1、Chapter 3 Hedging Strategies Using Futures 1 Long & Short Hedges A long futures hedge is appropriate when you know you will purchase an asset in the future and want to lock in the price A short futures hedge is appropriate when you know you will sell an asset in the future and want to lock in the pr
2、ice 2 支持套期保值的觀點支持套期保值的觀點 3 Companies should focus on the main business they are in and take steps to minimize risks arising from interest rates, exchange rates, and other market variables 反對套期保值的觀點反對套期保值的觀點 Shareholders are usually well diversified and can make their own hedging decisions It may inc
3、rease risk to hedge when competitors do not Explaining a situation where there is a loss on the hedge and a gain on the underlying can be difficult 4 基差風險基差風險 Basis is usually defined as the spot price minus the futures price Basis risk arises because of the uncertainty about the basis when the hedg
4、e is closed out 5 Long Hedge for Purchase of an Asset Define F1 : Futures price at time hedge is set up F2 : Futures price at time asset is purchased S2 : Asset price at time of purchase b2 : Basis at time of purchase Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, Copyright John C. Hull 2012
5、6 Cost of assetS2 Gain on FuturesF2 F1 Net amount paidS2 (F2 F1) =F1 + b2 交叉套期保值的情形F1 + (S2*-F2)+(S2-S2*) Short Hedge for Sale of an Asset 7 Define F1 : Futures price at time hedge is set up F2 : Futures price at time asset is sold S2 : Asset price at time of sale b2 : Basis at time of sale Price of
6、 assetS2 Gain on FuturesF1 F2 Net amount receivedS2 + (F1 F2) =F1 + b2 期貨合約的選擇期貨合約的選擇 Choose a delivery month that is as close as possible to, but later than, the end of the life of the hedge When there is no futures contract on the asset being hedged, choose the contract whose futures price is most
7、 highly correlated with the asset price. This is known as cross hedging. 8 Optimal Hedge Ratio (page 57) Proportion of the exposure that should optimally be hedged is where sS is the standard deviation of DS, the change in the spot price during the hedging period, sF is the standard deviation of DF,
8、 the change in the futures price during the hedging period r is the coefficient of correlation between DS and DF. 9 F S h s s r * Optimal Number of Contracts QA Size of position being hedged (units) QFSize of one futures contract (units) VAValue of position being hedged (=spot price time QA) VFValue
9、 of one futures contract (=futures price times QF) 10 Optimal number of contracts if no tailing adjustment F A Q Qh * Optimal number of contracts after tailing adjustment to allow or daily settlement of futures F A V Vh * q MVHR假設決策者要通過調整期初持有的期貨頭寸來最小化 期末的期現(xiàn)組合的價值的方差。假設現(xiàn)貨價格變化期初為 S0,期末為S1,期貨價格期初為F0,期末位
10、F1。那么最小 化1單位的現(xiàn)貨和h單位的期貨構成的資產組合價值的方差 的話,即 由于方差總存在最小值,僅考慮一階條件,令 可得 也可寫成 11 最小方差套保比 Example (Pages 59-60) Airline will purchase 2 million gallons of jet fuel in one month and hedges using heating oil futures From historical data sF =0.0313, sS =0.0263, and r= 0.928 12 77770 03130 02630 9280. . . . * h E
11、xample continued The size of one heating oil contract is 42,000 gallons The spot price is 1.94 and the futures price is 1.99 (both dollars per gallon) so that Optimal number of contracts assuming no daily settlement Optimal number of contracts after tailing 13 033700042000000277770.,. 10365808300088
12、0377770.,. 5808300042991 00088030000002941 ,. ,. F A V V OLSOLS簡單線性回歸方程要求模型的殘差項是獨立同分布的,簡單線性回歸方程要求模型的殘差項是獨立同分布的, 若回歸方程的殘差項存在條件異方差,則估計出的若回歸方程的殘差項存在條件異方差,則估計出的 值不在值不在 具有有效性和無偏性,針對這個問題,具有有效性和無偏性,針對這個問題,Engle(1982)Engle(1982)首先提首先提 出了出了ARCHARCH模型對方差進行建模,模型對方差進行建模,Bollerslev(1986)Bollerslev(1986)將將ARCHARC
13、H 模型發(fā)展為廣義模型發(fā)展為廣義ARCHARCH模型(模型(GARCHGARCH)。)。 大量實證研究表明大量實證研究表明GARCHGARCH模型能夠很好地描述金融變量的波模型能夠很好地描述金融變量的波 動特征。因此可以采用單變量動特征。因此可以采用單變量GARCHGARCH模型,通過最大似然估模型,通過最大似然估 計(計(MLEMLE)求算最優(yōu)套期保值比率)求算最優(yōu)套期保值比率。 GARCH(p,q)GARCH(p,q)模型的一般形式如下:模型的一般形式如下: 殘差項:殘差項: 條件方差方程:條件方差方程: 基于基于GARCHGARCH模型求套保比模型求套保比 股指期貨合約股指期貨合約 美國
14、期貨合約美國期貨合約 S&P 500 股指期貨股指期貨 合約標的合約標的S&P 500 合約乘數(shù)合約乘數(shù)$250 報價單位報價單位指數(shù)點 最小變動最小變動0.1點 合約月份合約月份3月,6月,9月,12月 每日價格變化限制每日價格變化限制最新2010年一季度的熔斷變化點數(shù)為:110,220,330。當下 降這些點數(shù)是熔斷,上升不熔斷。每季度重新計算一次。 最后交易日最后交易日合約到期月份的第三個星期五前的星期四 交割方式交割方式現(xiàn)金交割 交割日期交割日期最后交易日下一日 交易時間交易時間周一到周五: 8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m 保證金保證金Span系統(tǒng)計算 最終結算價最終結算價Spe
15、cial Opening Quotation (通過最后交易日下一交易日的股 票開盤價計算) 頭寸限制頭寸限制20,000手凈多頭或凈空頭 使用股指期貨保值使用股指期貨保值 (Page 61) To hedge the risk in a portfolio the number of contracts that should be shorted is where VA is the value of the portfolio, b is its beta, and VF is the value of one futures contract 17 F A V V b Example
16、S&P 500 futures price is 1,000 Value of Portfolio is $5 million Beta of portfolio is 1.5 What position in futures contracts on the S&P 500 is necessary to hedge the portfolio? 18 改變改變 Beta What position is necessary to reduce the beta of the portfolio to 0.75? What position is necessary to increase
17、the beta of the portfolio to 2.0? 19 Why Hedge Equity Returns May want to be out of the market for a while. Hedging avoids the costs of selling and repurchasing the portfolio Suppose stocks in your portfolio have an average beta of 1.0, but you feel they have been chosen well and will outperform the
18、 market in both good and bad times. Hedging ensures that the return you earn is the risk- free return plus the excess return of your portfolio over the market.(獲取收益) 20 滾動對沖策略滾動對沖策略 We can roll futures contracts forward to hedge future exposures Initially we enter into futures contracts to hedge exp
19、osures up to a time horizon Just before maturity we close them out an replace them with new contract reflect the new exposure etc 21 Liquidity Issues (See Business Snapshot 3.2) In any hedging situation there is a danger that losses will be realized on the hedge while the gains on the underlying exp
20、osure are unrealized This can create liquidity problems One example is Metallgesellschaft which sold long term fixed-price contracts on heating oil and gasoline and hedged using stack and roll The price of oil fell. 22 2021-7-223 購銷關系購銷關系 Castle公司公司 (客戶) 包銷公司所有 石油提煉產品 ,以最近月份 的原油價格加 成若干美元作 為購買價格。 MGR
21、M 公司公司 用戶用戶 以稍高于當 時市價的固 定價格定期 提供給用戶 總量約1.6億 桶石油商品 十年長期合約十年長期合約 十年遠期合同十年遠期合同 產生風險產生風險 管理需要管理需要 2021-7-224 “德國金屬”必須為這個合約制定一套套 期保值的策略,以把油品價格變動的風險轉移 到市場上去。它采用了在在NYME買入石油標準買入石油標準 期貨合約、在店頭市場做互換合同期貨合約、在店頭市場做互換合同的方式來將 它與用戶的契約中引起的價格風險轉移。這也 符合其穩(wěn)健的風格。 交易結構交易結構 2021-7-225 油品價格漲跌的影響油品價格漲跌的影響 價格上漲: 期貨盈利,互換盈利,現(xiàn)貨虧損
22、。 價格下跌: 期貨虧損,互換虧損,現(xiàn)貨盈利。 價格上漲會使衍生物頭寸有盈利。價格上漲會使衍生物頭寸有盈利。 2021-7-226 2021-7-227 市場反向變化市場反向變化 1993年6月:19美元/桶 1993年12月:15美元/桶 2021-7-228 市場反向變化市場反向變化 OPEC 油價下滑油價下滑 反向變反向變 正向正向 保證金保證金 追繳追繳 出現(xiàn)龐大 資金缺口 2021-7-229 結局結局 1 在現(xiàn)貨上積在現(xiàn)貨上積 累的大量潛累的大量潛 在利潤無法在利潤無法 變現(xiàn)變現(xiàn) 3 花花1010億美元億美元 解除與解除與 CastleCastle能源能源 公司的合約公司的合約 2
23、 在能源期貨在能源期貨 和互換交易和互換交易 上損失上損失1313億億 美元美元 150150家德國和其它國際銀行家德國和其它國際銀行對MG 公司采取了一個數(shù)額高達19億美元的拯 救行動,才使得MG公司避免了破產。 德國金屬套保案例德國金屬套保案例 30 為了說明MGRM的對沖方案所面臨的基差風 險,我們先將其簡化。假定現(xiàn)在是1993年1月份, MGRM與顧客簽訂的遠期合約是在1993年5月份交 割。采取stack-and-roll策略對這一遠期合約的空頭 進行套期保值:在1月,建立1993年2月到期的期 貨合約多頭。到2月時,平掉2月期貨的多頭,同 時建立3月到期的期貨合約多頭,以此類推到
24、1993年5月時,平掉在4月份建立的5月期貨的多頭, 同時在現(xiàn)貨市場購進現(xiàn)貨,兌現(xiàn)遠期合約。 德國金屬套保案例德國金屬套保案例 假定遠期合約中商定的交割價為S1(5),在5月份, 現(xiàn)貨價格為S5(5);Fi(j)表示在第i個月里交割月為j 的期貨合約的價格。 現(xiàn)貨市場盈利=S1(5) S5(5) 期貨市場盈利=F2(2) F1(2)+ F3(3) F2(3)+ F4(4) F3(4)+ F5(5) F4(5) 德國金屬套保案例德國金屬套保案例 現(xiàn)貨與期貨的總盈利= S1(5) S5(5)+ F2(2) F1(2)+ F3(3) F2(3)+ F4(4) F3(4)+ F5(5) F4(5) 由于臨近交割時,期貨價格趨近現(xiàn)貨價格,所以我 們大致可以認為S5(5) =F5(5),利用這一假定,重新 排列總盈利公式,可得: 總盈利=S1(5) F1(2)+ F2(2) F2(3)+ F3(3) F3(4)+ F4(4) F4(5) =S1(5) F1(2)+2月基差+3月基差+4月基差 德國
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