1、100:00:05,000 -> 00:00:15,000字幕校對+特效: 月亮花MySiLU思路高清200:00:58,520 -> 00:01:04,030大家注意 這是搶劫 通通都不準(zhǔn)動All right, everyone! This. is a stickup! Don't anybody move!300:01:04,570 -> 00:01:07,060掏空保險箱Now, empty that safe!400:01:08,630 -> 00:01:11,660錢錢錢Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!500:01:1
2、1,660 -> 00:01:14,160住手 住手 可惡的蛋頭Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato!600:01:14,160 -> 00:01:17,390閉嘴寶貝 否則你的羊會遭殃Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!700:01:17,390 -> 00:01:19,370救命 救命啊Help! Baa! Help us!800:01:19,370 -> 00:01:23,320別傷害我的羊 誰來幫幫忙啊Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do so
3、mething!900:01:29,180 -> 00:01:32,200飛向天空Reach for the sky!1000:01:32,200 -> 00:01:34,700不 是胡迪警長Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!1100:01:34,700 -> 00:01:37,520我是來阻止你的 獨眼蛋頭I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.1200:01:37,520 -> 00:01:40,020你怎么知道是我啊Doh! How'd you know it was me?1300:01:40,020 -
4、> 00:01:41,900快跟我走吧Are you gonna come quietly?1400:01:41,900 -> 00:01:43,600你休想 警長You can't touch me, Sheriff!1500:01:43,600 -> 00:01:46,700我?guī)Я宋夷侵?兇狠的斗犬來了 I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field1600:01:46,700 -> 00:01:50,550我?guī)Я宋业目铸?它專門吃兇狠的斗犬Well, I brought my dinosaur w
5、ho eats force-field dogs.1700:01:50,550 -> 00:01:53,060-呀-Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!1800:01:53,060 -> 00:01:57,220你要去坐牢了 蛋頭 跟你老婆小孩說再見吧You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.1900:02:06,090 -> 00:02:08,490你又拯救了危機(jī) 胡迪You saved the day again, Woody.2000:02:08,490 -&
6、gt; 00:02:11,310你是我最喜歡的副警長You're my favorite deputy.2100:02:11,310 -> 00:02:14,420片名:玩具總動員 "我是你好朋友"# You've got a friend in me #2200:02:15,580 -> 00:02:17,880"你什么也別愁"# You've got a friend in me #2300:02:17,880 -> 00:02:19,860來 我們來抓牛Come on, let's wrangle
7、up the cattle.2400:02:19,860 -> 00:02:23,300"道路坎坷困難多"# When the road looks rough ahead #2500:02:23,300 -> 00:02:26,640"要十萬八千里才到家門口"# And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed #2600:02:26,640 -> 00:02:31,220-牛仔 把他們圍起來 "你只要想起我在你左右"-Round 'em up,
8、 cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said #2700:02:31,230 -> 00:02:33,830"我是你好朋友"# Boy, you've got a friend in me #2800:02:33,830 -> 00:02:37,480"哦對 我是你好朋友"-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you've got a friend in me #2900:02:37,480 -> 00:02:39,570嗨 牛仔Hey, cowboy!3000:02:
9、39,570 -> 00:02:43,840"有些人比我能干比我強(qiáng)"# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #3100:02:43,840 -> 00:02:45,930"身體健壯走起路雄赳赳"-# Big and stronger too #3200:02:45,930 -> 00:02:48,010來吧 胡迪-Come on, Woody. -# Maybe #3300:02:48,020 -> 00:02:53,230"也許沒有人 能像我
10、這樣愛護(hù)你"# But none of them will ever love you the way I do #3400:02:53,230 -> 00:02:55,420"對你是毫無保留"-# It's me and you, boy #3500:02:55,420 -> 00:02:58,130"多少的歲月中"-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!3600:02:58,130 -> 00:03:02,290"我們的友誼更加深厚"-Whoa! -# Our fri
11、endship will never die #3700:03:03,450 -> 00:03:05,640"你會看到"-Whoo! -# You're gonna see #3800:03:05,640 -> 00:03:08,870"我們的命運緊相連"-# It's our destiny #3900:03:08,870 -> 00:03:12,420"我是你好朋友" -好耶-# You've got a friend in me # -All right!4000:03:12,420 -
12、> 00:03:15,750"哦對 我是你好朋友" -得分-# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # -Score!4100:03:15,750 -> 00:03:19,300"我是你好朋友" -酷-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!4200:03:19,300 -> 00:03:22,640-你喜歡嗎 -媽咪 真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!4300:03:22,640 -> 0
13、0:03:26,080-喜歡就好 小壽星 -就跟我在店里看到的一樣-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!4400:03:26,080 -> 00:03:28,160好棒 好棒. 希望能擺得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so.4500:03:28,160 -> 00:03:29,210一二三四-One, two. Four.4600:03:29,210 -> 00:03:31,290好 這樣就
14、可以了 Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got.4700:03:31,290 -> 00:03:33,480可以留到搬家嗎-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!4800:03:33,480 -> 00:03:36,090當(dāng)然可以留下來了 好耶-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!4900:03:36,090 -> 00:03:38,520-去抱茉莉 你的朋友馬上就要來了-You
15、r friends are gonna be here any minute.5000:03:38,520 -> 00:03:39,840-好 派對要開始了 -Okay. It's party time, Woody.5100:03:39,840 -> 00:03:43,900-好耶 “編劇:喬斯維登 安德魯使丹頓等人”-Yee.haw!5200:03:49,330 -> 00:03:51,720你好 小姐Howdy, little lady.5300:03:54,650 -> 00:03:57,050有人在水源區(qū)下了毒Somebody's poison
16、ed the water hole.5400:03:57,050 -> 00:04:00,390來 茉莉 你好重哦-Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.5500:04:00,390 -> 00:04:03,290再見了 胡迪 "導(dǎo)演:約翰拉賽特"-See you later, Woody.5600:04:10,500 -> 00:04:13,830我的天哪 今天要開生日派對Pull my string! The birthday party's today?5700:04:16,450 ->
17、; 00:04:19,040好了 各位 已經(jīng)安全了Okay, everybody, coast is clear!5800:04:24,160 -> 00:04:27,710我盒子上寫得很清楚 適合三歲以上-Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.5900:04:27,710 -> 00:04:32,080怎么叫我當(dāng) 口水公主的臨時保姆呢Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.6000:04:43,040 -> 00:04:45,020嘿 火腿-He
18、y, Hamm.6100:04:45,020 -> 00:04:48,570-你看 我是畢加索 -我聽不懂-Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.6200:04:48,570 -> 00:04:53,980沒有文化的肥豬 看什么看啊 你這個大扁臉You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?6300:04:57,640 -> 00:05:00,040-隊長 看到彈簧狗沒有 -報告長官 沒有-Hey, Sarge, have you see
19、n Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!6400:05:00,040 -> 00:05:03,470好了 謝了 稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.6500:05:05,980 -> 00:05:08,590我在這兒 胡迪 這次我要紅的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.6600:05:08,590 -> 00:05:10,620-不行 彈簧狗.-No. S-Slink.6700:05:10,620 -> 00:05:12,550-好吧 那紅的讓給你好了 -Oh, well, all ri
20、ght. You can be red if you want.6800:05:12,550 -> 00:05:15,160-等一下 彈簧狗 我有一些壞消息 -壞消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?6900:05:15,160 -> 00:05:17,660噓.Shh, shh, shh!7000:05:17,660 -> 00:05:20,690去叫大家集合來開干部會議了 知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got
21、it.7100:05:20,690 -> 00:05:22,670開心點呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!7200:05:22,670 -> 00:05:26,630各位 干部會議了 長蛇、機(jī)器人準(zhǔn)備講臺-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.7300:05:26,630 -> 00:05:29,330嘿Hey.7400:05:30,490 -> 00:05:32,980還有畫板 拔槍Hey, Etch. Draw!7500:05:34,450 -> 00:05:36,95
22、0-你又贏了-Oh! Got me again.7600:05:36,950 -> 00:05:40,710畫板 你拔槍練得不錯嘛 西部最快的神槍手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.7700:05:40,710 -> 00:05:43,630大伙兒要開干部會議了 快點 快點Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.7800:05:43,630 -> 00:05:46,340我的那個呢Now, where is
23、 that. Oh.7900:05:46,340 -> 00:05:49,140誰把我涂鴉板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?8000:05:50,820 -> 00:05:54,680-抱抱龍 你干嘛 -嚇到?jīng)]有? 要說實話-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.8100:05:54,680 -> 00:05:57,080這一次 我差一點就被你嚇?biāo)繧 was close to being scared that time.8
24、200:05:57,080 -> 00:06:00,520我一直想可怕一點 但是我老是沒有靈感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.8300:06:00,520 -> 00:06:02,920我只是一個惹人厭的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.8400:06:02,920 -> 00:06:06,150嗨 寶貝Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.8500:06:06,150 -> 00:06:09,180胡迪 我想要謝謝你救了
25、我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.8600:06:09,180 -> 00:06:11,680不客氣Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.8700:06:11,680 -> 00:06:17,000我今天晚上另外找個人替我看羊 你看怎么樣啊What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?8800:06:17,000 -> 00:06:19,710這個嘛 好啊Oh, yeah!8900:06:19,71
26、0 -> 00:06:23,880別忘了 要找我的話 我就在附近Remember, I'm just a couple of blocks away.9000:06:23,880 -> 00:06:27,520快點 快點 小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.9100:06:28,990 -> 00:06:31,270胡迪 好了Hey, Woody, come on.9200:06:34,000 -> 00:06:35,870-啊咳-Ahem!9300:06:35,8
27、70 -> 00:06:38,480-謝了 麥克風(fēng)-Oh, thanks, Mike.9400:06:38,480 -> 00:06:41,300-好了 太近了 退.-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.9500:06:41,300 -> 00:06:43,800-大聲叫出來 -好了 謝謝-For crying out loud. -Thank you.9600:06:43,800 -> 00:06:46,930試音 試音 清楚嗎-Hello? Check. That better? Great.9700:06:46,930 -> 00:06:
28、50,790好 大家都聽到了嗎 架子上面的 聽得見嗎?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.9800:06:50,790 -> 00:06:54,120今天我們第一項議題Okay. First item today:9900:06:54,120 -> 00:06:57,460對了 每個人都找到 搬家的伙伴了沒有Uh. oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?10000:06:57,460 -> 00:07:00,280-什么? -搬家的伙伴?
29、他不是說真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.10100:07:00,280 -> 00:07:02,470我不知道我們要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.10200:07:02,470 -> 00:07:04,970-要拉小手嗎-Do we have to hold hands?10300:07:04,970 -> 00:07:07,470你們以為 我在跟你們開玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.
30、10400:07:07,470 -> 00:07:09,970我們只剩下一個禮拜的時間 就要搬家了We've only got one week left before the move.10500:07:09,980 -> 00:07:12,580我不希望任何玩具被丟下來 兩個人一組I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.10600:07:12,580 -> 00:07:15,400如果還沒有 去找一個來If you don't have one, get one!10700:07:15,4
31、00 -> 00:07:18,630好了 接下來.對了All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.10800:07:18,630 -> 00:07:21,860星期二晚上 我們開的塑膠老化大會Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting.10900:07:21,860 -> 00:07:24,370我認(rèn)為呢 非常的成功was, I think, a big success.11000:07:24,370 -> 00:07:27,600我們要感謝拼字先生為我們所做的一切And we wanna
32、 thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.11100:07:27,600 -> 00:07:30,410-謝謝你 拼字先生 -不客氣-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.11200:07:30,410 -> 00:07:33,860好了 對了 還有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here.11300:07:33,860 -> 00:07:36,880安弟的生日派對改到今天晚上Andy's birthday party ha
33、s been moved to today.11400:07:36,880 -> 00:07:39,170-等一下-Wait a minute here!11500:07:39,170 -> 00:07:41,570什么 怎么會改成今天呢 下個禮拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!11600:07:41,570 -> 00:07:44,280是安弟的媽咪 她丟了珠寶發(fā)瘋了嗎What's goin' on down there?
34、 Is his mom losin' her marbles?11700:07:44,280 -> 00:07:48,140很顯然安弟的媽咪 希望在搬家之前開一個派對Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.11800:07:48,140 -> 00:07:50,320-我不擔(dān)心 你們也不需要擔(dān)心啊-I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.11900:07:50,320 -> 00:07:51,370-胡迪當(dāng)然不擔(dān)心了 -Of c
35、ourse Woody ain't worried.12000:07:51,380 -> 00:07:53,670安弟從幼稚園開始 就最喜歡他了He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.12100:07:53,670 -> 00:07:55,960拜托 蛋頭先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.12200:07:55,960 -> 00:07:59,400如果胡迪說不用擔(dān)心 那么我絕對不會擔(dān)心If Woody says it's all right, then, wel
36、l, darn it, it's good enough for me.12300:07:59,410 -> 00:08:02,120胡迪以前從來沒有弄錯過Woody has never steered us wrong before.12400:08:02,120 -> 00:08:05,870好了 各位 每年圣誕節(jié)跟生日 都得來這么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.12500:08:05,870 -> 00:08:08,890但是如果安弟有了新恐龍呢 很兇的那一種But
37、 what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?12600:08:08,900 -> 00:08:11,920我想我是絕對受不了 被拋棄的打擊I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!12700:08:11,920 -> 00:08:14,320聽著 沒有人可以取代我們Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.12800:08:14,320 -> 00:08:16,720我們討論的重點是安弟This is An
38、dy we're talking about.12900:08:16,720 -> 00:08:20,150我們被安弟玩了多少次 并不重要It doesn't matter how much we're played with.13000:08:23,390 -> 00:08:26,520重要的是 安弟需要我們的時候 我們就在他身邊What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.13100:08:26,520 -> 00:08:28,600那才是我們做玩具的目的 對吧That&
39、#39;s what we're made for, right?13200:08:28,600 -> 00:08:32,570對不起 我很不想打斷會議 但是. 他們來了Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but. they're here!13300:08:32,570 -> 00:08:34,550客人在三點鐘方向Birthday guests at three o'clock!13400:08:34,550 -> 00:08:36,840-保持冷靜-Stay calm, everyon
40、e!13500:08:36,840 -> 00:08:39,240嘿Hey!13600:08:39,240 -> 00:08:41,330-會議結(jié)束-Uh, meeting adjourned.13700:08:41,330 -> 00:08:43,830老天 你們看到那些禮物沒有Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?13800:08:43,830 -> 00:08:46,320我什么都看不到I can't see a thing.13900:08:49,250 -> 00:08:52,59
41、0我們絕對會是 下個月車庫拍賣的貨品了Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.14000:08:52,590 -> 00:08:54,540-有沒有恐龍形狀的禮物啊-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?14100:08:54,540 -> 00:08:56,760-拜托 禮物都在盒子里 白癡-Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.14200:08:56,760 -> 00:08:58,740
42、禮物越來越大了They're getting bigger.14300:08:58,740 -> 00:09:02,590-等一等 那里有個小件的-Wait, there's a nice little one over there. -Hi!14400:09:05,210 -> 00:09:06,980-寫著:垃圾罐 -我們完了-Spell: trash can. -We're doomed!14500:09:06,980 -> 00:09:08,860好 好All right! All right!14600:09:08,860 -> 00:
43、09:13,030如果我派部隊出去的話 你們能安靜下來嗎If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?14700:09:13,030 -> 00:09:16,780-能 能 我們能 -好 省省電池-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.14800:09:16,780 -> 00:09:19,480帥 胡迪 這一招真有效Very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.14900:09:21,060 -> 00:09:
44、25,860隊長 請立刻派偵察隊到樓下去 緊急狀況Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!15000:09:25,860 -> 00:09:28,460-該怎么做你知道的 -是 長官-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!15100:09:28,460 -> 00:09:31,070好了 各位 你們都聽到了 緊急狀況All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!15200:09:31,070 -> 00:09:34,300重覆 緊急狀況 偵察計劃開始執(zhí)
45、行Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!15300:09:34,300 -> 00:09:36,690快Let's move! Move, move, move, move!15400:09:55,260 -> 00:09:57,870-是-Yeah!15500:09:57,870 -> 00:10:00,690-好了 小朋友們-Okay, come on, kids.15600:10:00,690 -> 00:10:04,010所有的人都到客廳來 要拆禮物了Everyone in the
46、 living room. It's almost time for the presents.15700:10:25,300 -> 00:10:27,700讓開 讓開All right, gangway, gangway.15800:10:27,700 -> 00:10:30,930有個這個 我們就可以知道And this is how we find out.15900:10:30,930 -> 00:10:33,520那些禮物是什么了what is in those presents.16000:10:36,980 -> 00:10:40,300好了 誰的
47、肚子餓了Okay, who's hungry?16100:10:41,040 -> 00:10:42,920洋芋片在這里Here come the chips!16200:10:42,920 -> 00:10:45,420有原味還有烤肉口味的I've got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!16300:10:45,420 -> 00:10:47,510怎么搞的What in the world. Oh!16400:10:47,510 -> 00:10:50,430-我還以為他收拾干凈了呢-I thought I told him
48、to pick these up.16500:10:50,430 -> 00:10:53,660他們不是該到了嗎 怎么那么久Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?16600:10:53,660 -> 00:10:56,690他們可是訓(xùn)練有素 是最棒的Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best.16700:10:56,690 -> 00:10:59,490別急嘛 馬上就會有消息了Come on! They'r
49、e not lying down on the job.16800:11:10,140 -> 00:11:12,430走吧 別管我了 快走吧G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!16900:11:12,430 -> 00:11:15,760一個好軍人 絕對不會丟下戰(zhàn)友的A good soldier never leaves a man behind.17000:11:32,770 -> 00:11:35,060-好了 小朋友來.-Okay, everybody, come on.17100:11:35,060 -> 00:11:38,190每個
50、人都坐下來Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody.17200:11:38,190 -> 00:11:42,150好 小朋友 快過來 圍成圈圈坐下來You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.17300:11:42,150 -> 00:11:46,430-很好 好 你第一個想拆哪一個禮物呢-Good. And. Which present are you gonna open first?17400:11:46,430 -> 00:11:49,3
51、50-我的 -他們在那兒-Mine! -There they are.17500:11:49,350 -> 00:11:52,480鳥媽媽請回答 這里是勇敢一號Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.17600:11:52,480 -> 00:11:55,290-鳥媽媽請回答 -有了 有了 安靜.-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.17700:11:55,290 -> 00:11:58,110好了 安弟現(xiàn)在在拆第一個禮物了Andy
52、39;s opening the first present now.17800:11:58,110 -> 00:12:00,920蛋頭太太 蛋頭太太.Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!17900:12:00,930 -> 00:12:02,910作夢犯法啦Hey, I can dream, can't I?18000:12:02,910 -> 00:12:06,140蝴蝶結(jié)開了 他正在拆包裝紙The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapp
53、ing paper.18100:12:06,140 -> 00:12:08,540那是.那. 那是一個便當(dāng)盒It's a. It's. It's a. a lunch box.18200:12:08,540 -> 00:12:10,730-那是一個便當(dāng)盒 -便當(dāng)盒?-We've got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?18300:12:10,730 -> 00:12:12,710-便當(dāng)盒? -用來吃午飯的-Lunch box? -For lunch.18400:12:12,710 -> 00:12:15,00
54、0好了 第二個禮物 那看起來是.Okay, second present. It appears to be.18500:12:15,000 -> 00:12:18,330-一件床單 -那孩子誰請的呀-Okay, it's bed sheets. -Who invited that kid?18600:12:23,140 -> 00:12:25,640只剩一個了Oh! Only one left.18700:12:25,640 -> 00:12:28,140-好 接著是最后一個禮物了 最后一個了-Okay, we're on the last present
55、now. -Last present!18800:12:28,140 -> 00:12:30,540這個禮物很大 那是.It's a big one. It's a.18900:12:30,540 -> 00:12:32,940-那是棋盤游戲 重覆 是海戰(zhàn)棋-It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!19000:12:32,940 -> 00:12:35,230-好耶-Hallelujah!19100:12:35,240 -> 00:12:37,220-好耶 -小心一點-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!19200:12:37,220 -> 00:12:39,200對不起 蛋頭老兄Sorry there, old spud head.19300:12:39,200 -> 00:12:43,060任務(wù)完成了 干得好 收工了 我們回家去Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.19400:12:43,060 -> 00:12:45,660我怎么說的 沒錯吧So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to wo
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