1、初中英語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)單選100題(含答案)新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語(yǔ)初中畢業(yè)動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)基礎(chǔ)單選過(guò)關(guān)100題1. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, _ ? _ , he does.A. does heNo B. does heYes C. does nt heNo D. does nt heYes2. Mr. Black often _ fishing on Sundays, _ he ?A. goesdoes nt B. goesisnt C. does nt godoes D. does ntgois3. _ he _ himself there? No, I dont
2、 think so.B. Doesenjoies C. Doesenjoys D. Doesenjoy A. Doenjoy4. _ your teacher _ from them very often? Certainly.A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Dorece ive D. receive5. _ your mother _ some cleaning on SundaysA. Does does B. Do does C. Doesdo D. Dodo6. Mary _ on shoes when she _ them.A. triesbuys B. tries
3、buies C. trysbuys D. trysbuys7. The girl often _ cold when she _.A. cathcsdances B. catchesdancesC. catchsdancees D. catchesdancee8. The Young Pioneer _ water for the old man every day.A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries9. Some are _ in the river and some are _ games.A. swimmin gplaying B. swimmin
4、gplaiingC. swimmingplaying D. swimmingplaing10. _ Tom _to work hard to help his family? Yes, he _ .A. Hasxdoes B. HasxdoesC. Doeshashas D. Doeshavedoes11. Which teacher _lessons to you every day?A. doesgives B. doesgive C. dogive D. gives12. He usually _ TV on Sunday evening.A. watch B. watches C. w
5、atching D. is watching13. Well go to play with snow if it _tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed 14. Neither I nor he _French.A. speak B. doesnt speak C. speaks D. doesnt speak15. Nobody _ how to run this machines.A. know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing 16. _ Jack _ onwith his work o
6、r _ to have a rest?A. Did went stopped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped17. You gave them a talk two days ago, _you? Yes, I _ .A. diddid B. didgave C. didntdid D. didntgave18. _ your brother _ a letter to? My father.A. Who wrote B. Whatwrote C. Who didwrite D. What didwrite19. Look! T
7、he boy students are _ football while the girls areA. playingdance B. playingdancingC. playdancing D. playdance20. He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening.A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins21. _ he _ on well with his friends this term?A. Doesgets B. Does get C. Is getting D. Is
8、geting22. Mr. Smith _ short stories, but he _ a TV play these days.A. is writi ng is writ ing B. is writ ing writesC. writesis writing D. writeswrites23. I _ to the cinema. I _ there every Sunday.A. gogo B. am goinggo C. goam going D. am goingam going24. Look, they_ a good time, _ they?A. havedo B.
9、havedont C. are havingare D. are havingarent25. She always _something whenever she _.A. studiedplayed B. studiedplaied C. studiedplaied D. studiedplayed26. _ a sports meet last Sunday? Yes, they _ .A. Did they havedid B. Did they havehadC. Had theyhad D. Had theydid27. _ you _ out for a walk after s
10、upper? Yes, I _ .A. Did wentwent B. Did go wentC. Didwentdid D. Didgodid28. He often _ late in the forest. It _ me very much.A. stayedworried B. staiedworriedC. stayedworryed D. staiedworried29. I _ that the boy _ with no tears in his eyes.A. no ticed cryed B. no ticedcried C. no ticed cried D. no t
11、icedcryed30. They _ about the TV news then in the sitting-room. Theyoften _ such talksA. talkedhad B. talkhave C. were talk inghad D. aretalking -have31. We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _ .A. were waitingwaiting B. were waitingwaitC. waitedwaiting D. waitedwait32. He _some cooking
12、at that time, so _ me.A. didheard B. diddidnt hearC. was doingheard D. was doingdidnt hear33. _ you angry then? They_ too much noise.”A. Arewere making B. Werewere making C. Aremade D. Weremade34. This time yesterday Jack _ his, bike. He _ TV.A. repaireddidnt watch B. was repairingwatchedC. repaired
13、watched D. was repairingwasnt watching35. We _ the floor and _ all the windows.A. moppedcleanned B. mopedcleanedC. moppedcleaned D. mopedcleaned36. She _ ill so she _ able to go skating the next day.A. iswont be B. iswould nt be C. waswon be D. was wouldntbe37. He _ the thief to the police when he _
14、 the man again.A. would takewould meet B. would takemetC. will takewill meet D. will takemeet38. I _ myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday morning. I _ towork.A. was teachingdidnt go B. taughtdidnt goC. was teachingwent D. taughtwent39. He _ a model plane when I came to see him.A. makes B. is making C
15、. was making D. made 40. When I _ theChildrens Palace, the children _ with joy.A. visitedjumpped B. visitedjumpedC. visitedjumped D. visitedjumpped41. When you _ at the door, I _ some washing.A. knockeddid B. was knockingdidC. knockedwas doing D. knockam doing42. Be careful. The train _ .A. will com
16、e B. is comeing C. comes D. is coming 43. Look at those clouds. It_ soon, Im afraid.A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain D. wont rain44. The radio says it _ the day after tomorrow.A. is going to snow B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows 45. Theboy_ English on the radio when I _ his door.A.
17、learnedwas opening B. was learningopenedC. lear nedopened D. is learningopen46. When they_through the forest, a bear _ at them.A. walkedwas coming B. were walkingcameC. were talkingcomes D. walkis coming47. A young man _ her while she _ her work.A. watchedwas finishing B. was watchingfinishedC. watc
18、hedfinished D. was watchingwas finishing48. While mother _ some washing, I _ a kite for Tom.A. didmade B. was doingmadeC. was doingwas making D. didwas making49. I _ a letter at nine last night.A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing 50. Theteacher_ us a history lesson when Tom walked in
19、to the classroom.A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. was giving 51. There will be afootball match in two days, that is _ .A. last Sunday B. next Sunday C. every Sunday D. this Sunday 52. We_ class meeting this November.A. had B. have C. will have D. are having 53. He _ in hisgarden every morning ne
20、xt year.A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working 54. _ he _ some shoppingtomorrow afternoon?A. Willdoes B. is going to do C. isdoi ng D. Shalldo55. If he _ to college, he _ a lot more.A. will gowill learn B. will gois going to lear nC. is goingis going to learn D. goeswill le arn56. When she _
21、next time, I _ her everything.A. is going to comeshall tell B. will comeshall tellC. comeswill tell D. comewill tell57. What day _ it _tomorrow? Wednesday.A. isgoing to be B. willbe C. shallbe D. doesbe58. The boy _ sixteen years old next year.A. is going to be B. is growing to be C. will be D. is59
22、. _you _ me up at six, please?A. Are - going to wake B. Arewaking C. Willwake D. Dowake60. What day _ it _ tomorrow? It _ Tuesday.A. isgoing to beis B. willbewillC. isgoing to beis going D. will bewill be( ) 61. She _ that she _ her best to help them the next term.A. sayswill do B. saidwill do C. sa
23、idwould do D. sayswoulddo( ) 62. Jack _ that they _surprised to see it this Friday.A. knowwould be B. knowswill be C. knewwould be D. knewwill be( ) 63. I _ to know if Mary_ by train that afternoon.A. wantwould go B. wantwill goC. wan tedwould go D. wan tedwill go( ) 64. People _ that the Smiths _ f
24、or a holiday next week.A. saywill go B. saidwill go C. saidwould go D. saygo( ) 65. Nobody _ us that he _even stricter with us.A. tellwill be B. tellswould be C. toldwill be D. toldbe( ) 66. _ you _ that he _ his lost son one day?A. Dothinkwill find B. Dothoughtwould findC. Didthinkwill find D. Didt
25、houghtwould find( )67. I _ that you _good care of her that day.A. thoughtwill take B. thoughtwould takeC. thinkwill take D. thinkwould take( )68. Please _ him that we _ able to help him.A. tellwill be B. tellswould be C. toldwill be D. toldwould( )69. _ he _ that they _ home tomorrow?A. Doeslearnwou
26、ld go B. Doeslearnwill goC. Didlearnwould go D. Didlearnwill go( )70. We _ that they _ a sports meet tomorrow.A. learnwould have B. have learnedwould haveC. learnwill have D. have learnedwill have( )71. The visitors _ where they _ a short test.wouldwouldA. askwould take B. askwill takeC. askedwould
27、take D. askedcan take( )72. John _ sure that he _ good at chemistry soon.A. bewill be B. is, would be C. waswill be D. waswould be( )73. Mother _ me a new coat yesterday, I _ it on. It fitsme well.A. has madehave tried B. madehave triedC. has madetried D. madetried( )74. He _ to draw horses already.
28、 When _ he?”. Lastyear. A. learnedhas B. learneddid C. has learnedhas D. haslearneddid( )75. Why she angry? Because he _ at he just now.A. didget, shouted B. hasgotshoutedC. didgethas shouted D. hasgothas shouted( )76. Tom _ up into the tree. Look, he _ high up there!A. has gotis B. has climbedwas C
29、. gotwas D. climbedis( )77. _ you _ the text yet? Yes, we _ it two hours ago.A. Didcopydid B. HavecopiedhaveC. Havecopieddid D. Didcopyhad( )78. _ you _ the film before? Where _ you _ it?A. Haveseendidsee B. DidseediewatchC. Haveseenhaveseen D. Didseehaveseen( )79. You _ me waiting for two hours. I
30、_ for you since five.A. Keptwaited B. have keptwaitedC. kept -have waited D. have kept -have waited) 80. _ the baby still _ ? No, it _crying.A. Hascriedhas stopped B. IscryingstoppedC. Didcrystopped D. Iscryinghas stopped( ) 81. I _ the way. I _ here for quite many years.A. knewhave lived B. knewliv
31、e C. knowhave lived D. knowlive( ) 82. Where _ John _ ? To the library. He _ there for anhour.A. hasbeenhas gone B. hasgonehas beenC. didgowent D. didbewent( ) 83. _ you ever _ America? Yes, I have.A. Havegone to B. Havegone in C. Havebee n to D. Havebee nin( ) 84. My brother _ college for over thre
32、e years.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has been for( ) 85. John _ there since the year before, so he _ them.A. had workedknew B. had worked.had knownC. workedknew D. workedhad known( )86. He _ angry because he _ for a long time.B. gotwaited C. had gotwaited D. gothad waited A. had g
33、othadwaited( ) 87. He _ the Army by the end of 1992. He _ in the armysince then.A. jo inedis B. has joinedhas bee nC. had joinedis D. has joinedhas bee n( ) 88. By the time I _ back they _ up ten metres.A. camehave climbed B. camehad climbedC. comehave climbed D. had comeclimbed( ) 89. Jack _ over f
34、ive lessons by seven oclock. Then he_ atest.A. wenttook B. wenthad takenC. had gonetook D. had gonehad taken( ) 90. We _ out by that time that he _ a thief for a longtime.A. had foundhad been B. had foundwas C. foundhad been D. foundwas( ) 91. The Greens _China for five years.A. has been in B. have been in C. went to D. has gone to ( )92.There _ an eraser under the d
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