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1、Basic sentences 1. Jinan is at the junction of the Beijing-Shanghai and the Qingdao-Jinan railways. 濟南位于京滬鐵路線和青濟線的交匯處。濟南位于京滬鐵路線和青濟線的交匯處。 2. Lingyan Temple is one of the four finest temples in China. 靈巖寺是中國四大名寺之一。靈巖寺是中國四大名寺之一。 3. From September 6-8, there is a Moutain Climbing Festival in Taian. 每年的每

2、年的9月月6日至日至8日,泰安舉行日,泰安舉行 登山節(jié)。登山節(jié)。 4. Mountain Tai is 2.5 million years old. 泰山已有泰山已有250萬年的歷史了萬年的歷史了。 5. Qufu is the hometown and grave of Confucius. 曲阜是孔子的家鄉(xiāng)和墓地。曲阜是孔子的家鄉(xiāng)和墓地。 6. Confucius lived from 551 to 479 B.C. during the Spring and Autumn Period. 孔夫子生活在公元前孔夫子生活在公元前551年至年至 公元前公元前479年之間的春秋戰(zhàn)國年之間的春秋戰(zhàn)

3、國 時期。時期。 7. Some elements of Confucian theories are still stifling Chinese people everywhere. 孔夫子的某些理論至今還對中國人影響巨大孔夫子的某些理論至今還對中國人影響巨大。 8. Today, one-fifth of the people in Qufu are surnamed Kong. 如今,曲阜五分之一的人姓孔。 9. Currently living are Confuciuss 69th to 80th generations. 如今健在的是孔子的第69代至80代后裔。 10. Qing

4、dao lies on a peninsula on the southern coast of Shandong province. 青島位于山東南海岸的一個半島上。 11.Qingdao is an important munufacturing center, ice-free port and pretty summer resort. 青島是重要的制造中心,不凍港和避暑勝地。 12. Qingdao is famous for its beer, mineral water, wine and European heritage. 青島以啤酒、礦泉水、酒和歐式遺風(fēng)聞名于世。 13.

5、Weifang is noted for its international Kite Festival every year. 濰坊每年舉行的風(fēng)箏節(jié)很有名。Situational dialogues - Can you give me a brief introduction to Jinan? -Ok, Jinan is the capital of Shandong province. - Yes. - It has been famous primarily for its springs and Buddhist temples.(主要以泉水和佛寺出名) -I know it has

6、 a nickname of the city of springs.(我知道它俗稱“泉城”) - Right. It is near to Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. -Confucius is the greatest thinker in China and educationist (最偉大的思想家和教育家), isnt he? - Yes. Jinan is 15km from the south shore of the Yellow River.(濟南市距離黃河南岸15公里) - Why is it called Jinan? - It wa

7、s named Jinan, meaning south of the Ji River. The name has kept even though that river dried up centuries ago.(濟南意思是濟河之南。濟河早在幾百年前就干涸,而名字依然使用。)Dialogue 2 - Mountain Tai is one of Chinas Five Sacred Mountains (五大圣山) , isnt it? - Yes, in ancient times, emperors came here to offer sactifices to Earth an

8、d to Heaven (皇帝來這兒祭祀天地). - How high is it? - The summit is 1,545 meters above sea level.(最高峰海拔1545 米) - I was told that ascending on foot is a satisfying way to climb it (據(jù)說徒步登山是最令人滿意的攀登方式), right? - Yes, because he mountain has 30 old tmples (古寺廟) and 66 well-documented scenic spots(完好記錄的景點). - The

9、n the climbing should be full of meaning.(這樣說來,攀登就很富有意義了) - Yes. If you do it the hard way, you are following in the footsteps of Confucius.(要是你努力去攀登的話,你就是追隨孔子的足跡了。)五岳之尊云霧繚繞 泰山多雨重現(xiàn)云雨美Dialogue 3 - Do you want to see a mirage on the sea (海市蜃樓)? - Sure, where can I see it? - Penglai Pavillion(蓬萊閣) is a

10、 good place to enjoy seeing it. - Where is Penglai Pavillion? - It is 83km northwest of Yantai. - Oh, its easy to go. Id like to go. - In Chinese, a saying goes that when the Eight Taoist Immortals flew across the seas, each tried to compete with the other using his or her own treasure (八仙過海,各顯神通).

11、- Sounds meaningful.(聽起來很有意味) - It was from Penglai Pavillion that legend says the Eight Taoist Immortals flew across the seas (傳說八仙就是從蓬萊閣漂洋過海的).山東蓬萊再現(xiàn)海市蜃樓奇觀山東蓬萊再現(xiàn)海市蜃樓奇觀 持持續(xù)約一個半小時續(xù)約一個半小時 中新網(wǎng)8月30日電 據(jù)中廣網(wǎng)報道,“人間仙境”山東蓬萊昨天(29日)再現(xiàn)海市蜃樓奇觀。 當(dāng)日清晨,地處膠東半島的山東省蓬萊市空氣清新,連續(xù)多日的降雨將蓬萊城涮洗得煥然一新,只有城北海天一線處仿佛有淡淡的霧氣在縈繞,晨練的人們盡

12、情地享受著這美好的景致。 大約5時20分,在蓬萊閣東北方向紅光乍現(xiàn),出現(xiàn)了一條光亮的帶狀物,并在不斷地延伸。一會兒顏色變紫,形狀尤如郁郁蔥蔥的原始森林,從東到西綿延幾十公里,偶爾有長頸鹿隱隱出現(xiàn)。逐漸地有山峰隆起,層巒疊嶂,云霧繚繞,仿佛“兩岸猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山”的意境。過了一段時間,群峰漸漸地隱去,在南長山島以北,又一座“南長山”從海中慢慢涌起,瞬間凝結(jié),宛如南長山列島的孿生姐妹。 這種景觀持續(xù)了大約90分鐘,接近7時完全消退,在蓬萊海邊晨練的市民和中外游客幾千人有幸目睹了這一虛無縹緲的海市奇觀。(王茂盛、邢志明) “我們發(fā)現(xiàn)海市蜃樓了我們發(fā)現(xiàn)海市蜃樓了”“大海深處有連綿群山大海深處

13、有連綿群山”昨天上午,昨天上午,10多名游客撥打早報熱線多名游客撥打早報熱線2888000向記者反向記者反映,記者經(jīng)咨詢氣象部門了解到,游客所見到的映,記者經(jīng)咨詢氣象部門了解到,游客所見到的“海市海市蜃樓蜃樓”其實是一種奇特的氣象現(xiàn)象其實是一種奇特的氣象現(xiàn)象海霧積云,由于海霧積云,由于島城近海氣溫較高,大海深處氣溫較低,海霧在深海生島城近海氣溫較高,大海深處氣溫較低,海霧在深海生成后,因風(fēng)力不大漂浮在海面上,形成積云(上圖)。成后,因風(fēng)力不大漂浮在海面上,形成積云(上圖)。 Additional words & phrase Baotu Spring Black Tiger Spring Go

14、len Ox Park Liberation Pavillion Thousand Buddha Mountain Yellow River Dikes Ancient Naval Base 趵突泉 黑虎泉 金牛公園 解放閣 千佛山 黃河河堤古代海軍基地 Penglai Water City Bathing Beach Childrens Playing Center Liang Gong Woods Temple of Duke Zhou Temple of Yanhui Pottery Factory 蓬萊水城 海水浴場 兒童樂園 梁公林 周公廟 顏廟 美陶工廠 碧霞祠碧霞祠 斬云劍斬云劍

15、 仙人橋仙人橋 地質(zhì)公園地質(zhì)公園 五岳獨尊五岳獨尊 高山流水高山流水 Azure Cloud Temple Cloud-cutting Sword Immortal Bridge Geopark First among Five Famous mountains Mountains & Streams 龍?zhí)镀俨箭執(zhí)镀俨?孔子登臨處孔子登臨處 瞻魯臺瞻魯臺 勞模勞模 英模英模 Dragon Poll Waterfall The Spot Greeted by Confucius Platform for Overlooking the State Lu Modal Worker Combat Modal Hero 云步橋云步橋 中天門中天門 南天門南天門 天街天街 扇子崖扇子崖 經(jīng)石峪經(jīng)石峪 醉心石醉心石 玉皇頂玉皇頂 Tread-clouds Bridge Gate Halfway to Heaven South Gate to Heaven Heavenly Street Fan Cliff


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