



有關親屬的英語詞匯一覽兒子Son 父親/爸爸Father 高祖父Great great grandfather 高祖母Great great grandmother 公公Husbands father 姑夫Fathers sisters husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle 姑母Fathers sister; Paternal aunt 姑爺Fathers fathers sisters husband; Paternal grandaunts husband 繼父Step father 繼母Step mother 襟兄弟Husband of wifes sister 舅父/舅舅Mothers brother; Maternal uncle 舅母/妗子Mothers brothers wife; Maternal uncles wife 妹夫Younger sisters husband 母親/媽媽Mother 內(nèi)弟/小舅子Wifes younger brother 內(nèi)兄/大舅子Wifes older brother 女兒Daughter 女婿Daughters husband; Son-in-law 婆婆Husbands mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆Wife 嫂/嫂子Older brothers wife; sister-in-law 嬸母/嬸子Fathers younger brothers wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔Fathers younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母Wifes aunt 叔丈人Wifes uncle 孫女Sons daughter; Granddaughter 孫女婿Sons daughters husband; Granddaughters husband 孫媳夫Sons sons wife; Grandsons wife 孫子Sons son; Grandson 堂兄弟Fathers brothers sons; Paternal male cousin 堂姊妹Fathers brothers daughters; Paternal female cousin 同胞兄妹Sibling 外甥Sisters son 外甥Wifes siblings son 外甥女Sisters daughter 外甥女Wifes siblings daughter 外甥女婿Sisters daughters husband 外甥媳婦Sisters sons wife 外孫Daughters son; grandson 外孫女Daughters daughter; granddaughter 外祖父/外公/老爺Mothers father; Maternal grandfather 外祖母/外婆/姥姥Mothers mother; Maternal grandmother 媳婦Sons wife; Daughter-in-law 小姑Husbands younger sister; sister-in-law 小叔Husbands younger brother; brother-in-law 玄孫Great great grandson 養(yǎng)父Foster, adopted father 養(yǎng)母Foster, adopted mother 姨夫Mothers sisters husband; Husband of mothers sister 姨姐/大姨Wifes elder sister; sister-in-law 姨妹/小姨Wifes younger sister; sister-in-law 姨母/姨媽Mothers sister 姨甥男女Wifes sisters children 幼弟/弟弟Younger Brother 幼妹/妹妹Younger Sister 岳父Wifes father, Father-in-law 岳母Wifes mother, Mother-in-law 曾孫Great grandson 曾祖父/老爺爺Fathers fathers father; Great grandfathera 曾祖母/老奶奶Fathers fathers mother; Great grandmother 丈夫/老公Husband 侄女Brothers daughter; niece 侄女婿Brothers daughters husband; nieces husband 侄孫Grandnephew 侄孫女Grand niece 侄媳婦Brothers sons wife; nephews wife 侄子Brothers son; nephew 祖父/爺爺Fathers father; Paternal grandfather 祖姑母/姑奶奶Fathers fathers sister; 祖母/奶奶Fathers mother; Paternal grandmother 姊夫/姐夫Older sisters husband 妯娌Brothers wife; sister-in-law表姑Second cousin 表叔Second cousin 表兄弟Fathers sisters sons; male cousin 表兄弟Maternal male cousin 表侄Second cousin 表姊妹Fathers sisters daughters; female cousin 表姊妹Maternal female cousin 伯父/大爺Fathers older brother; Elder uncle 伯母/大娘Fathers older brothers wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父Fathers fathers brother; Great uncle 伯叔祖母Fathers fathers brothers wife; Great aunt 長兄/哥哥Older Brother 長姊/姐姐Ol


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