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1、pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy modejanuary 2013pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 2 of 107disclaimerby using the pct-safe software, the user acknowledges and agrees that the software is provided “as is,” with no warranties, either express or implied. the internation

2、al bureau makes every effort to ensure, but cannot guarantee, the correct operation of the software, including but not limited to the validation functionalities, and makes no warranties or representations in connection with the acquisition and/or use of the software. the international bureau assumes

3、 no liability or responsibility for any errors, omissions, deficiencies or defects in the pct-safe software or in request forms prepared using that software, or for any loss or damage of any nature incurred in connection with the acquisition and/or use of the software. as a result, the content of a

4、request form prepared using the software is the users responsibility, and the international bureau urges users to carefully check the request form preview/printout before submitting it to the receiving office.reminderpct-safe users are reminded that compliance with any national security prescription

5、s applicable under national law is the applicants responsibility.pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 3 of 107table of contents1.introduction to pct-safe .81.1 general information.81.1.1the purpose of this user reference manual .81.1.2pct references.81.1.3updating pct-safe softw

6、are .81.2 what is pct-safe?.81.2.1equipment needed.91.3 contact us.91.4 installing/uninstalling pct-safe.101.5 special provisions for filing pct-safe applications.101.5.1creating a pct international patent application.request, description, claims, abstract, drawings.language .101.5

7、.2filing a pct international patent application.where to file?.101.6 pct-safe overview.111.7 demo / production mode.111.8 starting pct-safe.111.8.1pct-safe file manager folders.111.8.2the file menu .new form-pct form.export forms or address book.import address boo

8、k or forms .141.8.3the edit menu.141.8.4the go menu .141.8.5the tools menu .141.8.6the help menu.151.8.7pct-safe file manager settings (menu tools - settings).user management enabled: “you do not have the appropriate rights to perform this operation” .pct-safe fm general (not appli

9、cable in pct-easy mode).setting options.live update settings.pct filing.181.9 creating a new request form.201.9.1what are categories? (optional) .211.9.2accessing categories functionality .221.9.3creating/assigning categories.221.9.4disassociating/deleting categories.221.9

10、.5opening drafts of pct forms.deleting draft forms.231.9.6creating and using templates (optional).241.9.7address book .2adding an address to the address book .2viewing address book contents.2importing entries to the names page.292.pct-safe electronic request.302.1 pc

11、t/ro/101 electronic request form.312.1.1speed buttons (icons).322.1.2previewing and printing draft and duplicate forms .3preview function.3print function .322.2 validation function.332.3 pct-safe request form menu bar functions.35pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013p

12、age 4 of 1072.3.1file (alt-f) .352.3.2edit (alt-e) .352.3.3view (alt-v) .352.3.4tools (alt-t) .352.3.5help (alt-h) .352.4 pct-safe master table functions .352.4.1modifying the order of entries on a page master table .352.4.2deleting an entry on a page master table.353.request .363.1 request.373.1.1r

13、eceiving office.373.1.2international searching authority.373.1.3language of filing of the international application.373.1.4title of invention.383.1.5request to use results of earlier search.383.1.6details of earlier search .3country (or regional office) (pull-down menu).40filing date.

14、40number.404.states.414.1 states (designations (regional and national patents).414.1states (designations (regional and national patents).414.1.1reference to parent application or grant details page .434.1.2oapi patent (oa).445.names.465.1 names (applicant, inventor, agent, common representati

15、ve) .465.1 names (applicant, inventor, agent, common representative).475.1.1names master table.475.1.2using the address book.475.1.3 add applicant (add applicant or applicant/inventor function).4legal entity/natural person (radio buttons).4name (of legal entity).4name (of nat

16、ural person) .4this person is also inventor (check-box).4country or territory .4address.4city.4state/county/province.4postal code.40telephone .41facsimile.42e-mail.43nationality (rules 4.5(a) and (b) and 18.1).504

17、residence (rules 4.5(a) and (c) and 18.1).505applicant designations (this person is applicant for the purposes of:).515.1.4 add inventor only (to indicate an inventor only).5deceased (check-box) .545.1.5 add agent (to indicate an agent).5same address as the first-named agent (

18、check-box).5who can act as agent?.5manner of appointment of agent .5correspondence.5e-mail.5power of attorney.585.1.6 add common representative (to select an applicant as a common representative).60name of common representative (pull-down menu).605.1.6.

19、2manner of appointment of common representative.61pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 5 of 10correspondence.6e-mail.615.1.7 add special address for correspondence .636.priority.646.1.1general information on priority claims .646.1.2the priority page .656.1.3detai

20、ls of priority claim of earlier application.6national (radio button).6regional (radio button/pull-down menu) .6international (pct) (radio button).666.1.4 details of priority claim of earlier application (national).6country.6filing date.6number.676.1.4.

21、4request copy of priority document from ro (check-box) .6restoration of the right of priority (rules 4.1(c)(v) and 26bis.3).696.1.5 details of priority claim of earlier application (regional).7regional office (pull-down menu).7filing date.7number.7country part

22、y to the paris convention for the protection of industrial property for which the earlier application was filed (aripo application).7request copy of priority document from ro (check-box) .7restoration of the right of priority (rules 4.1(c)(v) and 26bis.3).716.1.6 details of priority

23、claim of earlier application (international (pct) .7receiving office.7filing date.7number.7request copy of priority document from ro (check-box) .7restoration of the right of priority (rules 4.1(c)(v) and 26bis.3).737.biology .747.1 biology (indications relati

24、ng to deposited microorganism and/or other biological material) .747.1.1details concerning indications relating to a deposited microorganism and/or other biological material.7indications in the description.7depositary institution.7address.7accession number.7da

25、te of deposit.7additional indications .7separate furnishing of indications.7designated states for which indications are made.7sequence listing.778.declarations .788.1 preparing declarations.809.contents.839.1 contents (check list).849.1.1international application mast

26、er table (check list).859.1.2sequence listings.859.1.3the calculate button.869.1.4 international application content details.8request (including declaration sheets).8description (excluding sequence listing part).8claims .8abstract.89pct-safe user reference manual - pc

27、t-easy mode一月 2013page 6 of 10drawings .90sequence listing part of description .9sequence listing in pct-easy efs-web mode (for filing with ro/us).929.1.5accompanying items master table (check list).949.1.5accompanying items master table (check list).9fee calculation s

28、heet .9priority document (contents page) (multiple instance) .9original separate power of attorney.9copy of/original general power of attorney.9statement explaining lack of signature.9separate indications concerning deposited microorganisms and/or other biolog

29、ical material.9sequence listing submitted for international search only (physical medium).9statement confirming that the information in the “annex c/st 25 text format” submitted under rule 13ter is identical to the sequence listing as submitted in the international application”.989.1

30、.5.9translation of international application into .90other (specify) (multiple instance).9810.fees .9910.1 fees (fee calculation) .9910.1.1currency (pull-down menu).9910.1.2fee schedule (pull-down menu).10010.1.3updating fee schedule .10010.1.4fee calculation table .10transmittal fe

31、e.10search fee.10international filing fee.10international filing fee: supplement per sheet over 30.10international filing fee: easy filing reduction .10fee for priority document .10reduction of fees for applicants from certain states.103reduction

32、 of fees for applicants from certain states.10311.payment .10511.1.1in addition, indicate current account authorization (check-box).10611.1.2payment at ro/ib .10612.annotate.10712.1.1remarks.10812.1.2private remarks.10812.1.3inventor for certain designated states only.10812.1.4signature of applicant

33、 or agent .10913.preparation for submission .11113.1ready to submit.11113.1.1copying an application file to diskette.11113.1.2viewing an application in the ready to submit folder.11113.1.3correcting an error or omission in an application ready for submission .11213.1.4deleting forms from the ready t

34、o submit folder.11213.2preparation for submission.11213.2.1starting the preparation for submission process.11213.2.2confirmation.11313.2.4submission log.11513.2.6creating and copying the zip file to diskette.119correcting an error or omission from an application that has already been prepare

35、d for submission (but not transmitted to the receiving office) .11913.2.7 submitted forms.120viewing an application in the submitted folder.120printing duplicates of the forms printed during submission.120pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 7 of 107resen

36、ding to diskette.12adding international application number and international filing date to a submitted application.12deleting files from the submitted folder .12declarations and power of attorney prepared after submission.12113.3useful links.121 pct-safe user reference ma

37、nual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 8 of 107pct-safe user reference manual1. introduction to pct-safe1.1general information1.1.1the purpose of this user reference manualthis user reference manual (hereafter referred to as manual) is intended to facilitate the use of pct-safe by presenting step-by-step i

38、nstructions of its functionality in pct-easy mode. it has been written assuming that the user has a basic understanding of how to use microsoft windows. for detailed general information on filing a pct international application, see the pct applicants guide (/pct/guide/en/index.htm

39、l), a publication of wipo. this manual is based on the requirements of the patent cooperation treaty (pct), the regulations and the administrative instructions under the pct. in case of any discrepancy between this manual and those requirements, the latter are applicable. 1.1.2pct referencesin this

40、manual, “article,” “rule” and “section” refer to the provisions of the pct, the pct regulations and the pct administrative instructions, respectively. “paris convention” refers to the paris convention for the protection of industrial property.1.1.3updating pct-safe softwarethe pct-safe software is u

41、pdated, as required, using an executable file, which modifies the software to reflect, for example, new functionality, new fee amounts, other pct changes etc. if you would like to be notified of updates by e-mail, please subscribe to pct e-services notifications at /pct-safe/en/ind

42、ex.html. it is also recommended to periodically check the pct-safe website (/pct-safe) for updates and other news. 1.2what is pct-safe?pct-safe (secure applications filed electronically) is a software designed to facilitate the preparation of pct request forms and applications in electro

43、nic form and to submit such applications electronically.the pct-safe software includes pct-easy mode, which provides the following functionality:a request form module for the input and validation of data typically included in the pct request form and the attachment of the abstract in electronic form

44、;printout of a pct-easy request form, replacing the standard pct/ro/101 form; and generating a .zip file with request form data file and abstract to be submitted on a physical medium (e.g. diskette) with the entire paper application; andtemplate functionality and an electronic address book, both of

45、which facilitate data entry in the request form module.for preparing and submitting applications in fully electronic mode, please see the separate user guide.pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 9 of 1071.2.1equipment neededin order to run the pct-safe software, users will need

46、the following hardware:computer processor 600mhz, or highercd-rom drive (for cd installation) 256 mb of ram1 gb of available hard disk spacemicrosoft windows nt, xp or windows 7adobe acrobat or acrobat reader (from version 7.x recommended) inkjet or laser printerblank formatted diskettes (3 1/2 inch

47、) and diskette drive or possibility to copy request form data and abstract to other physical medium (depending on the receiving office selected)1.3contact usfor further assistance or information on pct-safe, please contact the pct e-services help desk at the following address:pct e-services help des

48、kworld intellectual property organization34, chemin des colombettesch-1211 geneva 20switzerlandtel: (+41 22) 338 95 23e-mail:epct internet:/pct-safe when contacting the help desk, please indicate the receiving office selected for your filing and the version of the pct-safe client

49、 in your message (pct-safe file manager - menu tools -settings), in order to receive promptly as accurate advice as possible.please do not submit any applications to the pct e-services help desk!note: this manual generally refers to pct-easy “diskette” although pct-easy requests may also be submitte

50、d on other physical medium specified by the receiving office (see section 102bis of the administrative instructions under the pct) and annex c of the pct applicants guide /pct/en/appguide/index.jsp.pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 10 of 1071.4installing/uni

51、nstalling pct-safethe pct-safe client is available for download at /pct-safe/en/download/download_client.htm . release notes and installation instructions are available on the same page.1.5special provisions for filing pct-safe applicationsimportant: please read these special provi

52、sions carefully before using pct-safe to prepare and file pct international patent applications.1.5.1creating a pct international patent applicationrequest, description, claims, abstract, drawingsthe pct-easy mode of the software allows you to create a validated pct-easy request form, to prin

53、t it and to save it to diskette (or another physical medium, see pct ai section 102bis). the request form print-out has to be signed in ink and sent to the receiving office with the other application documents (description, claims, abstract, drawings, etc.) on paper and the pct-easy diskette (or oth

54、er physical medium). if permitted by the receiving office, you may submit the application by facsimile to secure the international filing date, with the original documents and diskette submitted by mail as a confirmation copy. the pct-safe software helps you to furnish an error free, validated pct r

55、equest form. the process is regulated by section 102bis of the administrative instructions under the pct.languagepct-safe is available for preparing pct applications in english, french, german, japanese, russian, spanish, portuguese, chinese and korean. request forms prepared using pct-safe m

56、ay be filed in any of those languages provided that the receiving office with which the international application is filed accepts that language for the filing of international applications (rule 12.1(c).1.5.2filing a pct international patent applicationwhere to file?international application

57、s that contain request forms prepared in pct-easy mode may only be filed with receiving offices which are prepared to accept such filings. the list of receiving offices and authorities who have notified the international bureau that they are prepared to receive and process international applications

58、 in pct-easy mode can be found at the following address: /pct-safe/en/support/easy_ro.htm. please also see annex c of the pct applicants guide at /pct/en/appguide/index.jsp.do not file pct-easy applications with a receiving office without first verifying that the

59、office accepts such filings. if in doubt, contact the pct e-services help desk or the receiving office concerned.pct-safe user reference manual - pct-easy mode一月 2013page 11 of 1071.6pct-safe overviewpct-safe software leads the user through a system of steps for the creation, management and submissi

60、on of pct-safe applications. its main features are the pct-safe file manager (fm) and the pct-safe electronic request form module.1.7demo / production modethe demo mode of the pct-safe client should only be used for training and practice filings and real filings should be prepared in production mode


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