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1、marketing researchchapter elevenmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayattitude measurementmajority of questions in marketing research are designed to measure attitudesattitudes includelinformation possessedlfeelings of like and/or dislikelintentions to behavemanagement wants to understand a

2、nd influence behaviormarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayreasons for measuring attitudesattitudes lead to behaviormore feasible to ask questions on attitudes than to observe and interpret behaviorlarge capacity for diagnosis and explanationlearn which features of a new product concept are

3、 acceptable or unacceptablemeasure the perceived strengths and weaknesses of competitive alternativesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daywhat are attitudes?mental states used by individuals to structure the way they perceive their environment and guide the way they respond to itmarketing

4、research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daycomponents of attitudecognitive or knowledge componentlrepresents a persons information about an objectlawareness of existence on the objectlbeliefs about the characteristics or attributes of the objectljudgments about the relative importance of each of the attri

5、butesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daycomponents of attitude (cont.)affective or liking componentlsummarizes a persons overall feelings toward an object, situation, or personlon a scale of like-dislike or favorable-unfavorablelwhen there are several alternatives, liking is expressed in

6、 terms of preferencelmeasured by asking which alternative is “most preferred” or “first choice,” which is the “second choice,” and so onmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daycomponents of attitude (cont.)intention or action componentlrefers to a persons expectations of future behavior towar

7、d an objectlintentions are usually limited to a distinct time period that depends on buying habits and planning horizonsadvantagelincorporates information about a respondents ability or willingness to pay for the object, or other taken actionmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement

8、 and scalingmeasurementstandardized process of assigning numbers or other symbols to certain characteristics of objects of interests according to pre-specified rulescharacteristics for standardizationone-to-one correspondence between the symbol and the characteristic in the object that is being meas

9、uredrules for assignment should be invariant over time and the objects being measuredmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement and scaling (contd.)scalingprocess of creating a continuum on which objects are located according to the amount of the measured characteristic that the obje

10、ct possessesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement scalesnominal scaleobjects are assigned to mutually exclusive, labeled categoriesno necessary relationships among categoriesno ordering or spacing are impliedonly possible arithmetic operation is a count of each categorymarketing

11、 research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement scales (contd.)ordinal scalerank objects or arrange them in order by some common variabledoes each object have more or less of a variable than some other object?does not provide information on how much difference between objectsarithmetic operations

12、are limited to statistics such as median or modemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement scales (contd.)interval scalenumbers are assigned to objects that represent categories, rank orders, as well as how much the object is preferred on the attribute being measureddifferences can b

13、e comparedentire range of statistical operations can be employedmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymeasurement scales (contd.)ratio scaletype of interval scale with meaningful zero point possible to say how many times greater or smaller one object is than anothermagnitude scaling of atti

14、tudes has been calibrated through numeric estimationmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayattitude rating scalespresent a respondent with a continuum of numbered categories that represent the range of possible attitude adjustmentssingle item or multiple item scalesmarketing research 7th edi

15、tionaaker, kumar, dayattitude scalessingle-item scalescontinuous scalesmulti-item scalesstapel scalesthurstone scaleslikert scalesassociative scalessemantic differential scalepaired comparison scalesq-sort scalescomparative scalesitemized category scalespictorial scalesconstant sum scalesrank order

16、scalesclassification of attitude scalesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daysingle item scalesonly have one item to measure a constructitemized-category scale most widely used by marketing researchersother single item scales lcomparativelrank-order lq-sortlpictoriallconstant summarketing r

17、esearch 7th editionaaker, kumar, daysingle item scales (contd.)itemized-category scalesscales in which the respondent selects from a limited number of categoriescomparative scalea judgment comparing one object, concept, or person against one anothermarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daysing

18、le item scales (contd.)rank-order scalesscale in which the respondent compares one item with another or a group of items against each other and ranks themq-sort scalingrespondents sort comparative characteristics into normally distributed groupsten or more groups increases accuracy of resultsmarketi

19、ng research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daysingle item scales (contd.)constant-sum scalerespondents allocate a fixed number of rating points among serial objects to reflect relative preferencepictorial scalesvarious categories of the scale are depicted pictoriallylthermometer scalelfunny faces scalefor

20、mat must be comprehensible to respond and allow accurate responsemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daysingle item scales (contd.)paired-comparison scalesthe brands to be rated are presented two at a time, so each brand in the category was compared once to every other brandbrands are rated

21、on a given 10 pts. that are then divided between the two brandsadvantagesperforms well on the criterialimitationscumbersome to administerframe of reference is always the other brand being tested; these brands may change over timemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daydesigning single item sc

22、alesnumber of scale categoriestypes of poles used in the scalestrength of the anchorslabeling of the categoriesbalance of a scalemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scalesdeveloped to measure a sample of beliefs toward the attitude objects and combine the set of answers into

23、 an average scoremarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scales (contd.)likert scalerequires respondent to indicate degree of agreement or disagreement with a variety of statements related to the attitude objectsummated scale lscores on individual items are summed to give total

24、score for respondentslikert scale is uni-dimensionalmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scales (contd.)thurstone scalesalso known as the method of equal-appearing intervals; objective is to obtain a unidimensional scale with interval propertiesstep 1:lgenerate a large number

25、 of statements or adjectives reflecting all degrees of favorableness toward the attitude of objectsstep 2:la group of judges is given this set of items and asked to classify them according to their degree of favorableness or unfavorableness marketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-ite

26、m scales (contd.)thurstone scales (cont.)advantagesleasy to administerlrequires minimum instructionslimitationsltime consuminglexpensive to constructlnot as much diagnostic value as a likert scalelvalues depend on the attitudes of the original judgesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymul

27、tiple-item scales (contd.)semantic-differential scalerespondents rate each attribute object on a number of five or seven-point rating scales bounded by polar adjectives or phraseswith bipolar scale, the midpoint is a neutral pointmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daycharacteristics of sema

28、ntic differentialscales in semantic marketing applications:pairs of objects or phrases must be meaningful in market being studied and often correspond to product/service attributesavoid halo effect by placing negative pole on either sidecategory increments are treated as interval scales so group mea

29、n values can be computed for each object on each scalemay also be analyzed as a summated rating scalemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daycharacteristics of semantic differential (contd.)profile analysisapplication of semantic differential scaleplot mean ratings of each object on each scal

30、e for visual comparisonoverall comparison of brands hard to grasp with many brands and attributesnot all attributes are independentmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scales (contd.)stapel scalesuses one pole rather than two opposite polesrespondents select a numerical respo

31、nse categoryhigh positive score reflects good fit between adjective and objecteasy to administer and constructno need to assure bipolaritymarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scales (contd.)associative scalingmost effective for markets where respondent is knowledgeable only a

32、bout a small subset of a large number of choicesappropriate to choice situations that involve a sequential decision processbest suited to market tracking where the emphasis is on understanding shifts in relative competitive positionsmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daymultiple-item scales

33、 (contd.)continuous rating scales respondents rate objects by placing a mark at appropriate position on a line running from one extreme of the criterion variable to the othervalues can be interpreted as interval or ratio scaled datait is easy to constructscoring is cumbersome and unreliablemarketing

34、 research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daygeneral guidelines for developing a multiple-item scaledetermine clearly what you are going to measuregenerate as many items as possibleask experts in the field to evaluate the initial pool of itemsdetermine the type of attitudinal scale to be usedmarketing rese

35、arch 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayinclude some items that will help in the validation of the scaleevaluate and refine the itemsadminister the items to an initial samplefinally, optimize the scale lengthmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daychoosing an attitudinal scaleproblems in choosinglth

36、ere are many different techniques, each with its own strengths and weaknesseslvirtually any technique can be adapted to the measurement of any one of the attitude componentsresearchers choice shaped by:lthe specific information requiredladabtability of the scale to the data collection method and bud

37、get constraintslcompatibility of the scale with the structure of the respondents attitudemarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayaccuracy of attitude measurementsvaliditylan attitude measure has validity if it measures what it is supposed to measureface validity lthe extent to which the conte

38、nt of a measurement scale appears to tap all relevant facets of the constructcriterion validitylbased on empirical evidence that the attitude measure correlates with other “criterion” variablesmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, dayaccuracy of attitude measurements (cont.)concurrent validity

39、ltwo variables are measured at the same timepredictive validitylthe attitude measure can predict some future eventconvergent validityla form of construct validity that represents the association between the measured construct and measures of other constructs with which the construct is related on theoretical groundsmarketing research 7th editionaaker, kumar, daydiscriminant validityla fo


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