1、 China Ancient Four Inventions 中國四大發(fā)明中國四大發(fā)明 Compass Magnetic Its. Through the ages, China is considered to be the first country that invented and used magnetic compass.Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented compass. Its. Magnetic compass is a device used to determine geog
2、raphic direction,usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth. Importance Importance From simply using it to find direction and judge fengshui to magnetic compass being used in world navigation, till today, v
3、arious newly-invented magnetic compasses are applied broadly. You can say that, the reason why seafaring can develop rapidly in modern times is because it benefits from the invention and application of magnetic compass. Consequences Consequences Especially during the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He made expe
4、ditions to South- east Asia for seven times with more than 27000 people and dozens of big ships each time, which contributes to the extension and development of seafaring and foreign trade in the world Consequences Consequences Good science It has a big influence on military, economy, seafaring; it
5、pushes forward the great discoveries of geography. Without magnetic compass, Columbus couldnt arrived new continent; China is still adopting a policy of seclusion and comes to a standstill. Good science Chinas ancient science and technology was once brilliant, which bring us great honor. The spread
6、and application of magnetic compass in western countries urge us to have further understanding of the significance and influence of magnetic compass in the world. PAPERMAKING The oldest paper Fang matan Paper History Paper-making is one of the four great inventions of China, the paper is the han lon
7、g experience accumulation and the crystallization of the wisdom of working people, human a brilliant invention in the history of civilization. China is the worlds earliest sericulture silk in the world. Han Chinese working people above cocoon silk silk, such as the remaining evil cocoon, cocoon dise
8、ase such as flocculant with legal system take silk floss. After floating flocculant, woven bamboo mat legacy will be some residual effect. When the number of floating flocculant, woven bamboo mat on the residual flocculant product into a layer of fiber sheet, after dry stripping down, can be used fo
9、r writing. This flocculant floating there arent many by-products, and call it HeTi or FangXu on ancient book. By CAI lun in eastern han dynasty (105) of the first year of yuan xing papermaking, improved by CAI lun in the bark, hemp heads and our raw materials such as cloth, fishing nets, after falli
10、ng, dao, copy paper, drying technology, manufacturing, is the origin of modern paper. This paper, the raw material is easy to find and very cheap, quality is also improved, gradually widely used. In honour of the feat, CAI lun later generations called this paper Cai Hou paper Cai lun The design of t
11、he papermaking process Until the eastern han dynasty and emperor period, through improved by CAI lun, formed a set of relatively finalize the design of the papermaking process, the process can be roughly divided into four steps: The first is the separation of raw material, is to use the retting leac
12、hing or cooking methods for raw materials in alkali degumming, and scattered into fibrous; Second is beating, is to use the method of cutting and struck staple fiber, and make the fiber broom, and become the pulp; The third is the manufacture paper with pulp, namely make pulp water penetration into
13、slurry, then used for paper pulp (woven bamboo mat) and get the pulp in paper to woven thin sheet of wet paper; The fourth is dry, namely the wet paper to dry or dry, peeling the became a paper. The design of the papermaking process The spread of papermaking Research shows that this technology sprea
14、d to many countries even the world . First of all incoming and papermaking in China and Vietnam, followed by adjacent spread to Korea, Japan, is along the Tang Dynasty - Arab - the spread of this line in Europe. Moreover in many countries paper is used for money so this technology helps their econom
15、ic thus it led a number of economic development. Effect In the word paper is the crystallization of labor and knowledge, it helps people study, remember information and do some cleaning and so on. Paper is a bridge to heritage cultural of mankind. It is a witness of the great civilization and the fa
16、mous thought. It is the direct teacher of human developed. It is an essential assistant to human life. ?Printing, known as “mother of civilization”, was another great invention of the Chinese people. ?It has a long history and includes block printing (雕版印刷) and movable type printing (活字印刷). ?Block p
17、rinting (雕版印刷) Block Printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relief on the blocks. Ink was brushed on the engraved block and a white sheet of paper was spread a
18、cross it and then brushed with a clean brush on its back leaving ?The worlds oldest surviving book printed on paper is Diamond Sutra (金剛經(jīng)). ?It is the earliest woodcut illustration in a printed book.It was printed in Tang Dynasty. ? Movable type printing (活字印刷) In Song Dynasty, word worke rBi Sheng
19、, Use the clay wit h viscidity, make into the rectangle cube, carve the single Chinese characters on it, burn it with the fire, form the font. The printing skill is named the 畢昇 write burn carve print typesetting 書寫 雕刻 燒制 排版 印制 ?Advantages: It can be used repeatedly and save materials. It is easy to
20、 be modified. Improve the efficiency. ?Disadvantages: Its hard to typesetting. The workers are required to read. priting ?javascript:void(0); 0); ?By the year1000, paged books in the modern style had replaced scrolls. Two color printing (black and red) was seen as early as 1340. This technology then
21、 spread to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Europe. Later, German Johann Gutenberg invented movable typ e made of metal in the 1440s. Movable Type Printi ng developed very fast. Based on clay type, type m ade of wood, lead, tin and copper gradually appea red. ?It makes books can be published in large numbe
22、r .So it is helpful to promote the development of culture. ?It promotes the spread of education and the dissemination of knowledge. ? It means a lot to the spread of religion and the development of currency. In a word, China ancient four inventions, has left behind a magnificent chapter in the histo
23、ry of human science and culture. These great inventions once influenced and benefited the whole world, had promoted the advancing of human history. GUNPOWDER GUNPOWDER Gunpowder, also known as black powder, is a chemical explosiveGunpowder, also known as black powder, is a chemical explosive the ear
24、liest known. It is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate (saltpeter). The sulfur and charcoal act as potassium nitrate (saltpeter). The sulfur and charcoal act as fuels, and the saltpeter is an oxidizer.Because of its burning fuels, and the saltpeter is an oxidizer.Because of its burn
25、ing properties and the amount of heat and gas volume that it properties and the amount of heat and gas volume that it generates, gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant in firearms and as a pyrotechnic composition in fireworks. firearms and as a pyrotechnic composition in fireworks. Gunpowder
26、 was invented in China when Taoists attempted to create a potion of immortality. Chinese military forces used gunpowder-based potion of immortality. Chinese military forces used gunpowder-based weapons (i.e. rockets, guns, cannons) and explosives (i.e. grenades and different types of bombs) against
27、the Mongols when the Mongols attempted to invade and breach city fortifications on Chinas attempted to invade and breach city fortifications on Chinas northern borders. After the Mongols conquered China and founded the northern borders. After the Mongols conquered China and founded the Yuan Dynasty,
28、 they used the Chinese gunpowder-based weapons technology in their attempted invasion of Japan; they also used technology in their attempted invasion of Japan; they also used gunpowder to fuel rockets. gunpowder to fuel rockets. The mainstream scholarly consensus is that gunpowder was invented in Th
29、e mainstream scholarly consensus is that gunpowder was invented in China, spread through the Middle East, and then into Europe,although China, spread through the Middle East, and then into Europe,although there is a dispute over how much the Chinese advancements in gunpowder there is a dispute over
30、how much the Chinese advancements in gunpowder warfare influenced later advancements in the Middle East and Europe. The warfare influenced later advancements in the Middle East and Europe. The spread of gunpowder across Asia from China is widely attributed to the spread of gunpowder across Asia from
31、 China is widely attributed to the Mongols. One of the first examples of Europeans encountering gunpowder Mongols. One of the first examples of Europeans encountering gunpowder and firearms is at the Battle of Mohi in 1241. At this battle the Mongols and firearms is at the Battle of Mohi in 1241. At
32、 this battle the Mongols not only used gunpowder in early Chinese firearms but in the earliest not only used gunpowder in early Chinese firearms but in the earliest grenades as well. grenades as well. Yuan Dynasty hand cannon dated to 1288. A Mongol bomb thrown against a charging Japanese samurai du
33、ring the Mongol invasions of Japan after founding the Yuan Dynasty, 1281. A major problem confronting the study of the early history of gunpowder is ready access to sources close to the events described. Often enough, the first records potentially describing use of gunpowder in warfare were written
34、several centuries after the fact, and may well have been colored by the contemporary experiences of the chronicler.13 It is also difficult to accurately translate original alchemy texts, especially medieval Chinese texts that try to explain phenomena through metaphor, into modern scientific language
35、 with rigidly defined terminology. The translation difficulty has led to errors or loose interpretations bordering on artistic licence. early chinese rocket Three eye Blunderbuss(三眼 銃明朝):a kind of blunderbuss which can shoot three times in a row Pear spear (梨花槍宋 朝):a kind of spear with a tube which
36、can spit fire tied to it Shenhuo flying crow (神火飛鴉 明朝):a kind of rocket looks Five- thunder- gun invented by god(五 雷神機明 朝):a kind of gun which can shoot five times in a row About Wu Ching Tsung Yao武經(jīng)總要 ?The Chinese Wu Ching Tsung Yao (Complete Essentials from the Military Classics), written by Tseng
37、 Kung-Liang between 1040 1044, provides encyclopedia references to a variety of mixtures that included petrochemicals as well as garlic and honey. A slow match for flame throwing mechanisms using the siphon principle and for fireworks and rockets are mentioned. The mixture formulas in this book do n
38、ot contain enough saltpeter to create an explosive however; being limited to at most 50% saltpeter, they produce an incendiary.The Essentials was however written by a Song dynasty court bureaucrat, and theres little evidence that it had any immediate impact on warfare; there is no mention of gunpowder use in the chronicles of the wars against the Tanguts in the 11th century, and China was otherwise mostly at peace during this century. The first chronicled use of ire spe
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