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1、摘要:唐泰斯和希刺克利夫分別是復仇小說基督山伯爵和呼嘯山莊中的主人公,唐泰斯歷來被世人視為“天神”的化身,而希刺克利夫則被看作是“惡魔”的代表。其實,同為復仇者,他們本質(zhì)上是一致的,他們身上交織著愛恨情仇,他們都有著頑強的毅力,都選擇了金錢作為自己復仇的工具,并且最后兩人都獲得了一定程度上的新生。 關(guān)鍵詞:復仇;唐泰斯;希刺克利夫 產(chǎn)生于19世紀40年代的基督山伯爵和呼嘯山莊都是以復仇為主題的小說,因為其深刻的思想內(nèi)容和精湛的創(chuàng)作技巧而在世界文學史上占據(jù)了非常重要的地位。小說中兩位復仇者形象也倍受人關(guān)注。然而,唐泰斯的復仇被披上正義神圣的外衣,他被視為復仇天神。而希刺克利夫卻被世人痛恨,認為他



4、這個世界上,我最大的悲痛就是希剌克厲夫的悲痛我對林敦的愛像樹林中的葉子我對希剌克厲夫的愛恰似地面的巖石。但由于她一時軟弱、虛榮和愚蠢,葬送了自己的青春、愛情和生命,她毀了希剌克厲夫和差一點傷害了下一代。作者對這個人物有同情,有憤慨,有鞭策,有惋惜。 呼嘯山莊被認為是英國小說史上一部最奇特的小說,最具有藝術(shù)震撼力的小說之一,原因是那時代的傷感憂郁情調(diào)小說風行,沒有像呼嘯山莊表達出來的那種狂飆般的愛和憎,這種情感才是人類情感的極至,惟有極至化的性格、情感和經(jīng)歷的人才能打動我們讀者的心弦,作品才會取得永恒祭臺的位置。 published in 1847, wuthering heights was

5、not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural-and author emily bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. it was not until 1850, when wuthering heights received a second printing with an introduction by emilys s

6、ister charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. and from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of english literature. even so, wuthering heights continues to divide readers. it is not a pretty love story; rather, i

7、t is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. it is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. and yet-it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets i

8、t apart from virtually every other novel written. the novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. after a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family-which he receives from nelly deans, a servant who introduces us to the earnshaw family who

9、 once resided in the house known as wuthering heights. it was once a cheerful place, but old earnshaw adopted a gipsy child who he named heathcliff. and catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. but although catherine loves him,

10、even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. she instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. wuthering heights is a bit difficult to get into; the opening chapters are so dark in their por

11、trait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. but they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays ou

12、t across two generations. catherine and heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. as the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of

13、 revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world-dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her

14、memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or

15、 wife is like.this kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. emily bronts wuthering heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. three of the

16、se are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. because heathcliff gained all the attention from mr. earnshaw, hindley became disassociated from his father. t

17、his separation continued until after mr. earnshaw had died.another example is between hindley and hareton. hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young hareton. this led to a separation between hareton and his father as well. one primary example of an uncaring

18、parent is shown between heathcliff and his son linton.heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. this is shown by lintons fear of heathcliff and heathcliffs enmity toward his son. linton even says . my father threatened me, and i dread him - i dread him!

19、(244) to express his feeling about heathcliff.the hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children. this element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wi

20、ves dont know each other. this had happened between isabella and heathcliff. isabella did not really know heathcliff when she married him, but after she had married him she saw that heathcliff was not a gentleman at all. to declare her feelings she wrote is heathcliff a man? if so, is he mad? and if

21、 not, is he a devil? i shant tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but i beseech you to explain, if you can, what i have married .(125). another example of this is when catherine married edgar linton. although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, she thought having parties all the

22、 time was going to be fun. yet, after a while, she became bored. she also realized that she loved heathcliff more than edgar and would always love heathcliff.this enlightenment created separation between edgar and catherine during the final hours of cathys life. an additional marriage which was made

23、 that was doomed was the one between catherine and linton. because this was a forced marriage, cathy had not yet learned all she could about linton.because she did not know until after the marriage that linton was selfish and inconsiderate, she became distressed and grew isolated in the house.these

24、three failed marriages described in this novel show that knowing the person you will marry is very important.while these marriages took place, jealousy also took a hold in some relationships. one example of this is when mr. earnshaw starts to favor heathcliff over his own son, hindley. because of th

25、is, hindley becomes jealous of young heathcliff and sets out to make heathcliffs life a nightmare. hindleys jealousy becomes evident when he says ,. be damned you beggarly interloper! and wheedle my father out of all he has; only afterwards show him what you are, imp of satan.(35). jealousy was also

26、 found very notably in the relationship between heathcliff and edgar linton. the jealousy between them is expressed when heathcliff and edgar start a hostile conversation after cathys homecoming at christmas near the beginning of the book. as the story progresses these two become bitter enemies who

27、will not speak to one another. another relationship which jealousy ruined is the one between hareton and linton. these two become jealous of each other over cathys affections. this relationship ends as hareton and linton hating each other. these relationships show that jealousy can ruin a relationsh

28、ip very quickly. the jealousy, neglect, and unprepared nature of the many relationships in this book indicates that many of the relationships in this book have gone sour. in spite of all these destructive elements one relationship may succeed. this is the one between cathy and hareton. wutheringheig

29、hts isaboutaloveandretaliatestory. heathcliffwaspickedupbyharetonearnshawinthestreetofengland.heregardedheathcliffashisson.mrearnshawsson,hindley,hatedheathcliffverymuch,buthissister,catherinelikedhimverymuch. aftermrearnshawsdeath,hindleyregardedheathcliffasaworker,andmishandledheathcliffallthetime

30、.atthattime,catherineandheathcliffhadthefeelingoflove.therichmanssonlintonwholivednexttocatherinerequestedherlove,andsheanswered.soheathcliffleftthefamilyangry. afterthreeyear,catherinemarriedlinton.heathcliffbecamearichmanandcameback.hestartedhisplanofretaliateatthesametime.hindleygotbadhabitbecaus

31、eoflosinghiswife,heathcliffleadedhimintoabadman,andhadallhismoneyeasily,healsoleadhindleyssonintotrouble. heathcliffmarriedlintonssisterisabellawithcheatingher,andthenhemishandledher.catherinewasdeadaftershebirthedherdaughterlittlecatherineandisabellabirthedhersonandthenleftheathcliffaftershediscove

32、redheathcliffscrafty.afterwards,isabellawasdead,hersonwasgotbacktoheathcliff,andheathcliffmadehissonfellintolovewithlittlecatherine. whenlintonwasillbadly,heathcliffcatchedlittlecatherine,andforcedshemarriedhisson,thenhegotalllintonsmoney,finishhisretaliateplan.littlelintondiedinashorttime,littlecat

33、herinefellinlovewithhindleysson,hareton.atthesametime,heathcliffwasupsetbecauseofcatherine.hedidntwanttoretaliateanymore,thenheletthemgettogether.last,hewasdead. whatasadstoryitis! 情愛、復仇與寬恕呼嘯山莊與原野之比較內(nèi)容提要呼嘯山莊和原野都是早生的嬰兒,雖然誕生在不同的時代和國度,卻有相似的命運,一經(jīng)問世便遭到無情的指責和徹底的否定,然而,就像逗留在“蒙娜麗莎”嘴角邊的神秘的微笑,呼嘯山莊和原野也顯示了一種永久的藝

34、術(shù)魅力,緊緊包裹在其中的是怎樣一個信息呢?這似乎是一個猜不透的斯芬克斯之迷。我個人以為這兩部作品雖然都是寫關(guān)于“復仇”故事,作者似乎也能理解這種復仇,但作品的最終指向還是向“善”,宣揚的是“寬恕,這與創(chuàng)作主體的精神世界是相契合的 。關(guān) 鍵 詞二重世界 神秘主義 復仇 寬恕abstract“wuthering heights” and “wild plain” are the premature babies. they were born in the different times and countries but with the same fate, that is, they wer

35、e subjected to merciless censure and thorough negation as soon as they came out. like monalizas mysterious smile. however, they also demonstrate an everlasting artistic charm. the implication contained in the two works is like a riddle waiting for exposure. in my opinion, through the themes of two w

36、orks are both about revenge which is understood by the writers, the ultimate aim that the writers hoped to reach was to praise kindness and lenience. this agreed with the writers own rich and complicated spiritual world.key wordsthe two kinds of world mysticismsrevenge forgiveness violence in wuther

37、ing heights wuthering heights was written by emile bront, one of the bront sisters. the author finished this novel in 1847. after that, emily died soon in 1848 at age thirty. in the nineteenth century wuthering heights becomes as classical novel. the readers who were read this novel were shocked by

38、the violence. in this paper, i will discuss the theme of the violence on wuthering heights. the novel takes place in england around 1760. the narrator, a gentleman named lockwood. lockwood rents a fine house and park called thrush cross grange in yorkshire, and gradually learns more and more about t

39、he histories of two local families. this is what he learns from a housekeeper, ellen dean, who had been with one of the two families for all of her life. the story takes place in two main settings; wuthering heights and thrush cross grange, both situated on the harsh and desolate moors of yorkshire.

40、 emily bronte actually grew up and lived in this place, and so her depiction of it is very accurate, and she uses her knowledge to emphasise the moods and attitudes of the characters. the people of these two houses differ from each other. the people from the wuthering heights such as heath cliff are

41、 generally angry, ill tempered, vengeful, and often immoral. these attitudes are clearly reflected through the large, cold and dark house, situated on top of a ruthless hill on the moors. thrush cross grange is a more cultivated, calm house, situated in a valley of the moors. its inhabitants, includ

42、ing edgar linton, are generally more refined, with more morals and calmer attitudes than those of wuthering heights. catherine earnshaw, who is from wuthering heights, is a character that creates the conflict throughout the whole book and between the two characters, edgar and heath cliff. to clarify

43、 more that catherine is torn between her love for heathcliff and her desire to be a gentlewoman, and her decision to marry the gentle edgar linton drags almost all of the novels characters into conflict with heathcliff to begin with, one of the main characters in wuthering heights is the devilish he

44、ath cliff. an orphan despised since his birth. heath cliff grows up to become a sadistic, cruel, vengeful and immoral man .he is often referred to as “l(fā)ike the devil” or as “evil”, and this is certainly the way he acts. his intense yet destroyed passion towards catherine earns haw causes him to desp

45、ise all members of the linton family of thrush cross grange, and he determined to destroy them in numerous. his character develops from chapter to another chapter he becomes a horrible person, especially when he abuses isabella edgar lintons sister. he used her infatuation as a tool of revenge towar

46、ds the lintons, he constantly and savagely attacks linton, his own dying son, and even his tenant, mr lockwood cannot escape his cruelty. heathcliffs love for catherine is tinged with danger and violence; edgar loves catherine with gracious tranquillity, and catherine returns affection to each of th

47、em accordingly. the grange is a symbol of civilization, warmth, and goodness; the heights are a symbol of wildness, cruelty, and evil. such utter difference between the environments and climates of the two households symbolizes the distinction between the temperaments of their inhabitants. this cont

48、rast results in the pain, anguish, and discontent suffered by the protagonists; yet ultimately, the violent passion that is like the howling winds of wuthering heights and the tender love that reminds one the sweet air at thrush cross grange come together, through the marriage of catherine and heath

49、cliffs respective offspring, never to separate again. through extensive descriptions of the characters dwellings and its surroundings, bronte helps the reader gain insight into these characters. the reader who scrutinizes this novel , will face many various violence between the characters .for examp

50、le in chapter 4 heathcliff and hindly are very violent towards each other. and heathcliff knows he can use it to his advantage. he doesnt even need to fight back, because father will always take his side. this bad relation is more developed through story heathcliff is jealous of edgar linton, who is

51、 so pale and delicate and well mannered. he hates that catherine likes him, and when linton makes a comment about heathcliffs hair, heathcliff throws hot applesauce in his face. heathcliffs violence is answered with more violence. hindley took him upstairs and beat him; hindley has become violent es

52、pecially when he sticks a knife into nellys mouth angry that she had not yet killed his son, as hed asked. then his mood changes and he wants to hug his son. even affection is violent with him, and the boy pulls away from his fathers brutal. on the other hand , heathcliff is tormented with the loss

53、of catherine , he hits his head against a tree , causing it to haemorrhage .nelly sees many bloodstains on the tree , and guesses that heathcliff had inflicted this pain on himself many times during the night . this violence has not only instilled in the main characters behaviour in this novel but a

54、lso it has a great infliction of the other characters. for example isabella is beginning to enjoy seeing others suffer. after the incident between hindley and heathcliff, isabella is happy to see heathcliff looking upset, and she taunts him about catherine until he cries. her cruel words lead to a c

55、ruel act, just as she previously feared-heathcliff impeaches her with a knife. the bigger surprise is that isabella, wild and changed, throws it back at him, hoping to wound him. linton became hysterical and had a terrible coughing fit after being forced from the living room. cathy still blamed hare

56、ton, and she hit him with her whip as she left. also the flow and cadences of the conversation seem to reflect the mood. every speech seems to flow into the other, and each time a speaker says something, it is usually long. unless it is long then it is made up for in powerful actions, which tend to fill the gaps. the speech rhythm in between


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