1、Written in Chinese English learners to explore the conjunction of the corpus analysis Paper Network: Paper Keywords: English written Ianguage corpus conj un cti onAbstract: buildi ng a cohere nt En glish discourse conn ectives is an importa nt means of this method to explore the use of corpus writte
2、n Chinese learners of English usagein conjunction results showed that: First, the learners use connectives significantly more than n ative speakers sec on d, lear ners and n ative speakers in the choice of words tend to have greater similarity, the three lear ners in conj un cti on with the existe n
3、ee of the con cept of fuzzy sema ntic, syn tactic and stylistic knowledge, lack of awareness is weak. interlanguage development characteristics, and n egative tra nsfer of mother ton gue is the mai n cause of the formatio n of the above problems. Chapter is to achieve smooth conv erge nee, an import
4、a nt way to clear logic as a comp onent of conv erge nee, the main fun cti on is to conn ect the words in the chapters that dominant logic by connecting words people can un dersta nd the sema ntic links betwee n senten ces, or eve n by logically be expected from the precedi ng sentence after the sen
5、tence sema ntics. 1 (P92) scholars gen erally believe that the correct and rati onal use of conj un cti ons can sig nifica ntly enhan cethe cohere nee and clarity of the article, the reader grasp the author easy writing ideas to improve the reader to un dersta nd chapter efficie ncy, so as to achiev
6、e the purpose of i effective com muni cati on, however, because the large nu mber of En glish conj un cti ons, usage and more complex meaning and become one of the major difficulties of learners. In this paper, comparative interlanguage corpus research methods to investigate Chinese learners of Engl
7、ish written in conjunction usage, analyze problems, look forward to impro ving the teachi ng of En glish provides reference data. I. Backgro und Since the 1980s, since the rapid developme nt of computer corpora in order to better un dersta nd and describe the Ian guage offers great pote ntial and po
8、ssibilities. A large nu mber of domestic research about conv erge nee, but the method used to connect words to corpora special contrast, qua ntitative studies are rare, researchers have mainly Luo a, 2 (P59-62), Zhao Wei Bin, 3 (P72-76) Pan Fan 4 (P157-162) and Mo Tsa ng. 5 (P45-50) view of the abov
9、e studies can be found: first, to similar or the same group for the study, the findings do not coincide. Most scholars believe that, relative to the n ative author, the Chin ese lear ners in gen eral there is too much tendency to connect words with English, Chinese learners have found that the words
10、 used in the majority of conn ecti ons showed too little to use trends on the sec ond, compared to the matchi ng corpus to be further improved, as Luo Yi On the limitati ons of their study time said, shou Icfenhance the corpus of the matchi ng, comparative an alysis of the corpus of the match, the h
11、igher the results will speak for themselves. 2 corpus Gran ger experts have poin ted out, the investigation of the parallel corpus used to be in the learner arning phase, the task type of discourse genre and so comparable, comparable corpus is the basis for comparative analysis, otherwise it will di
12、rectly affect the con clusi ons convincin g. 6 (P17-20) Second, the study design 1. Corpus collectionThe corpus used to investigate the three, by a British university thesis Master of Applied Lin guistics compositi on courses, in cludi ng Lan guage Planning, Lan guage Testi ng, Second Lan guage Acqu
13、isiti on, Lan guage Teachi ng Theory and Practice. End of the course, teachers in accordanee with the sta ndard requireme nts for all stude nts (thesis topic, nu mber of words to complete each course and other papers. Gatherer papers classified according to the nationality of the learner, learner co
14、rpus assembledin China (98 178 words, native speakers corpus ( 94231 words and intern ati onal lear ner corpus (97,183 words Intern ati onal lear ner who is from Japa n, Korea, Pakista n, Norway, Denm ark, Greece, Italy and other countries, learners should be said, more than in the learner learning
15、corpus stage writing task , discourse genre,length of the article have a high level of match ing. 2. Research questi ons This study attempts to an swer are Chi nese lear ners in the gen eral tendency to use words to connect are significantly different from the native speakers; Chinese learners of th
16、e most frequently used conjunctions which; than native speakers, learning tend too much, too little use of what conj un cti ons; Chi nese learners use in conj un cti on with what the mai n problems. 3. Conjunction scaleHalliday and Hasan s classification of conn ected word has bee n recog ni zed as
17、a higher authority. Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman of Halliday and Hasan classification has been simplified in this study used Celce-Murcia and LarsenFreeman s classificatio n 7, minor adjustme nts on this basis, the formatio n of scale inv estigati on of the conj un cti on. 4. Research procedures
18、Use of corpus analysis software Wordsmith Tools 4.0 and Social Scie nces statistical software SPSS for corpus process ing and data an alysis. Con crete steps are as follow the Wordlist run Wordsmith Tools 4.0 features, statistics, three corpus of in formati on, the run Wordsmith Tools 4.0 Con cord f
19、un cti on to retrieve the conn ecti on of each corpus in the freque ncy of words and their con text in formati on, and the n by-case exam in ati on to exclude irreleva nt evide nee. to the n, for example, it contains more tha n one meaning, the n the use of artificial means to identify, screening, c
20、alculate the standard conn ectives freque ncy per 100,000 words in the freque ncy appears to facilitate the statistics, con trast, run SPSS in conj un cti on Chi-Square test corpus in differe nt freque ncy differe nces. Third, the results and an alysis 1. The results(A gen eral tendency Words in the
21、 investigation of various types of connections, the same with n ative speakers, most Chin ese lear ners use conn ectives to in dicate the relati on ship betwee n additi on, the use of the words the proportion of nearly half of the total connections, the Chi-Square test, x 2 = 19.9709, p = 0.000 0.05
22、? shows leamers and native speakers in conjunction with the existence of significant differences in frequency, the number of learners conjunction with significantly more than native speakers. (2 most freque ntly used conj un cti onsChin ese lear ners and n ative speakers of the two corpora used in c
23、onj un cti on slightly differe nt order, but the learners most frequently used words in the top 10 in eight native speakersuse the word in the first 10 , that connect learnersand native speakers in the choice of words have great similarity, both tend to use also, for example / instance, however, the
24、n, therefore, in addition, first (ly) / first of all , thus connecting these eight words, this survey a total of 68 conjunctions, frequency of use among the top 10 words about on e-seve nth of the total survey, however, their freque ncy of use was as high as the actual terms of the total survey two-
25、thirds or more (65.6% and 73.3%), i ndicat ing that both n ative speakers, or the Chin ese lear ners, they are very dependent on writing in connection with a small part of the prompt words to the readers before and after the stateme nt, betwee n the content the logical link, in order to guide the re
26、ader interpret the information content of the article and the intention of writing with the findings of Luo a differenee is that this study data show that native speakers tend to use more than a few learners to several connectives, which also ran ked first in the word of the relative freque ncy of u
27、se is as high as 26.7%, the reas on to do a little later to discuss. (3 high and low frequency conjunctionsThe practice of drawi ng paper Qiufa ng 8 (P150-156), with 10 millio n words for the un it, and then compares each connected words appear in the two corpora sta ndard freque ncy if the freque n
28、cy differe nee of 10 or less, the n igno red. The statistics, first (ly), second (ly), third (ly), fourth (ly), that is, in addition, moreover in 10 words in the Chinese learner corpus in the freque ncy higher tha n n ative speakers, also, however, similarly, and in turn 4 expressions. frequency of
29、use than the latter. Whether it is from the nu mber of words, or from the use of the freque ncy point of view, learners tend to use the high side of the conn ecti on terms less tha n the tendency is more obvious. 2. Analysis and Discussion Corpus retrieval and data in terpretati on shows that the Ch
30、in ese writte n Ian guage lear ners to conn ect the words used sig ni fica ntly more tha n n ative speakers. More what is the Chinese learners using conjunctions unique personality traits, or the second Ianguage learner interlanguage development process there com mon problems? For this reas on, I jo
31、 in the intern ati on al lear ner corpus to be in con trol, expect to be able to help describe the problem. As no ted above, the corpus of the sample of learners from different countries, Master thesis compositi on, from a certa in sen se, they are represe ntatives of many sec ond Ian guage lear ner
32、s. search found intern ati on al lear ners use conn ectives sta ndard freque ncy is very close to Chin ese lear ners (1370 and 1400, Chinese learners tend to use more words in the first 10 conn ecti ons, 9 and con siste nt with intern ati on al lear ners, and both more and less use of the word in th
33、e average sta ndard rate is also very similar (62 and 67. In view of this, the whole situation, it can be said is the tendency of excessive use of conj un cti ons sec ond Ian guage developme nt of lear ner in terla nguage com mon, it is difficult to avoid the non-n ative features, this developme nt
34、is not show n because of the com mon ality of Ian guage learners appear very differe nt backgro und and the same time, although both excessive use of conj un cti ons almost the same, but some specific words, they are still very obvious differences, such as Chinese learners use that is, the n, on the
35、 con trary, first (ly), sec ond (ly), third (ly), fourth (ly) of the word freque ncy is much higher tha n in ter natio nal learners and n ative speakers, in dicat ing that the n egative migrati on of learners to use Ian guage to conn ect words in deed have a profo und impact. Links to free dow nl oa
36、d http:/ en Because of these two factors and the teach ing methods, defects and other reas ons, there are lear ners in conj un cti on with the follow ing main issues: First, the semantics of some of the connectives is not accurate eno ugh to grasp the con cept. To moreover, for example, lear ners th
37、a n n ative speakers use more moreover, more tha n 10 millio n words used 42 times. Moreover the premise to support a conclusion for several the process of argume nt, however, releva nt retrieval of en tries by each analysis, we found a considerable number of examples of the use moreover is wron g.
38、lear ners misuse conj un cti on misleadi ng readers will in crease the reader un dersta nd the in te nt of the author writi ng the difficulty and uncertainty. similar to the misuse of words there on the con trary, and on the other hand, not repeat them here. no doubt led to the misuse of excessive u
39、se. Furthermore, the syn tactic features of En glish conn ectives lack of correct un dersta nding. Conjun cti ons in the sentence in En glish, many more restricti ons in place, they usually appear in the senten ce, but there are some conj un cti ons positi on more flexible, can be placed in the firs
40、t sentence or sentence. The statistics, Chinese learners, native speakers corpus senten cec onn ectives in the relative freque ncies were 57% and 33% is calculated, Z = 12.7728, i ndicat ing that, at the 0.05 sig nifica nee level , the Chin ese lear ners and n ative speakers in conj un cti on with t
41、he location, there was significant differenee. reasons, mainly due to the learner therefore the usage of the words learned relatively simple, ignoring their flexibility in this family Ianguage were more inclined to use them in the middle of a senten ce, so n ot on ly weake n the conj un cti on of th
42、e dominant level, to enhance the logical relati on ship betwee n the sentence eleme nts, but also can play a n atural conv erge nee of discourse, and improve the in ternal cohere nee of the article. In additi on, the relatively weak sense of body Ian guage. Studies have shown that Chinese learners o
43、f spoken Ianguage written Ianguage was a str ong tendency of the body, which is once aga in in this survey con firmed the Chin ese lear ners to use besides the sta ndard freque ncy of n ative speakers 9 times, using also the freque ncy of the former tha n the latter n early on e-third lower (214 and
44、 313. the same case, the lear ners prefer to use too, and as well substitute also, which is sig ni fica ntly less learners also one of the reas ons relative terms, besides, too, and as well are more applicable to the in terface betwee n the body words spoke n Ian guage, usually less formal writte n
45、Ian guage in the body which we can see the body Ianguage learners applicability of connectives lack of sen sitivity, led to excessive usage. IV ConclusionConjunctions is to build an essential chapter in the in terface in En glish means by compari ng the Chin ese lear ners and n ative speakers corpus
46、 corpus, found that Chin ese lear ners to conn ect the words used in writte n Ian guage sig nifica ntly more tha n n ative speakers, learners and the eth nic Chin ese Ian guage in the choice of words tend to have a large similarity, improper use of conjunctions is the second Ianguage learner interla
47、nguage development of non-native features in com mon, in conj un cti on with lear ners there are certa in problems, such as sema ntic con cept of fuzzy use of less flexible, and strong aware ness of body Ianguage. in-depth analysis of the causes of the excessive use of conn ect ing words and un ders
48、ta nd the problems that exist to help teachers be more objective understanding of the learners use in conjunction problems, result ing in the teachi ng pla n, curriculum, curriculum fully take into acco unt these factors, a more targeted guida nee to help lear ners and accurate acquisiti on of this
49、type of word. The results of this study help to understand the Chinese English learners interlanguage development process and the characteristics of promote the teachi ng of En glish writ ing has some in spirati on. References 1 HU Zhua ng-li n. Cohesi on and cohere nee M. Shan ghai: Shan ghai Foreig n Lan guage Edueati on Press, 1994. 2 Luo I. Graduate En glish adverbs used to connect the paper survey J. PLA Foreig n Lan guage In stitute, 2003, (1. 3 Zhao Wei Bin, the Chin ese stude nts of En glish compositi on in qua ntitat
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