



1、Socket 錯誤一覽表 .txt52 每個人都一條拋物線,天賦決定其開口,而最高點則需后天的努 力。沒有秋日落葉的飄零, 何來新春綠芽的餓明麗?只有懂得失去, 才會重新?lián)碛小?Socket 錯 誤一覽表出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)錯誤 Socket error #11001表示您的計算機(jī)無法連上服務(wù)器,請檢查您的 Proxy 設(shè)定以及 Proxy 相關(guān)賬號,或暫時取消 您防毒軟件的個人防火墻 。出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)錯誤 Socket error #11004應(yīng)該是網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)狀態(tài)問題,請用戶檢查網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)是否正常。 出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)錯誤 Socket error #10060 Connection Timed Out表示您與

2、服務(wù)器發(fā)生聯(lián)機(jī)逾時錯誤, 請檢查您的 Proxy 相關(guān)設(shè)定, 以及 Proxy Server 是否已 將 SSL 443 port 打開。 出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)錯誤 Socket error #10061表示服務(wù)器忙碌中無法與您建立聯(lián)機(jī),請稍后再試。 出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)聯(lián)機(jī)錯誤 Socket error #10022請您上網(wǎng)更新 Windows 操作系統(tǒng)組件。 Windows NT version 4.0 的用戶請下載安裝 Service Pack 5( 含) 以上。 出現(xiàn) Internal Server Error主機(jī)忙碌中,請您稍后再試。 上傳時出現(xiàn) Socket error #10022 Invalid

3、argument.請上網(wǎng)更新 Windows操作系統(tǒng)組件(windows update) 。Windows NT version 4.0 的用戶請下 載安裝 Service Pack 5(含)以上。 上傳時出現(xiàn) socket error #10054 Connection reset by peer原因為連接被防火檣或 proxy 中斷"或因為您有安裝 ip 分享器請將 ip 分享器先拿掉, 直接將 計算機(jī)接 adsl 的線路后重新上傳。 上傳時出現(xiàn) socket error #10057 Connection reset by peer原因為系統(tǒng)文件被破壞,請進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)的殺毒,關(guān)閉殺

4、毒軟件、防火墻。INDY9 開發(fā)程序中反饋的 Socket Errors下面是 Socket Error 的錯誤碼和描述:Socket error 0 - Directly send errorSocket error 10004Interrupted function callSocket error 10013Permission denied( 權(quán)限被拒絕 )Socket error 10014Bad addressSocket error 10022Invalid argumentSocket error 10024Too many open filesSocket error 100

5、35Resource temporarily unavailableSocket error 10036Operation now in progressSocket error 10037Operation already in progressSocket error 10038Socket operation on non-socketSocket error 10039Destination address requiredSocket error 10040Message too longSocket error 10041Protocol wrong type for socket

6、Socket error 10042Bad protocol optionSocket error 10043Protocol not supportedSocket error 10044Socket type not supportedSocket error 10045Operation not supportedSocket error 10046Protocol family not supportedSocket error 10047Address family not supported by protocol familySocket error 10048 - Addres

7、s already in useSocket error 10049 - Cannot assign requested addressSocket error 10050Network is downSocket error 10051Network is unreachableSocket error 10052Network dropped connection on resetSocket error 10053Software caused connection abortSocket error 10054Connection reset by peerSocket error 1

8、0055No buffer space availableSocket error 10056Socket is already connectedSocket error 10057Socket is not connectedSocket error 10058Cannot send after socket shutdownSocket error 10060Connection timed outSocket error 10061Connection refusedSocket error 10064Host is downSocket error 10065No route to

9、hostSocket error 10067Too many processesSocket error 10091Network subsystem is unavailableSocket error 10092WINSOCK.DLL version out of rangeSocket error 10093Successful WSAStartup not yet performedSocket error 10094Graceful shutdown in progressSocket error 11001Host not foundSocket error 11002Non-au

10、thoritative host not foundSocket error 11003 - This is a non-recoverable errorSocket error 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested typeWSAEADDRINUSE (10048) Address already in useWSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abortWSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refusedWSAECONNRESET (

11、10054) Connection reset by peerWSAEDESTADDRREQ (10039) Destination address requiredWSAEHOSTUNREACH (10065) No route to hostWSAEMFILE (10024) Too many open filesWSAENETDOWN (10050) Network is downWSAENETRESET (10052) Network dropped connectionWSAENOBUFS (10055) No buffer space availableWSAENETUNREACH (10051) Network is unreachableWSAETIMEDOUT (10060) Connection timed outWSAHOST_NOT_FOUND (11001) Host not foundWSASYSNOTREADY (10091) Network sub-system is unavailableWSANOTINITIALISED (10093) WSAStartup() not performedWSANO_DATA (11004) Valid name, no data of t


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