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1、關于父愛的感言80句 父親,在大多數(shù)人的印象中總是習慣性“沉默”的存在,都說父愛純粹而深邃,其實回頭細品父親的一言一行,才發(fā)現(xiàn)父親的愛都藏在了一點一滴的生活里。關于父愛的感言1、父愛如酒,不隨時間歲月的流失而減弱。父愛更如石,堅定的站在我身邊保護我,使我不在人生路上一再跌倒。love is like wine, with the loss of time and time is reduced. love is more like a stone, stand by my side to protect me, so that i would not fall again on the roa

2、d of life.2、做為一個人,對父母要尊敬,對子女要慈愛,對窮親戚要慷慨,對一切人要有禮貌。as a person, respect for parents, love for their children, to be generous to poor relatives, to all people to be polite.3、父愛是寬闊的海洋,即使在我一事無成的時刻,也會包容我,把我納入他溫暖的胸膛。the father is the wide ocean, even in the moment i will accomplish nothing, forgive me, put

3、 me into his warm chest.4、父親不需要用多好的語言來贊美他,像一頭任勞任怨的牛!my father does not need to use good language to praise him, like a hard working cattle!5、父愛這字眼是多么的平凡,但這種愛是多么的不平凡。the word love is how ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary.6、父愛是太陽,即使在烏云密布的日子里,我也能感受到他的光芒。love is the sun, even on cloudy

4、 days, i can feel his light.7、父親!對上帝,我們無法找到一個比這更神圣的稱呼了。father! to god, we cant find a more sacred call.8、在父母的眼中,孩子常是自我的一部分,子女是他理想自我再來一次的機會。in the eyes of the parents, the child is often part of the self, the child is his ideal self another chance.9、父親的名聲有時無助于兒子,卻反而會淹沒他:他們彼此站得太近,陰影扼殺了成長。his fathers f

5、ame sometimes does not help his son, but instead will drown him: they stand too close to each other, the shadow of the growth of the.10、事父母,幾諫,見志不從,又敬不違,勞而不怨。things parents, a few of them, do not see chi, and king is not illegal, work without complaining.11、父愛是一道光輝,讓你的心靈即使瀕臨與黑暗也能看見光明大道。love is a lig

6、ht, let your mind even on the verge of darkness and also can see the bright road.12、父愛如山,呵護生命的火;父愛如火,點燃希望的燈;父愛如燈,照亮前行的路;父愛如路,指導我的人生。father, care of the fire of life; love is like fire, lit the lamp of hope; love like a lamp, illuminate the road ahead; love is like a road, guide my life.13、父親是土地的兒子,更

7、是土地的詩人。讀懂土地一直是父親的責任,父親每天都在它的身上刻畫著美麗的詩篇。the father is the son of the land, the land of the poet. to understand the land has been the responsibility of the father, his father every day in his body is a beautiful poem.14、人生內無賢父兄,外無嚴師友,而能有成者少矣。life without yin father without strict mentorship, and can h

8、ave a little.15、父愛如傘,為你遮風擋雨;父愛如雨,為你濯洗心靈;父愛如路,伴你走完人生。love as an umbrella zhefengdangyu for you; love like rain, washing wash your soul; love is like a road, with you through life.16、爸爸的教誨像一盞燈,為我照亮前程;爸爸的關懷像一把傘,為我遮蔽風雨。fathers teachings are like a lamp, lit up the future for me, and my fathers care is l

9、ike an umbrella for me to shelter the wind and rain.17、天下無不是的父母;世間最難得者兄弟。the world has no parents; the worlds most rare brothers.18、父子之情在心,而不在于血肉關系。feelings of the father and son in the heart, not in the flesh and blood relationship.19、父愛是一棵大樹,即使在烈日炎炎的夏日,也會為我撐起一片蔭涼。love is a tree, even in the scorch

10、ing summer, will i hold a shade.20、父不慈則子不孝;兄不友則弟不恭;夫不義則婦不順也。a loving father is filial son brother; not friends but my husband and brother; flow.21、作為一個父親,最大的樂趣就是在于:在其有生之年,能夠根據(jù)自己走過的路來啟發(fā)、教育子女。as a father, the greatest pleasure lies in: in their lifetime, can be based on their own way to inspire and ed

11、ucate their children.22、擁有思想的瞬間,是幸福的;擁有感受的快意,是幸福的;擁有父愛也是幸福的。have thought the moment, be happy; have feelings of pleasure, happiness; have fatherly love is happiness.23、父愛無涯,父愛如水。love is boundless, love like water.24、父兮生我,母兮鞠我,撫我,畜我,長我,育我,顧我,復我。my father was born, my mother xi ju, ask me, i long for

12、me, livestock, educating me, take care of me, i.25、父愛如酒,不隨時間、歲月的流失而減弱。父愛更如石,堅定的站在我身邊保護我,使我不在人生路上一再跌倒。love is like wine, with time, the loss of time decreased. love is more like a stone, stand by my side to protect me, so that i would not fall again on the road of life.26、您是一棵大樹,春天倚著您幻想,夏天倚著您繁茂,秋天倚著您

13、成熟,冬天倚著您沉思。you are a tree, leaning against the spring of your imagination, summer, leaning against you lush, fall against you mature, winter musters your meditation.27、父愛是人類一切感情中的至情也是人類得以存活的搖籃。love is all human feelings, which is also the cradle of human survival.28、父親的愛是威嚴的沉默的憂郁的深遠的。讓你的思想即使沾上骯臟的污垢也

14、能煥然一新。his fathers love is a dignified silence of the profound. let your mind be a new look, even if it is dirty.29、智慧之子使父親快樂,愚昧之子使母親蒙羞。the son of wisdom makes a father happy, but a foolish son is a shame to his mother.30、父愛是一片_的大海,濃郁而深遠。父愛是我人生旅途中的一盞明燈,在我迷路時,照亮我的行程。the father is a world of waters of

15、the sea, rich and profound. love is a lamp in my journey, when i get lost, make my trip.表達父愛的句子1、父愛是一棵大樹,即使在烈日炎炎的夏日,也會為我撐起一片蔭涼;父愛是一把大傘,即使在風雨交加的路上,也不讓一滴水珠落在我身上;父愛是一座山峰,讓你的身心即使蒙受風霜雨雪也冷靜動搖;父愛是一片大海,讓你的靈魂即使碰到電閃雷鳴仍然仁厚寬容。2、父愛是拐杖,讓我們在人生中少摔跟頭;父愛是良言,讓我們作出正確的判斷;父愛是陽光,讓我們健康的成長;父愛是音樂,讓我們快快樂樂的生活;父愛是蠟燭,默默的為我們奉獻著自己





20、,可香在你心里;父愛是英雄,因為他非常偉大。27、父愛其實很簡單。它像白酒,辛辣而熱烈,讓人醉在其中;它像咖啡,苦澀而醇香,容易讓人為之振奮;它像茶,平淡而親切,讓人自然清新;它像篝火,給人溫暖去卻令人生畏,容易讓人激奮自己。28、父愛是一杯白水,很少為白水感動,失去了才懂得渴望。29、父愛,是世界上深沉而厚重的情感。父愛是火,在冰天雪地里給予我們溫暖;父愛是樹,用身軀為我們遮風擋雨;父愛是。30、父愛是拐彎處的回頭,父愛是生病時的牛奶,父愛是暴雨夜的雨傘,父愛是寒夜時的棉被。關于父愛的名言1、父愛是音樂,讓我們快快樂樂的生活。a father is a music, lets be happ

21、y life。2、父愛,如大海般深沉而寬廣。a father, as deep as the sea and broad。3、父親的德行是兒子最好的遺產。fathers virtue is the best legacy son。4、父愛是良言,讓我們作出正確的判斷。a fathers words, let us make the right judgment。5、父愛是蠟燭,默默的為我們奉獻著自己。a father is a candle, silently dedicate himself for us。6、父愛是拐杖,讓我們在人生中少摔跟頭。a father is a walking s

22、tick, let us in life less tumble。7、我會見到上天的震怒,卻看不到憤怒的父親。i can see the wrath of god, but not the angry father。8、天下無不是的父母;世間最難得者兄弟。all yes parents; the brothers to the rarest thing in the world。9、父愛可以犧牲自己的一切,包括自己的的生命。a father can sacrifice their own everything, including his own life。10、孝順還生孝順子,忤逆還生忤逆兒

23、。filial piety is born filial piety shunza, are also singled out son。11、父子之情在心,而不在于血肉關系。father and son of love in heart, not the flesh and blood relationship。12、父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。it is necessary to know the years of parents, too。 story on xi, an to fear。13、為人父母天下至善;為人子女天下大孝。the parents all over the world to good; human childre


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