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1 2012201220122012 學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期普陀區(qū)初三質(zhì)量調(diào)研學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期普陀區(qū)初三質(zhì)量調(diào)研 英英語語試試卷卷 滿分滿分 150150150150 分 考試時(shí)間分 考試時(shí)間 100100100100 分鐘分鐘 考生注意考生注意考生注意考生注意 本卷有本卷有本卷有本卷有 7 7 7 7 大題大題大題大題 共共共共 99999999 小題小題小題小題 試題均采用連續(xù)編號(hào)試題均采用連續(xù)編號(hào)試題均采用連續(xù)編號(hào)試題均采用連續(xù)編號(hào) 所有答案務(wù)必按照規(guī)定在答題紙所有答案務(wù)必按照規(guī)定在答題紙所有答案務(wù)必按照規(guī)定在答題紙所有答案務(wù)必按照規(guī)定在答題紙 上完成 做在試卷上不給分 上完成 做在試卷上不給分 上完成 做在試卷上不給分 上完成 做在試卷上不給分 PartPartPartPart 1 1 1 1ListeningListeningListeningListening 第一部分第一部分 聽力聽力 I I I I ListeningListeningListeningListening ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehension 聽力理解聽力理解 共共 30303030 分分 A A A A ListenListenListenListen andandandand choosechoosechoosechoose thethethethe rightrightrightright picturepicturepicturepicture 根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容 選出相應(yīng)的圖片根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容 選出相應(yīng)的圖片 共共 6 6 6 6 分分 A A A AB B B BC C C C D D D DE E E EF F F FG G G G 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 B B B B ListenListenListenListen totototo thethethethe dialoguedialoguedialoguedialogue andandandand choosechoosechoosechoose thethethethe bestbestbestbest answeransweransweranswer totototo thethethethe questionquestionquestionquestion youyouyouyou hearhearhearhear 根據(jù)你聽到的對(duì)話根據(jù)你聽到的對(duì)話 和問題 選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢负蛦栴} 選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?共共 10101010 分分 7 7 7 7 A A A A NoiseNoiseNoiseNoise pollution pollution pollution pollution B B B B AirAirAirAir pollution pollution pollution pollution C C C C WaterWaterWaterWater pollution pollution pollution pollution D D D D LightLightLightLight pollution pollution pollution pollution 8 8 8 8 A A A A AtAtAtAt thethethethe bank bank bank bank B B B B AtAtAtAt thethethethe restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant C C C C AtAtAtAt thethethethe cinema cinema cinema cinema D D D D AtAtAtAt home home home home 9 9 9 9 A A A A TheTheTheThe greygreygreygrey one one one one B B B B TheTheTheThe lightlightlightlight blueblueblueblue one one one one C C C C TheTheTheThe darkdarkdarkdark blueblueblueblue one one one one D D D D TheTheTheThe darkdarkdarkdark greengreengreengreen one one one one 10 10 10 10 A A A A A A A A doctor doctor doctor doctor B B B B A A A A teacher teacher teacher teacher C C C C AnAnAnAn officer officer officer officer D D D D AnAnAnAn engineer engineer engineer engineer 2 11 11 11 11 A A A A TheTheTheThe womanwomanwomanwoman s s s s hobby hobby hobby hobby B B B B TheTheTheThe manmanmanman s s s s hobby hobby hobby hobby C C C C TheTheTheThe womanwomanwomanwoman s s s s job job job job D D D D TheTheTheThe manmanmanman s s s s job job job job 12 12 12 12 A A A A TheTheTheThe womanwomanwomanwoman is is is is onononon a a a a diet diet diet diet B B B B TheTheTheThe manmanmanman is is is is puttingputtingputtingputting onononon weight weight weight weight C C C C TheTheTheThe womanwomanwomanwoman exercisesexercisesexercisesexercises regularly regularly regularly regularly D D D D TheTheTheThe manmanmanman exercisesexercisesexercisesexercises regularly regularly regularly regularly 13 13 13 13 A A A A AtAtAtAt 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 B B B B AtAtAtAt 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 C C C C AtAtAtAt 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 D D D D AtAtAtAt 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 14 14 14 14 A A A A Nice Nice Nice Nice B B B B Busy Busy Busy Busy C C C C Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing D D D D Quiet Quiet Quiet Quiet 15 15 15 15 A A A A Maths Maths Maths Maths B B B B Physics Physics Physics Physics C C C C English English English English D D D D Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese 16 16 16 16 A A A A ToToToTo a a a a postpostpostpost office office office office B B B B ToToToTo herherherher friendfriendfriendfriend s s s s home home home home C C C C ToToToTo a a a a supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket D D D D ToToToTo anananan officeofficeofficeoffice building building building building C C C C ListenListenListenListen totototo thethethethe passagepassagepassagepassage andandandand telltelltelltell whetherwhetherwhetherwhether thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing statementsstatementsstatementsstatements areareareare truetruetruetrue orororor falsefalsefalsefalse 判斷下列句子判斷下列句子 是否符合你聽到的短文內(nèi)容 符合的用是否符合你聽到的短文內(nèi)容 符合的用 T T T T 表示 不符合的用表示 不符合的用 F F F F 表示表示 共共 7 7 7 7 分分 17 17 17 17 Mr Mr Mr Mr andandandand Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller hadhadhadhad threethreethreethree sonssonssonssons andandandand twotwotwotwo daughters daughters daughters daughters 18 18 18 18 Mr Mr Mr Mr andandandand Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller s s s s sonssonssonssons workedworkedworkedworked inininin thethethethe postpostpostpost office office office office 19 19 19 19 Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller learntlearntlearntlearnt thethethethe newsnewsnewsnews ofofofof herherherher sonsonsonson s s s s deathdeathdeathdeath onononon thethethethe phone phone phone phone 20 20 20 20 Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller stayedstayedstayedstayed inininin hospitalhospitalhospitalhospital forforforfor twotwotwotwo weeksweeksweeksweeks afterafterafterafter herherherher sonsonsonson s s s s death death death death 21 21 21 21 Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller s s s s elderelderelderelder daughterdaughterdaughterdaughter dieddieddieddied whenwhenwhenwhen sheshesheshe waswaswaswas havinghavinghavinghaving anananan operation operation operation operation 22 22 22 22 AfterAfterAfterAfter herherherher daughterdaughterdaughterdaughter s s s s death death death death Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller didndidndidndidn t t t t daredaredaredare totototo makemakemakemake phonephonephonephone calls calls calls calls 23 23 23 23 WithWithWithWith thethethethe doctordoctordoctordoctor s s s s help help help help Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs KellerKellerKellerKeller s s s s problemproblemproblemproblem waswaswaswas solvedsolvedsolvedsolved inininin thethethethe end end end end D D D D ListenListenListenListen totototo thethethethe dialoguedialoguedialoguedialogue andandandand completecompletecompletecomplete thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing sentencessentencessentencessentences 聽對(duì)話 完成下列內(nèi)容 聽對(duì)話 完成下列內(nèi)容 每空格每空格 限填一詞 限填一詞 共 共 7 7 7 7 分 分 24 24 24 24 JohnJohnJohnJohn andandandand HelenHelenHelenHelen willwillwillwill movemovemovemove intointointointo thethethethe newnewnewnew househousehousehouse inininin 25 25 25 25 HelenHelenHelenHelen is is is istotototo buybuybuybuy somesomesomesome appliancesappliancesappliancesappliances forforforfor thethethethe newnewnewnew house house house house 26 26 26 26 TheTheTheThe appliancesappliancesappliancesappliances storestorestorestore inininin thisthisthisthis areaareaareaarea is is is is holdingholdingholdingholding a a a a 27 27 27 27 TheTheTheThe pricespricespricesprices inininin thatthatthatthat storestorestorestore willwillwillwill bebebebe reducedreducedreducedreduced bybybyby 28 28 28 28 JohnJohnJohnJohn sayssayssayssays theytheytheythey dondondondon t t t t havehavehavehave muchmuchmuchmuch moneymoneymoneymoney leftleftleftleft thisthisthisthis 29 29 29 29 HeHeHeHe suggestssuggestssuggestssuggests buyingbuyingbuyingbuying somethingsomethingsomethingsomething thatthatthatthat doesndoesndoesndoesn t t t ttootootootoo much much much much 30 30 30 30 JohnJohnJohnJohn doesndoesndoesndoesn t t t t thinkthinkthinkthink thatthatthatthat theytheytheythey needneedneedneed totototoatatatat all all all all PartPartPartPart 2 2 2 2VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyVocabulary andandandand GrammarGrammarGrammarGrammar 第二部分第二部分 詞匯和語法詞匯和語法 II II II II ChooseChooseChooseChoose thethethethe bestbestbestbest answeransweransweranswer 選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢高x擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?共共 20202020 分分 31 31 31 31 ManyManyManyMany peoplepeoplepeoplepeople werewerewerewere latelatelatelateworkworkworkwork thisthisthisthis morningmorningmorningmorning becausebecausebecausebecause ofofofof thethethethe heavyheavyheavyheavy fogfogfogfog A A A A withwithwithwithB B B B bybybybyC C C C forforforforD D D D aboutaboutaboutabout 32 32 32 32 MyMyMyMy cousincousincousincousin is is is is notnotnotnot oldoldoldold enoughenoughenoughenough totototo looklooklooklook afterafterafterafterwhenwhenwhenwhen hishishishis parentsparentsparentsparents areareareare away away away away A A A A heheheheB B B B hishishishisC C C C himhimhimhimD D D D himselfhimselfhimselfhimself 33 33 33 33 PeoplePeoplePeoplePeople sendsendsendsend texttexttexttext messagesmessagesmessagesmessages totototo greetgreetgreetgreet eacheacheacheach otherotherotherotherNewNewNewNew YearYearYearYear s s s s Eve Eve Eve Eve A A A A ininininB B B B ononononC C C C atatatatD D D D ofofofof 34343434 WhenWhenWhenWhen PaulPaulPaulPaul sawsawsawsaw thethethethe button button button button hehehehe knewknewknewknew hehehehe hadhadhadhad foundfoundfoundfoundusefulusefulusefuluseful forforforfor thethethethe case case case case A A A A everythingeverythingeverythingeverythingB B B B somethingsomethingsomethingsomethingC C C C anythinganythinganythinganythingD D D D nothingnothingnothingnothing 3 35 35 35 35 YouYouYouYou dondondondon t t t t needneedneedneed totototo buybuybuybuy butterbutterbutterbutter today today today today WeWeWeWe stillstillstillstill havehavehavehaveleft left left left A A A A a a a a littlelittlelittlelittleB B B B a a a a fewfewfewfewC C C C manymanymanymanyD D D D severalseveralseveralseveral 36 36 36 36 HeHeHeHe justjustjustjust keptkeptkeptkept silentsilentsilentsilenthehehehe knewknewknewknew clearlyclearlyclearlyclearly it it it it waswaswaswas hishishishis turnturnturnturn totototo speakspeakspeakspeak A A A A if if if ifB B B B becausebecausebecausebecauseC C C C afterafterafterafterD D D D thoughthoughthoughthough 37373737 StevenStevenStevenSteven plansplansplansplans totototo makemakemakemakemodelmodelmodelmodel thisthisthisthis termtermtermterm afterafterafterafter finishingfinishingfinishingfinishing thisthisthisthis one one one one A A A A thethethethe otherotherotherotherB B B B thethethethe othersothersothersothersC C C C anotheranotheranotheranotherD D D D othersothersothersothers 38 38 38 38 JessicaJessicaJessicaJessica raisedraisedraisedraised herherherher paintingpaintingpaintingpaintingenoughenoughenoughenough forforforfor thethethethe wholewholewholewhole classclassclassclass totototo see see see see A A A A highhighhighhighB B B B higherhigherhigherhigherC C C C highesthighesthighesthighestD D D D thethethethe highesthighesthighesthighest 39 39 39 39 YouYouYouYou d d d d betterbetterbetterbetter followfollowfollowfollow thethethethe doctordoctordoctordoctor s s s s advice advice advice advice youyouyouyou wonwonwonwon t t t t getgetgetget wellwellwellwell soon soon soon soon A A A A andandandandB B B B sosososoC C C C butbutbutbutD D D D orororor 40 40 40 40 MikeMikeMikeMike s s s s newnewnewnew cameracameracameracamera waswaswaswas lostlostlostlost duringduringduringduring hishishishis visitvisitvisitvisit inininin Tibet Tibet Tibet Tibet A A A A waswaswaswas it it it itB B B B waswaswaswas heheheheC C C C wasnwasnwasnwasn t t t t it it it itD D D D wasnwasnwasnwasn t t t t hehehehe 41 41 41 41 AllAllAllAll thethethethe mailsmailsmailsmails willwillwillwill bebebebecheckedcheckedcheckedchecked beforebeforebeforebefore theytheytheythey areareareare sent sent sent sent A A A A carecarecarecareB B B B carfulcarfulcarfulcarfulC C C C moremoremoremore carefulcarefulcarefulcarefulD D D D carefullycarefullycarefullycarefully 4 4 4 42 2 2 2 YouYouYouYoueithereithereithereither setsetsetset thethethethe alarmalarmalarmalarm clockclockclockclock orororor askaskaskask forforforfor a a a a morningmorningmorningmorning call call call call A A A A shouldshouldshouldshouldB B B B maymaymaymayC C C C oughtoughtoughtought totototoD D D D mustmustmustmust 4 4 4 43 3 3 3 I I I I thinkthinkthinkthink RobertRobertRobertRobert s s s s voicevoicevoicevoicesimilarsimilarsimilarsimilar totototo youryouryouryour uncleuncleuncleuncle s s s s onononon thethethethe phone phone phone phone A A A A hearshearshearshearsB B B B soundssoundssoundssoundsC C C C listenslistenslistenslistensD D D D listenslistenslistenslistens totototo 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 WaitWaitWaitWait a a a a minute minute minute minute letletletlet memememeyouyouyouyou howhowhowhow totototo useuseuseuse thisthisthisthis newnewnewnew dish washer dish washer dish washer dish washer A A A A showshowshowshowB B B B totototo showshowshowshowC C C C showingshowingshowingshowingD D D D willwillwillwill showshowshowshow 45 45 45 45 I I I I dondondondon t t t t likelikelikelike takingtakingtakingtaking a a a a busbusbusbus duringduringduringduring rushrushrushrush hours hours hours hours I I I I wouldwouldwouldwould ratherratherratherrathera a a a bike bike bike bike A A A A totototo riderideriderideB B B B ridingridingridingridingC C C C riderideriderideD D D D roderoderoderode 4 4 4 46 6 6 6 It It It It s s s s unnecessaryunnecessaryunnecessaryunnecessary forforforfor youyouyouyousosososo muchmuchmuchmuch luggageluggageluggageluggage forforforfor a a a a businessbusinessbusinessbusiness trip trip trip trip A A A A carryingcarryingcarryingcarryingB B B B carrycarrycarrycarryC C C C areareareare carryingcarryingcarryingcarryingD D D D totototo carrycarrycarrycarry 47 47 47 47 LastLastLastLast ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday JaneJaneJaneJane toldtoldtoldtold memememe sheshesheshea a a a pianopianopianopiano testtesttesttest thatthatthatthat weekend weekend weekend weekend A A A A takestakestakestakesB B B B tooktooktooktookC C C C wouldwouldwouldwould taketaketaketakeD D D D hadhadhadhad takentakentakentaken 48484848 AlbertAlbertAlbertAlbert hateshateshateshatesherehereherehere andandandand theretheretherethere totototo attendattendattendattend allallallall kindskindskindskinds ofofofof boringboringboringboring conferences conferences conferences conferences A A A A flyflyflyflyB B B B flyingflyingflyingflyingC C C C fliesfliesfliesfliesD D D D hashashashas flownflownflownflown 49 49 49 49 I I I I mmmm sosososo excited excited excited excited I I I I didndidndidndidn t t t t expectexpectexpectexpect mymymymy firstfirstfirstfirst interviewinterviewinterviewinterview couldcouldcouldcould bebebebe sosososo successful successful successful successful A A A A ThankThankThankThank youyouyouyou B B B B Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations C C C C WhatWhatWhatWhat a a a a pity pity pity pity D D D D GoodGoodGoodGood idea idea idea idea 50 50 50 50 DoDoDoDo youyouyouyou mindmindmindmind if if if if I I I I openopenopenopen thethethethe windowwindowwindowwindow a a a a bitbitbitbit wider wider wider wider A A A A Yes Yes Yes Yes please please please please B B B B SorrySorrySorrySorry totototo hearhearhearhear that that that that C C C C OfOfOfOf coursecoursecoursecourse not not not not D D D D Yes Yes Yes Yes youyouyouyou rererere right right right right II II II III I I I CompleteCompleteCompleteComplete thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing passagepassagepassagepassage withwithwithwith thethethethe wordswordswordswords orororor phrasesphrasesphrasesphrases inininin thethethethe box box box box E E E Eachachachach wordwordwordword orororor phrasephrasephrasephrase cancancancan onlyonlyonlyonly bebebebe usedusedusedused onceonceonceonce 將下列單詞或詞組填入空格 每空格限填一詞 每個(gè)單詞或詞組只能填 將下列單詞或詞組填入空格 每空格限填一詞 每個(gè)單詞或詞組只能填 一次一次 共 共 8 8 8 8 分 分 4 A A A A snackssnackssnackssnacksB B B B landedlandedlandedlandedC C C C checkcheckcheckcheck ininininD D D D actuallyactuallyactuallyactually E E E E closecloseclosecloseF F F F seriousseriousseriousseriousG G G G completelycompletelycompletelycompletelyH H H H nextnextnextnext totototoI I I I a a a a couplecouplecouplecouple ofofofof HiHiHiHi JanetJanetJanetJanet I I I I veveveve finallyfinallyfinallyfinally arrivedarrivedarrivedarrived herehereherehere inininin Paris Paris Paris Paris It It It It hashashashas beenbeenbeenbeen a a a a veryveryveryvery longlonglonglong journeyjourneyjourneyjourney I I I I nevernevernevernever knewknewknewknew thatthatthatthat travellingtravellingtravellingtravelling couldcouldcouldcould bebebebe sosososo tiring tiring tiring tiring I I I I gotgotgotgot a a a a taxitaxitaxitaxi totototo taketaketaketake memememe totototo thethethethe airportairportairportairport yesterdayyesterdayyesterdayyesterday morning morning morning morning I I I I hadhadhadhad totototo51515151twotwotwotwo hourshourshourshours beforebeforebeforebefore thethethethe timetimetimetime onononon mymymymy ticket ticket ticket ticket I I I I gavegavegavegave thethethethe airlineairlineairlineairline mymymymy luggage luggage luggage luggage andandandand gotgotgotgot mymymymy boardingboardingboardingboarding pass pass pass pass ThenThenThenThen I I I I hadhadhadhad totototo gogogogo throughthroughthroughthrough security security security security There There There There a a a a52525252womanwomanwomanwoman checkedcheckedcheckedchecked insideinsideinsideinside mymymymy otherotherotherother bags bags bags bags AfterAfterAfterAfter that that that that I I I I stillstillstillstill hadhadhadhad anananan hourhourhourhour left left left left sosososo I I I I lookedlookedlookedlooked aroundaroundaroundaround somesomesomesome shopsshopsshopsshops inininin thethethethe airport airport airport airport I I I I boughtboughtboughtbought myselfmyselfmyselfmyself a a a a magazinemagazinemagazinemagazine andandandand somesomesomesome 53535353forforforfor thethethethe trip trip trip trip I I I I hadhadhadhad nevernevernevernever beenbeenbeenbeen onononon a a a a planeplaneplaneplane before before before before sosososo onceonceonceonce I I I I satsatsatsat downdowndowndown I I I I listenedlistenedlistenedlistened carefullycarefullycarefullycarefully totototo allallallall thethethethe safetysafetysafetysafety instructions instructions instructions instructions ThenThenThenThen thethethethe planeplaneplaneplane tooktooktooktook off off off off I I I I waswaswaswas54545454totototo a a a a window window window window sosososo I I I I waswaswaswas ableableableable totototo watchwatchwatchwatch thethethethe groundgroundgroundground slowlyslowlyslowlyslowly disappear disappear disappear disappear TheTheTheThe journeyjourneyjourneyjourney tooktooktooktook tentententen ho


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