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1、no.面向航空公司外送學(xué)生培訓(xùn)的境外航校審定內(nèi)容outside flight training school for students sent abroad by airlinestcoreference nodifferencenot applicableremarksnoyesmore exacting or exceeds than ccar different in character or other means of complianceless protectiveor partially implemented or not implemented1課程course私用駕駛員

2、執(zhí)照單發(fā)飛機等級和儀表等級課程ppl single-engine airplane rating course and instrument-airplane rating course1私用駕駛員執(zhí)照單發(fā)飛機等級課程ccar-141部附件a private pilot airplane single-engine rating course appendix a to ccar-141 1.13(a)(1) 35小時航空知識訓(xùn)練35 hours of aeronautical knowledge training1.24(a)(1) 35小時飛行訓(xùn)練 35 hours of flight t

3、raining1.34(b)(1) 20小時帶飛時間20 hours of flight training from a certificated flight instructor1.3.1(i) 3小時單發(fā)飛機轉(zhuǎn)場飛行訓(xùn)練 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a single-engine airplane1.3.2(ii) 3小時單發(fā)飛機夜間飛行訓(xùn)練,包括一次總距離超過180千米(100海里)的轉(zhuǎn)場飛行和一個機場10次起飛全停著陸,且每次著陸應(yīng)包含一次起落航線飛行 3 hours of night flight training in

4、a single-engine airplane that includes one cross-country flight of more than 100 nm total distance and 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport1.3.3(iii) 3小時單發(fā)飛機儀表飛行訓(xùn)練3 hours of instrument training in a single-engine airpl

5、ane1.44(c)(3) 飛行訓(xùn)練器上的訓(xùn)練時間可以記入到經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間中,但記入的時間數(shù)不得超過經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的15或本條規(guī)定的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的15%,取最低值training in ftd may be credited for a maximum of 15% of the total flight training hour reqiurements of the approved course, or 3 hours, whichever is less1.55(a) 10小時單發(fā)飛機單飛時間10 hours of solo flight training

6、in a single-engine airplane1.5.1(1) 5小時轉(zhuǎn)場單飛5 hours of solo cross-country flight1.5.2(2) 一次總飛行距離至少180千米(100海里)的轉(zhuǎn)場單飛,3個著陸點全停著陸,其中一航段起飛和著陸距離點之間的直線距離為90千米(50海里)one solo cross-country flight of at least of 100 nm with landings at a minimum of 3 points, and one segment of the flight consisting of a straig

7、ht-line distance of at least 50 nm between the takeoff and landing locations1.5.3(3) 在管制塔臺機場3次起飛和全停著陸,且每次著陸包括1次起落航線飛行3 takeoffs and 3 landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower2儀表等級課程 ccar-141部附件b instrument-air

8、plane rating course appendix b to ccar part 1412.13(a)(1) 30小時航空知識訓(xùn)練30 hours of aeronautical knowledge training2.24(a)(1) 35小時儀表訓(xùn)練時間35 hours of instrument training from a certificated flight instructor2.3由帶儀表等級的飛行教員執(zhí)照的持有人按批準操作內(nèi)容進行儀表飛行訓(xùn)練,其中包括一次符合下列要求的轉(zhuǎn)場飛行:instrument training time from a certificated

9、flight instructor with an instrument rating on the approved areas of operation, including at least one cross-country flight that2.3.14(c)(1)(i) 在批準課程所用的類別和級別的飛機上按儀表飛行規(guī)則實施;is in the category and class of airplane that the course is approved for, and is performed under ifr;2.3.2(ii) 沿航路或atc指引的航線飛行至少47

10、0千米(250海里)的轉(zhuǎn)場帶飛,其中一個航段的起飛和著陸機場之間的直線距離為180千米(100海里)is a distance of at least 250 nautical miles along airways or atc-directed routing with one segment of the flight consisting of at least a straight-line distance of 100 nautical miles between airports;2.3.3(iii)在每個機場完成儀表進近involves an instrument appro

11、ach at each airport; and2.3.4(iv)使用導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)完成三種不同方式的進近(vor、ndb、ils)involves three(3) different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems (vor/ndb/ils).2.44(b)(3) 飛行訓(xùn)練器上的訓(xùn)練時間可以記入到經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間中,但記入的時間數(shù)不得超過經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的40或本條規(guī)定的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的40%,取最低值training in ftd may be credited for a maximum of

12、40% of the total flight training hour reqiurements of the approved course, or 14 hours, whichever is less模塊一type one直接獲取商用駕駛員執(zhí)照多發(fā)飛機等級 acquire the cpl with multiengine aireplane rating directly3商用駕駛員執(zhí)照多發(fā)飛機等級課程 ccar-141部附件c commercial pilot multiengine airplane rating course appendix c to ccar part 14

13、13.13(a)(1) 35小時航空知識訓(xùn)練35 hours of aeronautical knowledge training3.24(a)(1) 120小時飛行訓(xùn)練120 hours of flight training3.34(b)(2) 55小時帶飛訓(xùn)練55 hours of flight training from a certificated flight instructor3.3.1(i) 5小時多發(fā)飛機儀表訓(xùn)練5 hours of instrument training in a multiengine airplane3.3.2(ii) 10小時多發(fā)復(fù)雜飛機飛行訓(xùn)練10

14、hours of training in a multiengine complex airplane3.3.3(iii) 1次2小時多發(fā)飛機晝間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里)one cross-country flight in a multiengine airplane of at least a 2-hour duration, a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in day vf

15、r conditions3.3.4(iv) 1次2小時多發(fā)飛機夜間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里)one cross-country flight in a multiengine airplane of at least a 2-hour duration, a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in night vfr conditions3.3.5(vi) 5小時特技飛行,包括螺旋識別、進

16、入和改出5 hours of upset training including spin awareness, spin entry, spin, spin recovery, steep turns, spiral dive, chandelles and lazy eight3.44(c)(3) 飛行訓(xùn)練器上的訓(xùn)練時間可以記入到經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間中,但記入的時間數(shù)不得超過經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20或本條規(guī)定的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20%,取最低值traing in ftd may be credited for a maximum of 20% of the total fligh

17、t training hour reqiurements of the approved course, or 11 hours, whichever is less3.55(b) 10小時多發(fā)飛機機長和50小時飛機單飛訓(xùn)練或機長飛行訓(xùn)練 10 hours of flight training in a multiengine airplane performing the duties of pic under the supervision of a certificated flight instructor and 50 hours solo flight or performing

18、the duties of pic under the supervision of a certificated flight instructor in airplane3.5.1(1) 一次3個著陸點的轉(zhuǎn)場單飛,其中一個著陸點距離初始起飛點的直線距離為450千米(250海里)one cross-country flight with landings at a minimum of three points, and one of the segments of flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 250 n

19、m3.5.2(2) 5小時在管制塔臺機場夜間vfr飛行,10次起飛和全停著陸,且每次包含一次起落航線飛行 5 hours in night vfr conditions with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with each landing involving a flight with a traffic pattern)模塊二type two獲取商用駕駛員執(zhí)照單發(fā)飛機等級+多發(fā)等級 acquire the cpl with single-engine airplane rating first,then get cpl with multiengine ai

20、replane rating4商用駕駛員執(zhí)照單發(fā)飛機等級課程 ccar-141部附件c commercial pilot multiengine airplane rating course appendix c to ccar part 1414.13(a)(1) 航空知識訓(xùn)練35小時35 hours of aeronautical knowledge training4.24(a)(1) 120小時飛行訓(xùn)練120 hours of flight training4.34(b)(1) 55小時帶飛訓(xùn)練55 hours of flight training from a certificate

21、d flight instructor4.3.1(i) 5小時單發(fā)飛機儀表訓(xùn)練5 hours of instrument training in a single engine airplane4.3.2(ii) 10小時單發(fā)復(fù)雜飛機飛行訓(xùn)練10 hours of training in a single engine complex airplane4.3.3(iii) 1次2小時單發(fā)飛機晝間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里)one cross-country flight in a single engine airplane of at least a 2

22、-hour duration, a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in day vfr conditions4.3.4(iv) 1次2小時單發(fā)飛機夜間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里) one cross-country flight in a single engine airplane of at least a 2-hour duration, a total straight-line

23、 distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in night vfr conditions4.3.5(vi) 5小時特技飛行5 hours of upset training including4.44(c)(3) 飛行訓(xùn)練器上的訓(xùn)練時間可以記入到經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間中,但記入的時間數(shù)不得超過經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20或本條規(guī)定的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20%,取最低值traing in ftd may be credited for a maximum of 20% o

24、f the total flight training hour reqiurements of the approved course, or 11 hours, whichever is less 4.55(a) 60小時單發(fā)飛機單飛訓(xùn)練(其中可以包括不超過50小時擔任機長的飛行訓(xùn)練)10 hours of flight training in a multiengine airplane performing the duties of pic under the supervision of a certificated flight instructor and 50 hours s

25、olo flight or performing the duties of pic under the supervision of a certificated flight instructor in airplane4.5.1(1) 一次3個著陸點的轉(zhuǎn)場單飛,其中一個著陸點距離初始起飛點的直線距離為450千米(250海里)one cross-country flight with landings at a minimum of three points, and one of the segments of flight consisting of a straight-line d

26、istance of at least 250 nm測量地圖驗證4.5.2(2) 5小時在管制塔臺機場夜間vfr飛行,10次起飛和全停著陸,且每次包括一次起落航線飛行 5 hours in night vfr conditions with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with each landing involving a flight with a traffic pattern)5增加多發(fā)飛機等級 ccar-141部附件h additional multiengine airplane rating course appendix h to ccar pa

27、rt 1415.14(b)(2)(i) 5小時多發(fā)飛機儀表訓(xùn)練5 hours of instrument training in a multiengine airplane5.2(ii) 10小時多發(fā)復(fù)雜飛機飛行訓(xùn)練10 hours of training in a multiengine complex airplane5.3(iii) 1次2小時多發(fā)飛機晝間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里)one cross-country flight in a multiengine airplane of at least a 2-hour duration, a

28、total straight-line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in day vfr conditions5.4(iv) 1次2小時多發(fā)飛機夜間vfr轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,距初始起飛點總直線距離至少180千米(100海里)one cross-country flight in a multiengine airplane of at least a 2-hour duration, a total straight-line distance of more than

29、100 nm from the original point of departure, and occurring in night vfr conditions5.54(c)(3) 飛行訓(xùn)練器上的訓(xùn)練時間可以記入到經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間中,但記入的時間數(shù)不得超過經(jīng)批準課程的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20或本條規(guī)定的總飛行訓(xùn)練時間的20%,取最低值traing in ftd may be credited for a maximum of 20% of the total flight training hour reqiurements of the approved course, or 3

30、hours, whichever is less5.65(b) 10小時多發(fā)飛機機長飛行10 hours of flight training in a multiengine airplane performing the duties of pic under the supervision of a certificated flight instructor5.6.1(1) 1次3個著陸點的轉(zhuǎn)場飛行,其中1個著陸點距離初始起飛點的直線距離為450千米(250海里)one cross-country flight with landings at a minimum of three p

31、oints, and one of the segments of flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 250 nm5.6.2(2) 5小時在管制塔臺機場夜間vfr飛行,10次起飛和全停著陸,且每次包含1次起落航線飛行5 hours in night vfr conditions with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with each landing involving a flight with a traffic pattern)6航線運輸駕駛員整體課程的其他要求other re

32、quirements of integrated airline transport pilot course(ac-121-36)6.1申請人應(yīng)在飛行訓(xùn)練機構(gòu)的主任飛行教員監(jiān)督下,自首次起飛開始,在連續(xù)10到36個日歷月內(nèi)完成航線運輸駕駛員(飛機)整體課程的全部教學(xué)階段 the applicant should complete the integrated airline transport pilot course under the supervision of the chief flight instructor within 10 to 36 calendar months co

33、ntinuously after the first flight.6.2對于擬在組類飛機上擔任副駕駛并且未進行高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練的申請人,還應(yīng)完成25小時的多機組成員協(xié)作知識的課堂教學(xué)the applicant who wants to serve as copilot in class aircraft and has not been trained for high performance multi-engine, should complete 25 hours ground training of multi-crew cooperation knowledge 6.3總飛行時間

34、至少230小時,其中訓(xùn)練器時間少于35小時total 230 hours including less then 35 hour in ftd7atpl地面訓(xùn)練課程atpl ground training course appendix d to ccar part 1417.1atpl理論培訓(xùn)航空知識訓(xùn)練至少40小時 40 hours of atpl aeronautical knowledge training8高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練high performance multiengine airplane trainingccar-121.417,ac-141-028.1除局方已批準的 y-

35、7、cessna-525、pa-42、c-90機型外,高性能多發(fā)飛機是指符合下列條件的多發(fā)飛機: (1)具有增壓艙的,實用升限或最大使用高度(以低者為準)高于平均海平面(msl)7,600米(25 ,000 英尺); (2)最大起飛全重在 4500千克(9921磅)以上; (3)渦輪動力發(fā)動機驅(qū)動的; (4)具有航空氣象雷達、區(qū)域?qū)Ш健w行管理系統(tǒng)等設(shè)備,在飛行性能和操縱特性上接近現(xiàn)代噴氣運輸機的多發(fā)飛機。in addition to model y-7, cessna-525, pa-42 and c-90 airplanes approved by the caac, the high p

36、erformance multi-engine airplanes refer to those multi-engine airplanes that meet the following conditions: 1) equipped with the pressurized cabin; and with the practical ceiling or the maximum operating altitude (whichever lower) 7,600m (25,oooft) higher than the mean sea level (msl); 2) with the m

37、aximum takeoff weight above 4,500kg (9,921pd); 3) powered by turbine engine; 4) equipped with the aerial weather radar, regional navigation, flight management system and other facilities, and with equivalent flight performance and operating capacity as the modern jet transport aircraft.8.2擬進入高性能多發(fā)飛機

38、訓(xùn)練的駕駛員,應(yīng)持有飛機類別商用駕駛員執(zhí)照多發(fā)等級和儀表等級for enrolling in high-performance multi-engine aircraft training, a pilot should hold a cpl with both mult engine airplane and instrument-airplane rating8.3訓(xùn)練使用的同型號模擬機應(yīng)為局方審定合格的c或d類模擬機,且與飛機具有相同的駕駛艙布局。c or d level flight simulator is evaluated by caac and have the same co

39、ckpit layout with the actual airplane8.420小時高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練課程包括20 hours of high-performance multi-engine aircraft training including8.4.1至少10小時在高性能多發(fā)飛機或同型號飛行模擬機上作為pf按本通告飛行訓(xùn)練要求完成的飛行技能訓(xùn)練。另外,還應(yīng)包括同等時間在飛機或飛行模擬機上作為pnf,以完成多機組成員協(xié)作課程為目的的飛行訓(xùn)練。minimum of 10 hour flight training as pilot flying (pf) in a high perform

40、ance multi engine airplane or a simulator of the associated aircraft type. the program must also include a minimum of 10 hours flight training as pilot not flying (pnf) in airplane or simulator to complete the multi-crew cooperation (mcc) training.8.4.2至少10小時在高性能多發(fā)飛機上完成,包括5小時轉(zhuǎn)場飛行訓(xùn)練,其中作為pf至少3次全停著陸。mi

41、nimum of 10 hours of flight training in a high performance multi-engineairplane, including 5 hours of cross country flying and to conduct at least 3 full stop landings as pf.8.4.3至少10次作為pf實施儀表進近直至著陸。minimum of 10 instrument approaches to land as pf.8.550小時高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練課程包括 50 hours of high-performance m

42、ulti-engine aircraft courses,including8.5.1至少25小時在高性能多發(fā)飛機或同型號飛行模擬機上作為pf按本通告飛行訓(xùn)練要求完成的飛行技能訓(xùn)練。另外,還應(yīng)包括同等時間在飛機或飛行模擬機上作為pnf,以完成多機組成員協(xié)作課程為目的的飛行訓(xùn)練。minimum of 25 hours flight training as pilot flying (pf) in a high performance multi engine airplane or a simulator of the associated aircraft type. the program

43、must also include a minimum of 25 hours flight training as pilot not flying (pnf) in an airplane or a simulator to complete the multi-crew cooperation (mcc) training.8.5.2至少25小時在高性能多發(fā)飛機上完成,包括15小時轉(zhuǎn)場飛行訓(xùn)練,其中作為pf至少6次全停著陸。minimum of 25 hours of flight training in a high performance multi-engine airplane,

44、 including 15 hours of cross country flying and to conduct at least 6 full stop landings as pf.8.5.3至少20次作為pf實施儀表進近直至著陸。minimum of 20 instrument approaches to land as pf.8.6飛行學(xué)員在連續(xù)24小時內(nèi),接受飛行訓(xùn)練時間不得多于3小時、接受航空知識地面課教學(xué)時間不得超過6小時。within 24 consecutive hours, the trainee shall not receive more than 3 hours

45、of flight training and not more than 6 hours of aeronautical theory in ground training.8.7高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練課程的空中時間不得少于總飛行時間的80%。flight time for high performance multiple engines aircraft training must not be less than 80% of the total flight time.8.8使用同型號飛行模擬機實施訓(xùn)練時,如果兩名學(xué)生同時在具有飛行操縱裝置的座位上接受教學(xué),只能將該時間的50%計入各自的訓(xùn)

46、練時間while using simulator with the same model, if two students are trained at seats with the flight control device at the same time, only 50% of the time shall be included in their training time8.9航空知識訓(xùn)練aeronautical knowledge training8.9.1航空公司的運行培訓(xùn)不得少于20小時 no less than 20 hours of operation training

47、of airlines8.9.2高空飛行知識培訓(xùn)不得少于20小時 no less than 20 hours of high altitude flight training8.9.3高性能多發(fā)飛機機型理論培訓(xùn)課程不得少于64小時 no less than 64 hours of high-performance multi-engine ground training8.9.4多機組成員協(xié)作理論培訓(xùn)課程不得少于25小時 no less than 25 hours of multi-crew coordination ground training8.10擔任本課程的飛行教員,至少具備1500

48、小時飛行經(jīng)歷,其中至少具備200小時多機組成員飛行經(jīng)歷,或者接受本課程主任教員按照50小時高性能多發(fā)飛機訓(xùn)練課程實施的訓(xùn)練as a flight instructor of the course, has at least 1500 hours flight experience, in which at least 200 hours of multi-crew experience or accepts 50 hours of high-performance multi-engine by the chief instructor.8.11在高性能多發(fā)飛機課程中擔任主任飛行教員至少具備1

49、500小時飛行經(jīng)歷時間,其中至少具備500小時多機組成員飛行經(jīng)歷for acting as high performance multi-engine airplane training course course cfi, at least 1500 hours flight experience time, in which at least 500 hours multi-crew flight experience8.12駕駛員學(xué)校按照ccar-141部第43條指定至少一名檢查教員,負責實施考試。指定的檢查教員應(yīng)具有擔任本課程飛行教員的資格并且經(jīng)局方認可。當檢查教員是受訓(xùn)學(xué)員本課程的主

50、要教員時,不得對該學(xué)員實施考試。the training organization shall assign at least one flight examiner in accordance with ccar part 141 item 43, to conduct the test. the assigned flight examiner must be a caac certified flight instructor of this training program. the flight examiner is barred from conducting any tests

51、 or examinations for any of his/her trainees.8.13學(xué)員完成本課程所要求的訓(xùn)練內(nèi)容后應(yīng)參加不少于1.5小時在飛機或模擬機上實施的飛行操作考試,考試時間包含在訓(xùn)練課程的總時間內(nèi)。upon completion of the required training course, they should participate in the flight operation test at aircraft or simulator which is no less than 1.5 hours. the test time should be inclu

52、ded in the total training hours.8.14駕駛員學(xué)校應(yīng)當向完成該校經(jīng)批準的高性能訓(xùn)練課程的每一學(xué)員頒發(fā)高性能訓(xùn)練證書。the training organization shall issue a certificate of completion to all trainees who has successfully completed the high performance multi-engine airplane training program.認可證復(fù)審認可證書的要求9 認可證書的審定ac-141-019.1認可證更新的常規(guī)審定內(nèi)容9.1.1在認可證書有效期到期之前 3 個月,遞交ccar-141 部境外駕駛員學(xué)校認可證書申請書書面申請,9.1.2在遞交申請書的同時還應(yīng)當提交所在國民航當局頒發(fā)的現(xiàn)行有效的駕駛員學(xué)校合格證或等效證書的電子版本一份9.1.3在遞交申請書的同時還應(yīng)當提交自上次現(xiàn)場審定以來二年內(nèi)中國注冊學(xué)生清單(姓名、外送單位、到校日期、訓(xùn)練、進度、在訓(xùn)、畢業(yè)或停飛日期、在訓(xùn)飛行階段和飛行小時數(shù)、停飛原因)9.1.4全職飛行教員清單(姓名、執(zhí)照和等級、年齡、受雇該學(xué)校日期、總飛行時間、教學(xué)時間,注明變更部分);具有至少20名全職飛行教員,一名全職


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