us overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students red light hung, so putting the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agree 再次大學生兼職是為鍛煉經驗而來,是的,大學生兼職可以獲得一定的經驗,可是并不是所 有兼職工作都能起到鍛煉實踐能力的作用, 當前大學生兼職所從事的主要是中小學家教以及 簡單的體力勞動,在這個過程中,他們又能得到哪方面的經驗? The second,College students are part-time for exercise experiences, yes, college students part-time can gain some experience, but not all part-time job can play the role of exercise practice ability, the current college students part-time in the primary and secondary schools is mainly the physical labor of family education, and the simple, in the process, which aspect are they gain? 其次,從法律方面來看。大學生打工維權很難。令人難以置信的是,在社會上打工兼職的在 校大學生一旦合法權益被侵害,勞動監(jiān)察部門一般情況下不接受其維權投訴, Third, from a legal perspective. College students doing a part-time job is difficult to rights. Incredibly, in social work part-time on the college students once the lawful rights and interests are violated, labor censorial branch is usually not accept its rights, complaints 綜上所述我方觀點認為:在校大學生做兼職弊大于利 To sum up our view: college students to do a part-time do more harm than good. 正方二辯:我想請問對方二辯,如果禁止大學生去做兼職,我們出去之后怎么適應這個競爭 如此激烈的社會?我們還怎么生存?過渡期都被你們(反方)奪走了我們還用活的呀? I would like to ask the number 2 , college students to do a part-time job if banned, we go out how to adapt to the competition after the intense social? How can we survive? Transition are you (opposition) took us from living? 反方二辯: 首先我覺得對方辯友的問題跟我方所闡述的問題有點矛盾, 我方所說是現(xiàn)在大學 生應不應該兼職, 如果現(xiàn)在兼職就威脅到我們的人生安全, 你認為我們還要考慮將來嗎?我 們要知道我們來大學到底是來干什么的?。試問在學校還要比學習更重要的事情嗎? First of all, I feel that the other a friend of the debate we expounded the problem with a bit of a contradiction problem, weve said is now college students should should not be a part-time job, if now part-time and threatened to our life safety, do you think we need to think of the future? We want to know what were doing is it to the university? . In school than learning to ask more important thing? l 在大學里,我們應該好好把握時間,博覽群書,專心學習,我們應該在 4 年時間里多泡 泡圖書館,因為打工以后還可以打,但這樣接受文化熏陶的機會卻不會再有了。大學四年的 時間是很短暫的, 如果我們還利用上大學的時間來兼職, 就會減少甚至失去學習那些更深更 廣知識的機會。如果都像對方辯友所說我們來上大學做什么?還不如直接去打工賺錢。 In the university, we should take the time, reading, concentrate on learning, we should be more than 4 years in library reading, because after work also can play, but such accept sensibility opportunities are no more. University four years of time is very short, if we also use on the university of time to part-time, can reduce or even lose their learning the deeper, and broader knowledge of the opportunities. If all the other friends like divides said, we have to go to school d? As well as direct to earn money. 反方三辯:反方三辯:我想請問對方二辯:學生的本職工作是什么? (學習, ) 每個人的精力有限,不影響是不可能的,如果你能一只手寫論文,另一只手栽花,我就相信 你說的話。 everyones energy Co., LTD, do not affect is impossible, if you can a handwritten paper, the other hand weeds, I believe what you said. 正方三辯:我想對方辯友忽略一個問題,我方一辯在一開始就闡述了兼職的含義,兼職,實 在不影響本職工作的情況下而找的工作, 并不影響我們的學習, 我想每個找兼職的人也不會 拋下學習去工作吧。 、但我們學習的最終目的是什么,是找工作。提前接觸社會難道不是一 個明智的選擇嗎? I want to debate each other friends overlook the problem, we start a debate in a paper part-time meaning, a part-time job, really dont affect the labor of duty the case and looking for work, do not affect our study, I think every looking for part-time job would not left learn to work well. , but we learn what is the ultimate goal, is looking for a job. Contact the society in advance is not a wise choice? 反方二辯:最終的目的是工作不假,但在學校學習的這一過程是不能忽略的, “沒有勤奮努 力的學習就沒有將來如意的工作” 忽略過程只能落得個竹籃打水的結果,如果對方辯友喜 歡省略過程直接到達最終結果, 那我就幫你分析一下, 這場辯論賽的最終結果很可能是我方 獲勝, 人的一生最終的終點就是死亡, 我想對方辯友不會是想一下子就跳到人生的盡頭吧? The ultimate aim is to work not false, but study at school this process is not be ignored, no hard work of learning is no future satisfied of work ignore process can only left out the baby with the water of result, if the other friends like folk process divides directly to the final result, then I will help you to analyze, the final results of the debate is likely to be we win, the life of people the final end is to die, and I want to debate each other friends wont be want to jump into life at the end? 反方四辯總結: 誠然,如對方便有所說,在校大學生做兼職有利于鍛煉能力,增加收入, 誠然,如對方便有所說,在校大學生做兼職有利于鍛煉能力,增加收入,緩解家庭經濟壓 力,獲取社會經驗和增長閱歷,適應社會,為將來就業(yè)打好基礎但我方人堅持大學生不應 獲取社會經驗和增長閱歷,適應社會, 該兼職 首先,在校大學生的主要任務是學習大學是人一生中最為關鍵的階段從入學的第一天起, 首先,在校大學生的主要任務是學習大學是人一生中最為關鍵的階段從入學的第一天起, 你就應當對大學四年有一個正確的認識和規(guī)劃 大學生在校期間做兼職作為一種社會實踐, 大學生在校期間做兼職作為一種社會實踐,必須建立在具備一定的人文科學文化素質的基 礎科學文化知識的基礎之上否則作為兼職的實踐就會變成無源之水, 礎科學文化知識的基礎之上否則作為兼職的實踐就會變成無源之水,無本之木而沒有理論 基礎而急功近利的兼職實踐不就成為無米之炊了嗎? 基礎而急功近利的兼職實踐不就成為無米之炊了嗎? 學習是主要矛盾,其他是次要矛盾如果主次顛倒,后果將不堪設想,教育家容重視的的是, 學習是主要矛盾,其他是次要矛盾如果主次顛倒,后果將不堪設想,教育家容重視的的是, 要矛盾 近年來大學生兼職市場的紅燈也不斷亮起大學生在找兼職和做兼職過程中可能會遇上一些 陷阱,一些企業(yè)或中介機構利用學生急于尋找兼職的心理, 陷阱,一些企業(yè)或中介機構利用學生急于尋找兼職的心理,收取幾百元不等的中介費或押 金,卻不做實事,常有大學生們上當受騙甚至受害的案件,許多大學生缺乏社會經驗和閱 卻不做實事,常有大學生們上當受騙甚至受害的案件, 歷,警惕性不高,在兼職廣告滿天飛的情況下,看到條件優(yōu)厚的兼職廣告就往里鉆,而不 警惕性不高,在兼職廣告滿天飛的情況下,看到條件優(yōu)厚的兼職廣告就往里鉆, 了解具體的工作情況。別有用心者也正是利用了大學生們急于實踐的心里, 了解具體的工作情況。別有用心者也正是利用了大學生們急于實踐的心里,給出相當有厚 的條件吸引大學生“上鉤”。像我自己就是一個活生生的例子,剛進大一也想找兼職減輕 的條件吸引大學生“上鉤” 像我自己就是一個活生生的例子, 例子 父母的負擔,交了定金后對方就再也聯(lián)系不到了。 父母的負擔,交了定金后對方就再也聯(lián)系不到了。 兼職最大的困難就是與學業(yè)發(fā)生沖突。做兼職,大學生的體力精力消耗較大, 兼職最大的困難就是與學業(yè)發(fā)生沖突。做兼職,大學生的體力精力消耗較大,投入相當多 的時間,上課打瞌睡,無精打采。甚至有的人逃課做兼職,實踐經驗有了, 的時間,上課打瞌睡,無精打采。甚至有的人逃課做兼職,實踐經驗有了,可是課堂點名 卻找不到人。這是一種本末倒置的做法,由此大學生兼職弊大于利。 卻找不到人。這是一種本末倒置的做法,由此大學生兼職弊大于利。 Indeed, such as a convenient has said, college students to do a part-time job exercise ability, increase the income, ease, family economic pressure, acquire social experience and the growth experience, adapt to society, to lay a good foundation for future employment but we insist that students should not part-time First of all, college students is the main task of the university of learning in ones life the most crucial stage of admission from the first day, you should be to the university for four years have a correct understanding and planning College students to do a part-time as a kind of social practice, must establish in the have a certain humanities culture quality of basic science and culture knowledge foundation as a part-time or the practice will become like, without theoretical basis and non-existent quick part-time practice does not become bricks without straw? Learning is the main contradiction, the other is the secondary contradictions if primary and secondary topsy-turvy, consequence will be unimaginable, educators, let the attention is, in recent years, college students of red light is also constantly part-time market light up in college students to find part time and part-time course may run into some trap, some enterprise or intermediary agencies use to find part-time students psychological, charged hundreds of dollars of intermediary or deposit, but not to do the practical work, often have the university students cheated even suffer case, many college students lack of social experience and experience, vigilance is not high, in part-time advertising under the condition of all over the place, and saw the condition is favourable part-time advertising went to inside drill, and dont understand the specific work. It is also the use of the motives behind the college students to practice heart, given the conditions are fairly thick attract college students hooked. Like I own is a living example, just entered a freshman also want to find a part-time alleviate the burden of the parents, made deposit after never contact each other not to. The biggest difficulty is that part-time and academic conflict. Do a part-time job, college students physical energy consumption is bigger, into a considerable amount of time, have a class nap, listless. Even some people cut classes to do a part-time job, practice experience, but class named but couldnt find one. This is a kind of put the cart before the horse practice, thus college students part-time do more harm than good. 正方四辯總結:首先請允許我指出在剛才的辯論過程中,對方辯友幾個值得商榷的觀點: 第一, 混淆了兼職的弊與兼職者自身原因的弊, 對方辯友一直告訴我們兼職會減少學習時間, 使學習成績下降等問題,但我方已反復說明,這些現(xiàn)象并不是兼職帶來的,而是兼職者本身 帶來的,蛀牙吃蘋果導致牙疼,怎么能將責任賴在蘋果身上呢?就是因為大學時間富余,所 以才導致許多大學生談戀愛打游戲等,并且全心全意的學習并不代表他能在社會上生存 第二, 對方辯友提到了打工安全問題,我們承認這種現(xiàn)象的存在,難道成年人就不會上 當了嗎?所謂吃一彘長一智,只有遇到過失敗才能有進步 再者,終有一天,我們將踏入社會,難道你愿意大學畢業(yè)后再受一次性嚴重的創(chuàng)傷嗎?我 們今天的觀點是大學生兼職利大于弊首先, First please allow me to point out that in the process of debate just now, the other a friend a few question divides of the views: First, confusing the faults of the part-time and the faults of the part-time their own reason, each other friends have been telling us debate will reduce learning time part-time, make learning performance decline, but we have repeatedly shows that these phenomena are not brought part-time, but the part-time brought itself, tooth decay eat apple lead to a toothache, how can you will responsibility hanging on in apples? Is because the university time abundance, so many college students to play game, fall in love, and love learning doesnt mean he can survive in society Second, the other a friend mentioned the debate work safety, we admit the existence of this phenomenon, are adults will not fall for it? The so-called eat a gain in your wit and inadequate, only met with failure to progress Moreover, for one day, we will step into society, are you willing to after graduation from the university to be a one-time severe trauma? Today we are of the opinion college students part-time more good than harm first,正方:大學生做兼職利大于弊 反方:大學生做兼職弊大于利 正方 一辨陳詞:謝謝主席,各位評委、各位觀眾!我方的觀點是大學生做兼職利大于弊!首先, 大學生做兼職可以豐富我們的社會生活經驗。 許多企業(yè)在招聘的時候都明確指明, 有經驗者 優(yōu)先,作為一個應屆畢業(yè)生,你的經驗來自何處?大學做兼職是一個不錯的渠道。其次,大 學生做兼職可以補貼生活費用,減少家里負擔,尤其對于家庭比較困難的同學而言,更是有 所裨益。 最后,大學生做兼職可以實現(xiàn)自我價值。做兼職并不只是為了賺錢,這僅僅是一方面,更重 要的是你收獲了一些課堂之外學習不到的東西,這才是最最重要的。 Thank chairman, everyone judges, everyone audience!Our view is for college students to do a part-time outweigh the costs。First of all, for college students to do a part-time can enrich our social life experience.Many enterprises in recruitment of time all made clear, have experience is preferred, as a this years graduates, your experiences come from? College part-time is a good channel. Secondly, college students to do a part-time can living costs, reduce subsidies, particularly for families at home burden is difficult for the students, but also beneficial.Finally, college students to do a part-time can realize self-worth. Part-time not just money, this is just on the one hand, the more important thing is you harvest some outside the classroom to learn something, it is not the most important!二辨攻辯問題: 1 請問對方辯友是否有過打工經歷? Excuse me each other friends ever divides work experience? 如果有,請問你打工的原因是什么? If you have, what is the reason you work? 如果沒有,請問你想不想通過打工來獲取社會經驗實現(xiàn)經濟獨立呢? If not, would you want a part time job to acquire social experience to achieve economic independence? 2 在同等條件下, 公司通常會優(yōu)先選擇有打工經歷的學生, 請問對方辯友怎么看待這個問題 呢? in the same conditions, companies often preferred choice has the student work experience, excuse me each other friends how look upon this divides question? 三辨攻辯問題:請對方辯友舉出一個由打工本身的弊端引起不良后果的事例?Please name one divides by other friends work itself malpractice cause undesirable consequence examples? 四辨總結: 1.步入成人的行列,我們無論家庭條件優(yōu)越與否,我們都渴望獨立,需要獨立,而獨立的首 要問題是經濟獨。 Entering adult ranks, we whether family conditions or not, we are eager to independence, need to be independent, and independent primary problem is economic independence. 2.打工可以幫助我們在社會中認清自我,豐富閱歷,不斷成熟。Jobs can help us in society shows ego, rich experience, and constantly mature. 3.打工可以減少大學生對社會的恐懼感,培養(yǎng)交際能力,增加社會經驗. Jobs can reduce the fear of society, students cultivate communicative ability, increase social experience. 4.企業(yè)需要通過打工實習,察其言,觀其行作好人才儲備. Enterprise need a part time job internship, spoke, and that its own-for ready till talents pool. 因此,我們認為,大學生兼職打工,利大于弊!So, we think that college students part-time jobs outweigh the costs. 反方問題:1.對方辨友認為做兼職可以獲得經驗,那么獲得這些東西只能通過做兼職這一條 途徑嗎?2.你同意在適當的時候該作適當的事情嗎?比去說肚子疼就應該去看醫(yī)生而不是 打籃球。3.在校大學生是國家培養(yǎng)的高素質,高技能人才,是國家強盛的后背保障,那你覺 得讀書的目的是什么,是為了賺錢嗎?4.大學生還不是很成熟,出去做兼職安全能保障嗎? 反方; 一辨:首先,學生的天職是學習,即使在大學里面也是同樣的道理。其次,現(xiàn)在很多大學生 尋找兼職的出發(fā)點并不是為了鍛煉自己, 不是為了體驗社會生活, 也不是為了積累工作經驗, 而是為了滿足自己的日益提高的消費。再次,即便是有些學生是為了減輕父母負擔,賺取生 活費,這種做法無可厚非,但是他們所做的兼職都是層次較低的。 First of all, students bounden duty is to learn, even in the university there is exactly the same. Secondly, now many college students looking for part-time starting point and not to exercise myself, not in order to experience social life, nor to work experience, but to satisfy his increasing consumption. Again, even some students is to reduce burden, earn living expenses, and parents more


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