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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上附錄附錄一:英文文獻A 10KV Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for a Power DistributionSystem專心-專注-專業(yè)Abstractthis paper analyzes the compensation performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective me

2、rits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capacity of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter

3、is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Then, a conclusion has been obtained that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined. Final

4、ly, the feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype. Index Terms:Current harmonics compensation, active power filter, passive filter, generalized integrators.I .INTRODUCTIONIn the development of power electronics

5、 brings convenience to energy conversion and utilization and also causes power quality problems. As one of the key technologies in combating power grid pollution and improving the power quality, active power filter (APF) has become a new research emphasis in power electronics technology1-5. Because

6、of high initial cost, the further application of active power filter is restricted. The HAPF(Hybrid Active Power Filter), combination of APF and passive filter (PF), can reduce the capacity of Affectively and is more suitable for the engineering application of APF for high voltage nonlinear loads.Tr

7、aditionally, Passive filter has been used to eliminate the harmonic in power system due to his low cost and high efficiency. A passive filter shows the low impedance at tuned frequency to absorb current harmonic and has a good compensation performance. However, passive filter has the disadvantage of

8、 depending on the parameters of power system, susceptible to the load and power system resonant and the characteristic change due to aging. In addition, passive filter usually is designed with fixed parameters, which can not be lightly adapted for the variation operation condition.Active power filte

9、r has been developed to overcome of disadvantages of passive filter and can provide flexible and reliable compensation, but is not a cost-effective solution duet the high operation cost.Because of the drawbacks of passive filter and active power filter, the research on hybrid active power filter has

10、 become more attractive 6-9. Hybrid active power filter composed of passive filter connected in series to an active power filter improves the compensation performance of passive filter remarkably, give more flexibility and reliability to filter device, and redound to the use of active power filter i

11、n high-power system avoiding the expensive initial cost.In this paper, the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter in an industrial power distribution system is analyzed by estimating the effect of different active power filter gain and parameters change. Finally, the compensation of

12、hybrid active power filter is verified by simulation and a laboratory prototype. The passive filter of prototype was tuned at the seventh harmonic and the generalized integrators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and 13th harmonic current10.II. PRINCIPLES OF CURRENT HARMONIC COMPENSATIONThe hybrid

13、 active power filter topology is shown in Fig.1, which consists of a three-phase pulse width modulation(PWM) voltage-source inverter (active power filter, APF)and the passive filter connected in series to APF through coupling transformer. Generally, the active power filter acts as a controlled volta

14、ge source and force the harmonic current into the hybrid active power filter. The principle of operation of current harmonic is explained by the single-phase equivalent circuit shown in Fig.2 when the feedback control is applied to the active power filter. In the current harmonic compensation strate

15、gy, the active power filter is considered as a controlled voltage source VAPF, and ZF is the impedance of passive filter, ILh is the load harmonic current, ZS is the system impedance.In order to eliminate harmonic of the system current, the active power filter is controlled as a current controlled v

16、oltage source. The active power filter imposes a voltage signal VAPF that forces load harmonic current flow into the passive filter, thus improving its compensation performance in despite of the variation in the tuned frequency of the passive filter. The voltage reference of active power filter is e

17、qual to VAPF = K I sh (1)Where, K is the harmonic compensation gain. Supposing utility voltage is pure sinusoidal, the ration between the utility harmonic current and the load harmonic current is obtained, which can be used to denote the filtering characteristics of hybrid active power filter.Otherw

18、ise, K acts as a resistance to damp resonance between ZS and ZF. The larger K is selected, the lower the harmonic contents in the utility current. But this will increase the required power rating of the active power filter. In real condition, K is finite. Otherwise, closed loop control system will b

19、ecome unstable. Fig. 1 hybrid active power filter configuration.Fig. 2 Single-phase equivalent circuit of the hybrid active power filter scheme.III. ANALYSIS OF THE HYBRID FILTERPERFORMANCE IN A DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMThis section will show the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter thro

20、ugh an example. The power distribution energizes the six medium frequency furnace, each of 300KW rate power. The medium frequency furnaces energized by six pulse uncontrolled rectifiers. The single phase diagram of the power distribution is shown in Fig.3only considering hybrid active power filter a

21、nd medium frequency furnace.Fig. 3 Single-phase line diagram of the power distribution systemThe system harmonic content and harmonic criterion are shown in Table I and the 5th, 7th and 11th frequency harmonics exceed the criterion. So, the passive filters are tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11th frequenc

22、y harmonic and the rate of reactive power compensation is 500kVar. The system inductance and the parameters of passive filters are shown in Table II.TABLE IPOWER SYSTEM AND PASSIVE FILTER PAREMETERS5th7th11thHarmonic content(A)622814Harmonic criterion(A)26.519.812.3TABLE IIPOWER SYSTEM AND PASSIVE F

23、ILTER PAREMETERSL(mh)C(uf)R( m )KVARSystem2.45thharm.filter36.5711.089573487thharm.filter57.863.57212011211thharm.filter66.461.26382639.6In this case, the rate of active power filter is 25KVA since it would only compensate current harmonic and the coupling transformers turns ratio is equal to 2.Fig.

24、4 (a) shows the harmonic attenuation rate of passive filter and hybrid active power filter. The hybrid active power filter is characterized by using three single resonant filter tuned at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency as shown inFig.3. Therefore, the passive filter presents low impedance a

25、t the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency and their neighborhood. When no active power filter is connected in series with the passive filter, the harmonic amplifying phenomenon appear in the frequency range of 200-240Hz,300-340Hz and 500-640Hz. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 2

26、0 is combined, no harmonic amplifying phenomena occurs. Meanwhile, only adapting the passive filter, the filtering characteristic is unsatisfactory even at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate is

27、increased and the filter performance of the hybrid active power filter is satisfactory at the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic frequency.Fig.4 (b) shows the harmonic content of power system indifferent condition. When no filter is connected in parallel with the utility, the 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic curr

28、ent exceed the criterion seriously. After only adapting the passive filter, the harmonic current of utility is weakened but unsatisfactory adequately. When the active power filter with a feedback gain of 20 is combined, most of 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic current is forced flowing into the hybrid act

29、ive power filter.Fig.5 shows how the active power filter gain K changes the harmonic attenuation rate of system current. Large value of K improves the hybrid active power filter compensation performance by increase the harmonic impedance of power system.In addition, Fig.5 shows that the low values o

30、f passive filter quality factor Q will increases the impedance at the resonant frequency and weaken the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter. The passive filter quality factor Q decides the passive filter bandwidth. Though increasing the value of active power filter gain K can comp

31、ensate the adverse effect of low value of Q, which would results in the increase of active power filter output voltage required to keep the same compensation performance, thus increasing the active power filter rated power.Fig. 4 Hybrid active power filter frequency response and Harmonic Content.Fro

32、m Fig.5, a conclusion can be received that the quality factor of passive filter and the active power filter gain directly affect the compensation performance of hybrid active power filter when the tuned frequency is fixed. If the quality factor of passive filter is not properly selected, the active

33、power filter gain K must been increased to obtain the satisfying compensation performance.Fig. 5 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of passive filter quality factor Q.Fig.6 shows the hybrid active filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalent

34、 impedance. Generally, the system equivalent impedance must be lower to the passive filter equivalent impedance at the resonant frequency; otherwise, the passive can not obtain the favorable compensation performance and most load harmonic current will flow to the power system. When no active power f

35、ilter is connected in series with the passive filter, if utility impedance is lower than the passive filter impedance at the tuned frequency, the harmonic attenuation rate is decreased and the filter performance of passive filter is unsatisfactory, as shown in Fig.6 (a). When the active power filter

36、 with an enough feedback gain is combined, the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of utility impedance, as shown in Fig.6 (b).Fig.6 also depicts that the active power filter gain K in bulky utility (small values of Zs) must bigger than that in weak utility (big value of Zs) to

37、 obtain the same compensation performance.Fig. 6 Hybrid active power filter frequency response for different values of the system equivalent impedance.The simulation results are shown in Fig.7-10. Fig.7 shows the phase-a load current and it can be seen that the load current is greatly distorted. Fig

38、.8 presents the phase-a supply current when hybrid active power filter is working. Now it can be seen that the hybrid active power filter has improved the quality of supply current markedly and the dominating harmonic current has been eliminated effectively. Fig.9 shows the phase-a hybrid filter cur

39、rent. It consists of 5th, 7thand 11th harmonic current mostly.The dynamic compensation performance is studied by load perturbation response and shown in Fig.10. The change in the source current is observed smooth and steady state is reached within 2 cycles.Fig.7. Simulated current waveforms for hybr

40、id filter compensation. Top: simulate load current; bottom: its frequency spectrumFig.8. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system line current; bottom: its frequency spectrum.Fig.9. Simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate hybr

41、id filter current; bottom: its frequency spectrum.Fig.10. Dynamic simulated current waveforms for hybrid filter compensation. Top: simulate system line current; middle: simulate load current; bottom: simulate hybrid filter current.IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSA three-phase hybrid shunt active power filte

42、r laboratory prototype using IGBT was implemented and tested in the compensation of a six-pulse uncontrolled rectifier, as shown in Fig.11. The VSI dc-link voltage is composed of a capacitor bank of 6800F for a dc-link voltage 450V. The Eupec 1200V/200A IGBT are used and driven by theM57962L gate dr

43、ivers. The digital control system incorporates a double DSP (TMS320C32 and TMS320F240) and CPLD circuit. The sampling period is 200 s . Phase detection and control algorithm are completed byTMS320C32, and sampling and SVPWM program are implemented by TMS320F240. The inverter was operated at5-kHz swi

44、tching frequency and was connected in series to a passive filter directly. The passive filter was tuned at the seventh harmonic (350Hz) and quality factor Q equal to 60.The parameters of the experiment circuit are shown in Table III.Fig.11 PI current controller using generalized integratorsTABLE III

45、THE PARAMETERS OF THE EXPERIMENT CIRCUITUtility impedance0.5mHUtility phase-phase voltage380VDc-voltage200VC750uFL74mHSince such a single seventh harmonic tuned LC filter issued, a no negligible amount of the 5th, 11th and 13thharmonic current still remains in the supply. Thus, the generalized integ

46、rators are used to eliminate the 5th, 11th and13th harmonic current.The proposed controller based on generalized integrators in stationary frame is depicted in Fig.12, Where, *VAPF is Violate reference, *is is grid current reference.Fig.12 PI current controller using generalized integratorsWhere, Ki

47、 is the integral coefficient. The following discrete formula is use to realize the digital generalized integrators.For reducing the computation time, the generalized integrators are implemented by iterative arithmetic.When generalized integrators are used, the harmonic attenuation rate is shown in F

48、ig.13. Fig.13 illustrates that the5th, 11th, 13th, 17th and 19th harmonic current are eliminated effectively by reason of generalized integrators.Steady-state experimental results are shown in Figs.14-16.Fig.14 (a) shows the experimental waveform of load current; the associate frequency spectrum is

49、shown in Fig.14 (b).In this case, the load current consists of a mass of harmonic current. As shown in Fig.15, when only proportion controller is used, the elimination of harmonics besides tuned frequency is very limited by hybrid active power filter.With hybrid active power filter compensation usin

50、g PI controller based on generalized integrators, the 5th, 7th, 11th,13th, 17thand 19th harmonics had been eliminated effectively as shown in Fig.16. When the shunt APF is plunged, the DC linkvoltage can arrive at reference value rapidly, as shown in Fig 7.Fig.14. Experimental load current waveforms

51、. (a) Load current. (b) Load current frequency spectrum.Fig.16. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation. (a) System current. (b) System current frequency spectrum.Fig.17. Experimental system current waveforms with hybrid filter compensation.V. CONCLUSIONThe compensation

52、 performance of a shunt hybrid active power filter is proposed and analyzed. The hybrid active power filter, which combines passive filter and active power filter, has both respective merits, and is an important developing trend of filtering device. The hybrid active power filter can reduce the capa

53、city of active power filter effectively and is more suitable for the engineering application for high voltage nonlinear loads. The compensation performance of hybrid active power filter is analyzed for different active power filter gain and parameters change. Above all, an conclusion can be obtained

54、 that the harmonic attenuation rate is insensitive to the variation of passive parameters when the active power filter with an enough feedback gain is combined. The feasibility and validity of proposed scheme is verified by Simulation using Matlab and a hybrid shunt active power filter prototype.附錄二

55、:中文翻譯與10kV配電系統(tǒng)并聯(lián)的混合型有源電力濾波器摘要 本文分析了并聯(lián)混合型有源電力濾波器的補償性能。混合型有源電力濾波器是結(jié)合了無源濾波和有源濾波雙方各自的優(yōu)點,是諧波抑制裝置的一個重要發(fā)展趨勢?;旌闲陀性措娏V波器可以有效的降低有源電力濾波器的容量,更適合高電壓非線性負載的工程應用。混合型有源電力濾波器的補償性能是通過估算不同的有源電力濾波器在不同參數(shù)的情況下的分析獲得的。得到的結(jié)論是,被動參數(shù)變化時,有源電力濾波器有足夠的反饋增益,諧波衰減率是不敏感的。最后,擬議計劃的可行性和有效性進行了驗證,仿真使用矩陣實驗室和混合并聯(lián)有源電力濾波器原型。關(guān)鍵詞:諧波電流補償,有源電力濾波器,無源

56、濾波器,廣義的集成1 引言 在過去幾年里,電力電子技術(shù)的發(fā)展給能源轉(zhuǎn)換和利用帶來了方便,也帶來了電能質(zhì)量的問題。作為重點之一的技術(shù),打擊電網(wǎng)污染改善電能質(zhì)量,有源電力濾波器在電力電子技術(shù)上成分了新的研究重點1-5。由于初始成本高,有源電力濾波器的進一步應用受到了限制,混合型有源電力濾波器結(jié)合了有源濾波和無源濾波,可以有效地減少有源電力濾波器的容量,更適合高壓非線性負載的工程的應用。傳統(tǒng)的無源濾波以其低成本和高效率,已經(jīng)被用來消除諧波在電力系統(tǒng)中。無源濾波器,可以在低阻抗調(diào)諧吸收頻率的諧波電流,并具有很好的補償性能。然而,無源濾波器依靠電源參數(shù)的特點,系統(tǒng)易受負載和電力系統(tǒng)運行方式的影響還可能產(chǎn)

57、生諧振。此外,無源濾波器只能是固定的參數(shù)設(shè)計不能隨機應變的操作以適應條件的改變。 有源電力濾波器已經(jīng)克服無源濾波器的缺點,并且可以提供靈活和可靠的補償,但不符合成本效益的解決方案導致了高運營成本。由于無源濾波器和有源濾波器的缺點,混合型濾波器的研究變得十分活躍6-9。混合型濾波器由無源和有源濾波器組成,提高了補償性能,與無源濾波器相比較增加了靈活性和可靠性,與有源電力濾波器相比較在高功率系統(tǒng)中避免了昂貴的初始投資成本。在本文中,混合補償性能,在工業(yè)配電系統(tǒng)中分析估量不同有源電力濾波器得到參數(shù)的變化。最后仿真混合型有源電力濾波器的補償性能,驗證實驗室機樣。無源濾波器用于消除第七次諧波,廣義的集成用于消除第5,11,13次諧波的電流10。2 諧波電流補償?shù)脑?混合型有源電力濾波器拓撲結(jié)構(gòu)如圖1所示,其中包括一個三相脈寬調(diào)制(pwm)電壓源型逆變器,(有源電力濾波器簡稱APF)無源濾波器和有源濾波器通過一個耦合變壓器串聯(lián)。一般來說有源電力濾波器的作用作為控制電壓源來抵消諧波電流在混合型有源電力濾波器當中。操作原理由單項諧波電流解釋如圖2當反饋控制應用于有源電力濾波器時。諧波電流的補償策略,混合型有源電力濾波器被認為是一個受控電壓源VAPF,ZF是阻抗無源濾波器,ILH是負載


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