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學習資料收集于網(wǎng)絡,僅供參考結構控制structural control structure control 結構控制: structural control 結構控制: structural control 結構控制劑: constitution controller裂縫寬度容許值裂縫寬度容許值: allowable value of crack width裝配式預制裝配式預制: precast 裝配式預制的: precast-segmental 裝配式預制混凝土環(huán): precast concrete segmental ring安裝預應力安裝預應力: prestressed最優(yōu)化optimization 最優(yōu)化: Optimum Theory|optimization|ALARA 使最優(yōu)化: optimized 次最優(yōu)化: suboptimization空心板梁空心板梁: hollow slab beam主梁截面主梁截面: girder section邊、中跨徑邊、中跨徑: side span &middle spin主梁girder 主梁: girder|main beam|king post 橋主梁: bridge girder 主梁翼: main spar單墩單墩: single pier 單墩尾水管: single-pier draught tube 單墩肘形尾水管: one-pier elbow draught tube結構優(yōu)化設計結構優(yōu)化設計: optimal structure designing 擴 結構優(yōu)化設計: Optimal Struc ture Designing 液壓機結構優(yōu)化設計軟件包: HYSOP連續(xù)多跨多跨連續(xù)梁: continuous beam on many supports拼接板splice bar splice plate 拼接板: splice bar|scab|splice plate 端頭拼接板: end matched lumber 銷釘拼接板: pin splice裂縫crack crevice跨越to step across step over 跨越: stride leap|across|spanning 跨越桿: cross-over pole|crossingpole 跨越點: crossing point|crossover point剛構橋rigid frame bridge 剛構橋: rigid frame bridge 形剛構橋: T-shaped rigid frame bridge 連續(xù)剛構橋: continuous rigid frame bridge剛度比stiffness ratio ratio of rigidity 剛度比: ratio of rigidity|stiffness ratio 動剛度比: dynamic stiffenss ratio 剛度比 勁度比: stiffnessratio等截面粱uniform beam 等截面粱: uniform beam|uniform cross-section beam橋梁工程bridge construction bridgework 橋梁工程: bridgeworks|LUSAS FEA|Bridge Engineering 橋梁工程師: Bridge SE 鐵路橋梁工程: railway bridge engineering懸索橋suspension bridge 懸索橋: suspension bridge|su e io ridge 懸索橋: Suspension bridge|Puente colgante 加勁懸索橋: stiffenedsuspensionbridge預應力混凝土prestressed concrete 預應力混凝土: prestressed concrete|prestre edconcrete 預應力混凝土梁: prestressed concrete beam 預應力混凝土管: prestressed concrete pipe預應力鋼筋束預應力鋼筋束: pre-stressing tendon|pre-stre ingtendon 拋物線型鋼絲束(預應力配鋼筋結構用): parabolic cable最小配筋率minimum steel ratio軸向拉力axial tension axial tensile force 軸向拉力: axial tension|axial te ion 軸向拉力, 軸向拉伸: axial tension 軸向拉力 軸向張力: axialtensileforce承臺cushion cap 承臺: bearing platform|cushioncap|pile caps 樁承臺: pile cap|platformonpiles 低樁承臺: low pile cap拱橋arch bridge 拱橋: hump bridge|arch bridge|arched bridge 拱橋: Arch bridge|Puente en arco|Pont en arc 鳩拱橋: Khj強度intensity strength 強度: intensity|Strength|Density 剛強度: stiffness|stiffne|westbank stiffness 光強度: light intensity|intensity箍筋hooping 箍筋: stirrup|reinforcement stirrup|hooping 箍筋柱: tied column|hooped column 形箍筋: u stirrup u預應力元件預應力元件: prestressed element等效荷載equivalent load 等效荷載: equivalent load 等效荷載原理: principle of equivalent loads 等效負載 等效荷載 等值負載: equivalentload模型matrix model mould pattern承載能力極限狀態(tài)承載能力極限狀態(tài): ultimate limit states正常使用極限狀態(tài)serviceability limit state 正常使用極限狀態(tài): serviceability limit state 正常使用極限狀態(tài)驗證: verification of serviceability limit states彈性elasticity springiness spring give flexibility 彈性: elasticity|Flexibility|stretch 彈性: Elastic|Elasticidad|弾性 彈性體: elastomer|elastic body|SPUA平截面假定plane cross-section assumption 平截面假定: plane cross-section assumption抗拉強度intensity of tension tensile strength安全系數(shù)safety factor標準值standard value 標準值: standard value,|reference value 作用標準值: characteristic value of an action 重力標準值: gravity standard設計值value of calculation design value 設計值: design value|value|designed value 作用設計值: design value of an action 荷載設計值: design value of a load可靠度confidence level reliability fiduciary level 可靠度: Reliability|degree of reliability 不可靠度: Unreliability 高可靠度: High Reliability幾何特征geometrical characteristic 幾何特征: geometrical characteristic 配位幾何特征: coordinated geometric feature 流域幾何特征: basin geometric characteristics塑性plastic nature plasticity應力圖stress diagram 應力圖: stress diagram|stress pattern 谷式應力圖: Cremonas method 機身應力圖: fuselage stress diagram壓應力crushing stress 壓應力: compressive stress|compression stress 抗壓應力: compressive stress|pressure load 內(nèi)壓應力: internal pressure stress配筋率ratio of reinforcement reinforcement ratio reinforcement percentage 配筋率: reinforcement ratio 平均配筋率: balanced steel ratio 縱向配筋率: longitudinal steel ratio有限元分析finite element analysis 有限元分析: FEA|finite element analysis (FEA)|ABAQUS 反有限元分析: inverse finite element analysis 有限元分析軟件: HKS ABAQUS|MSC/NASTRAN MSC/NASTRAN有限元法finite element method 有限元法: FInite Element|finite element method 積有限元法: CVFEM 線性有限元法: Linear Finite Element Method裂縫控制裂縫控制: crack control 控制裂縫鋼筋: crack-control reinforcement 檢查,核對,抑制,控制,試驗,裂縫,支票,賬單,牌號,名牌: check應力集中stress concentration 應力集中: stress concentration 應力集中點: hard spot|focal point of stress 應力集中器: stress concentrators主拉應力principal tensile stress 主拉應力: principal tensile stress非線性nonlinearity非線性振動nonlinear oscillations nonlinear vibration 非線性振動: nonlinear vibration 非線性振動理論: theory of non linear vibration 非線性隨機振動: Nonlinear random vibration彎矩flexural moment ment of flexion (moment of flexure) bending moment flexural torque 彎矩: bending moment|flexural moment|kN-m 彎矩圖: bending moment diagram|moment curve 雙彎矩: bimoment彎矩中心center of moments moment center 彎矩中心: center of moments|momentcenter彎矩分配法moment distribution momentdistribution 彎矩分配法: hardy cross method|cross method彎矩圖bending moment diagram moment curve moment diagram 彎矩圖: bending moment diagram|moment curve 最終彎矩圖: final bending moment diagram 最大彎矩圖: maximum bending moment diagram剪力shearing force 剪力: shearing force|shear force|shear 剪力墻: shear wall|shearing wall|shear panel 剪力釘: shear nails|SHEAR CONCRETE STUD彈性模量elasticity modulus youngs modulus elastic modulus modulus of elasticity elastic ratio剪力圖shear diagram 剪力圖: shear diagram|shearing force diagram 剪力和彎矩圖: Shear and Moment Diagrams 繪制剪力和彎矩圖的圖解法: Graphical Method for Constructing Shear and Moment Diagrams剪力墻shear wall 剪力墻: shear wall|shearing wall|shear panel 抗剪力墻: shearwall 剪力墻結構: shear wall structure軸力軸力: shaft force|axial force 螺栓軸力測試儀: Bolt shaft force tester 軸向力: axial force|normal force|beam框架結構frame construction等參單元等參數(shù)單元 等參元: isoparametricelement板單元板單元: plate unit 托板單元: pallet unit 骨板骨單元: lamella/lamellaeosteon梁(surname) beam of roof bridge橋梁bridge曲率curvature材料力學mechanics of materials結構力學structural mechanics 結構力學: Structural Mechanics|theory of structures 重結構力學: barodynamics 船舶結構力學: Structual Mechamics for Ships彎曲剛度flexural rigidity bending rigidity 彎曲剛度: bending stiffness|flexural rigidity 截面彎曲剛度: flexural rigidity of section 彎曲剛度,抗彎勁度: bending stiffness鋼管混凝土結構encased structures 鋼管混凝土結構: encased structures極限荷載ultimate load 極限荷載: ultimate load 極限荷載設計: limit load design|ultimate load design 設計極限荷載: designlimitloadDLL|design ultimate load極限荷載設計limit load design ultimate load analysis ultimate load design 極限荷載設計: limit load design|ultimate load design 設計極限荷載: designlimitloadDLL|design ultimate load板殼力學mechanics of board shell 板殼力學: Plate Mechanics 板殼非線性力學: Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell本構模型本構模型: constitutive model 體積本構模型: bulk constitutive equation 本構模型屈服面: yield surface主鋼筋main reinforcing steel main reinforcement 主鋼筋: main reinforcement|Main Reinforcing Steel 鋼筋混凝土的主鋼筋: mainbar懸臂梁socle beam 懸臂梁: cantilever beam|cantilever|outrigger 懸臂梁長: length of cantilever 雙懸臂梁: TDCB懸鏈線catenary 懸鏈線: Catenary,|catenary wire|chainette 偽懸鏈線: pseudocatenary 懸鏈線長: catenary length加勁肋ribbed stiffener 加勁肋: stiffening rib|stiffener|ribbed stiffener 短加勁肋: short stiffener 支承加勁肋: bearing stiffener技術標準technology standard水文水文: Hydrology 水文學: hydrology|hydroaraphy| 水文圖: hydrograph|hydrological maps招標invite public bidding投標(v) submit a bid bid for連續(xù)梁through beam 連續(xù)梁: continuous beam|through beam 多跨連續(xù)梁: continuous beam on many supports 懸臂連續(xù)梁: gerber beam加勁梁stiff girder 加勁梁: stiffening girder|buttress brace 加勁梁節(jié)點: stiff girder connection 支撐剛性梁,加勁梁,橫撐: buttress brace水文學hydrology 水文學: hydrology|hydroaraphy| 水文學: Hydrologie|水文學|? ? 古水文學: paleohydrology橋梁抗震橋梁抗震加固: bridge aseismatic strengthening抗風wind resistance 抗風: Withstand Wind|Wtstan Wn|wind resistance 抗風錨: weather anchor 抗風性: wind resistance基礎的basal橋梁控制測量bridge construction control survey 橋梁控制測量: bridge construction control survey橋梁施工橋梁施工控制綜合程序系統(tǒng): FWD 橋梁最佳施工指南: Bridge Best Practice Guidelines 橋梁工程施工技術咨詢: Bridge Construction Engineering Service總體設計overall design integrated design 總體設計: Global|overall design|general arrangement 總體設計概念: totaldesignconcept 工廠總體設計圖: general layout scheme初步設計predesign preliminary plan技術設計technical design 技術設計: technical design|technical project 技術設計員: Technical Designer|technician 技術設計圖: technical drawing施工圖設計construction documents design 施工圖設計: construction documents design 施工圖設計階段: construction documents design phase 基本建設項目施工圖設計: design of working drawing of a capital construction project橋臺abutment bridge abutment基礎foundation base basis結構形式structural style 結構形式: Type of construction|form of structure 表結構形式: list structure form 屋頂結構形式: roof form地震earthquake地震活動earthquake activity seismic activity seismic motion seismicity 地震活動: Seismic activity|seismic motion 地震活動性: seismicity|seismic 地震活動圖: seismicity map支撐體系支撐體系: bracing system|support system 物流企業(yè)安全平臺支撐體系: SSOSP公路橋涵公路施工手冊-橋涵: Optimization of Road Traffic Organization-Abstract引道approach road ramp way approach 引道: approach|approach road 引道坡: approach ramp|a roachramp 引道版: Approach slab裝配式裝配式橋: fabricated bridge|precast bridge 裝配式房屋: Prefabricated buildings 裝配式鋼體: fabricated steel body耐久性wear 耐久性: durability|permanence|endurance 不耐久性: fugitiveness 耐久性試驗: endurance test|life test|durability test持久狀況持久狀況: persistent situation短暫狀況短暫狀況: transient situation偶然狀況偶然狀況: accidental situation永久作用永久作用: permanent action 永久作用標準值: characteristic value of permanent action可變作用可變作用: variable action 可變作用標準值: characteristic value of variable action 可變光闌作用: iris action偶然作用偶然作用: accidental action 偶然同化(作用): accidental assimilation 作用效應偶然組合: accidental combination for action effects作用代表值作用代表值: representative value of an action作用標準值作用標準值: characteristic value of an action 地震作用標準值: characteristic value of earthquake action 可變作用標準值: characteristic value of variable action作用頻遇值作用頻遇值 Frequent value of an action安全等級safe class 安全等級: safety class|Security Level|safeclass 生物安全等級: Biosafety Level 生物安全等級: Biosafety Level作用action activity actions acts effect to play a role設計基準期design reference period 設計基準期: design reference period作用準永久值作用準永久值: quasipermanentvalueofanaction作用效應作用效應: effects of actions|effect of an action 互作用效應: interaction effect 質(zhì)量作用效應: mass action effect作用效應設計值作用效應設計值 Design value of an action effect分項系數(shù)分項系數(shù): partial safety factor|partial factor 作用分項系數(shù): partial safety factor for action 抗力分項系數(shù): partial safety factor for resistance作用效應組合作用效應組合: combination for action effects 作用效應基本組合: fundamental combination for action effects 作用效應偶然組合: accidental combination for action effects結構重要性系數(shù)結構重要性系數(shù)Coefficient for importance of a structure橋涵橋涵跟橋梁比較類似,主要區(qū)別在于:單孔跨徑小于5m或多孔跨徑之和小于8m的為橋涵,大于這個標準的為橋梁公路等級公路等級: highway classification 標準:公路等級代碼: Code for highway classification 標準:公路路面等級與面層類型代碼: Code for classification and type of highway pavement順流fair current設計洪水頻率設計洪水頻率: designed flood frequency水力water power water conservancy irrigation works 水力: hydraulic power|water power|water stress 水力學: Hydraulics|hydromechanics|fluid mechanics 水力的: hydraulic|hydrodynamic|hyd河槽river channel 河槽: stream channel|river channel|gutter 古河槽: old channel 河槽線: channel axis河岸riverside strand 河岸: bank|riverside|river bank 河岸林: riparian forest 河岸權: riparian right河岸侵蝕stream bank erosion 河岸侵蝕: bank erosion|stream bank erosion 河岸侵蝕 河岸侵食: bank erosion 河岸侵蝕, 堤岸沖刷: bank erosion高架橋橋墩高架橋橋墩: viaduct pier橋梁凈空高潮時橋梁凈空高度: bridge clearance行車道lane 行車道: carriageway|traffic lane|Through Lane 快行車道: fast lane 西行車道: westbound carriageway一級公路A road arterial road arterial highway 一級公路: A road arterial road arterial highway 一級公路網(wǎng): primaryhighwaysystem二級公路b road secondary road 二級公路: B road, secondary road涵洞culvert 涵洞: culvert 梁涵洞: Beam Culverts 木涵洞: timber culvert河床riverbed runway 河床: river bed|bed|stream bed 冰河床: glacier bed 型河床: oxbow|horseshoe bend|meander loop河灘flood plain river beach 河灘: river shoal|beach|river flat 河灘地: flood land|overflow land 河灘區(qū): riffle area高級公路high-type highway 高級公路: high-typehighway高架橋trestle viaduct 高架橋: viaduct|overhead viaduct 高架橋: Viadukt|Viaducto|高架橋 高架橋面: elevated deck洪水流量volume of flood flood discharge flooddischarge 洪水流量: flood discharge|flood flow|peak discharge 洪水流量預報: flooddischargeforecast 平均年洪水流量: average annual flood設計速度design speed 設計速度: design speed|designed speed|design rate 設計速度,構造速度: desin speed|desin speed haha 最大陣風強度的設計速度: VB Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intension跨度span緊急停車emergency shutdown (cut-off) emergency cut-off 緊急停車: abort|panic stop|emergency stop 緊急停車帶: lay-by|emergency parking strip 緊急停車閥: emergency stop valve減速gear down retardment speed-down deceleration slowdown車道traffic lane路緣帶side trip marginal strip margin verge 路緣帶: marginal strip|side strip|margin verge路肩shoulder of earth body 路肩: shoulder|verge|shoulder of road 硬路肩: hard shoulder|hardened verge 軟路肩: Soft Shoulder最小值minimum value 最小值: minimum|Min|least value 求最小值: minimization 找出最小值: min最大值max.最大值原理principle of the maximum maximum principle maximal principle 最大值原理: maximum principle,|maximal principle 離散最大值原理: discrete maximum principle 極大值原理,最大值原理: maximum principle車道寬度車道寬度: lane-width自行車道cycle-track 自行車道: bicycle path|cycle path|cycle track 旗津環(huán)島海景觀光自行車道: Cijin Oceanview Bike Path 自行車道 專供自行車行駛的車道。: bicycle path自行車通行自行車通行: cyclists only 禁止自行車通行: NO CYCLING橋下凈空underclearance 橋下凈空: clearance under bridge|clearce of span 橋下高度(橋洞距路面的高度),橋下凈空: underbridge clearance橋下部結構橋下部結構: bridge substructure欄桿railing banister人行道sidewalk無壓力無壓力: stress-free 無壓力式涵洞: inlet unsubmerged culvert 無壓力梯度流動: zero-pressuregradientflow凈高clear height漂浮物flotage floater 漂浮物: floatage|Flotsan|Floats 沉船漂浮物: wreckage|wreck 漂浮物浮標: floater管涵pipe culvert 管涵: pipe culvert 瓦管涵: tile culvert 波紋管涵: corrugatedculvert拱涵arch culvert 拱涵: arch culvert矩形rectangle通航connected by air, sea traffic or service 通航: connectedbyair|seatrafficorservice 通航閘: navigation lock 通航權: right of way無鉸拱arch without articulation fixed end arch 無鉸拱: arch without articulation|fixed end arch 即無鉸拱剛拱: rigidarch (即無鉸拱) 固端拱: fixed arch無鉸框架hingeless frame 無鉸框架: hingeless frame 無鉸的框架: no hinged frame安全帶seat belt天橋overpass overbridge crossover天橋面天橋面: flyover deck荷載load荷載強度load intensity 荷載強度: loading intensity|loading inte ity荷載系數(shù)loading coefficient load factor 荷載系數(shù): load factor|loading coefficient 荷載系數(shù)法: load-factor method 安全荷載系數(shù): safety load factor荷載支承結構荷載支承結構: load bearing structure多孔梁多孔箱形梁: multi-cell box girder縱坡longitudinal slope 縱坡: longitudinal gradient|longitudinal slope 縱坡線: grade line 橋面縱坡: longitudinal slope of the bridge surface橫坡crossfall cross slope cross fall 橫坡: cross slope|transverse slope 橋面橫坡: decktransverseslope 路拱橫坡: crown slopecross fall管道pipeline特大橋特大橋: grand bridge 拉斐特大橋: The Lafayette Bridge 高茨瑪特大橋: Geitssmatt Brcke橋頭堡bridgehead bridge tower斜交skew intersection坡度gradient grade排水drain外力(n) external force; foreign pressure內(nèi)力internal force邊坡side slope美觀pleasing to the eye beautiful artistic經(jīng)濟的economical oecumenical economic適用be applicable防水waterproof橋面deck瀝青asphalt(um) bituminous墩臺墩臺: abutment|abutment wall 墩臺石: coping stone 橋梁墩臺: piers and abutments剪切模量shear modulus rigidity modulus modulus in shear 剪切模量: shear modulus|rigidity modulus|GXY 動剪切模量: dynamic shear modulus of soils 橫向剪切模量: transverse shear modulus剪切強度shear(ing) strength 剪切強度: shear strength|shearing strength|Fe-Fe 動剪切強度: dynamic shear modulus of soils 扭轉剪切強度: torsional shear strength剪切破壞shear breakdown 剪切破壞: shear failure|shear fracture|shear damage 純剪切破壞: complete shear failure 局部剪切破壞: local shear failure導航navigation永久凍土perpetually frozen soil 永久凍土: permafrost|perennial frost 永久凍土: Permafrost|Permafrostboden|永久凍土 永久凍土臺: permafrost table預加力pre-applied force 預加力: pre-tension|pre-appliedforce土重力土的物理性質(zhì)重力密度: unit weight土側壓力土的側壓力: earth lateral pressure收縮shrink pull back contract徐變creep 徐變: creep 比徐變: specific creep 航線徐變: track crawling水浮力水的浮力: buoyancy of water摩擦系數(shù)friction coefficient 摩擦系數(shù): coefficient of friction|friction factor 底摩擦系數(shù): bottom-friction factor 管摩擦系數(shù): pipe friction coefficient汽車荷載載重汽車荷載: truck loading沖擊力wallop離心力centrifugal force centrifugal pull人群荷載人群荷載: pedestrian load汽車制動力brake force風荷載wind load wind loading 風荷載: wind load|wind loading 風荷載標準值: characteristi cvalue o fwindload 風荷載體型系數(shù): shapefactorofwindload流水壓力流水壓力: pressure of water flow 自流水靜壓力: artesian hydrostatic pressure冰壓力ice thrust ice pressure 冰壓力: ice pressure|icepre ure|ice thrust 向岸冰壓力: shor


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