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1、Your second toes should be pointing forward and beparallel.翻譯:你的第二個腳趾應(yīng)該指向前并互相平行。注釋:在站姿中,無論山式、站立體前屈、雙角式和下犬式,讓你的第二個腳趾互相平行,即不要外八,也不要內(nèi)扣。2、Firm your thigh muscles and lift the knee caps.翻譯:收緊大腿肌肉并上提膝蓋。注釋:在站姿體式中,膝蓋會隨著重力往下墜,所以要始終上提膝蓋。而膝蓋本身不會上提,需要運用大腿肌肉的力量上提。無論在山式或者三角伸展體式中,始終要保持這種感覺。3、Turn the upper thighs slightly inward.翻譯:大腿上部輕微向內(nèi)旋。注釋:因為平時我們大腿處于松散的外旋狀態(tài),所以我們要讓大腿輕微向內(nèi)旋轉(zhuǎn)來調(diào)整。但要記住這種內(nèi)旋的動作只發(fā)生在大腿上部。4、Press your shoulder blades into your back, then widen themacross and release them down your back.翻譯:肩胛骨壓向背部,然后擴展并向下放松肩胛骨到背部。注釋:因為我們平時會有含胸圓肩的傾向,所以要擴胸把肩胛骨壓向背部。但肩胛骨壓向背部又不能做過,要始終保持肩胛骨之間正常的距離。最后讓肩胛骨隨著重力放松下沉。5、Lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling.翻譯:把胸骨的上端向天花板的方向提。注釋:這是在脊椎和地面垂直體式中(無論站姿還是坐姿)必須要做的事情,要隨時糾正含胸的不良體態(tài)。6、Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and lift the pubistoward the navel.翻譯:尾骨向地板的方向拉長,恥骨向肚臍的方向提升。注釋:這是伸展并保護腰椎的最佳方法,在任何體式中都要保持這個動作。7、Without hardening your lower belly.翻譯:不要使下腹部僵硬。注釋:收腹的動作只發(fā)生在腹部的上部,而不是下部。下腹部分放松。8、Keep the neck passive.翻譯:保持頸部放松。注釋:在許多體式中,脖子很容易變得僵硬,所以不要讓脖子僵硬,也不讓脖子梗塞。9、Creat a space between skin and muscle.翻譯:在皮膚與肌肉之間創(chuàng)造一個空間。注釋:瑜伽初學(xué)者的皮膚是塌在身體上的,黏在肌肉上。隨著不斷的練習(xí),皮和肉就分開了,皮和肉之間有了空間。現(xiàn)代醫(yī)學(xué)上有些疾病就是屬于組織粘連,所以創(chuàng)造空間很重要。10、Open your chest.翻譯:打開你的胸腔。注釋:打開胸腔并非一個方向的打開,而是全方位的拓展,要打開胸腔的前側(cè)、后側(cè)和兩側(cè)。11、Lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet, thenlay them softly down on the floor.翻譯:抬起并伸展腳趾和腳球,并把它們輕輕地壓向地板。注釋:在所有的體式中,要充分伸展你身體的每一部分,你的每一寸肌膚,包括腳趾和腳趾的皮膚。12、Lift and lengthen the soles of your feet from the middle ofthe arch of your foot forward.翻譯:抬起并從足弓的中間開始伸展腳趾向前。注釋:任何伸展都要從中心開始,從核心開始。13、Never scrunch up or grip the floor with your toes in any ofthe standing poses.翻譯:在任何站姿體式里都不要將腳趾蜷縮或者緊摳地板。注釋:蜷縮是一種僵硬,僵硬源于不潔凈,源于累積的毒素。要學(xué)會伸展,學(xué)會創(chuàng)造空間。14、Lengthening and broadening them does not mean tensingthem.翻譯:延長展寬并不意味著使雙腳緊張。注釋:任何體式、任何部分都不要緊張。15、Bring equal weight to all four corners of each of yourfeet.翻譯:讓每個腳的四個點均勻受力。注釋:這四個點包括大腳趾球(第一跖骨的頭)、小腳趾球(第五跖骨的頭)、腳跟的內(nèi)側(cè)和外側(cè)兩點。16、In Mr.Iyengars language, your feet should be stamping.翻譯:用艾揚格的語言,你的腳應(yīng)該是枚“圖章”。注釋:腳印的足弓要清晰可見。17、If the bottoms of the feet go even a little wrong the spinalmuscles and the muscles of the pubic region also go wrong.翻譯:吉塔艾揚格說如果腳底有一點點錯誤,整個脊柱的肌肉和恥骨區(qū)域的肌肉也會錯。注釋:GeetaIyengar吉塔艾揚格說18、Our weight should fall around the anterior part of our heelsand not in the frontal feet hardly at all.翻譯:我們身體的重量應(yīng)該放在腳跟前部根本不是放在前腳掌上。注釋:我們身體重心的重心要前后左右均勻地分配在腳掌上。19、Imagine a line of energy all the way up along your innerthighs to your groins, and from there through the core of yourtorso, neck, and head,and out through the crown of your head.翻譯:想像一條能量線從你的大腿內(nèi)側(cè)到腹股溝,再從腹股溝穿過你軀干的中心、頸、頭,并穿出你的頭頂。注釋:西方講能量,印度講風(fēng),中國講氣,都是一個意思。20、In general,try to bring your weight a little more into yourheels in all of your standing poses to draw yourself a little moreinto the back of your body.翻譯:一般而言,因為我們的身體常常有點前傾,所以在你所有的站姿中試著將重量往腳跟的方向稍移一點,把身體往后稍拉一點。注釋:所有的對身體的調(diào)整,都是針對我們身體的不良傾向而調(diào)整。21、As you lift your ankles, lift the arches of your feet aswell.翻譯:當(dāng)你提起腳踝時,也就提起了足弓。注釋:有一種傾向是讓我們的重心落向腳的外側(cè)并讓它們混向外側(cè)。通過強勁的向內(nèi)收內(nèi)側(cè)腳踝的動作來抵抗這種傾向,并提起外側(cè)腳踝來實現(xiàn)。不要讓重心在腳的外部或內(nèi)部,引導(dǎo)你的身體更可能地集中在腳的底部。盡可能提起外側(cè)腳踝,內(nèi)側(cè)腳踝也一樣向上提起。22、Move your deltoids deep into your shoulder blades.翻譯:移動三頭肌深深收入肩胛骨。注釋:是指將肱三頭肌回歸它應(yīng)該在的位置上。23、Widen your collarbones.翻譯:擴展鎖骨注釋:在人體,鎖骨為S狀彎曲的細長骨,位于皮下,為頸與胸兩部的分界,是上肢與軀干間唯一的骨性聯(lián)系,維持肩關(guān)節(jié)在正常位置。除了鎖骨,還有喙?fàn)罟呛图珉喂牵餐M成肩胛帶。24、Lift the inner ankles to strengthen the inner arches.翻譯:上提腳踝內(nèi)側(cè)以加強內(nèi)側(cè)足弓。注釋:維持足弓的形態(tài),依靠骨骼本身的形狀、韌帶及肌肉的堅強有力。構(gòu)成足弓的骨骼與維持它們的韌帶和肌肉之間關(guān)系密切,互有影響??v弓尤為重要,縱弓塌陷,橫弓隨之消失,但橫弓塌陷,縱弓仍可完整無恙。25、Without pushing your lower front ribs forward.翻譯:不要把前側(cè)肋骨的下端往前推。注釋:肋骨前突會造成塌腰的現(xiàn)象,所以要維持肋骨在正確的位置。26、Balance the crown of your head directly over the center ofyour pelvis.翻譯:平衡頭頂在骨盆中心之上注釋:頭部既不要前后偏移,也不要左右傾斜,保持正直。27、the underside of your chin parallel to the floor.翻譯:下巴的下端與地板平行注釋:大多部人習(xí)慣仰頭,所以要適合地收下頷。28、Throat soft, and the tongue wide and flat on the floor ofyour mouth. Soften your eyes.翻譯:喉嚨放松,舌頭展寬并攤平在你口腔的底板,目光柔和。注釋:這三個地方能反應(yīng)你做體式的狀態(tài)。如果這三個地方喉嚨和舌頭是緊張的,目光不是柔和的,就說明你在做一個超過你個人能力的體式。29、breathing easily.翻譯:輕松地呼吸。注釋:能夠輕松地呼吸在做任何體式時都很重要。30、In any asana it sometimes helps to move deliberately out ofalignment or balance to feel more clearly what it feels like to bein alignment or balance.翻譯:在任何體式中,它有時幫助慎重地將身體脫離正位或平衡,去更清晰地感覺身體處于正位或平衡中是什么感受。注釋:通過在兩腳間輕輕地前后移動你的重心來實驗,以便清楚地感覺重心均勻地分配在兩腳的那個點。41、Turn your arms outward (or laterally) so your palms face awayfrom your torso and thumbs point backward.With an inhale, sweepyour arms out to the sides and up toward the ceiling.翻譯:雙臂向外(或者側(cè)邊)打開,手掌轉(zhuǎn)離軀干,大拇指向后。吸氣,手臂從兩側(cè)抬起向上舉向天花板。注釋:這是個手臂外旋的山式,可以做為山式的一種練習(xí)方法出現(xiàn)。另外注意手臂向舉的動作從兩側(cè)進行。43、Stretch your arms further up from your shoulders,feel thestretch along both side of your trunks .Strech your arms andfingers.翻譯:從肩膀處進一步向上伸展手臂,感覺軀干兩側(cè)的伸展。伸展手臂和手指。注釋:特別注意小手指的伸展,它能使肘部更多地伸展。44、If youre tighter in the shoulders, stop when your arms areapproximately parallel to each other.翻譯:如果肩膀僵緊,在手臂大致互相平行時停止。注釋:肩膀僵硬的人如果再上向舉,動作會出現(xiàn)變形。45、But if possible without hunching your shoulders forward,press your palms firmly together by touching the bases of yourpalms first, then the palms themselves, and finally thefingers.翻譯:如若可能不要讓肩膀向前隆起,先掌根相觸,然后是手掌,最后是手指,兩手用力壓穩(wěn)合掌。注釋:注意合掌的順序。46、Extend your elbows fully and reach up through your pinkies soyour thumbs turn slightly down toward the crown of your head.翻譯:通過小手指充分延伸手肘并向上伸展,這樣大拇指輕輕地向下轉(zhuǎn)向頭頂。注釋:注意大姆指輕微的調(diào)整。47、Making sure not to compress the back of your neck, tip yourhead back slightly and gaze at your thumbs.翻譯:確信沒有壓緊后脖頸,頭輕輕向后傾斜凝視大拇指。注釋:始終保持脖子后側(cè)的伸展。頭向后仰望的動作從頸椎第一節(jié)和顱骨的結(jié)合處開始。48、Dont let your lower front ribs protrude forward.翻譯:不要讓你前側(cè)肋骨的下端向前突出。注釋:始終保持山式的要求。49、Bring your front ribs down (toward your pelvis) and in(toward your spine),and lengthen your tail bone toward thefloor.翻譯:把前肋向下(朝向骨盆)和向里(朝向脊柱),拉長尾骨朝向地板。注釋:注意這幾種力量的均衡。50、Then lift your rib cage evenly away from your pelvis tostretch the circumference of your belly.翻譯:提起肋骨均等地離開骨盆,去伸展腹部的周圍。注釋:任何伸展即要有長度,也要有寬度,還要有厚度。瑜伽英語開場白(1-36)瑜伽英語開場白美句集錦:1.Every sunrise is new.太陽每一天都是新的!2.Less is more.少即是多。3.Practice, practice, and all is coming.Sri K. PattabhiJois練習(xí),練習(xí),一切隨之而來。4.Because it is there.因為山在那里。5.Theres always time, Time is priorities.Mark ElliotZuckerberg時間總是有的,時間在于優(yōu)先。6.Relax!If you ask God for help, it means you believe Godscapability. If God doesnt help you, it means God believes yourcapability.放輕松!如果你向神求助,說明你相信神的能力。如果神沒有幫助你,說明神相信你的能力。7.All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事皆先難后易。8.A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.千里之行始于足下。9.How many roads must a man walk down before they call him aman.踏平多少坷坎,才成就一名男子漢。10.Either free or dead.要么自由,要么死。11.And this be our motto: In God is our trust.“我們信賴上帝?!贝苏Z永矢不忘。12.Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)永遠不要、不要、不要、不要放棄。(英國首相 丘吉爾)13.Our slogan is: there is no best, only better.我們的口號是:沒有最好、只有更好。14.Life is but a dream.生活不過是一場夢。15.All things come to those who wait.蒼天不負有心人。All good things come to those who wait.好東西總是留給愿意等的人。16.You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret ofsuccess.(Charles Chaplin)你必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣。 (卓別林)17.Its not where you are today that counts, its where you areheaded.你現(xiàn)在的位置并不重要,重要的是你前進的方向。18.To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn.要看日出必須守到拂曉。19.Before finding the right people, the only need to do is tomake yourself good enough. 在找到合適的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是讓自己足夠的優(yōu)秀。20.At the curtain call,please give a elegant bow whether thereis audience or not.You should thank yourself who just worked sohard on the stage.謝幕時,不管有沒有觀眾,請優(yōu)雅的輕輕鞠躬,只為感謝剛剛在舞臺上如此努力的自己。21.Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed.不放棄就有成功的機會。22.Its not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is ourchoices.決定我們成為什么樣的人,不是我們的能力,而是我們的選擇。23.Success comes to him who is engaged in the practice. How canone get success without practice , for by merely reading books onYoga, one can never get success.成功來自投入練習(xí)的人。沒有練習(xí)怎麼能成功,僅僅通過閱讀瑜伽書籍,不可能獲得成功。24.One today is worth two tomorrows.一個今天勝似兩個明天。25.Have you some what to do tomorrow, do ittoday.明天如有事,今天就去做。26.I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living orget busy dying.生命可以歸結(jié)為一種簡單的選擇:要么忙于生存,要么趕著去死。27.Home. Ill go home. And Ill think of some way to get himback. After all, tomorrow isanother day.家,我要回家。我要想辦法讓他回來。不管怎樣,明天又是全新的一天。28.They who cannot do as they would, must do as theycan.不能如愿而行,也須盡力而為。29.You look like a million dollars!你看起來真帥(美)!30.Begin and end each day with a Thank you for this wonderful,glorious day!在每一天開始和結(jié)束的時候,說一句“感謝這么一個愉快的一天”。31.When you start from contact with something to really love,youwill find it can change all of your imperfections。當(dāng)你開始從接觸某種東西到熱愛時,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)它可以改變你所有不完美。32.Sometimes what you want isnt always what you get, but in theend what you get is so much better than what you wanted.很多時候,你得不到你想要的,但最終,你擁有的一定比當(dāng)初渴望的要好得多。33.You only have one life. So dont spend it focusing on whatothers want to see, focus on what you want to be. 你只會活一次。所以不要浪費生命,太過在意別人怎么看你,而應(yīng)專注于你想要做個什么樣的人。34.The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy- its all that matters.無論發(fā)生什么,最重要的事情,是開心地享受生活。35.People always say that its too late. However, in fact, nowis the best appropriate time. For a man who really wants to seekfor something, every period of life is younger and timely.有人總說已經(jīng)晚了。實際上,現(xiàn)在就是最好的時光。對于一個真正有所追求的人來說,生命的每個時期都是年輕和及時的。36.As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how tolive.你越相信自己,你越知道如何生活。瑜伽英語900句(于伽編著)Inhale1、Inhale quickly, then bring you head andchest back down andcontinue the bodyundulations.快速吸氣,然后帶你頭部和胸部,繼續(xù)回到身體對光。2、Inhale and raise trunk upward as a single unit.吸氣軀干作為一個單位向上抬起。3、Inhale and lift upper back using back muscles while movingforearms outward until parallel.吸氣并用背部的肌肉抬起上背部,同時移動前臂向外直到平行。4、To come out of the relaxation, inhale bringing your body andmind slowly back.結(jié)束放松,吸氣使你的身體和意識慢慢蘇醒。5、To come out of the relaxation, inhale bringing your body andmind slowly back.結(jié)束放松,吸氣使你的身體和意識慢慢蘇醒。6、Count to four as you slowly inhale.你慢慢吸氣時數(shù)到四。7、Be conscious of your stomach rising very gently as youinhale.并且意識到在你每次吸氣時,你的小腹會微微地鼓起。8、Anyway, always INHALE when lowering theweight to your chest,and exhale to press itback up.無論如何,經(jīng)常吸入時的重量降低到您的胸部,呼氣按下它備份。9、Draw energy up through you, with the inhale, and hold it inplace on theexhale.用吸氣來提升你體能的能量,呼氣時將能量保持在原位。10、Extend each inhale and exhale, inhale deep into your belly,and allow yourself to relax.延長每一次吸氣和呼氣,允許自己放松下來。11、Now, as you both inhale and exhale through your nose, directthe breath again slowly across the back of your throat.現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)你吸氣和呼氣的時候都用鼻子,引導(dǎo)你的氣息再一次的慢慢的通過你喉嚨的后部。12、Inhale and slowly extend the right leg, then the left,pushing through the heels.吸氣,慢慢的伸展右腿,然后左腿,讓腿通過腳跟向外推。13、Inhale deep and hold the breath.深吸氣然后屏息。英語900句(于伽編著)Exhale1、Inhale! Exhale!吸氣!呼氣!2、Hold your breath for a moment and exhale屏住呼吸片刻,然后呼氣。3、We bring our awareness to each inhale andexhale.我們把意識帶入每一次吸氣和呼氣。4、You will then want to close your eyes, breathe in through yournoses and exhalethrough your mouth.然后,您將要關(guān)閉你的眼睛,呼吸,在通過您的鼻子呼出通過你的口。5、As you exhale, feel the tension leaving yourbody as you becomemore and morerelaxed.當(dāng)你呼氣的時候,感覺緊張感在離開你的身體,你變得越來越放松。6、After that you can exhale completely and return to yourregular breathing habits.之后你可以完全的呼吸,恢復(fù)你正常的呼吸習(xí)慣了。7、You greatly calm your mind and actionsalong with releasingstress and tension witheach long slow exhale.每一個緩慢的呼氣都有助于你釋放壓力與緊張,這樣你才能緩和你的思想和行動。8、Exhale and initiate movement withhamstring and lift left legupward.呼氣,從腘繩肌開始動作,并且向上抬起左腿。9、Exhale through both nostrils, contracting themiddle and lowerabdomen portions.通過雙鼻孔呼氣,收縮中、下腹部。10、Exhale and lift your feet away from thefloor.通過雙鼻孔呼氣,收縮中、下腹部。11、Exhale and lift your feet away from thefloor.呼氣,從地板提起你的腳。12、Extend each inhale and exhale, inhale deepinto your belly,and allow yourself to relax.延長每一次吸氣和呼氣,允許自己放松下來。呼氣,從地板提起你的腳。13、Inhale through your nose, then exhale slowlythrough awide-open mouth.通過鼻子吸氣,然后用張大的嘴慢慢呼氣。14、Inhale while crossing body and exhale when moving legdownward.交叉身體時吸氣,腿下放時呼氣。15、Exhale and lean to right keeping hips and buttocks flat onfloor.呼氣向右傾斜,保持髖部和臀平貼于地面。16、Draw energy up through you, with the inhale, and hold it inplace on the exhale.用吸氣來提升你體能的能量,呼氣時將能量保持在原位。17、Now, as you both inhale and exhale through your nose, directthe breath again slowly across the back of your throat.現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)你吸氣和呼氣的時候都用鼻子,引導(dǎo)你的氣息再一次的慢慢的通過你喉嚨的后部。18、Inhale slowly, exhale slowly.慢慢吸氣,慢慢呼氣。19、Then contract your abdominal muscles onthe exhale.接下來呼氣時要收縮腹肌。瑜伽英語900句: sacrum1、Place a yoga block under your sacrum at whatever height iscomfortable for you.將一塊瑜伽磚放在骶骨下方,高度以你的感覺舒適度為準。2、Other students prefer the legs together, to release the sacrumor make the sensations more evenly along the spine;另一些學(xué)員更喜歡雙腿并攏來釋放骶骨或讓感覺沿著脊柱均勻分布;3、Even though you are drawing your thighs into the backs of yourlegs strongly, tuck your sacrum underneath.即使強烈地拉你的大腿進入你腿后側(cè),也要向下塞骶骨。4、Remember that sitting in and of itself unlocks the sacrumand the ilium.記住,坐式本身就會打開骶骨和髂骨之間的“鎖”。5、When it comes to twists, the only way to prevent furtherinjury and discomfort is to meticulously move the pelvis andsacrumtogether.做扭轉(zhuǎn)體式時,避免不適和進一步傷害的唯一方法,就是將你的骶骨和骨盆看做一個整體,小心的同向移動。6、In standing poses be careful of any asymmetrical position thatcould cause the pelvis and sacrum to move in differentdirections.站立式中,要小心所有可能引起骨盆和骶骨的異向運動的不對稱的體式。7、Both Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana unlock thesacroiliac joint and potentially strain the transverse ligaments ofthe sacrum, particularly if you bend forward.束角式和坐角式,同樣會打開骶髂關(guān)節(jié)之“鎖”,前屈時也向骶骨周圍的橫向韌帶增加了潛在壓力。8、Its important to feel comfortable so use blankets or cushionsunder your head, back or sacrum.由于舒適放松是第一位的,所以在你的頭部,背部和骶骨處要墊放毯子或者墊子。9、As you begin to bend forward, the spine moves while the pelvisand sacrum tend to remain behind, especially on the side with theknee drawn back.當(dāng)你上體前屈時,脊椎向前移動,但骨盆和骶骨卻要保持在原處,特別是屈膝的一側(cè)。10、Since the muscles in the abdomen and lower back play animportant role in preventing collapse, move the navel toward thespine and lift the sacrum away from the lumbar spine.此過程中,腹部和下背部肌肉的作用非常重要,所以你需要將肚臍內(nèi)收,同時把骶骨向上提。11、Then lengthen your tailbone and sacrumas your thighbonesdescend toward your hamstrings.然后,拉伸你的尾骨和骶骨,大腿骨沉向腿筋。12、If you are in Trikonasana to the left the action you want isto take the left side of your sacrum forward (the lower side) asyou take your inner right groin back.假如你是在三角式的左側(cè),你要做的動作是把骶骨的左側(cè)向前(下部),就像你把內(nèi)側(cè)的腹股溝拉回。13、Firm the sacrum and shoulder blades against the back andlengthen the front torso through the top of the sternum.穩(wěn)固骶骨和肩胛骨向后并通過胸骨的頂端來拉長軀干前側(cè)。瑜伽英語900句:comfortably1、Take a comfortably wide stance and flexyour knees a little雙腿適度分開站立,雙膝稍稍彎曲。2、Are you sitting comfortably? then Ill begin.坐好了嗎?那我要開始了。3、So I feel breathe more comfortably.所以我感覺呼吸舒服多了。4、But I knew my heart was calming down and I breathed morecomfortably.但是我知道我的心漸漸地安定了,呼吸也暢快了許多。5、Sit or lie down comfortably with yourback straight and closeyour eyes.找一個舒適的地方躺下或坐下,背部平直,閉上你的眼睛。6、Bring your heels as close to your pelvis as you comfortablycan. 把你的腳跟盡可能舒適地拉近骨盆。瑜伽英語900句:backhand1、Can combine with full Swan, which adds a backbend as well;可以與完全的天鵝式混合,這也需增加后彎;2、A good backbend practice will leave your body and mind feelinggrounded, clear, and content.一個好的后彎練習(xí),可以給身體和意識帶來穩(wěn)固、清晰和滿足的感受。3、The picture to the right is her backbend after one year.右邊的圖是她練習(xí)后彎一年后的效果。4、Again backbend into alignment as you inhale, and twist deeperas you exhale.重復(fù)吸氣展開,呼氣扭轉(zhuǎn)的動作。5、This asana creates a slight backbend in your upper torso.這個體式會引起上側(cè)軀干輕微的背屈。6、Hug the thigh to your belly, then lean back against yourshoulder blades into an upper-back backbend.緊抱大腿貼近腹部,然后向后傾斜后彎,肩胛骨進入上背部。瑜伽英語900句:Meditation1、Meditation and concentration is notforcefully practice, thisis a just a flow ofour of pure consciousness.冥想和專注不是強迫性的練習(xí),只是一種很自然的純凈的意識流。2、A study of yoga leads naturally tomeditation.學(xué)習(xí)瑜伽自然會發(fā)展到進行冥想。3、Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure冥想有助于降低血壓或使血壓恢復(fù)正常。4、Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick tothat meditation for, at the very least, afortnight.選擇了一種冥想方法后,至少要堅持練習(xí)兩周時間,這一點非常重要。5、This is a part of meditation and yoga.這是冥想和傳統(tǒng)瑜珈的一部分。6、Meditation is not only relaxing the body, but also trainingthe brain.冥想不僅放松了身體,同時也鍛煉了大腦。7、Through meditation we can touch and feel who we are.通過冥想我們可以感覺和觸碰我們是誰。8、This can be accomplished through meditation in brightsunlight, or while walking in the fresh air.這可以通過在燦爛的陽光中冥思苦想和在新鮮的空氣中散步來實現(xiàn)。9、In the beginning I was doing round breathing, meditation alot.開始時,我做了許多輕快呼吸和冥想。10、But they have to be doing the meditation and breathingprogram.他們不需要相信其他的什么,但是得做冥想和呼吸程序。11、I find peace and self-control through meditation.我可以通過沉思的方法來獲得平靜的心境和自制。12、Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquilmind.冥想產(chǎn)生一種深沉放松和一個寧靜的心靈。13、By practicing this meditation one can achieve success inlife.練習(xí)實踐這種冥想,一個人能在一生中獲得成功。瑜伽英語900句-buttock2016年8月28日 23:56閱讀 36新浪博客1、Shift over onto your right buttock, bendyour knees, and swingyour legs to theleft.移動你的右臀部,伸展膝關(guān)節(jié),擺動你的腳向左。2、The remedy is to make the buttock andthigh work correctly thenthe knee canfunction properly and the discomfortdisappear.糾正的辦法時讓臀部和大腿正確工作,然后膝蓋就能正常發(fā)揮作用,不舒適感便消失。3、At the front of the pelvis is the psoasand at the back, theglutei or buttockmuscles.位于骨盆前側(cè)的是腰肌,在后側(cè)的是臀肌。4、But in reality the knee is causing painbecause it is forcedinto an unnaturalposition by the thigh and buttockworkinglazily.但是實際上,是因為大腿和臀部的動作沒有做到位,使得膝蓋被迫放在一個不自然的位置而引起疼痛。5、Then exhale and twist your torso to theright, keeping the leftbuttock on or veryclose to the floor.呼氣扭轉(zhuǎn)你的軀干向右,保持左臀在地板上或者很離面很近。6、The back-leg buttock muscles extendand externally rotate thehip.后腿臀部肌肉伸展并扭轉(zhuǎn)臀部表層。7、Bharadvajasana is a seated twist that isasymm


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