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1、2014318 填空1. The full n ame of Un ited Kin gdom is The Un ited Kin gdom of Great Britainand the Norther n Irela nd.2. The isla nd of Great Brita in is made up of England Scotia nd and Wales3. The Un ited Kin gdom has bee n a member of European Union since 19734. Britain is now a Multiracial society

2、which produces a population ofwhich in 20 are of non-Europea neth ni city.5. London plays a sig nifica nt role in Britain s econo mic and cultural life. It only the financial centreof the nation , but also one of the three majorintern ati onal finan cial cen tres in the world .6. The highest moun ta

3、 in in Britai n is Ben Nevis7. Thames river flows through central London and it is a very important river8. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotla nd.9. Kin gdom of Great Brita in and Irela nd (George 川)curre nt Un io n Flag adopted on Jan. 1 st 1801nd10. National Day of UK is officially celebrated in B

4、ritain on the 2Saturday ofJune each year since February 1925.11. The largest lake in Brita in is the Lough Neagh in Norther n Irela nd which covers an area of 396 km212. The London Eye is the largest Ferris wheel ( 摩天輪)in Europe.2014.3.21選擇/問答1. The location of UK is in the Europe.A. Easter nB. West

5、ern C. Souther nD. Norther n2. All the following cities are major deep-water ports of UK.ExceptA. LondonB. LiverpoolC. BelfastD. Edi nburgh3. The n ati onal flower of UK isA roseB thistleC daffodilD shamrock4. All of the following , except for ,were tribes from the north whomoved into England in the

6、 400s ADA. An glesB Saxons C JutesD Celts5 The An glo-Sax on Chronicle is a_B n ewspaperD no velA. poem about a hero n amed BeowulfC historical record6 Beowulf (貝奧武夫,北歐神話史詩)isA a long no velB a long poem writte n by Geoffrey ChaucerC a long poem by unknown storytellerD a long novel written by W. Wil

7、liam Shakespeare7The Can terbury Tales was writte n by A Geoffrey Chaucer B Thomas Becket C Palamon D Griselda8 The frame of The Can terbury Tales is A the pilgrims telling stories on their tripB the con flict betwee n the friar and the sum monerC Ki ng Arthur courtD the differe nces betwee n the kn

8、i ght and the squire9 The Can terbury Tales is an unu sual piece of literature from the MiddleAges because A it describes the characters pers on alitiesB it in cludes middle class charactersC both A and B D neither A nor B10 There are stories in The Can terbury TalesA5B26C 15D.6Brita in.川 Questions1

9、. What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great En gla nd ,the Un ited Kin gdom and the British Common wealth ?The com mon wealth : A free and loose associati on of in depe ndent coun triesthat were once colonies of Brita in.Founded in 1931/ To encourage trade and friendly re

10、lations among its members /About 50 member coun tries / The British Quee n: the head of the Common wealth /Meeti ng yearly2. Describe the geographical positi on of Brita in?An isla nd country surro un ded by four seasTo the south by the English Channel which separates it from continentalEurope/ To t

11、he east by the n orth sea /to the west by the Irish Sea and theAtla ntic Ocea nlook ing west to America.Located off the no rthwest coast of Europe,3. Does Brita in have a favorable climate? Why?Yes , itmild.A steady reliable rain fall throughout the whole yearThe temperature varies within a small ra

12、nge4 What are the factors which in flue nce the climate in Britai n? Which part ofBritain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest?The surrounding waters tend to bala nce the seas onal differe nces by heat ing up the land in win ter and cooli ng it off in summer.The south west winds below

13、over the country all the year round. Bringingwarm and wet air in win ter and keep ing the temperature moderate.The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warm them.還有!3.28I Filling the blank1. The UK still keeps an old fashioned government established on the basis of

14、constitutional monarchy.2. Coronation is a cerem ony of crow ning a king or quee n3. Queen Elizabeth n has crowned since 1952.4. Elizabeth n is the curre nt mon arch 元首 of UK.5. UK has a democratic gover nment with elected represe ntatives in itsParliame nt6. King John of England agreed to sign the

15、Magna Carta in 1215, to the dema nds of his barons.7. The members of House of Lords con sist of the Lords SpiritualAnd the Lords Temporal8. Windsor Castle, 32 kilometers (20 miles) west of London on the Thames,has bee n the reside nee of En gla ndsroyal family for 900 years.9. The House of Commons 下

16、議院 is a democratically 民主的 elected chamber with elect ion held at least every five years10 Buckin gham Palace in Westmi nster is the official London reside nee of the British sovereig n.11. The Cabinet meets regularly, usually once a week, in one of the rooms inthe Prime Mi nster s official reside n

17、ee No.10 Dow ning Street.12. The House of Commons consist of 651 members elected from the country s 651 constituencies with Mr. Speaker As he chairman in debates.n Multiple choice1. In the Un tied Kin gdom ,mini sters are appo in ted by the Quee n on the recomme ndati on ofA the Lord Cha ncellor B t

18、he Mo narchC the Prime Mi nisterD the Ki ng2. During the World War n , as a war leader , received massivepopular support and led the country to final victory in 1945.A. Harold Wilso nB Margaret ThatcherC Fran kli n RooseveltD Winston Churchill3. On accept ing , the age of con stitutio nal mon archy,

19、 of a mon archywith powers limited by Parliame nt bega nA. Con stituti onal LawB The Declarati on of In depe ndenceC Civil LawD Bill of Rights4. In Britain, a is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires orresig nsA civic 市民的 electionB by -electionC popular electio nD gen eral electio n5 All of

20、 the followi ng, except for were the most importa nt provisi ons of the GreatCharterA No tax should be made without the approval of the council議會B No free man should be arrested or impris oned uni ess convi cted by a jury of his fellow citize ns.C Mercha nts should be permitted to move about freelyD

21、 The king renoun ced his crow n6. Females were allowed to vote in n ati onal elect ions un til A1918B1916C1920D18967 The parliament was a word for a talking-place.A LatinB French C Roma nD Greek8 John of Are lived during the century.A 14thB 15thC 16thD 17th9. Joh n Lived and fought in A Greece B Fra

22、nceC Rome D En gla nd10. As long as William had bee n crow ned, he bega n to orga nize the gover nment of England on the system that had been so successful in Normandy . This is called system, and it was based on the own ership of landA the con stitutio nal of landB capitalist C feudalD royal川 Quest

23、ion1Compare the gover nment system of UK with that of USA2. Describe the power of quee n.3. What are the functions of parliame nt?4. Elaborate the composition of the parliament of the UK2014481 Fill in the blank1. In Brita in the citize ns aged 18 or over have the right to vote.2 In Brita in a can d

24、idate must be at least 21 or over with the deposit of 5003 The Liberal Democrats is the comb in atio n of the Social Democratic Party and The Liberal Party4. Curre ntly the three domin ati on political parties in UK are the Conservative party ,the labor party ,the Liberal Party .5The party which hol

25、ds a majority of the seats is parliament forms a government ,with their party leader as Prime Mi nister.6 Churchill is the member of Conservative party .7The curre nt leader of liberal democratic party is Nick Clegg , who is the deputy PM.8 A Hung parliame nt refers to the con diti on where no party

26、 was able to comma nd a majority in the House of Commons.9 The class system does exist in British society, which includes Working -class ,Middle-classhereditary aristocracy10 The majority of recent immigrants are from South Asia -India, Pakistan and SriLanka and Caribbean countries- Jamaica and Trin

27、i dad.n Multiple choices1 who has the right to vote for the Members of Parliame ntformi ng the House ofCommons of the parliame nt of UK?A lords B crimi nals C the legally insaneD citize ns over 182 On Tuesday 11 May, Gordon Brown announced his resignation as Prime Minister,marking the end of 13 year

28、s of gover nmentA Labor B the Conservative party C the Liberal Democrat D the Liberal Party3.ln 2010 ,Queen Elizabeth n , who then invited to form a government andbecome Prime Min ister .A Gordon Brow n B David Cameron C Nike CleggD Tony Blair4 Coalition talks began immediately between the Conservat

29、ives and andlasted for five days.A the Liberal Party B Labor PartyC the Liberal DemocratsD The Tory5 refers to where no party was able to comma nd a majority in the House ofCommonsA hung parliamentB shadow parliame ntC parliame ntD cab inet6 The Con servative party was foun ded in 1834 out of the ol

30、d, which itself hadbeen foun ded in 1678.A Labour PartyB the Liberal PartyC WhigsD Tory Party-market econo mics . Duringand to cut tax rates .7 She advocated the idea of small gover nment and free her term as the Prime Minister, she carried out politics toA n ati on alize the private in dustryB priv

31、atize the n atio nalized in dustryC establish the private in dustryD inv est the private in dustry8 In 1948, The Labour government set up the National Health Service to providehigh quality for free.A health care B educatio nC tran sportD in dustry9 If the government loses a in the House ofCommons ,

32、that is , if a majorityof MPs agree , then it has effectively lost its ability to govern and is forced to resig n and call a gen eral elect ionA First Past the Post B vote for no con fide nee”C winner -akes -all D solve the unemployment10 The ideal of the Liberal Democrats is to A provide free welfa

33、resB cut the taxesC giving power to the people “ D solve the un employme nt川 Question1 What are the effects of Immigra nts?Positive:In crease the variety and in terest within En glish cultureA varied cuisine;new forms of popular music; different religious beliefs/contributions to society/ Relatively

34、 tolerant countryNegative:In equality and discrim in ati on do existDepe nds on the attitude of some of their white n eighborView the newcomers as a threat to their way of living /trouble in the process of assimilati ng the immigra nts還有!2 What is the meaning of First-Past-the -Post in British Elect

35、ion?3. What are the main policies of the Con servative Party?4What are the main policies of the Labor Party?20144181 The UK experie need the Econo mic recessi on in the70s of 20 cen tury.2 By 1990, the econ omy of UK is overtaken byUS and Germa ny.3 In 2012, UK takes the world sixth largest eco no m

36、y.4The Curre nt UK Economy in cludes Primary Industries , Secon dary In dustries and Tertiary Industries.( 第三重要產(chǎn)業(yè))5 The UK en ergy producti on sta nds for5% of n ati onal wealth.6 North Sea oil producti on has bee n decli ning since19997 The aerospace of UK is 3largest in the world .8 The electr oni

37、cs in dustry of the UK is4 th largest in the world.n Multiple choice1 Econo mic recovery of UK is in A the 70sB the 80sC the 90sD the 60s2 By the 1880s ,dominant in the world, of the world manufacturedgoods.A one thirdB halfC one forthD two thirds3 In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. I

38、f you want anything done, ask awoman said by A Quee n Elizabeth nB Winston ChurchillC Margaret ThatcherD Harriet Harma n4 The followi ng brands are made by UK, except A ShellB GlaxoSmithKli ne C Wolf son Microelectro nics D Porsche川 True or false ( Please choose T or F to the following questions)(T

39、) 1. The spinning jenny was inven ted by James Hargreaves.(F ) 2 The In dustrial Revoluti on in the Brita in first bega n in the cloth ing in dustry.(F ) 3 During the in dustrial Revoluti on, the free competiti on and free trade wereun acceptable to the middle class.(T ) 4 The importation of goods f

40、rom British colonies and the exportation of these goods all over the world became the key to British prosperity.財(cái)富IV Questio ns1 What is British Disease ”A mock ing term(1) a term used to characterize Brita inec ono mic decli ne after wars.(2) Britain slow growth of productivity, soaring inflation,

41、and large unemployment.2 What causes the relative decli ne of UK Economy?Heavily into debt in order to finance the war (selling many accumulated overseasassets, borrowi ng large amounts from the US and Can ada)The era of the British Empire was over-deco loni zati on殖民地獨(dú)立(losses of raw material & mar

42、ket )Military expe nse (un til the process of deco loni zati on completed in the 1960s)Unit5Filling the blanks1. Geoffrey Chauceris the founder of English poetry.2. Beowulf is a 3182-line alliterative verse, considered the monumental work in English poetry of the An glo-Sax on period, or the n ati o

43、nal epic of the En glish people.3. Robin Hood is the archetypal En glish folk hero, a courteous, pious and swashbuckli ng outlaw of the medieval era who, in moder n versi ons of the lege nd, is famous for robb ing the rich to feed the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny.4. I n the Elizab

44、eth Period,Fran cis Bac on wrote many excelle nt essays, such as Of Studies ”5. The collectio n of poetry,Lyrical Ballads marked the begi nning of the Roma ntic period.6 Don Jua n is a poem based on a traditi onalSpanish lege nd of a great lover and seducerof wome n.7. Daniel Defoe was famous for hi

45、s novel Robinson Crusoe which first established his reputati on.8 “ win ter comes, can spri ng be far behi nd? ” is a quote from the poem Ode To the WestWind .9. Tess the D Urbervillesis the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy10. A sonnet is a fourteen-linelyric poem with a single theme, usually written in

46、iambicpen tameter.n Multiple choice1 The following poets are regarded as The Lake Poets ” expect A William WordsworthB Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC Robert SoutheyD John Milt on2 known as the Father of English literature, is widely considered the greatest Englishpoet of the Middle Ages and was the first

47、poet to have been buried in Poet s Corner of Westmi nster Abbey.A Joh n Bun yan B Geoffrey Chaucer C William Wordsworth D Samuel Taylor Coleridge3. , written by Geoffrey Chaucer, are considered a literary classic and one of the finestworks written in Middle English.A The Can terbury TalesB Beowulf C

48、 Paradise LostD Ki ng Lear4. The follow ing plays are great tragedies writte n by William Shakespeare, expectA. Hamlet B. OthelloC. The Mercha nt of Ven iceD. King Lear5 Jane Aust in prese nts the quiet, day-to-day country life of the En glish of theeightee nth cen tury.A lower-middle-class B worki

49、ng class C upper class D upper-middle-class6. The En glish Ren aissa nee period was an age of A poetry and drama B drama and no vel C no vel and poetry D roma nee and poetry7. A perso n sdaily routine depended mainly on what he or she belong to.A dynasty 朝代B neighborhoodC guildD class8 The daily rou

50、ti ne of the in cluded the most free time.A lady of the house B scullery maidC children s nurse D housekeeper9.Whe n some one abdicates the thro ne, they .A treat the crow n disrespectfullyB treat the crow n respectfullyC coldly claim their right to itD give up being king or queens10 On her 21 st bi

51、rthday, Prin cess Elizabeth .A gave a speech vowing to serve her peopleB went out to a bar since she could legally drink alcoholC gave a partyD became quee n川 Questi on1 What does Byronic Hero ” mean ?The Byronic hero ” is a proud, mysterious rebel figures of noble origin. With immense superiority i

52、n his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would shoulder the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would fight alone against any type of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and in exhaustible en ergies. The con

53、flicts is usually one of rebellious in dividuals aga inst outwor n social system and conven tio ns.2. Comme nt on HamletHamlet is neither a frail and weak-minded youth nor a thought sick dreamer.As the glass of fashion, and the mould of form ” . He is fearless in action like a soldier.He bravely wal

54、ks after the ghost, kills Polonius, deals with Claudiuss agents on the ship toEn gla nd, leaps into the grave and executes his reve nge. A mere scholar can n ever do any of these thi ngs.Hamlet is a humanist, who is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions. He has an unbounded love for the wo

55、rld rather than for heaven. Like other humanists, he shows a profo und respect for man, and a firm belief in manspower over desti ny.” What a piece ofwork is a man ! how n oble in reas on !”Such delight in nature and man is characteristic of the humanists of Renaissanee.His in tellectual genius is o

56、utsta nding. His quick percepti on drives him to pen etrate below the surface of thi ngs and questi on what others take for gran ted.Hamlet is a man of geni us, highly accomplished and educated, a man of profo und in sight and spark ing wit.He is a scholar, a soldier and statesma n all comb in ed.In

57、 a word, Hamlet is the hero of Ren aissa nee.Un it 6 Educati onI Filling the blanks1 State Schools are totally fun ded by the gover nment and are free to all British childre n.2. Schooli ng is compulsory betwee n the ages of 5 and 16 years total of 11 years in UK.3 Co-educated School admit both boys and girls4 All British schools -State & Independent are required to follow the National Curriculumgui


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