1、vb6 簡明程序設(shè)計使用 mscomm 控件編寫串口程序 . 1二進制形式發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)的格式如下:. 9basic 語法示例 . 9vb6 的示例程序. 12 十六進制的表示. 12 調(diào)用 api 的示例 . 13 打開光驅(qū)門 . 13 打開網(wǎng)頁 ,發(fā)送電子郵件. 14 使用 api 函數(shù) getmessagetime . 16 增加觸發(fā)聲音的api 調(diào)用 . 18 實時顯示音頻數(shù)據(jù)api: . 20 msdn 簡介 . 20 簡單音樂鍵盤小程序,對beep 音樂 api 的簡單應(yīng)用 . 21 設(shè)置單片機io 口 . 23 使用 mscomm 控件編寫串口程序mscomm1 的屬性保持默認值,沒有
2、更改!程序代碼:private sub command1_click() mscomm1.portopen = true end sub private sub command2_click() mscomm1.settings = 2400,n,8,1 end sub private sub command3_click() mscomm1.output = aaa end sub 查看計算機的串口先打開串口監(jiān)視程序,對串口進行監(jiān)控單擊開始監(jiān)控按鈕:單擊 command1 打開串口單擊后,通過監(jiān)控軟件,可以看到串口1 已經(jīng)被打開了。而單擊 command1 僅執(zhí)行了下面的語句:private
3、 sub command1_click() mscomm1.portopen = true end sub 然后,單擊command3 發(fā)送字符串到串口,監(jiān)控結(jié)果如下圖而單擊 command3 僅執(zhí)行了下面的語句:private sub command3_click() mscomm1.output = aaa end sub 使用串口調(diào)試助手發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù),監(jiān)控的結(jié)果與我們用vb 所寫的程序是一致的。對程序進一步進行修改和完善。mscomm 的可以通過界面設(shè)置的13 個屬性mscomm1.commport=1 表示串口號1 代表 com1, 5 代表 com5 mscomm1.dtrenable
4、= false dtr 線無效mscomm1.eofenable = false 不尋找 eof 符mscomm1.handshaking mscomm1.inbuffersize = 1024 mscomm1.inputlen mscomm1.inputmode = cominputmodetext (默認值)文本模式cominputmodebinary 二進制格式mscomm1.nulldiscard = false null 字符從端口傳送到接受緩沖區(qū)mscomm1.outbuffersize mscomm1.parityreplace mscomm1.rthreshold = 1 獲得
5、一個字節(jié)則產(chǎn)生mscomm 事件mscomm1.settings = 2400,n,8,1 mscomm1.sthreshold = 1 如果傳輸緩沖區(qū)完全空時產(chǎn)生mscomm 事件mscomm1.outbuffercount = 0 清空傳輸緩沖區(qū)mscomm1.rtsenable = false rts 線無效mscomm1.inbuffercount = 0 清空接受緩沖區(qū)該控件的共30 個屬性1.mscomm1.break 2.mscomm1.cdholding 3.mscomm1.commevent 4.mscomm1.commid 5.mscomm1.commport 6.msco
6、mm1.ctsholding 7.mscomm1.dsrholding 8.mscomm1.dtrenable 9.mscomm1.eofenable 10.mscomm1.handshaking 11.mscomm1.inbuffercount 12.mscomm1.inbuffersize 13.mscomm1.index 14.mscomm1.input 15.mscomm1.inputlen 16.mscomm1.inputmode 17.mscomm1.name 18.mscomm1.nulldiscard 19.mscomm1.object 20.mscomm1.outbuffer
7、count 21.mscomm1.outbuffersize 22.mscomm1.output 23.mscomm1.parent 24.mscomm1.parityreplace 25.mscomm1.portopen 26.mscomm1.rthreshold 27.mscomm1.rtsenable 28.mscomm1.settings 29.mscomm1.sthreshold 30.mscomm1.tag 二進制形式發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)的格式如下:mscomm1.inputmode = cominputmodebinary 二進制格式有局限:無法超過127 chr()來傳輸大于128 的字符
8、時,就會出錯mscomm1.output = chr$(255) mscomm1.output = a mscomm1.output = abcdefadfaga mscomm1.output = chr$(&h7f) 下面語句可以超過127 dim send(255) as byte for i = 0 to 255 send(i) = i next i mscomm1.output = send 注意: vb 中數(shù)組 send(255) 包括 send(0)-send(255)共 256 個字符mmcomm 支持 16 個端口用 api 可以達到256 個basic 語法示例循環(huán)結(jié)
9、構(gòu)for i = 1 to 10 for j = 1 to 10 for k = 1 to 10 . next k next j next i while condition statements wend 判斷結(jié)構(gòu)ifconditionthen statements elseifcondition-nthen elseifstatements . else elsestatements end if常用函數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換函數(shù)asc 函數(shù)cbool 函數(shù)cbyte 函數(shù)ccur函數(shù)cdate函數(shù)cdec函數(shù)cdbl函數(shù)chr 函數(shù)cint 函數(shù)clng 函數(shù)csng 函數(shù)cstr 函數(shù)cvar 函數(shù)cv
10、err 函數(shù)format 函數(shù)hex 函數(shù)oct 函數(shù)str 函數(shù)val 函數(shù)數(shù)學(xué)函數(shù)abs 函數(shù)atn 函數(shù)cos 函數(shù)exp 函數(shù)fix 函數(shù)int 函數(shù)log 函數(shù)rnd 函數(shù)sgn 函數(shù)sin 函數(shù)sqr 函數(shù)tan 函數(shù)連接運算符: & 運算符 + 運算符檢查數(shù)據(jù)類型。isarray, isdate, isempty, iserror, ismissing, isnull, isnumeric, isobject 數(shù)據(jù)類型變換。cbool, cbyte, ccur, cdate, cdbl, cdec, cint, clng, csng, cstr, cvar, cverr,
11、 fix, int 設(shè)置數(shù)據(jù)類型。boolean, byte, currency, date, double, integer, long, obect, single, string, variant (default) 十六進制的表示方法: &h4f 前綴以&h ,可以直接表示十六進制數(shù)字。例如,十六進制表示法的&h10 代表十進制的16。&o (八進制)和&h (十六進制) 。text2.text = hex(15) hex(15) 返回值為f text2.text = val(&hffff) 返回 -1 text2.text = val(
12、122 zz 22) 返回值為122 vb6 的示例程序十六進制的表示使用 hex 函數(shù)來得到某數(shù)值的 16 進制值。dim myhex myhex = hex(5) 返回 5 。myhex = hex(10) 返回 a。myhex = hex(459) 返回 1cb。調(diào)用 api 的示例打開光驅(qū)門程序如下 : private declare function cddoor lib winmm.dll alias mcisendstringa (byval lpstrcommand as string, byval lpstrreturnstring as string, byval uret
13、urnlength as long, byval hwndcallback as long) as long private sub command1_click() call cddoor(set cdaudio door open, 0, 0, 0) end sub 增加一些功能打開網(wǎng)頁 ,發(fā)送電子郵件代碼如下 : private declare function cddoor lib winmm.dll alias mcisendstringa (byval lpstrcommand as string, byval lpstrreturnstring as string, byval
14、ureturnlength as long, byval hwndcallback as long) as long private declare function shellexecute lib shell32.dll alias shellexecutea (byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as string, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string, byval nshowcmd as long) as long pr
15、ivate sub command1_click() call cddoor(set cdaudio door open, 0, 0, 0) end sub private sub command2_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, http:/, vbnullstring, vbnullstring, &h0) end sub private sub command3_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, mailto:, , app.path, 1) end sub 如何使用ap
16、i private declare function shellexecute lib shell32.dll alias shellexecutea ( byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as string, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string, byval nshowcmd as long) as long 參數(shù)類型及說明hwnd long,指定一個窗口的句柄,有時候,windows 程序有必要在創(chuàng)建自己的主窗口前顯示一個
17、消息框lpoperation string ,指定字串“ open”來打開 lpflie文檔,或指定“ print ”來打印它lpfile string ,想用關(guān)聯(lián)程序打印或打開一個程序名或文件名lpparameters string ,如 lpszflie是可執(zhí)行文件,則這個字串包含傳遞給執(zhí)行程序的參數(shù)lpdirectory string ,想使用的完整路徑nshowcmd long,定義了如何顯示啟動程序的常數(shù)值。參考showwindow 函數(shù)的 ncmdshow參數(shù)call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, http:/, vbnullstring, vbnu
18、llstring, &h0) 其中http:/是要打開的超鏈接,open是采用打開的方法,&h0 表示用默認程序ie打開時, ie 窗口可見call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, mailto:, , app.path, 1) 最后我們設(shè)置標(biāo)簽label 的字體為下劃線, mouseicon 選擇一個小手狀的圖標(biāo),把mousepointer 設(shè)為99-custom,這樣就能模擬超鏈接的效果了。閃爍的標(biāo)題欄在 vb 中聲明這個 api 函數(shù)的方法是:private declare function flashwindow lib user32 (b
19、yval hwnd as long, byval binvert as long) as long其中各個參數(shù)的意義如下表所示:參數(shù)意義hwnd long,要閃爍顯示的窗口的句柄binvert long,true(非零)表示切換窗口標(biāo)題;false 返回最初狀態(tài)返回值long,如窗口在調(diào)用前處于活動狀態(tài),則返回true(非零)為了使窗體出現(xiàn)閃爍的效果,我們在 timer 控件的 timer 屬性中調(diào)用 flashwindow 函數(shù)即可, 使用的方法如下:call flashwindow(me.hwnd, true)其中 me.hwnd 是當(dāng)前窗體的句柄,而把binvert 設(shè)為 true 則表
20、示進入標(biāo)題欄閃爍狀態(tài)。而停止閃爍的方法只要把binvert 設(shè)為 false就行了,如下所示:call flashwindow(me.hwnd, false)使用 api 函數(shù) getmessagetime private declare function getmessagetime lib user32 () as long 單擊“啟動定時器”在 label1 上顯示時間數(shù)值程序如下:private declare function cddoor lib winmm.dll alias mcisendstringa (byval lpstrcommand as string, byval
21、lpstrreturnstring as string, byval ureturnlength as long, byval hwndcallback as long) as long private declare function shellexecute lib shell32.dll alias shellexecutea (byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as string, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string,
22、 byval nshowcmd as long) as long private declare function getmessagetime lib user32 () as long private sub command1_click() call cddoor(set cdaudio door open, 0, 0, 0) end sub private sub command2_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, http:/, vbnullstring, vbnullstring, &h0) end sub privat
23、e sub command3_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, mailto:, , app.path, 1) end sub private sub command4_click() timer1.enabled = true timer1.interval = 50 end sub private sub timer1_timer() label1.caption = getmessagetime end sub 增加觸發(fā)聲音的api 調(diào)用所有程序如下:private declare function cddoor lib winmm.
24、dll alias mcisendstringa (byval lpstrcommand as string, byval lpstrreturnstring as string, byval ureturnlength as long, byval hwndcallback as long) as long private declare function shellexecute lib shell32.dll alias shellexecutea (byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as stri
25、ng, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string, byval nshowcmd as long) as long private declare function getmessagetime lib user32 () as long private declare function beep lib kernel32 (byval dwfreq as long, byval dwduration as long) as long private sub command1_click() call cddoor(se
26、t cdaudio door open, 0, 0, 0) end sub private sub command2_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, http:/, vbnullstring, vbnullstring, &h0) end sub private sub command3_click() call shellexecute(form1.hwnd, open, mailto:, , app.path, 1) end sub private sub command4_click() timer1.enabled = t
27、rue timer1.interval = 50 label2.caption = getmessagetime label3.caption = getmessagetime - label2.caption end sub private sub command5_click() timer1.enabled = false end sub private sub command6_click() call beep(hscroll1.value, hscroll2.value) end sub private sub hscroll1_change() label4.caption =
28、hscroll1.value end sub private sub hscroll2_change() label5.caption = hscroll2.value end sub private sub timer1_timer() label1.caption = getmessagetime label3.caption = getmessagetime - label2.caption end sub 音符頻率對應(yīng)表音符頻率 /hz 半周期 /us 音符頻率 /hz 半周期 /us - 低 1do 262 1908 #4fa# 740 0676 #1do# 277 1805 中 5
29、so 784 0638 低 2re 294 1700 #5so# 831 0602 #2re# 311 1608 中 6la 880 0568 低 3m 330 1516 #6la# 932 0536 低 4fa 349 1433 中 7si 988 0506 #4fa# 370 1350 高 1do 1046 0478 低 5so 392 1276 #do# 1109 0451 #5so# 415 1205 高 2re 1175 0426 低 6la 440 1136 #2re# 1245 0402 #6la# 466 1072 高 3m 1318 0372 低 7si 494 1012 高
30、 4fa 1397 0358 中 1do 523 0956 #4fa# 1480 0338 #1do# 554 0903 高 5so 1568 0319 中 2re 578 0842 #5s0# 1661 0292 #2re# 622 0804 高 6la 1760 0284 中 3m 659 0759 #6la# 1865 0268 中 4fa 698 0716 高 7si 1976 0253 - (# 表示半音 ,用于上升或下降半個音) 實時顯示音頻數(shù)據(jù)api :function name waveinopen library winmm.dll funtion or sub functi
31、on declare declare function waveinopen lib winmm.dll alias waveinopen (lphwavein as long, byval udeviceid as long, lpformat as waveforma t, byval dwcallback as long, byval dwinstance as long, byval dwflags as long) as long msdn 簡介msdn: microsoft developer network (microsoft 開發(fā)人員網(wǎng)絡(luò)) msdn library 有 1.
32、8gb 左右,可以通過在線或者msdn 訂閱察看。 msdn 整個網(wǎng)站估計有超過 1.5tb 的軟件和文檔(1500gb) 。msdn訂閱是一種付費訂閱服務(wù),可以將微軟幾乎所有可開發(fā)軟件以開發(fā)為目的使用,包括各種操作系統(tǒng)和應(yīng)用程序,還有各種企業(yè)服務(wù)器,而開發(fā)用的文檔才稱為msdn library 。簡單音樂鍵盤小程序,對beep音樂 api 的簡單應(yīng)用全部程序列表:private declare function beep lib kernel32 (byval dwfreq as long, byval dwduration as long) as long private sub form
33、_keypress(keyascii as integer) label1.caption = keyascii label2.caption = hex(keyascii) label3.caption = chr(keyascii) if keyascii = 113 then call beep(131, 20) if keyascii = 119 then call beep(147, 20) if keyascii = 101 then call beep(165, 20) if keyascii = 114 then call beep(175, 20) if keyascii =
34、 116 then call beep(196, 20) if keyascii = 121 then call beep(220, 20) if keyascii = 117 then call beep(247, 20) if keyascii = 97 then call beep(262, 20) if keyascii = 115 then call beep(294, 20) if keyascii = 100 then call beep(330, 20) if keyascii = 102 then call beep(394, 20) if keyascii = 103 th
35、en call beep(392, 20) if keyascii = 104 then call beep(440, 20) if keyascii = 106 then call beep(494, 20) if keyascii = 122 then call beep(523, 20) if keyascii = 120 then call beep(578, 20) if keyascii = 99 then call beep(659, 20) if keyascii = 118 then call beep(698, 20) if keyascii = 98 then call
36、beep(794, 20) if keyascii = 110 then call beep(880, 20) if keyascii = 109 then call beep(988, 20) end sub 程序結(jié)束設(shè)置單片機io 口程序如下:dim p(3) as byte private sub check1_click() label1.caption = check1.v alue + check2.v alue * 2 + check3.value * 4 + check4.value * 8 + check5.value * 16 + check6.value * 32 + c
37、heck7.value * 64 + check8.value * 128 label5.caption = hex(label1.caption) end sub private sub check10_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.capti
38、on = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check11_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.caption = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check
39、12_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.caption = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check13_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10
40、.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.caption = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check14_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8
41、 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.caption = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check15_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + chec
42、k15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.caption = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check16_click() label2.caption = check9.value + check10.value * 2 + check11.value * 4 + check12.value * 8 + check13.value * 16 + check14.v alue * 32 + check15.v alue * 64 + check16.value * 128 label6.capti
43、on = hex(label2.caption) end sub private sub check17_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check1
44、8_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check19_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.
45、value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check2_click() label1.caption = check1.v alue + check2.v alue * 2 + check3.value * 4 + check4.value * 8 + ch
46、eck5.value * 16 + check6.value * 32 + check7.value * 64 + check8.value * 128 label5.caption = hex(label1.caption) end sub private sub check20_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value *
47、 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check21_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(labe
48、l3.caption) end sub private sub check22_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check23_click() lab
49、el3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + check19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check24_click() label3.caption = check17.value + check18.value * 2 + c
50、heck19.value * 4 + check20.value * 8 + check21.value * 16 + check22.value * 32 + check23.value * 64 + check24.value * 128 label7.caption = hex(label3.caption) end sub private sub check25_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.valu
51、e * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check26_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 +
52、check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check27_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.cap
53、tion) end sub private sub check28_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check29_click() label4.ca
54、ption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check3_click() label1.caption = check1.v alue + check2.v alue * 2 + check3.v
55、alue * 4 + check4.value * 8 + check5.value * 16 + check6.value * 32 + check7.value * 64 + check8.value * 128 label5.caption = hex(label1.caption) end sub private sub check30_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + chec
56、k30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check31_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value
57、 * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check32_click() label4.caption = check25.value + check26.value * 2 + check27.value * 4 + check28.value * 8 + check29.value * 16 + check30.value * 32 + check31.value * 64 + check32.value * 128 label8.caption = hex(label4.caption) end sub private sub check4_click() label1.caption = check1.v alue + check2.v alue * 2 + check3.value * 4 + check4.value * 8 + check5.value * 16 + check6.value * 32 + check7.value * 64 + check8.value * 128 label5.caption = hex(label1.caption) end sub private sub che
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