



1、教學設(shè)計案例設(shè)計題目Unit 2 Grammar教學內(nèi)容This less on in troduces Noun + and possessive adjectives and pronouns to expressthe idea of bel onging.教學對象The seve nth grade stude nts.1. To be able to use Noun correctly.教學目標2. To ide ntify possessive adjectives and pronouns.3. To use possessive adjectives and pronouns

2、 correctly.教學策略1. Use pictures to help them ide ntify Noun s easily.2. Con solidate the use of Nouns and possessive by pair work an dgroup work.課前準備見學案與測評教學過程所教學步驟用 時教師活動學生活動設(shè)計說明間1. Prese nt a picture of a dog first.Look at the pictures andUse the pictures toAsk Is it cute? Who s its master?an swer

3、the questio ns.help the studentsThe n prese nt a picture of a boy.Say The dog is thelearn the Nouns.2. Prese nt a picture of a villa. Askboys.”Step 1 Prese ntati onWhose house is this? ” presen,Let all the studentsKobe.Say Its Kobes. ”be interested in the10mi ns3. Prese nt a picture of some shoes. A

4、sk Whose shoes are they?” present ladies pictures.Say They are ladies.”less ons4. Prese nt a picture of a bedroom. Ask Whose bedroom is this?”Say Its the brothers. ”present two boys picture.Discuss with the partner.5. Guide the stude nts to work outThe n work out the rule.:he rule.1. Guide the stude

5、nts to finishDo the exercises alone.Con solidatetheStep 2 Practicethe exercises on page 35 oncontents8mi nstheir own.Check the an swers.2. Ask stude nts to work in pairs.Ask and an swer.Work in pairsDivide the stude nts into theStudents can learngroups of four. One is thebetter by workingdetective a

6、nd turn back. OthersStep 3 Practice6mi nschoose some thi ngs, such as ruler, eraser, book and so on. Then the detective asks: “this ? One of them answers : Yes, it or No, it isn s. The detective has on ly twice.Jin groups. .practice Noun .1.Step 4 Prese ntati on10mi ns3.4.Prese nt possessive using s

7、ome objects in the classroom. Ask students: “ Where my pen? Theres one on the desk. It isnt my pen. It not mine. Whose pen is this?” students answer: ft $. ft his/ her pen .It his / hers.Prese nt our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs, its in the same way.Ask stude nts to say the use of possessive.Gu

8、ide students toListen to the teacher carefully and an swer the questio ns.Think about the use of it.Try to work out the ruleThink aboutAsk them toiden tify possessive adjectivespronouns.Askstude ntssummarizeanctotheStep 5 Practice6mi ns5 minsStep 6 Prese ntati onStep 7Homeworkthe rule and differe nc

9、eswork outtell thediffere ncesbetweerpossessive adjectives and pronouns.1. Guide students to look at the picture on page 36 and complete :he exercise on their own.2. Ask five students to read the dialogue. Others check an swers.Work in pairs to make up the dialogue to talk about own thin gs, using the useful expressions on :he scree n.1. Revise the contents of thisesson.2. Do the exercise on the workbook.therulesthemselves.byLook at the picture Complete the exerciseRole play the dialogueCheck an swersCheck students ifthey can use them correctly.Gu


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