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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上詞 匯attend vt.出席, 參加M1U011assemblyn.集會, 會議M1U011earnvt.賺, 掙得, 獲得M1U011respectn.& vt.尊敬, 敬重, 尊重M1U011achievevt.贏得,取得:實現(xiàn),成就M1U011graden.學分,成績,等級M1U011literaturen.文學(作品), 文藝, 著作, 文獻M1U011averageadj.一般的, 普通的,通常的, 平均的M1U011challengingadj.具有挑戰(zhàn)性的M1U011lunchtimen.午餐時間M1U011e-mailvt.給發(fā)電子郵件M1U

2、011for freead.免費M1U011extraa.額外的,外加的M1U011cookingn.做飯,烹飪,烹調M1U011preparevt.&vi.準備M1U011dropvt.放棄M1U011Spanishn.西班牙人, 西班牙語M1U011Germann.德國人, 德語M1U011woodworkn.木工手藝M1U011missvt.想念, 思念M1U011dessertn.餐后甜點M1U011fieldn.運動場,操場M1U011experiencevt.體驗, 經歷M1U011articlen.文章, 論文M1U011penfriendn.筆友M1U011introd

3、ucevt.介紹, 傳入, 引進M1U011immediatelyad.立即, 馬上M1U011formera.從前的, 以前的M1U011recentlyad.最近M1U011culturen.文化M1U011developvt.培養(yǎng),養(yǎng)成M1U011photographn.照片,相片M1U011donatevt.捐贈, 捐獻,贈予M1U011giftn.贈品, 禮物M1U011displayvt.陳列, 展覽M1U011kindnessn.善舉,好意, 善意M1U011guestn.客人, 來賓M1U011speechn.演說, 演講, 講話M1U011flatn.套房,公寓M1U011b

4、ookcasen.書架, 書柜, 書櫥M1U011Attentionn.注意, 關心, 關注M1U011pay attention to vt.注意M1U011pleasevt.使?jié)M意, 取悅M1U011titlen.(書的)名稱, (文章等的)標題,題目M1U011dynastyn.朝代, 王朝M1U011covern.(書的)封面, 蓋子M1U011back covern.(書的)封底M1U011recenta.新近的, 最近的M1U011professorn.教授M1U011regretvt. & vi.遺憾, 抱歉, 后悔, 惋惜M1U011informvt.通知, 告訴, 獲

5、悉, 告知M1U011runvt.管理, 經營M1U011hostn.主持人, 主人,東道主M1U011approvevt.& vi.批準, 通過, 贊成M1U011broadcastvt.& n.廣播, 播放M1U011preparationn.準備, 籌備M1U011closea.緊密的, 靠近的M1U011outingn.短途旅行,遠足M1U011continuevt.& vi.繼續(xù), 持續(xù)M1U011poetn.詩人M1U011generationn.一代, 一代人M1U011poemn.詩, 詩篇M1U011selectvt.選擇, 挑選M1U011requi

6、revt.需要, 要求M1U011scarya.嚇人的,使人驚恐的M1U011naturen.自然, 自然界, 大自然M1U011get alongv.相處,進展M5U0113betrayvt.出賣,背叛M5U0113primarya.初步的,初級的,第一位的,主要的M5U0113primary schooln.小學M5U0113academica.學習良好的,學術的M5U0113stupida.愚蠢的, 蠢笨的M5U0113overlookvt.忽略,忽視,俯瞰M5U0113cheerfula.愉快的, 高興的M5U0113admitvt. & vi.承認M5U0113deliber

7、atelyad.故意地M5U0113keep one's wordv.信守諾言,守信M5U0113swearvt.發(fā)誓M5U0113forgivevt.原諒,寬恕M5U0113teasevt.取笑;嘲笑,奚落M5U0113friendshipn.友誼M5U0113in troublead.有麻煩,處于困難中M5U0113dilemman.進退兩難的(尷尬的)處境,困境,窘境M5U0113brillianta.優(yōu)秀的,杰出的,燦爛的,聰明的M5U0113focusvi & vt.集中注意力,聚焦 n. 焦點,關注點M5U0113absent-mindeda.心不在焉的M5U011

8、3as a resultad.結果M5U0113afterwardsad.然后, 后來M5U0113yellvi & n.吼叫, 大叫M5U0113meana.刻薄的,卑鄙的, 吝嗇的M5U0113guiltya.內疚的,自罪的M5U0113cruela.刻毒的,傷人的,殘酷的, 殘忍的M5U0113standvt.容忍,忍讓,經受,遭受M5U0113awkwarda.別扭的,不自然的M5U0113outgoinga.開朗的,友好的M5U0113apologizevt.道歉M5U0113bittera.苦的, 痛苦的, 懷恨的M5U0113athletica.適于做運動員的,健壯(強健

9、)的,充滿活力的M5U0113rightn.權利M5U0113unlikelya.不太可能的M5U0113blamevt.責備, 譴責M5U0113doubtn.懷疑, 疑惑 vi. & vt. 懷疑, 疑問M5U0113behaviourn.行為, 舉止M5U0113jealousa.嫉妒的;妒忌的M5U0113embarrassvt.使尷尬,使困窘, 使不好意思,使局促不安M5U0113in publicad.當眾, 在公共場所M5U0113gifteda.有天賦的,有才的M5U0113strengthn.力量, 力氣, 實力M5U0113teammaten.隊友M5U0113un

10、faira.不公平的M5U0113stubborna.頑固的, 固執(zhí)的, 倔強的M5U0113disagreementn.分歧,意見不同, 不調和M5U0113ruinvt.破壞, 使毀滅M5U0113delayvi,vt.&n.耽擱, 拖延,推遲M5U0113mailboxn.郵箱M5U0113persuadevt.說服, 勸說M5U0113badmintonn.羽毛球M5U0113DVDabbr.碟片M5U0113noten.筆記, 記錄M5U0113dentistn.牙科醫(yī)生M5U0113algebran.代數M5U0113arithmeticn.算術M5U0113Eastern

11、.復活節(jié)M5U0113amusementn.娛樂, 消遣M5U0113amusement parkn.游樂園M5U0113circusn.馬戲表演, 馬戲團M5U0113take carev.保重,小心,當心M5U0113dailya.每日的, 日常的 ad. 每日, 天天M5U0113identityn.身份M5U0113discouragevt.使灰心, 使氣餒, 阻止,勸阻M5U0113discourage.from doing sth.vt.阻止做某事M5U0113absurda.荒誕的,荒唐的M5U0113essayn.散文, 短文, 短文M5U0113punishmentn.懲罰,

12、 處罰, 懲處M5U0113arean.區(qū)域, 地區(qū)M5U0113tryinga.難受的, 難熬的,令人煩惱的M5U0113anxiousa.焦急的,焦慮的,渴望的M5U0113suffervi.忍受痛苦,受損害, 受損失M5U0113practicala.實際的, 實用的M5U0113freea.免費的M5U0113linen.(電話等的)線路M5U0113get throughvt.(電話等)接通M5U0113puzzlevt.使困惑, 使迷惑不解M5U0113apartmentn.公寓, 房間M5U0113sofan.沙發(fā)M5U0113absorbvt.吸收, 吸引M5U0113abso

13、rbeda.專注的, 投入的, 全神貫注的M5U0113in the worldad.究竟, 到底M5U0113horoscopen.星座運勢M5U0113attituden.態(tài)度, 看法M5U0113consistenta.一致的M5U0113worldwidead.& a.全世界(的)M5U0113adolescenta.青春期的, 青春的 n. 青少年M5U0113hesitatevi.猶豫, 遲疑不決M5U0113respondvt.回答, 響應, 作出反應M5U0113hesitationn.猶豫, 遲疑不決M5U0113one anotherad.彼此, 相互M5U0113

14、regardlessad.不管, 不顧M5U0113句 型1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.去一所英國中學讀書一年對我來說是一次令人愉快和興奮的經歷。Going to a British high school for one year動名詞短語作句子的主語。動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞都可以作定語,但所表達的意思不同, 現(xiàn)在分詞作定語常表示“令人”、“正在.”;例如exciting news, sleeping dogs; 過去分詞則

15、有被動或完成的意思,常表示“感到.的”、“被.的”,例如: an excited crowd of people, broken heart.2. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m.我對英國學校的作息時間很滿意因為學校大約上午9點開始上課,下午3點半左右放學。be happy with=be pleased with=be satisfied with, around=about。3. This means I

16、 could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.這意味著我可以晚一小時起床,因為在中國學校8點鐘上課。mean: 意味著, 后面通常加名詞或賓語從句。例如:The attack of Pear Harbor meant a declaration of war with the United States.The raise of salary means that I can send my daughter to a better school.mean: 打算, mean to d

17、ohad meant to do: 本打算做某事,而事實上沒做成eg: I had meant to help you, but I was busy then.means: 方法,手段by this means:通過這種方法4. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.他還告訴我們贏得學校尊敬的最好方法是努力學習并取得好成績。The best way to do sth is to.結構用來表達做某事的最好方法是., 例

18、如:The best way to learn English is to use it as often as possible.5. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English.我發(fā)現(xiàn)這兒的家庭作業(yè)沒有我原來學校的多,但一開始對我有些挑戰(zhàn)性,因為所有作業(yè)都是英語的。as.as, 否定形式:not as.as, n

19、ot so.as ,中間加形容詞或副詞,一般要連接兩個相同的句子成分, 請比較下面兩句話:You hate him as much as I (=You hate him as much as I hate him).You hate him as much as me(=You hate him as much as you hate me).used to 過去常常, 隱含的意思是現(xiàn)在的情況已經不同。例如:She used to study very hard. ( She does not study so hard any more).used to 過去常常做某事,它的否定形式是us

20、ednt to/ didnt use to注意:get/be used to sth/doing 表示習慣于.6. Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food.當我學著怎樣買菜、洗菜、燒飯時,烹飪真的是一件有趣的事。 fun是不可數名詞,有趣的事情 7. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article.就像你在文章中提到的那樣,我的確喜歡在飯后吃甜食。do、did在陳述句中,用在動詞前表示強調,可譯作的確、確

21、實。eg: Do call me, please.短 語重點詞組:專心-專注-專業(yè)1. 感到輕松 feel at ease2. 一次令人愉快,激動的經歷 an enjoyable and exciting experience3. 對.感到滿意 be happy with4. 意味著 mean doing 5. 打算做 mean to do6. 參加晨會 attend assembly7. 在旁邊 next to8. 贏得某人的尊重 earn respect(from尊重某人 show respect to /for9.做的方法/途徑 the way to do/ of doing 10獲得高

22、分 achieve high grades11. 聽起來像 sound like12.在過去的一年 in the past year 13.正常規(guī)模 the average size 14.平均 on average17.進步很快 improve a lot18在午餐時間 at lunchtime 19. 免費的 for free 免費的 free of charge20. 每星期二晚上 on Tuesday evenings21. 放棄一些科目 drop some subjects22.一個具有挑戰(zhàn)的任務 a challenging task某事對某人有挑戰(zhàn) be challenging f

23、or sb 23體驗不同的生活方experience a differentway of life24.在.開始 at the beginning of 25 .準備食物 prepare food 為做準備 prepare for / make preparations for26. 向做自我介紹 introduce oneself to 27. 對感興趣 be interested in 28. 在學校人口處 at the school entrance29. 一直往前走 go straight 30. 走過 go past 31. 從和之間走過 go betweenand32. 在校園里

24、on campus 33. 對有用 be available (for) 35. 網絡接口 Internet access36. 網上沖浪 surf the Internet 37. 大量的設備 lots of pieces of equipment 38. 前者后者 the formerthe latter 39.從畢業(yè) graduatefrom40.有很多機會了解 have many chances to learn about41.一位有經驗的護士 an experienced nurse42.一.就 upon/on doing 43.培養(yǎng)對的興趣 develop an interest

25、 in 44把捐贈給 donate.to.45.向展示 display sth to46.因感謝某人 thank sb for sth47.勞駕 thank sb to do48客座演講者 a guest speaker49.發(fā)表演講 make a speech50.錯過機會 miss the chance to do51.提到/提及 refer to52.不僅僅,超過 more than53.難以取悅 be hard to please54.注意 pay attention to吸引某人的注意 attract ones attention / catch ones eyes55.把和.作比較

26、 comparewith56.訂購一冊 order a copy57.在封底 on the book cover58.遺憾做 regret to do 59.通知某人某事 inform sb of sth60.創(chuàng)辦學校俱樂部 start a school club61.允許某人做某事 allow sb to do sth62.贊同某人的想法 approve ones idea63.時事新聞 recent news64.親密的朋友 close friends65朗讀給聽 read out to 66.挑選詩歌 select poems67.要求某人做某事 require sb to do sth

27、68.生態(tài)平衡 keep a balance of nature69.對負責 be responsible for70.由組成 consist of / be made up of71.以為基礎 be based on72.一代又一代 from generation to generation73.過去常常 used to do74.在開放日 at the open day75.在學校的操場上 on the school field76.被取代 be replaced by77.代替 instead of78.做一個決定 make a decision79.提出,想出 come up with

28、80.輪流做. take turns to do語法-虛擬語氣1. If I _ where he lived, I _ a note to him.A. knew, wouldB. had known, would have sentC. know, would sendD. knew, would have sent2. If they _ earlier than expected, they _ here now.A. had started, would be B. started, might beC. had started, would have beenD. will sta

29、rt, might have been3. I didnt know his telephone number. _ it, I _ then.A. Had I known, would ring him upB. Should I know, would have rung him up C. If I knew; would ring him upD. Had I known; would have rung him up4. Mary is ill today. If she _ , she _ absent from school. A. were not ill; wouldn

30、9; t beB. had been ill; wouldn't have been C. had been ill; should have beenD. hadn't been ill; could be5. Were I to do it, I _ it some other way. A. will do B. would doC. would have done D. were to do6. I _ him the answer _ possible, but I was so busy then. A. could tell; if it had beenB. m

31、ust have told; were it C. should have told; had it beenD. should have told; should it be7. Without your help, we_ so much. A. won ' t achieve B. didn ' t achieve C. don't achieve D. wouldn't have achieved8. You didn't take his advice. _ his advice, you _ such a mistake. A. Had yo

32、u taken; wouldn't have madeB. If you had taken; would make C. Were you lo take; shouldn t have madeD. Have you taken; won t have made9. We wish we _ what you did when we were at high school. A. didB. could have doneC. have doneD. should do10. She wishes she _ to the theatre last night. A. wentB.

33、 would goC. had goneD. were going11. Tom is very short now. His mother wishes that he _ be tall when he grows up. A. could B. shouldC. would D. were able to12. My sister advised me that I _ accept the invitation. A. could B. mustC. should D. might13. He asks that he _ an opportunity to explain why h

34、es refused to go there.A. is givenB. must giveC. should give D. be given14. Do you think of Wang Fang's suggestion that he _ Mr. Li to the party? A. will invite B. have invited C. is invited D. invite15. I insisted that he _ at once. A. be gone B. go C. would go D. might go16. Li Ming insisted t

35、hat he _ anything at all.A. hadn ' t stolen B. shouldn ' t steal C. doesn ' t steal D. steal17. It is quite natural that my coming late again _ them very angry. A. had madeB. would makeC. makesD. make18. He acted as if he _ everything in the world. A. knew B. knows C. has known D. won

36、9;t know19. Read it aloud so that I _ you clearly. A. may hearB. will hearC. hearD. have heard20. They got up early in order that they _ they first train. A. caught B. will catch C. might catch D. shall catch21. I am sorry that he _ in such poor health. A. are B. shall be C. were D. should be22. Tha

37、t is a good book. You _ it yesterday. A. could buy B. should buy C. should have bought D. bought23. It is high time we _ home. A. will go B. would goC. have goneD. went24. I ' d rather that you _ home. A. wentB. have goneC. will goD. had gone25. If only I _ to the lecture! A. listenB. will listen C. am listeningD. had listened26. - If he_ , he _ that food.- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. A. was warned; would not takeB. had been warned; would not have taken C. would be warned; had not takenD. would have been warned;


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