1、溫州醫(yī)學院本科畢業(yè)論文( 2010屆 )論文題目 The Difference of Tableware Culture between(英文) China and Western Countries from PhilosophicalPerspective 論文題目 從哲學角度看中西餐具文化的差異(中文) 學院 仁濟學院 專業(yè) 英語 班級 2006(02)班 學號 0606041057 作者姓名 江潞茜 指導老師 完稿時間 2010.04.28 成績目 錄Abstract:iv摘要ivOutlinev提綱vi1. Introduction12. Culture and Philosophy
2、12.1 Culture22.2 Philosophy22.2.1 Chinese Philosophy: Collectivism32.2.2 Western Philosophy: Individualism42.3 Relation between Culture and Philosophy43. Tableware Culture53.1 Development History of Tableware Culture in China53.2 Development History of Tableware Culture in Western Countries64. Cause
3、s of the Difference of Tableware Culture64.1 Difference in Geography64.2 Difference in Social Structure74.3 Difference in Mode of Production85. Influence of Philosophy on Tableware Culture95.1 The Serving of Tablewares95.2 The Shape of Tablewares105.3 The Function of Tablewares106. Conclusion11Works
4、 Cited12The Difference of Tableware Culture between China and Western Countries from Philosophical PerspectiveJIANG LuxiAbstract: This paper first defines culture and philosophy, elaborates the different kinds of philosophy between China and Western countries, especially collectivism and individuali
5、sm, and analyzes the relationship between philosophy and culture. It then compares the development history of tableware culture in China with Western countries and explores the three causes of the difference of tableware culture, namely, geographical environment, social structure and mode of product
6、ion. It finally illustrates the influence of philosophy on tableware culture in different aspects such as the serving, the shape and the function of tablewares.Key words: tableware culture; philosophy; collectivism; individualism; 從哲學角度看中西餐具文化的差異江潞茜摘要: 本文首先對哲學與文化做出定義,闡述了中西方國家不同的哲學思想,特別是集體主義和個人主義,并且分
7、析了哲學與文化之間的關系;然后比較中國與西方國家餐具文化的發(fā)展歷史,還從三個方面探討了產(chǎn)生不同餐具文化的原因,即地理不同、社會結構不同、生產(chǎn)方式不同;最后從餐具的使用、外形、功能等方面闡明了哲學對餐具文化的影響。關鍵詞:餐具文化;哲學;集體主義;個人主義The Difference of Tableware Culture between China and Western Countries from Philosophical PerspectiveOutline1. Introduction 2. Culture and Philosophy Culture 2.2 Philosophy
8、 Chinese Philosophy: Collectivism Western Philosophy: Individualism 2.3 Relation between Culture and Philosophy3. Tableware Culture 3.1 Development History of Tableware Culture in China 3.2 Development History of Tableware Culture in Western Countries4. Causes of the Difference of Tableware Culture
9、4.1 Difference in Geography 4.2 Difference in Social Structure 4.3 Difference in Mode of Production5. Influence of Philosophy on Tableware Culture 5.1 The Serving of Tablewares The Shape of Tablewares5.3 The Function of Tablewares6. Conclusion 從哲學角度看中西餐具文化的差異提綱1. 引言2. 文化與哲學 2.1 文化 2.2 哲學 中國哲學:集體主義 西
10、方哲學:個人主義文化與哲學的關系3. 餐具文化3.1 中國餐具文化的發(fā)展歷程3.2 西方餐具文化的發(fā)展歷程4. 產(chǎn)生餐具文化不同的原因 4.1 地理不同 4.2 社會結構不同 4.3 生產(chǎn)方式不同5哲學對餐具文化的影響 5.1 餐具的使用 5.2 餐具的外形 5.3 餐具的功能6. 結語The Difference of Tableware Culture between China and Western Countries from Philosophical PerspectiveRS 2006(02)(English)JIANG Luxi Tutor: ZHANG Hua1. Intr
11、oductionInterpersonal communication is essential in our daily life. With the development of economy and society, people communicate with each other more frequently and their scope of communication is expanding. Sometimes people need to communicate with people from different countries or different cu
12、ltures. Varieties of difficulties and obstacles would arise during communication. To eliminate the barriers of inter-cultural communication, people should learn the culture of the social groups, obtain the ability of inter-cultural communication and correctly understand the content of communication
13、(陳凌 93). So it requires us to know different cultures in China and western countries. As part of culture, tableware culture shows us some differences between China and western countries. The different tableware culture reflects two different philosophical thoughts between China and western countries
14、, and vice versa. Knowing the different tableware culture will help us have a better understanding of the eastern and western countries.It is an era of globalization now, so the inter-cultural communication between the East and the West is particularly important. In order to know more about the diff
15、erence of tableware culture between China and western countries, this paper will first introduce culture and philosophy, elaborate two different kinds of philosophy between China and western countries and analyze the relationship between philosophy and culture, and then compare the development histo
16、ry of tableware culture in China with that in western countries and explore the causes of the difference of tableware culture and finally illustrate the influence of philosophy on tableware culture.2. Culture and PhilosophyCulture and philosophy all have profound impact on the development of Chinese
17、 and western society. For the purpose of achieving a better understanding of the differences of culture between China and western countries, this chapter will introduce culture and philosophy in detail. 2.1 CulturePeople always talk about culture, but it is difficult to describe the definition of cu
18、lture in a brief sentence. Generally speaking, culture is a social phenomenon, and it is the product formed by people's long-term creation. At the same time, culture is a historical phenomenon and it is the sediments of social history. Many scholars have different explanations for culture. The o
19、utstanding anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor says, “Culture, or civilization, is the complex whole that consists of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and other abilities and habits that man acquires as a member of society” (1). From this it can be seen that culture is broadly based. An
20、d this is regarded as the most influential definition of culture and it seems to stress spiritual culture. Liang Shuming points out that culture is national life and it includes three aspects, namely, the spiritual life, the social life and the material life (339). So Liang Shuming defines culture f
21、rom the perspective of national life and it has a great power in society. Although there are different definitions of culture, it still covers many aspects and shows peoples high-level spiritual life. Culture is also regarded as the tool to guide people's life. Culture is an integral part of a s
22、ociety and it is essential for the existence of a society. Different countries have different social history, so every country has a different and specific culture. People of one culture usually have unique language, behavior patterns, customs, traditions, perceptions and beliefs, which differ them
23、from other cultures. Therefore, the different cultures can result in the difference between China and western countries. 2.2 PhilosophyPhilosophy has very long history and the word “philosophy” comes from the Greek “philosophia”, which means “l(fā)ove of wisdom”. So philosophy is the crystallization of
24、human knowledge. People have different views about wisdom, so they also have the different ideas about philosophy. Shen Qingsong says that philosophy is an integral, fundamental and critical exploration for the world and humans (2). According to Teichmann and Evans, “Philosophy is a study of problem
25、s which are ultimate, abstract and very general. These problems are concerned with the nature of existence, knowledge, morality, reason and human purpose” (1). That is to say, philosophy means that people are eager to know the world, understand the world and change the world. Philosophy is regarded
26、as the powerful tools and weapons for people to understand the world and improve the society and peoples life. It guides the direction, draws up principles and provides methods for the development of society, which can improve and change the society constantly. Philosophy has a great influence on th
27、e development of a society, so different philosophical thoughts can bring about different social changes. According to Shen Qingsong, academics think that in the world there are three kinds of classical philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Greek philosophy (145). The three kinds of
28、philosophy stand for three different cultures. Chinese culture stresses on collectivism and western culture is based on individualism. These two philosophical thoughts play important roles in the development history of Chinese and western society. Richard E. Nisbett points out “the philosophies and
29、achievements of the Greeks and Chinese of 2500 years ago were remarkably different” (1). He explains that Greeks advocate personal power and value personality, speculation and the sense of curiosity about the world, while Chinese believe in the collective strength, value peace, advocate the mediocre
30、 thinking and strive to avoid conflicting, but lack the sense of curiosity about the world (Nisbett 4). It also reflects the differences of China and western countries.There are many differences in philosophical thoughts between China and western countries, but the most distinctive one is Chinese co
31、llectivism and western individualism. Collectivism and individualism have great influence on tableware culture, which results in the difference of tablewares between China and western countries. Chinese Philosophy: Collectivism Chinese philosophy is collectivism-oriented. It advocates that individua
32、ls should be subordinate to the society, and individual interests should be subject to the general good of the group. All the expression of opinions and behaviors should conform to the collective interests of the multitude, which is the highest standard of collectivism. Therefore, if our personal in
33、terests conflict with collective interests, it is the individual interests which should be subordinated to those of the state and the collective. Chinese society advocates that each individual must obey collective wills. In China, people sing high praise for the behavior of selfless dedication. If a
34、 person considers his own interests at first, then other people will look at him as the selfish man and hate him. As Liang Shuming points out, “In the individual-rights-centered Western society, the concept of rights is cherished by everybody; on the contrary, in the duty-conscious Chinese society,
35、individual rights have no place” (260). According to Xie Long, western people advocate individual and freedom, while Chinese people advocate ethics, and Chinese philosophy maintains five cardinal relations, which include benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity (17). They are the s
36、tandards of human relations in family and community. They pay more attention to collective consciousness and they emphasize belonging and loyalty to collective organizations. In the same group, people should share not only the joys but also the sorrows, and they should also stick together through th
37、ick and thin. They believe that the collective intellect yields greater results than any individual. So collectivism is the most important value orientation in the Chinese society and culture. Western Philosophy: Individualism Western philosophy is individualism-oriented. Individualism is the core v
38、alue of western civilization and it is a moral, political, and social philosophy. It stresses on personal independence, the importance of individual self-confidence and personal freedom. Its main content is to achieve self-realization by self-reliance. The starting point of individualism is personal
39、 needs, personal wishes and personal well-being. So individualism argues against the standard of social value which is unified. In western countries, people emphasize the individualism. According to Wang Lingyun, western people claim “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by God with cert
40、ain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (83). So individualism is in close connection with freedom, equality and competition. Everyone has equal rights and opportunities to achieve success, but they must actively compete to reach their goals. People c
41、an enjoy freedom as they wished, express their own opinions and make their own decisions, which are not influenced by external factors. All these create the condition for the development of individual freedom. In a word, individualism is very important in western countries.2.3 Relation between Cultu
42、re and Philosophy As viewed from traditional philosophy, philosophy is just part of culture. From the trends of contemporary philosophy of culture, people regard culture as the fundamental forms of philosophy (鄒廣文 73). So there is a definite link between culture and philosophy. Zou Guangwen thinks t
43、hat philosophy and culture form human existence which includes peoples internal and external manifestation, also philosophy is the core of human culture, and culture is the support and manifestation of philosophy (77). Thus, philosophy is the crystallization and end-result of human culture. Culture
44、is essentially the expressive form of the philosophical thoughts. In different times and regions the philosophical thoughts are different, and then the culture will also become different. Therefore, culture and philosophy develop and change together. There is no philosophy that can be detached from
45、the culture, and also there is no culture that can secede from the philosophy and stand on its own. Philosophy is based on the existence and development of human beings. Philosophy is the reflection of culture, it helps people set value goals to promote and develop culture (鄒廣文 77). So a new culture
46、 gives rise to a philosophy and the emergence of the philosophy can push on the development of the culture. In other words, philosophy comes from culture, and then the philosophy guides, promotes and develops the culture. The combination of culture and philosophy can produce a new culture. This new
47、culture will go deep into every aspect of people's lives to guide and enrich people's life. 3 Tableware Culture Chinese people and western people use different tablewares. As part of culture, tableware culture reflects two different philosophical thoughts between China and western countries.
48、 The history can help us have a more particular knowledge of the difference of tableware culture between China and western countries, so in the following part the author will introduce the development history of tableware culture in China with western countries.3.1 Development History of Tableware C
49、ulture in China In China, the main tablewares are chopsticks, spoons, bowls and plates. As the representative of eastern societies, China mainly uses chopsticks to eat. Chopsticks are just two small sticks, but people can use chopsticks to eat all kinds of food. According to Yang Jing, chopsticks no
50、t only become a typical way of taking meals but also form a unique chopsticks culture, and chopsticks most successfully show the basic traits and patterns of Chinese culture (118). So chopsticks are the quintessence of Chinese civilization and the essence of wisdom. In Remote Antiquity, our ancestor
51、s ate food mainly by hand. When people invented the tools to cook food, they found the cooked food was so hot and could not get out from the pot. Then they broke the branches or bamboos off the trees to pick up food. In this way the delicious food would not be too hot for people to enjoy. As a resul
52、t, the branches developed into chopsticks. In Neolithic times, the cookers were earthen and the chopsticks were made of branches of trees or bamboos. In Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, bronze utensils which were thin and delicate came into being. Ivory chopsticks and jade chopsticks emerged. In Sprin
53、g and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, iron utensils in some economically developed areas emerged, which were more advanced than bronze utensils. Then in Qin, Han and Wei dynasties people began to use the exquisite wooden lacquer chopsticks to eat and the utensils were from thick and heavy t
54、o thin and light. Until Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties, ceramic tablewares replaced other utensils in peoples daily life. At the same time, the gold chopsticks and silver chopsticks stood out and used by those rich people. Nowadays, we can use varieties of exquisite tablewares. I
55、t happens that the history of tablewares in China can go back to several thousand years ago. No matter what types, shapes, materials or manufacturing techniques are, tablewares have experienced great changes which are from single, simple to diverse and delicate.3.2 Development History of Tableware C
56、ulture in Western CountriesIn western countries, the main tablewares are knives, forks and spoons. Only after people use knife to cut the meat then can they use the fork to eat. Hereby, knife and fork are always mentioned in the same breath. Knife and fork are the result of development history of we
57、stern tablewares. According to Cai Degui, although westerners eat by knife and fork, they had no knife and fork initially and then they used the two-pronged forks which spread from Italy to England and had been whittled by wood chips (28). Cai Degui also tells us that in view of the research of prof
58、essor You Xiuling, strictly speaking, knives are not tablewares at the beginning, but the knife can be used to slay, dissect and cut the quarry or meat, so people regard it as tableware (29). The initial origin of knife and fork are related to living habits of the ancient nomadic peoples in Europe. They f
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