1、Unit 7 Food FestivalTopicl We 're preparing for a food festival.教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析及課時分配建議:本單元的主要內(nèi)容圍繞美食節(jié)展開。第一話題的主要內(nèi)容是籌備美食節(jié),從討論籌備原因入手,至廳解不同國家的飲食文化,融入功能工程里的“提建議、“征求意見、“贊美和“邀請 等社交語言。倡導(dǎo)學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)的同時,學(xué)會關(guān)心,幫助世界上其他國家需要幫助的人,從而樹立正確的人生觀和價值觀。本話題的語法重點是that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。本話題建議用5個課時來完成。第一課時:Sectio n A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 3第二課時:Sectio n A
2、-2Sectio n B-1a,1b,1c,3a,3b第三課時:Sectio n B-2 Section C-1a,1b,1c第四課時:Section D-3 , Section C-2,3, Section D-2第五課時:Sectio n D-Grammar and focus, 1a, 1b, Project第一課時(Section A-1a,1b,1c,1d,3 )教學(xué)設(shè)計思路:本節(jié)課主要活動為 Section A的1a。在1a的對話中,Kangkang等四人從討論 Craig Kielburger 及其創(chuàng)辦的 Free the Children 開始,決定開辦美食節(jié)幫助Craig K
3、ielburger籌集資金,最后分配籌備任務(wù)。在這個對話中,出現(xiàn)了征求意見,贊美等表達法,如:Shall we? When and where shall we?!(Gredt!Good idea!等。同時出現(xiàn)了本單元的重點語法賓語從句中that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。1b的設(shè)置既可訓(xùn)練學(xué)生聽對話獲取信息的能力,同時幫助學(xué)生理解對話大意和細節(jié)信息。1c通過閱讀1a匹配信息,幫助學(xué)生進一步了解that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句陳述句句型。1d那么通過圖片討論美食節(jié)將會是什么樣的,從而訓(xùn)練賓語從句的陳述句句型。作為1a的相關(guān)輔助活動,1b ,1c和1d利用不同的活動形式,從各個方面對1a所呈現(xiàn)的知識和技能進行練習(xí)和穩(wěn)
4、固,實現(xiàn)在用中學(xué)。3是與本課內(nèi)容相關(guān)的聽力練習(xí)。本節(jié)課將其設(shè)計成兩個任務(wù):首先利用本節(jié) 課所學(xué)的賓語從句,根據(jù)所給信息討論。然后聽對話,搭配并核對答案。本節(jié)課將教學(xué)主體局部設(shè)計成 pre-listening, while-listening 和post-listening 三個階段,思路清晰,便于教師 操作。1. Knowledge aims :(1) 學(xué)習(xí)并掌握新詞匯try one ' s best, get in touch with, success, imagi ne, soup, cheese, biscuit, pan cake(2) 掌握that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句陳述句I t
5、hink (that) we can have it on our school playgro und on Sun day.I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.(3) 學(xué)會使用征求別人意見和表示贊美的交際用語 一Shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?Good idea! 一When and where shall we have the food festival?I think we c
6、an have it 一My task is to make a poster.Good!/Great!2. Skill aims:(1 )能聽懂以“美食節(jié)為主題的對話及對話中所涉及到的征求意見和贊美等功能句型。(2 )能根據(jù)圖文提示討論“美食節(jié)相關(guān)話題。3. Emotio nal aims:樹立幫助他人,關(guān)愛他人的意識4. Culture aware ness:了解魁克柯伯格和他的“解放兒童組織。n . The key points and difficult points1. Key poin ts:(1) 討論籌備“美食節(jié)的相關(guān)話題。(2) 掌握that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句陳述句。2. Dif
7、ficult points :熟練運用that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句川.Learning strategies1. You will do better in liste ning practice if you read and predict before liste ning.IV. Teach ing aids多媒體課件;Craig Kielburger及Free the Children 的海報或照片;需要幫助的人的照片或圖片。V. Teach ing proceduresStage1(5mi ns)Gett ing stude nts ready for lear ningStepTeac
8、her activityStude nt activityDesig ning purposeGreeti ngs and lead-i n.T:Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning. Miss I have something to tell you.Whe n 1 went shopp ing yesterday1(Class activity)after noon and met a poor granny at the gate of the supermarket. She is beggi ng. In fact, there
9、are many people who n eed help in the world.Show some pictures of people inTry to an swer the questi on運用并感知thatn eed.with "1 thinthat 弓1導(dǎo)的賓語從句。T: What can we do to help them?樹立幫助他人的Who would like to show us your意識。2(1 ndividualwork)opinion?T: Whe n you show your opinions, try to use “IthinkS1:
10、 I thi nk that we can givethat "them some books andclothes.S2: I thi nk that I can give hersome mon ey.S3: I thi nk that Remark :選用學(xué)生熟悉的人的照片會引起學(xué)生共鳴,如超市門口每天都會出現(xiàn)的乞丐老婆婆。廣 場上唱歌的殘疾女孩等。Stage2 ( 8mins) : Pre-listeningStepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ning purpose1(Class activity)Show some pic
11、tures or posters of Craig, teach the new word: poster.T:You arekin d-heartedchildren. Thank you for your kindn ess. Just like you, there are a large nu mber of kin d-hearted people in the world. They have done a lot of things to help others. Now let ' s know about a very kind man. Look at this p
12、oster. Who is he? Do you know him? Can you say something about him?Some Ss introduce Craig and Free the Childre n.iS1: He is Craig Kielburger.S2: He is from Can ada.S3: He started Free the Childre n.S4:檢查預(yù)習(xí)情況2(Class activity)Teacher adds more in formati on about Craig while teach ing new words and p
13、hrases with the help of their Chin ese expla nati ons on the PPT.T: You did quite well. I thi nk you have previewed Section A. Just as you know, Craig is a very kind man. Now he is trying his best toTry to lear n the in troduct ion of Craig as well as the new words and phrases.利用師生討論教 學(xué)詞匯,并加以 運用。bui
14、ld a new school for the childre n in Kenya. But he does n have eno ugh mon ey. His first task is to raise eno ugh mon ey. Can you un dersta nd what I said just now?T: Try on e'best or do on e'sbest means try to do sth. For example, you should try your best to keep your classroom clean. Can y
15、ou give another example?(Write the new phrase on the blackboard.)T: Quite well! Do you know the Chinese meaning of the new word taskT: Good, do you have any other questi ons?' tS1: Sorry, Miss-What does fry his best "mean?S2: We should try our best to learn English well.Ss: It means "任
16、務(wù)"。Ss: No, we dont.3 (Pair work)Lead in 1a.T: OK, Now you know about Craig'problem. Would you like to help him? Lets discuss in pairs, and the n well see which pair has the best and the most ideas.T: Hi, any volun teers? Which pairSs discuss in pairs.Ss: Let me try!導(dǎo)入1a的同時引導(dǎo)學(xué)生運用賓語從句would li
17、ke to show your opinions?S1: I think that I can sell old books.S2: I thi nk that I can put o n a short play.S3: I can sell flowers to raise mon ey.S4:Remark :在句子或語段中學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯更容易記憶。盡量做到詞不離句,句不離扁。Stage4 (10mins)While-liste ningDesig ningStepTeacher activityStude nt activitypurposePresent some questions on
18、 theRead the questio nsand引導(dǎo)學(xué)生聽前閱Bb or on the screen, play thethe n liste n to 1a.讀聽力問題并進record ing of 1a, and ask the Ss行答案的預(yù)測。培to answer the questions after養(yǎng)學(xué)生有意識地liste ning.使用學(xué)習(xí)策略的T: Good ideas! Kangkang and his能力。friends also want to help him.What will they do? Listen to 1acarefully and then ans
19、wer the1(Class activity)follow ing questi ons.1. What will Jane do?2. What will Maria do?3. What will Kan gka ng do?4. What will Michael do?Ssan swerthefour(Show the questions on the Bbquestions above withtheor the scree n)help of the teacherandT: You did better tha n 1 believe. You got all the righ
20、t an swers. As we know, Maria 'task is to turn to the teacher. What does turn to mean?T: Very good, Who can make a sentence with fbrn to ?T: Thank you, you did quite well, any other questi ons?T: Whe n you call sb. or write to sb. or email sb. that means you get in touch with sb. Do you un derst
21、a nd?lear n the new phrases: tur n to, get in touch with, make a poster.S1: Jane willS2: Maria will S3: Kan gka ng will S4: Michael will S1: Turn to" means ask sb. for help S2: When I have difficulty in learning English, I always tur n to my En glish teacher.S3: What does get in touch with mean
22、s?S3: Yes, I do. For example, I have ntsee n my old frie nd for a long time. I miss him very much, so I'l get in touch with him.T: You are so smart. Any other questi ons?(Write the new phrases on the blackboard)2(1 ndividualwork)Liste n to 1a aga in and finish 1b.Check the an swers.T: Now you ca
23、n finish 1b by yourself. I think it' s easT: Let ' s check the answers. Is first one true or false?T: How about the last one?T: Who can correct it?Remark :在學(xué)生活動Stepl中,右學(xué)生不能在只聽一: 看一遍1a的Flash,然后請學(xué)生答復(fù)或者老師與學(xué)生一, 比聽能獲取更多信息并留下更多的記憶。Stage 5 ( 15mins) :Post-listeningStepTeacher activity1(Group work)A
24、sk Ss to read 1a in roles ir groups. Pay attention to the pronun ciati on and inton ati on.T: Now let ' s work in groups read the dialog in roles. PaSs read the an swers to 1b, correct the false on es.y for you.theS1: The first one is true.S5:lt'sfalse.S6: The last one is false. The right on
25、e is“ Kan gka ngget in touch with Craig on the Internet to get more information about him will遍的情況下答復(fù)以上四個問題,可以讓學(xué)生 起討論,找到問題的答案并穩(wěn)固新詞匯??碨tude nt activityDesig ning purposenaiyRead 1a in roles in groups. Pay attention to the pronun ciati onandldnton ati on.attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
26、And I ' II ask som groups to read and act it later.ieFini sh1c, check the an swers.Ss read 1a and match the學(xué)習(xí)和穩(wěn)固thatT: In this dialog Kangkang andin formati on.The n read弓1導(dǎo)的賓語從句。his friends talk about how tothe sentences aloud.help Craig. If you want to repeat others ' words in your own wor
27、es,2(Pair work)you' u se the object clauses. In this less on, that guides the object clauses, and that can be omitted. 1c is a good idea to learn it. Please read 1a and match the sentences in 1c. Try to understand the object clauses. You may discuss with yourS1: Jane thi nks that youngpart ner.p
28、eople like them raisedmost of the mon ey.S2: Kan gka ng knows that CraigcomesfromCan ada.S3: Michael says that Craig was 12 when he started to help poor childre n.S4: Maria says that she wil tur n to their teachers.3(1 ndividual work)En courage the Ss to make more sentences accord ing to 1a.T: Can y
29、ou make more sentences like this accord ing to 1a?Ss make more sentences accord ing to 1a.S1: Jane says that they are trying to build a school in Kenya.S2: Michael says that his task is to make a poster.S3:進一步穩(wěn)固that弓1導(dǎo)的賓語從句。4(Group work)Finish 1d. Encourage Ss to imagine more and make more senten ce
30、s.T: Food festival is somethi ng to look forward to. We all like it. Do you thi nk what it will be like? Can you imagi ne it? Work in groups of 4 and talk about the food festival with the help of the pictures in 1d.Ss in groups discuss what the food festival will be like with the help of the picture
31、s.S1: What will the food festival be like, can you imagine it?S2: I imagine that we will prepare many delicious foods.S3: I imagine that there will be many guests.S4: I imagine that our teachers will come to the food festival.展開想象的翅 膀,大膽運用英 語表達心中的想 法,在運用中習(xí) 得語言。S1: I imagi ne thatFi nish 3.Ss read 3
32、and match and先閱讀,討論之T: Kan gka ng and his frie nds willthe n work in pairs to think后再聽。聽力練hold a food festival to help Craigof other methods to offer習(xí)中聽之前的閱and the children. If we meethelp.讀和推測可以使some people in n eed, what can你更容易聽懂聽we do to help them? Read 3, You力材料并迅速找may match them first and then
33、到答案。discuss in pairs to thi nk of some other methods to help them.S1: What can we do toT: Now let ' ssten to thehelp the childre n in poor areas?S2: I think we can sell n ewspapers to raise money for them.5(Pair work)conversations and check yourSsliste ntotheanswers. Who can read thecon versati
34、ons and the nan swers?some Ss read the thean swers.S1: I thi nk we can help the old people clea n the houses.S2: I think we can sell n ewspapersto raisemoney for the children in poor areas.S3: I thi nk that we can visit the bli nd childre n to cheer them up.S4: I think we can give dolls to the child
35、ren in hospital to make them happy.Remark :Stage 6 (7mins) : Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ning purpose1 (Classactivity)Ask the Ss to summarize and con solidate what we have lear nt in this lesson with the help of PPT.T: Good job! Class will be over soon. Now let ' ssmmarize what we have lear nt in this less on. What do we lear ned and
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