1、checklist of the ifs, version 5nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation11senior management responsibility21.1corporate policy / corporate principles31.1.1the senior management shall draw up and implement corporate policy. this shall consider as a minimum: customer focus-environmental respon
2、sibility-ethics and personnel responsibility-product require me nts (includes: product safety, quality, legality, process and specification).the corporate policy shall be communicated to all employees41.1.2the content of the corporate policy shall have been broken down into specific objectives for t
3、he related departments the responsibility and the time scale for achievement shall be defined for each department of the compa ny.51.1.3from the corporate policy, the quality objectives shall be communicated to the employees in the respective departments and shall be effectively implemented.61.1.4th
4、e senior management shall ensure that the achievement of all objectives is regularly reviewed, as a minimum at least once a year.71.1.5the company shall ensure that all relevant information is communicated effectively and in a timely manner to the relevant personnel.81.1.6the company shall assign th
5、e responsible for the external comm unication (crisis man agement, authorities and communication with media).91.2corporate structure101.2.1an organisation chart shall be available showing the structure of the compa ny.111.2.2competences and responsibilities, including deputisation of responsibility
6、shall be clearly laid down.121.2.3job descriptions with clearly defined responsibilities shall exist for employees, whose work has an effect on product requirements131.2.4the senior management shall ensure that employees are aware of their responsibilities and that mechanisms are in place to monitor
7、 the effectiveness of their operation.nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation141.2.5employees with influence on product requirements shall be aware of their responsibilities, and shall be able to demonstrate their understanding of their responsibilities151.2.6the senior management shall ha
8、ve nominated an ifs representative161.2.7the senior management shall provide sufficient and releva nt resources to meet the product require me nts.171.2.8the department responsible for quality management shall have a direct reporting relati on ship to the senior man ageme nt.181.2.9the company shall
9、 ensure that all processes (documented and undocumented) are known by the relevant personnel and are applied consistently 191.2.10the company shall have a system in place, to ensure that it is kept informed of all releva nt legislati on on food safety issues, scientific and technical developments an
10、d industry codes of practice 201.3customer focus211.3.1a procedure shall be in place to identify fundamental needs and expectations of customers221.3.2the results of this procedure shall be evaluated and considered by the determination of quality objectives.231.4management review241.4.1senior manage
11、ment shall ensure that the quality management system is reviewed at fixed periods251.4.2this review shall in elude measures for the control of the quality management system and for the continuous improvement process261.4.3the company shall identify and review regularly (e.g. by internal audits or on
12、 site inspection) the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. this shall include, as a minimum, the following: -buildings-supply systems machines and equipment tran sport the results of the review shall be considered, with due consideration to risk, for investment planni
13、ngnr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation271.4.4the company shall identify and review regularly (e.g. by internal audits or on site inspection) the work environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. this shall include, as a minimum the following: -staff facilities envir
14、onmental conditions safety and security at work-hygienic conditions-workplace design external in fluences (e.g noise, vibration)the results of the review shall be considered, with due consideration to risk for investment planning.282.quality management system292.1haccp (based on the codex alimentari
15、us - ca)302.1.1haccp system3the basis of the company 扭 food safety control system shall be a fully implemented, systematic and comprehensive haccp system, based upon the codex alimentarius prin ciples .it shall take into acco unt any legal requirements of the production and destination count
16、ries which may go beyond such principles the haccp system shall be implemented at each production site3the haccp system shall cover all raw materials, products or product groups as well as every process from goods in to dispatch, including product development and product packaging.3t
17、he company shall ensure that the haccp system is based upon scientific literature, or technical verified specifications relating to the manufactured products and procedures this shall be maintained in line with new technical process developme nt.342.1.2assemble haccp team (ca step 1)3the hac
18、cp team shall have strong senior management support and shall be well known and established across the whole company.3the haccp team shall be multidisciplinary and include operational staff. personnel appointed as haccp team members shall have specific knowledge of haccp, product and process
19、 knowledge and the associated hazards3where compete nt kno wledge is not available, external expert advice shall be obtai ned.382.1.3haccp analysisnr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation3describe product (ca step 2) a full description of the product including all relevant i
20、nformation on product safety exists such as:-compositi on physical, organoleptic, chemical and microbiological parameters methods of treatment packaging-durability (shelf life)-conditions for storage and method of tran sport.40identify intended use (ca step 3) the intended use of the product
21、shall be described as seen from the expected use of the product by the end consumer, taking into acco unt vulnerable groups of consumers4construct flow diagram (ca step 4) a flow diagram shall exist for each product, or product group, and for all variations of the processes and subprocesses
22、the flow diagram shall be dated, updated and clearly identify each ccp with the number assigned to it.4on-site confirmation of the flow diagram (ca step 5)the haccp team shall review the processes at all operation stages against the flow diagram. amendments of the diagram will be made, where
23、 appropriate4conduct a hazard analysis for each step (ca step 6 principle 1)a hazard analysis shall be available of all physical, chemical and biological hazards that may re as on ably be expected 4.1the hazard analysis shall consider the likelihood of harm to the consumer and the po
24、tential severity of damage (effect, potential consequences).4.2for all steps, which are not defined as ccp's but as cp's, the company shall implement, maintain and document specific preventive measures4determine critical control points (ca step 7 principle 2)relevant critical
25、 control points (ccps) shall be determined, to which control can be applied directly in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce a food safety hazard to acceptable level(s).4establish critical limits for each ccp (ca step 8 principle 3)for each ccp, the appropriate critical limits shall be defi
26、ned and validated, in order to clearly identify when a process is out of control.nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation4establish a monitoring system for each ccp (ca step 9 principle 4) specific monitoring procedures shall be established for each ccp to detect any loss of control
27、 at that ccp. records of monitoring shall be maintained for a relevant period each defined ccp's shall be under control. monitoring and control respectively of each ccp shall be dem on strated by records the respective records shall specify the responsible person as well as the date and result49
28、establish corrective actions (ca step 10 principle 5)for each ccp, corrective actions shall be established. in case the monitoring indicates that a particular ccp is not under control, adequate corrective actions shall be taken and documented. such corrective actions shall also take into acco
29、unt any non- conforming products500establish verification procedures (ca step 11 principle 6)procedures of verification shall be established to confirm that the haccp system is efficient. verification of the haccp system shall be performed at least once a year. examples of verification activi
30、ties include: i nternal audits analysis-sampling-evaluati ons-complaint by authorities and customers the results of this verification shall be incorporated into the haccp system.51establish documentation and record keeping (ca step 12 principle 7) documentation shall be available, covering a
31、ll processes, procedures, measures and records. documentation and record keeping shall be appropriate to the nature and size of the company.522.2documentation requirements532.2.1the quality system for quality assurance and food safety shall be documented and implemented, and shall be retained in one
32、 location.542.2.2a documented procedure shall exist for the control of documents and their amendments 552.2.3all documents shall be clearly legible, unambiguous and comprehensive they shall be available to re leva nt personnel at all times562.2.4all documents which are necessary for compliance with
33、the product require me nts shall be available in their latest versi on.nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation572.2.5the re as on for any ame ndments to documents, critical for the product require me nts shall be recorded.582.3record keeping592.3.1all relevant records, necessary for the pr
34、oduct requirements shall be complete, detailed and maintained and shall be available on request.602.3.2records shall be legible and genuine. they shall be maintained in a way that subsequent manipulation of records is prohibited 612.3.3all records shall be kept in accordance with legal requirements
35、.if those are not specified, records shall be kept for the duration of the shelf life, to make verification possible for products which have a very short or no shelf life, record keeping shall be based on a risk analysis622.3.4any amendments to records shall only be carried out by authorised persons
36、.633.resource management643.1human resources management653.1.1all personnel performing work that affects product safety, legality and quality shall have the required compete nee by education, work experience and/or training.663.2human resources673.2.1personnel hygiene6there shall be document
37、ed requirements relating to personnel hygiene. these include, as a minimum the following fields:-hand washing and disinfect!on eating and drinking-smoking-actions to be taken in case of cuts or skin abrasions-finger nails and jewellery-hair and beardsthe requirements shall be based on a risk analysi
38、s in relation to product and process 6the requirements for personnel hygiene shall be in place and applied by all relevant personnel, contractors and visitors. compliance with the requirements shall be checked regularl y.70321.3visible jewellery (incl. piercing) and watches shall not be worn
39、. any exceptions shall have been comprehensively evaluated by risk analysis in relation to product and process nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation7cuts and skin abrasions shall be covered by a co loured plaster (different from the product colour)- containing a metal strip, wher
40、e appropriate and in case of hand injuries, in addition to a plaster, a single use glove shall be worn.72322protective clothing for personnel, contractors and visitors7company procedures shall exist to ensure that all personnel, contractors and visitors are aware of the rules regarding the m
41、anagement of wearing and changing of protective clothing in specified work areas in accordanee with product requirements.743222in work areas where wearing headgear and/or beard snood is required, the hair shall be covered completely so that product contamination is prevented7clearly defined
42、usage rules shall exist for work areas where it is required to wear gloves (coloured differently from the product colour). complianee with these rules shall be checked on a regular basis76322.4suitable protective clothing shall be available in sufficient numbers for each employee7all protect
43、ive clothing shall be thoroughly and regularly laun de red .in accordance with a process and product risk an a lysis, the clothing shall be washed by a contract laundry, on site laundry or by the employee78322.6guidelines shall exist for laundering of protective clothing and a procedure shall be in
44、place for checking its clea nliness 793.2.3procedures applicable to infectious diseases80323.1there shall be written and communicated procedures for personnel, contractors and visitors for actions to be taken in the case of an infectious disease or the suspicion thereof. particular consideration sha
45、ll be taken in these areas where product safety may be compromised813.3training823.3.1the company shall put in place documented training programs in respect of the product requirements and the training needs of the employees these programs shall include: training contents training frequency list of
46、participants ianguages-qualified trainer/tutor.nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation833.3.2those responsible for the development and maintenanee of haccp system shall have received adequate training in the application of the haccp principles.843.3.3the documented training programs shall
47、apply to all personnel, including seasonal and temporary workers, employed in the respective work area. upon employment, and before commencing work, they shall be trained in accordance with the documented training programs85334records shall be available of all performed training events, stating: lis
48、t of participants incl. signature -date-durati on-contents of training-name of trainer/tutor.863.3.5the contents of training shall be reviewed and updated regularly and take into account company's specific issues (non-conformities, failures), food safety and food related legal require me nts.873
49、.4sanitary facilities, equipment for personnel hygiene and staff facilities883.4.1the company shall provide staff facilities, which shall be proportional in size and equipped for the number of personnel. such facilities shall be kept in clean and good condition.893.4.2the risk of product contaminati
50、on by foreign bodies from staff facilities shall be evaluated and minimised.consideration shall also be given to food brought to work by personnel and personal belongings.903.4.3the company shall provide suitable changing rooms for personnel, contractors and visitors where necessary outdoor clothing
51、 and protective clothing shall be stored separatel y.91344staff facilities shall be equipped with toilets, which shall not have direct access to an area where food products are handled there shall be at least one dedicated washroom separating both areas923.4.5adequate hand hygiene facilities shall b
52、e provided at access points to and within production areas, as well as at staff facilities. based on a risk analysis, further areas (e.g. packaging area) shall be similarly equipped933.4.6such hand hygiene facilities shall provide as a minimum: running cold and hot water liquid soap single use towel
53、s.nr.referenceifs requirementsevaluationexplanation943.4.7where highly perishable food products are han died, the following additi onal require me nts regardi ng hand hygiene shall also be provided:-hand con tact-free fitti ngs-hand disinfection approved hygiene equipments signs/pictograms953.4.8cha
54、nging rooms shall be arranged so that they allow direct access to the areas where food products are han died exceptions shall have bee n considered wit hi n the risk an alysis where appropriate, cleaning facilities for boots, shoes and further protective clothing shall be available964.production pro
55、cess974.1con tract review984.1.1all customer requirements relating to the products, their realisation and delivery shall have been defjned and understood before a written supply agreement is concluded the company shall review whether all aspects of customers, requirements have been satisfied.994.1.2there shall be records showing how changes to the existing contractual agreements are agreed and communicated 1004.2product specificati ons1014.2.1specifications shall be available for a
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