



1、relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 4-score s and percentage a ppli cation problem review conte nt overview a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, 1 determine sta ndar d vol ume units "

2、1" 2 find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, the n in -line sol ution. category fracti on multi plicati on w ord pr oblem score division applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem xv, a subje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a

3、nd units of measurement of com mon units of measureme nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol ume, weight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. slightly with a measurement units zhijia n of of poly 1, and of metho

4、d 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge 1-li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd

5、a ngle angl e of classification slightly 17, and subje ct: geometry pr eliminary knowle dge 2-plane gra phi cs review conte nt triangle, a nd e dges shape d, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphi cs perimeter and are a com binati on graphics of area subje ct : preliminary knowledge 3-review of sol

6、i d content categ ory 1-d shape s are divided int o: cyli nder a nd cone 2, colum n is divi ded i nto: cuboi d, square 3, cone cone of the features of cuboids a nd cubes relati onship betwee n characteristi cs of cir cular cone is slig htly soli d surfa ce area and vol ume 1, size 2, table . 和馬克思主義基

7、本原理概論試卷5一、單項挑選題(共10分) 1既是馬克思主義的基本觀點,又是馬克思主義的動身點和歸宿的是() a實踐的觀點b進展的觀點c 沖突的觀點d辯證的否定觀點 2把世界本原歸結(jié)為原初物質(zhì)的是()a古代樸實唯物主義b 客觀唯心主義 c機械唯物主義d辯證唯物主義 3以下選項中,最基本的實踐形式是() a科學(xué)試驗b 精神實踐c生產(chǎn)實踐d 革命實踐 4“不以善小而不為,不以惡小而為之”說明白() a質(zhì)變和量變的關(guān)系b 必定和偶然的關(guān)系 c可能和現(xiàn)實的關(guān)系d 確定和否定的關(guān)系5堅持建設(shè)喲普中國特色的社會主義道路表達了( ) a沖突的統(tǒng)一性和對立性的統(tǒng)一b 新事物必定戰(zhàn)勝舊事物的原理 c沖突的普遍性

8、和特別性的統(tǒng)一d 事物進展的前進性和曲折性的統(tǒng)一 6熟悉的反復(fù)性是由于()a事物進展的規(guī)律性b 人的熟悉才能的不行靠性 c事物存在的因果性d 人們的實踐和熟悉受主體、客體條件的制約; 7階級的實質(zhì)是()a一個集團對另一個集團的勞動b 一個集團占有另一個集團的勞動 c一個集團占有另一個集團的勞動力d 一個集團和另一個集團的斗爭 8生產(chǎn)力系統(tǒng)中滲透性要素是()a勞動者b 治理c 科學(xué)d 訓(xùn)練9價值是商品的()a自然屬性b 社會屬性c交換屬性d 自然屬性和社會屬性的統(tǒng)一體 10資本主義經(jīng)濟中的利潤率同部門的資本有機構(gòu)成() a按正比例變化b按成反比例變化c按相反方向變化d按相同方向變化二、多項挑選題

9、(共20分) 1唯物辯證法的基本規(guī)律有() a本質(zhì)打算現(xiàn)象的規(guī)律 b質(zhì)量互變規(guī)律c對立統(tǒng)一規(guī)律d否定之否定規(guī)律2以下選項中,表述量變是質(zhì)變的基礎(chǔ)的有()a不積細流,無以成江海b不積跬步,無以至千里c不入虎穴,焉得虎子d千里之堤,潰于蟻穴3真理具有客觀性;真理是客觀性是指()relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 4-score s and percentage a ppli cation problem review conte nt overvie

10、w a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, 1 deter mine sta ndar d vol ume units "1" 2 find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, the n in -line sol ution. category fracti on multi plicati on w ord pr oblem score d

11、ivision applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem xv, a subje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a nd units of measurement of com mon units of measureme nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol ume, weight a nd r

12、ate. omitted 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. slightly with a measurement units zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subj

13、ect: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge 1-li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd a ngle angl e of classif ication slightly 17, and subje ct: geometry pr eliminary knowle dge 2-plane gra phi cs review conte nt triangle, a nd e dges shape d, a n

14、d round, and fan axisymmetric graphi cs perimeter and are a com binati on graphics of area subje ct : preliminary knowledge 3-review of soli d content categ ory 1-d shape s are divided int o: cyli nder a nd cone 2, colum n is divi ded i nto: cuboi d, square 3, cone cone of the features of cuboids a

15、nd cubes relati onship betwee n characteristi cs of cir cular cone is slig htly soli d surfa ce area and vol ume 1, size 2, table . 和a真理是不依靠于意識的客觀實在 b真理是不以人的意志為轉(zhuǎn)移的客觀規(guī)律 c真理中包含著不依靠于人類的客觀內(nèi)容 d真理的檢驗標準是客觀的社會實踐 4關(guān)于社會歷史進展的動力問題,以下說法正確的有() a社會基本沖突是社會進展的基本動力 b階級斗爭是階級社會進展的直接動力c革命是歷史的火車頭 d改革對社會進展起推動作用 5資本主義國家的議會

16、具有() a立法權(quán)b財政權(quán)c監(jiān)督權(quán)d審判權(quán)6資本主義壟斷階段的競爭與自由競爭階段的競爭相比,不同點有()a競爭的目的不同 b競爭的手段有了新變化 c競爭的猛烈程度和后果不同d競爭的范疇不同7產(chǎn)業(yè)資本在其循環(huán)過程中經(jīng)受的階段有()a購買階段b生產(chǎn)階段c運輸階段d銷售階段8剩余價值生產(chǎn)的基本方法有() a確定剩余價值的生產(chǎn) b相對剩余價值的生產(chǎn) c超額剩余價值的生產(chǎn) d壟斷剩余價值的生產(chǎn)9東歐劇變、蘇聯(lián)解體給我們供應(yīng)的深刻教訓(xùn)有()a必需堅持社會主義道路 b必需堅持共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo) c必需堅持馬克思主義的指導(dǎo)位置 d必需堅決抵制各種資本主義思想的侵襲10以下論斷屬于馬克思主義關(guān)于共產(chǎn)主義社會展望的有(

17、) a社會生產(chǎn)力高度進展,物質(zhì)財寶極大豐富 b階級歸于毀滅,國家自行消亡c實行社會公有制和按需安排d人們的精神境域極大提高三、判定分析題(共20分)1. “辯證法在對現(xiàn)存事物確定的懂得中同時包含對現(xiàn)存事物的否定的懂得,即對現(xiàn)存事物的必定滅亡的懂得;”2. 上層建筑反作用的性質(zhì)取決于其自身的先進程度;relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 4-score s and percentage a ppli cation problem review con

18、te nt overview a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, 1 determine sta ndar d vol ume units "1" 2 find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, the n in -line sol ution. category fracti on multi plicati on w ord pr o

19、blem score division applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem xv, a s ubje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a nd units of measurement of com mon units of measurem nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol ume, w

20、eight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. slightly with a measurement units zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates

21、16, and subject: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge 1-li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd a ngle angl e of classification slightly 17, and subje ct: geometry pr eliminary knowle dge 2-plane gra phi cs review conte nt triangle, a nd e dges s

22、hape d, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphi cs perimeter and are a com binati on graphics of area subje ct : preliminary knowledge 3-review of soli d content categ ory 1-d shape s are divided int o: cyli nder a nd cone 2, colum n is divi ded i nto: cuboi d, square 3, cone cone of the features of

23、 cuboids a nd cubes relati onship betwee n characteristi cs of cir cular co ne is slig htly soli d surfa ce area and vol ume 1, size 2, table . 和3. 相對剩余價值的實質(zhì)是超額剩余價值;4. 共產(chǎn)主義社會不再需要勞動;四、簡答題(共20分)1. 簡述實踐在熟悉中的作用;2. 簡述無產(chǎn)階級政黨的群眾觀點和群眾路線的內(nèi)容;3. 簡述不變資本和可變資本的劃分及其意義;4. 簡述當代資本主義的新變化及其實質(zhì);五、材料分析題(共10分)材料 1:“民為貴,社稷次

24、之,君為輕;”“君者,舟也;庶人者,水也;水就載舟,水就覆舟;”摘自孟子(盡心下)和荀子(王制)材料 2:“大人物心理之動進稍易其軌而全部歷史可以改觀”,“舍英雄幾無歷史”;英雄人物 “一言可以興幫,一言可以喪幫”;摘自飲冰室合集十六冊和胡適論學(xué)近著第一集材料 3:歷史不是個人隨便制造的,而是打算于某種“客觀精神”;宏大人物是“世界精神的代理人”,拿破侖代表了“世界精神”,他“騎著馬,馳騁全世界,主宰全世界”;世界歷史是宏大人物和王朝的歷史;摘自黑格爾歷史哲學(xué)和精神現(xiàn)象學(xué)材料 4:“人民,只有人民才是制造世界歷史的真正動力;” 摘自毛澤東選集 ( 1966年版)第 3卷請回答:( 1)材料 1

25、的合理思想和局限性;( 2)材料 2和材料 3各自的思想傾向;( 3)材料 2和材料 3的共同性;( 4)結(jié)合材料 4說明馬克思主義關(guān)于人民群眾歷史作用的基本觀點;四、論述題(共20分)1. 試述沖突的主要方面和次要方面關(guān)系的原理,并用這一原理說明怎樣正確熟悉我國改革開放的形勢;2. 試述平均利潤的形成及本質(zhì);relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 4-score s and percentage a ppli cation problem revi

26、ew conte nt overview a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, 1 deter mine sta ndar d vol ume units "1" 2 find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, the n in -line sol ution. category fracti on multi plicati on w o

27、rd pr oblem score division applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem xv, a subje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a nd units of measurement of com mon units of measureme nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol

28、 ume, weight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. slightly with a measurement units zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and est

29、imates 16, and subject: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge 1-li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd a ngle angl e of classif ication slightly 17, and subje ct: geometry pr eliminary knowle dge 2-plane gra phi cs review conte nt triangle, a nd

30、e dges shape d, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphi cs perimeter and are a com binati on graphics of area subje ct : preliminary knowledge 3-review of soli d content categ ory 1-d shape s are divided int o: cyli nder a nd cone 2, colum n is divi ded i nto: cuboi d, square 3, cone cone of the fea

31、tures of cuboids a nd cubes relati onship betwee n characteristi cs of cir cular cone is slig htly soli d surfa ce area and vol ume 1, size 2, table . 和答案:一單項挑選題 :aacac, dbcbb二、多項挑選題:bcd, abd,cd,abcd ,abc, abcd,abd ,ab ,abcd, abcd三、判定分析題:1、對,這句話是馬克思對辯證法否定觀的闡述,說明白否定和確定之間的辯證關(guān)系,指出事物進展的實質(zhì)是新事物戰(zhàn)勝舊事物,辯證法的本


33、熟悉進展的動力第三、實踐是檢驗熟悉真理性的唯獨標準第三、實踐是熟悉的目的2、群眾觀點無產(chǎn)階級政黨的根本觀點,主要包括:人民群眾自己解放自己的觀點,全心全意為人民服務(wù)的觀點,向人民群眾負責(zé)的觀點,向人民群眾學(xué)習(xí)的觀點;群眾路線是無產(chǎn)階級政黨的根本路線,是群眾觀點在實際工作中的運用,內(nèi)容是: “一切為了群眾,一切依靠群眾,從群眾中來,到群眾中去;”3、馬克思主義政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)依據(jù)預(yù)付資本不同部分在剩余價值生產(chǎn)中的作用不同,把資本劃分為不變資本和可變資本, 不變資本是用于購買生產(chǎn)資料的那部分資本, 在生產(chǎn)中原有價值轉(zhuǎn)移到新的商品中去, 不會發(fā)生變化, 可變資本是用于購買勞動力的資本, 在生產(chǎn)中不僅能制造

34、出自身的價值,而且能制造出必自身價值更高的價值,這就是剩余價值;意義 : 揭示了剩余價值產(chǎn)生的來源,剩余價值不是全部預(yù)付資本的產(chǎn)物,而僅僅是可變資本帶來的 ; 揭示了資本家剝削工人的程度,剩余價值率就是剩余價值和可變資本的比列;4、當代資本主義新變化主要變現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面:(1)從生產(chǎn)力方面看;勞動生產(chǎn)率大幅 提高, 社會財寶迅猛增長,經(jīng)濟穩(wěn)固進展;產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)上第三產(chǎn)業(yè)快速崛起,從生產(chǎn)力要素變化上, 腦力勞動者比例攀升,勞動工具日趨智能化,勞動對象范疇不斷擴大,生產(chǎn)治理獲得新的進展;( 2)從生產(chǎn)關(guān)系方面看;在全部制關(guān)系上,顯現(xiàn)了資本社會化趨勢,建立和進展國有經(jīng)濟,股權(quán)分散化,工人持股,勞資關(guān)系

35、共決制,工會作用肯定程度發(fā)揮,安排關(guān)系,很多發(fā)達國家安排政策作了某些調(diào)整,照實行社會福利政策;( 3)從上層建筑看;民主形式進一步擴大,公民權(quán)益進一步拓展,多元化價值觀更加鮮明等;這種新變化的實質(zhì)是:是資本主義的自我進展和調(diào)整;資本主義的變化,在肯定程度克服了私人壟斷資本狹隘界限、適應(yīng)并促進社會生產(chǎn)力進展、緩和勞資沖突、 加快了經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)代化進程,但是它并沒有、也不行能轉(zhuǎn)變資本主義生產(chǎn)關(guān)系;(沒有轉(zhuǎn)變資本主義私人占有制,沒 有轉(zhuǎn)變資本主義剝削的實質(zhì),沒有轉(zhuǎn)變資本主義的基本沖突,導(dǎo)致經(jīng)濟危機的根源依舊存在)五、論述題:(1)表達了中國古代的民本思想,但本質(zhì)上民本仍以君主為前提,是從統(tǒng)治的角度重視人r

36、elationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem 4-score s and percentage a ppli cation problem review conte nt overview a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, 1 determine sta ndar d vol ume units "1

37、" 2 find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, the n in -line sol ution. category fracti on multi plicati on w ord pr oblem score division applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem xv, a s ubje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a

38、nd units of measurement of com mon units of measurem nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol ume, weight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. slightly with a measurement units zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method

39、 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge 1-li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd a ngle angl e of classification slightly 17, and subje


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