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1、environmental problems caused byistanbul subway excavation and suggestionsfor remediation伊斯坦布爾地鐵開挖引起的環(huán)境問題及補救建議ibrahim ocakabstract:manyenvironmental problems caused by subway excavations haveinevitably become an importantpoint in city life. these problems can be categorized astransporting and stocki

2、ng of excavated material, trafc jams, noise, vibrations, piles of dust mudand lack of supplies. although these problems cause many difculties,the most pressing for a bigcity like istanbul is excavation,since other listed difculties result from it. moreover, theseproblems are environmentally and regi

3、onally restricted to the period over which constructionprojects are underway and disappear when construction is nished. currently, in istanbul, there arenine subway construction projects in operation, covering approximately 73 km in length; over 200km to be constructed in the near future. the amount

4、 of material excavated from ongoingconstruction projects covers approximately 12 million m3. in this study, problemsprimarily, theproblem with excavation waste(ew)caused by subway excavation are analyzed and suggestionsfor remediation are offered.摘要:許多地鐵開挖引起的環(huán)境問題不可避免地成為城市生活的重要部分。這些問題可歸類為開挖肥料的運輸和儲存、交

5、通堵塞、噪音污染、震動、成堆的灰塵和泥漿以及物資不足。雖然這些問題引起很多困難,對于一個像伊斯坦布爾這樣的城市,最亟待解決的問題是開挖的問題,因為其他一系列問題都是由此引起的。此外,這些問題受環(huán)境和地域限制并具有周期性,他們隨工程項目開始和結(jié)束而出現(xiàn)和消失。最近,伊斯坦布爾有 9 條地鐵項目在施工,總長約有 73km,另外,將有超過 200km 的地鐵線會在不久的將來動工。正在施工的3的問題,并對補救辦法提出建議。keywords: environmental problems.subway excavation .waste management .項目將產(chǎn)生約 1200 萬 m 的工程垃圾

6、。本文將分析由地鐵建設(shè)帶來的問題,主要是開挖廢料excavation waste關(guān)鍵詞:環(huán)境問題 地鐵開挖 廢物處理 開挖廢料i. ocakrail transport construction department,istanbul metropolitan municipality,iett general directorate, karakoy-istanbul, turkeyi. ocak (郵件)mining engineering department, istanbul university,avclar-istanbul, turkeye-mail: iocakiett.go

7、v.trintroductionnowadays, cities are spreading over larger areas with increasing demand on extendingtransport facilities. thus,all over the world, especially in cities where the population exceeds300,000400,000 people, railway-based means of transportation is being accepted as the ultimatesolution.t

8、herefore, large investments in subway and light rail construction are required. theconstruction of stated systems requires surface excavations, cut and cover tunnel excavations,bored tunnel excavations, redirection of infrastructures and tunnel construction projects. theseelements disturb the enviro

9、nment and affect everyday life of citizens in terms of running water,natural gas, sewer systems and telephone lines.簡介:現(xiàn)如今,城市的大面積擴張要求交通設(shè)施快速增長。因此,全世界,特別是在人口超過 30 萬-40 萬的城市,軌道交通逐漸被認為是最終的解決辦法。正因如此,地鐵和輕軌上的大規(guī)模投資是必然的。整個軌道交通系統(tǒng)的建設(shè)包括地表建設(shè)、明挖隧道開挖、鉆孔隧道開挖、地下建筑的改造和隧道建設(shè)項目。這些都會影響周圍的環(huán)境并在自來水、天然氣、排污和電話線等方面影響市民的日常生活。on

10、e reason why metro excavations affect the environment is the huge amount of excavatedmaterial produced.moreover, a large amount of this excavated material is composed of muddy andbentonite material. storing excavated material then becomes crucial. a considerable amount ofpressure has been placed on

11、ofcials to store and recycle any kind of excavated material. wastemanagement has become a branch of study by itself. many studies have been carried out on thedestruction, recycling and storing of solid, (vlachos 1975; huang et al. 2001; winkler2005;huang et al. 2006; khan et al. 1987; boadi and kuit

12、unen 2003; staudt and schroll 1999;wang 2001; okuda and thomson 2007; yang and innes 2007), organic (edwards et al. 1998,jackson 2006; debra et al. 1991; akhtar and mahmood 1996; bruun et al. 2006; minh et al.2006),plastic (idris et al. 2004; karani and stan jewasikiewitz 2007; ali et al. 2004; nish

13、ino et al.2003; vas ile et al.2006; kato et al. 2003; kasakura et al. 1999; hayashi et al. 2000), toxic(rodgers et al. 1996; bell and wilson 1988; chen et al. 1997; sullivan and yelton 1988), oily(ahumada et al. 2004; al-masri and suman 2003), farming(garnier et al. 1998; mohanty 2001)and radioactiv

14、e materials (rocco and zucchetti 1997; walker et al. 2001;adamov et al. 1992;krinitsyn et al. 2003).地鐵建設(shè)影響環(huán)境的一個原因是開挖產(chǎn)生的大量垃圾,而且大部分開挖垃圾都是泥土。工程垃圾的處理是關(guān)鍵,負責儲存和回收利用這些工程廢料的人員承受著非常大的壓力,廢物處理也因此成為一個單獨的研究分支。關(guān)于這些垃圾的銷毀、回收利用和儲存的研究已經(jīng)開展了很多:泥土(vlachos 1975; huang et al. 2001; winkler 2005;huang et al. 2006; khan et

15、al.1987; boadi and kuitunen 2003; staudt and schroll 1999; wang 2001; okuda and thomson 2007;yang and innes 2007)、有機物(edwards et al. 1998, jackson 2006; debra et al. 1991; akhtar andmahmood 1996; bruun et al. 2006; minh et al. 2006)、塑料(idris et al. 2004; karani and stanjewasikiewitz 2007; ali et al.

16、 2004; nishino et al. 2003; vasile et al.2006; kato et al. 2003;kasakura et al. 1999; hayashi et al. 2000)、油脂( ahumada et al. 2004; al-masri and suman2003)、耕地(garnier et al. 1998; mohanty 2001)、放射性物質(zhì)(rocco and zucchetti 1997;walker et al. 2001;adamov et al. 1992; krinitsyn et al. 2003)。today, tradit

17、ional materials, including sand, stone, gravel, cement, brick and tiles are beingused as major building components in the construction sector. all of these materials have beenproduced from existing natural resources and may have intrinsic distinctions that damage theenvironment due to their continuo

18、us exploitation. in addition, the cost of construction materials isincrementally increasing. in turkey, the prices of construction materials have increased over thelast few years (fig. 1). therefore,it is very important to use excavation and demolition wastes(dw) in construction operations to limit

19、the environmental impact and excessive increase of rawmaterial prices. recycling ratios for excavation waste (ew) and dw of some countries are inshown table 1 (hendriks and pietersen 2000). the recycling ratio for turkey is10%.every year,14 million tons of waste materials are generated in istanbul.

20、these waste materials consist of 7.6million tons ew, 1.6 million tons organic materials and 2.7 million tons dw (imm 2007). thedistribution of waste materials, according to listed sources, can be seen in figs. 2 and 3.approximately, 3.7 million tons of municipal wastes are produced in istanbul every

21、 year. however,the recycling rate is approximately equal to only 7%. this rate will increase to 27%, when theconstruction of the plant is completed. medical wastes are another problem, with over 9,000 tonsdumped every year. medical wastes are disposed by burning. distributions of municipal wastesare

22、 given in fig. 4.目前,包括沙子、石頭、砂礫、水泥、磚頭、瓷磚在內(nèi)的傳統(tǒng)材料被建筑部門用作主要的建筑成分。所有這些材料都是從現(xiàn)有的自然資源中生產(chǎn)出來的,具有固有的特性,并因不斷的開采而對環(huán)境造成危害。另外,建筑材料的價格正在逐漸上漲,在土耳其,近幾年的建筑材料的價格一直在上漲(見圖 1)。因此,為減輕環(huán)境破壞和減緩原材料價格的過渡上漲,在建筑工程中循環(huán)利用開挖廢料和拆遷廢料是非常重要的。一些國家的開挖廢料和拆遷廢料的回收利用率見表 1(hendriks and pietersen 2000),土耳其的回收利用率是 10%。每年伊斯坦布爾會產(chǎn)生 1400 萬噸垃圾,其中包括 76

23、00 萬噸開挖廢料,1600 萬噸有機材料,2700 萬噸拆遷廢料(imm2007),按來源分類,垃圾的分布情況如圖 2、3。每年伊斯坦布爾約會產(chǎn)生 3700 萬噸城市垃圾,然而垃圾的回收利用率卻只有 7%左右,垃圾處理廠建設(shè)完成之后,回收比率將上升到 27%。另一個問題的醫(yī)療垃圾,每年將傾倒 9000 噸醫(yī)療垃圾,目前處理醫(yī)療垃圾的方式是焚燒。城市垃圾的分類見圖 4。fig. 1 the increase of construction material prices over the last 10 years圖 1最近 10 年建筑材料價格增長table 1 comparison of

24、a few countries construction waste concentration表 1部分國家建筑垃圾濃度對比fig. 2 current status of solid waste generation in istanbul圖 2伊斯坦布爾當前固體垃圾的組成fig. 3 current status of solid waste distribution in istanbul圖 3伊斯坦布爾當前固體垃圾的分布fig. 4 current status of municipal waste distribution in istanbul圖 4伊斯坦布爾當前城市垃圾的分布i

25、n this study, environmental problems in istanbul, such as ew resulting from tunnellingoperations, dw resulting from building demolition and home wastes, are evaluated. resources ofew, material properties and alternatives of possible usage are also evaluated.本文論及伊斯坦布爾的環(huán)境問題,如隧道開挖產(chǎn)生的開挖廢料、建筑拆遷產(chǎn)生的拆遷垃圾、生活

26、垃圾,也涉及開挖垃圾的來源、材料屬性以及使用替代材料的可能。railway system studiesthree preliminary studies concerning transportation in istanbul were conducted in 1985,1987 and 1997. a fourth study is currently being conducted. the istanbul transportation mainplan states that railway systems must constitute the main facet of is

27、tanbuls transportationnet-work (imm 2005). in addition to existing lines, within the scope of the marmaray project, 36km of metro, 96 km of light rail, and 7 km of tram, with a total of 205 km of new railway lines,must be constructed. consequently, the total length of railway line will exceed 250 km

28、.軌道交通系統(tǒng)研究關(guān)于伊斯坦布爾交通系統(tǒng)的三個研究分別在 1985 年、1987 年和 1997 年開展,第四個研究項目將于近期開展。伊斯坦布爾交通總規(guī)劃表明,軌道交通系統(tǒng)將成為伊斯坦布爾交通網(wǎng)絡(luò)的主要部分(imm 2005)。除了目前的線路,根據(jù) marmaray 項目計劃,包括 36km地鐵、96km 輕軌、7km 有軌電車在內(nèi)的總計 205km 新軌道線路將建設(shè)完成。因此,軌道交通線路總長將超過 250km。details regarding railway lines currently under construction in istanbul are given in table

29、 2and fig. 5.railway lines in the project stage or tender stage are given in table 3 (imm 2004).伊斯坦布爾正在施工的軌道交通線路詳情見表 2 和圖 5,處于設(shè)計或投標階段的軌道交通線路見表 3(imm 2004)。table 2 ongoing railway systems in istanbul表 2伊斯坦布爾施工中的軌道交通線路fig. 5 ongoing railway system studies in istanbul圖 5伊斯坦布爾施工中的軌道交通線路研究table 3 railway

30、 lines in project or tender stage in istanbul表 3伊斯坦布爾設(shè)計或投標中的軌道交通線路environmentalproblemscausedbysubwayexcavations地鐵建設(shè)引起的環(huán)境問題transporting and storing excavated material開挖廢料的運輸和儲存almost all land in istanbul is inhabited. therefore, it is of utmost importance to store andrecycle excavated material obtai

31、ned either from metro excavations or other construction activities,causing minimal damage and disturbance to the city.the collection, temporary storage, recycling,reuse,transportation and destruction of excavated material and construction waste are controlledby environmental law number 2872. accordi

32、ng to this law, it is essential that:伊斯坦布爾幾乎所有的土地都有人居住,因此,為了將對城市產(chǎn)生的破壞降到最低,包括地鐵開挖和其他建筑工程引起的開挖廢料的儲存和回收利用顯得非常重要。環(huán)境法 2872條規(guī)定了開挖廢料和建筑垃圾的采集、暫時儲存、回收、重新利用、運輸和銷毀等方面,主要內(nèi)容有:1. waste must be reduced at its source.2. management must take necessary precautions to reduce the harmful effects of waste.1、垃圾必須從源頭控制;2、

33、管理部門必須采取必要的措施以減少垃圾的不良影響;3. excavated material must be recycled and reused,especially within the constructioninfrastructure.4. excavated material and construction waste must not be mixed.5. waste must be separated from its source and subjected to “selective destruction” in order toform a sound system

34、 for recycling and destruction.6. producers of excavated material or construction waste must provide required funds to destroywaste.3、開挖廢料必需回收利用,特別是地下結(jié)構(gòu)工程中的開挖廢料;4、開挖廢料和建筑垃圾必需區(qū)分開來;5、廢料必需在源頭分類,并按“選擇性銷毀”的原則形成一套完整的回收和銷毀系統(tǒng);6、開挖廢料或者建筑垃圾的責任人必須為處理垃圾提供必需的費用。according to environmental laws, municipalities are

35、 responsible for nding areas withintheir province limits to excavate and operate these systems. both the istanbul metropolitanmunicipality environmental protection and waste recycling company are the foundations thatactively carryout all operations regarding excavated material.根據(jù)環(huán)境法規(guī)定,政府有責任在行政范圍內(nèi)規(guī)劃一

36、定的土地用來建設(shè)和運行垃圾回收處理系統(tǒng),伊斯坦布爾環(huán)保局和垃圾回收公司是負責廣泛開展開挖廢料處理的主要部門。since dumping areas have limited space, they are quickly lled, without any availableplausible solution for remediation. in addition, existing dumping areas are far away from metroexcavation areas. this means that loaded trucks are competing with

37、city trafc, causing trafccongestion with their low speed and pollutants dropping off their wheels or bodies. furthermore,this results in a loss of money and labour.垃圾堆放空間有限,很快就會堆滿,目前卻又沒有任何有效可行的解決辦法。除此之外,目前的垃圾堆放區(qū)遠離地鐵建設(shè)的地方,這意味著滿載的貨車將擠進城市交通,并因低速和車輪、車身上掉落的污染物而引起交通堵塞,另外,這也將導(dǎo)致資金和人力的短缺。details regarding ex

38、cavated material pertaining to ongoing railway systems in istanbul aregiven in table 4.the cross section in the table represents only tunnels on the main line. given thefact that the swelling value of rock is 1.41.5, together with the diameter values given above, theapproximate amount of excavated m

39、aterial from ongoing railway excavation will be equal to 12million m3. all tunnels have been excavated with new austrian tunnelling method (natm), earthpressure balance method (epbm), tunnel boring machine (tbm), and cut and cover method.伊斯坦布爾建設(shè)中軌道交通線路的開挖廢料詳情,見表 4。表格中橫斷面代表主要線路上的隧道不分。巖石的實際膨脹率是 1.4-1.

40、5,綜合考慮表中給出的直徑,建設(shè)中的軌道交3(epbm)、tbm 法或明挖法進行施工。existing dumping areas in istanbul are listed in table 5.when tables 4 and 5 are examinedtogether, it can be seen that existing dumping areas can only accommodate material excavatedfrom the metro construction. another important matter according to table 5 i

41、s that 93% of existingdumping areas are on the european side of istanbul, with 88% of them in kemerburgaz. thus, allexcavated material on the anatolian side must cross over european site every day for a distance ofapproximately 150 km. every day, on average, 3,000 trucks carry various types of excav

42、atedmaterial to kemerburgaz from other parts of istanbul. this leads to a waste of time and increasedenvironmental pollution.伊斯坦布爾現(xiàn)存的垃圾堆放區(qū)見表 5。對比分析表 4、表 5,我們會發(fā)現(xiàn),現(xiàn)存的垃圾傾倒區(qū)僅能滿足地鐵開挖產(chǎn)生的開挖廢料。表 5 反映的另一個嚴重問題是,93%的現(xiàn)存垃圾傾倒區(qū)都在伊斯坦布爾靠歐洲一側(cè),其中的 88%是在凱梅爾布爾加茲。因此,安那托利亞所有的開挖廢料每天必須穿過約 150km 的距離來傾倒。每天約有 3000 輛來自伊斯坦布爾其他各地

43、方的卡車滿載開挖廢料前往凱梅爾布爾加茲,從而導(dǎo)致時間的浪費并加重了環(huán)境污染。table 4 excavation volume occurred from ongoing railway systems in istanbul通線路產(chǎn)生的開挖廢料約有 1200 萬 m 。所有隧道均采用新奧法(natm)、土壓平衡法表 4伊斯坦布爾建設(shè)中軌道交通線路開挖量table 5 existing dumping areas in istanbul表 5伊斯坦布爾目前的垃圾傾倒區(qū)another problem related to excavation is that the materials, obt

44、ained from epbm machines(fig. 6) and muddy areas, cannot be directly sent to dumping facilities. they have to be kept insuitable places, so that water can be drained off from the material and then sent to proper facilities.however, this causes muddy material to drop from trucks, causing increased li

45、tter in cities (fig.7).和開挖相關(guān)的另一個問題是,來自土壓平衡盾構(gòu)機械和污泥區(qū)的廢料(見圖 6)不能直接傾倒,為使水能從中順利排出并使用合適的處理設(shè)備,這些廢料必須在合適的地方暫存。然而這仍然會導(dǎo)致污泥從卡車中流出并增加城市垃圾(見圖 7)。fig. 6 muddy material resulting from epbm圖 6土壓平衡法施工產(chǎn)生的泥漿fig. 7 excavated material stocked for draining圖 7正在排水的開挖廢料trafc jamsince most of the railway constructions are c

46、arried out in the most densely populated areas,city trafc must be closed and redirected during the construction. in most cases, an entire areamust be closed for trafc. for example, uskudar square is now closed due to the marmaray projectand most bus stops and piers have been moved to other locations

47、.交通堵塞由于大部分軌道交通線路都處在人口最稠密的地方,在施工期間,城市交通必須關(guān)閉并重新疏導(dǎo)。大部分情況下,一整個區(qū)域的交通都會被中斷。例如,由于 marmaray 項目的施工,于斯屈達爾廣場現(xiàn)已全部封閉,而且大部分公交站牌都已遷移到其他地方。with cut and cover constructions, the case becomes even more complicated. in this case, anentire route is closed to trafc because cut and cover tunnels are constructed across st

48、reets. inorder to ensure that machine operation and construction can continue uninterrupted and tominimize the risk of accidents to the people living around the construction zone, streets are eithertotally closed to trafc or trafc is redirected (figs. 8, 9). this causes long-term difficulties.forexa

49、mple, shop owners on closed streets have difculties reaching their shops, stocking andtransporting their goods and retaining customers.采用明挖法施工時,情況會變得更為復(fù)雜。這時,由于明挖法施工隧道會穿過馬路,整條交通線路都會被中斷。為了保證機械操作和施工的連續(xù)性并將對施工區(qū)周圍人們生活的影響降到最低,道路交通只有完全中斷或重新疏導(dǎo)(見圖 8、圖 9)。這也會引起其他問題,比如,道路兩邊的店主進出商店、進出貨物、招攬顧客都會遇到困難。fig. 8 redirec

50、ted trafc during tram construction圖 8有軌電車施工時交通的重新疏導(dǎo)fig. 9 sultanciftligiedirnekap tram construction and closed streets圖 9sultanciftligiedirnekapi 有軌電車建設(shè)和中斷的街道noise and vibration噪音污染和振動for metro excavations, a lot of different machines are used.these machines seriously disturbthe environment with the

51、ir noise and vibrations. in some regions, excavation may be as close as 56 m away from inhabited apartment blocks (fig. 10). in such cases, people are disturbed asexcavation may take a signicant period of time to be completed.地鐵建設(shè)中會用到各種不同的機械設(shè)備,這些機械設(shè)備產(chǎn)生的噪聲和震動嚴重影響了周圍的環(huán)境。有些地區(qū),施工操作距離居民樓近達 5-6 米(見圖 10),這

52、種情況下,居民生活會受到嚴重打擾,直到施工結(jié)束都會是斷難熬的日子。drillingblasting may be needed in conventional methods for drilling through hard rock. inthis case, no matter how controlled the blasting is, people who are living in the area experienceboth noise and vibrations. some become scared, thinking that an earthquake is happening. inblasting areas, the intensity of vibrations is measured. in order to keep them within accepted limits,delayed capsules are used.當需要通過堅硬巖石時,鉆孔爆破是一種常用工法。這種情況下,無


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  • 4. 未經(jīng)權(quán)益所有人同意不得將文件中的內(nèi)容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



