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1、高考英語 96 個熟詞生義、70 個短語、50 個金句96 個??际煸~生義1. arm v. n. 武裝起來, 武器( arms 復數(shù)) (熟義: n.胳膊 )I have armed myself with all the facts I needed to prove my point. 我已經準備好充分的事實來證明我的觀點。2. alarm n. v. 恐慌(熟義: n.警報器 )We were alarmed by a sudden scream.3absent adj.茫然的,恍惚的 (熟義: adj.缺席的 )She looked at the picture in an abse

2、nt way.4address vt.發(fā)表演說 (熟義: n.地址; v.寫地址 )The president will address his speech at :3 00 pm.5against prep.映襯(熟義: prep.逆著,反對;倚,靠;碰 )The picture looks nice against the white wall.6attend v 看護;治療;陪同 (熟義: v.出席;參加 )The nurse attended to him day and night.7available adj.(人)有空的 (熟義: adj.可得到的;可找到的 ) The pro

3、fessor is now available.8. break n. 課間/工間休息 (熟義: v.折斷,斷裂 )Lets have a break. 讓我們休息一會兒。9. bear vt. 忍受 (熟義:n 熊)I cant bear this pain. 我無法忍受這樣的痛苦。10. stand vt. 忍受(熟義: v.站)I cant stand being treated like this. 我受不了別人這么對我。11blank adj.沒表情的;空虛的;沒興趣的 (熟義: adj.空白的; n.空白) The stranger returned my greeting wit

4、h a blank look.12blue adj.憂傷的(熟義: adj.& n藍色 )His songs always make me feel blue.13 cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的 (熟義: adj.陰的,多云的 )Who will take his place still remains cloudy.14. china n. 瓷器 (熟義: n.中國 )I will buy a set of china. 我要買一套瓷器。15coach v輔導,指導 (熟義: n.教練 )She coached me in playing football.16count vt.

5、有價值,重要 (熟義: n.& v計算,數(shù) )It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.17 course n一道菜 (熟義: n.課程;過程 )The courses vary with seasons.18. cross adj.生氣的 n.十字架 (熟義: v.跨越,橫穿; )It is not right for you to wear a cross.Dont be cross with him after all,he is a child.19. can n. 罐頭 (熟義: aux.能夠 )This is

6、 a can of oranges這. 是一罐頭桔子。20. clear vi. 天氣轉晴 (熟義: adj.清晰 )The sky will clear up this afternoon. 下午天將轉晴。21. cost vt. 使喪失 (熟義: v.花費 )The storm cost the king all his ships. 這場暴風雨使國王失掉了所有船只。22. date vi. 始于或屬于(某一歷史時期); n. 約會(熟義: n.日子)This tower dates from / back to the 14th century. 此塔歷史可追溯到十四世紀。 I will

7、 have a date with Jenny tonight. 今晚我與詹妮有約會。23desert v拋棄,離棄 (熟義: n.沙漠 )He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.24 develop v 沖印 (熟義: v.發(fā)展;開發(fā);研制 )Did you have the films developed?25 disabled adj.有障礙的,失去功能的 (熟義: adj.有殘疾的,無能力的 )One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the dis

8、abled vehicle.26drive v 迫使某人 (做不好的事 )(熟義: v.駕駛)Hunger drove her to steal.27divorce v使分離;使脫離 (熟義: v.與某人離婚 )You can t divorce science from ethical questions.28draw v 獲得,取得,推斷出 (熟義: v.畫;拖;拉 )What moral are we to draw from the story?29express n快車 (熟義: v.表達 )Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?3

9、0 encourage v促進,助長,刺激 (熟義: vt.鼓勵;激勵 )Good health encourages clear thinking.31escape v被忘掉;被忽視 (熟義: v.逃跑;逃脫 )The name escapes me for the moment.32explode v勃然大怒;大發(fā)雷霆 (熟義: v.爆炸;爆裂 )I m about to explod!eHe broke his promise again.33exploit v利用 (熟義: v.開發(fā);開采;剝削 )You must exploit every opportunity to learn

10、English.34. fire vt. 解雇(熟義: v.開火,射擊 )Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否則你將被解雇。35. fine vt. 罰款(熟義: adj.好的)If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, youll be fined. 如果 你對紅燈不予理睬,強行過馬路,你將被罰款。36. fall n. 秋天(熟義: v.掉落)In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有樹葉都會無風自落。37f

11、ail v不足;缺乏 (熟義: v.失敗)Last year the rain failed and many crops died.38foreign adj. 不熟悉的 (熟義: adj.外國的;外交的 )The subject is foreign to all of us.39 fresh adj.無經驗的 (熟義: adj.新鮮的 )She is quite fresh to the work.40. flat n. 一套房間 (熟義: adj.水平的,平坦的 )I have a flat in this building. 我在這幢樓里有一套房間。41. green adj. 青的

12、,生的 (熟義: n.綠色 )These apples are still green, you cant pick them這. 些蘋果還未成熟,請別摘。42. gift n. 天資,才能 (熟義: n.禮物 )He has a gift for music. 他有音樂天賦。43. good n. 好處,利益 (熟義: adj.好的 )We study for the good of the people. 我們?yōu)槿嗣窭娑鴮W習。44gain v(鐘表)快(熟義:v.獲得;贏得 )Don t worry.My watch gains.We still have time.45ground n

13、理由 (熟義: n.地面 )He has strong grounds for more money.46 govern vt.影響;支配 (熟義: v.管理;控制 )The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.47. hold vt. 容納,盛得下 (熟義: v.抓住 )Our classroom can hold 100 students. 我們的教室可容納 100 個學生。48hit n 成功;紅極一時的人或事 (熟義: v.擊中,打擊 )He is quite a hit of this year.49. inter

14、est n. 利益 (熟義: n.興趣 v.對。感興趣 )I criticize you for your interest. 我批評你是為了你好。50. iron n. 熨斗 (熟義: n.鐵)She is pressing her dress with an iron. 他在用熨斗燙衣服。51ill adj.& adv.壞的/地(熟義: adj.生病的 )It s no good speaking ill of others.52interest n 利益;股份 (熟義: n.興趣)Our family has interests in the business.53invite v吸引

15、(熟義: v.邀請 )Dont leave the window open it s inviting thieves to enter.54 inspire v啟發(fā) (熟義: v.激勵;鼓舞 )His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.55jump n& v大幅度上漲 (熟義: v.& n跳躍)Last week the price of goods jumped.56kid v開玩笑;欺騙 (熟義: n.小孩)Take it easy.I m just kidding.57kill v消磨(時間)(熟義: v.殺掉;害死

16、 )That guy hangs around all day long,killing time.58lose vi.(鐘表)慢(熟義: v.失去;丟掉 )Please hurry!My watch loses 10 minutes.59. lift n. 電梯(熟義: v.提起,拎起 )The building is too high, please take the lift. 樓房太高了,請乘電梯。60. lay 下蛋,產卵 (熟義: v.放置 )The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母雞伏在那里下蛋。61 last adj.最不可能的 (熟義: adj.最

17、后的 )He is the last man I want to see.62. must n. 必須做的事情 (熟義: aux.必須 )To learn English well is a must. 學好英語是非常必要的。63. mine n. 礦山; vt. 開采(礦物) (熟義: pron.我的 )This mine will be opened. 這個礦井將被開采。 Coal is mined from underground. 煤 采自地下。64 mean adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝嗇的 (熟義: v.意思是,意味著 )It mse an of you to eat up all

18、the apples.65 note v注意,指出,特別提到 (熟義: n.筆記 )I noted that her hands were dirty.66open adj.(問題、議事等 )未解決的 (熟義: v.開; adj.開著的,打開的 )They left the matter open.67operate vi.起作用 (熟義: vi.運轉;操作;做手術 )The medicine operated quickly.68part v分手;放棄;賣掉 (熟義: n.部分;零件;角色 )In order to raise money,he had to part with some o

19、f his most treasured possessions.69 pleasant adj.和藹可親的,友善的 (熟義: adj.令人愉快的 )He s always been very pleasant to me.70. promise vt. 有希望 (熟義: n.承諾,保證 )He promises to be a scientist. 他有希望成為科學家。71position n 立場;觀點 (熟義: n.位置;職位 )What s your position on the problem?72promise v有的希望;使 有可能 (熟義: v.& n許諾 )The dark

20、 clouds promise rain.73rate v對作出評價;被認為,被評價為 (熟義: n.比率;速度 )These potatoes rate among the best.74read v理解;領會 (熟義: v.閱讀 )I didn t read mother s thoughts at that time.75. race n. 種族,人種 (熟義: n.賽跑,比賽 )They are black races. 他們是黑色人種。76. run vt. 經營,開辦;操作 (熟義: v.跑 )He runs a famous school. 他開辦著一所著名學校。 He is r

21、unning a machine. 他正 在操作一臺機器。77. reflect v沉思;思考 (on/upon)( 熟義: v.映出;反射 )I need time to reflect on your offer.78. safe adj.謹慎的;小心的 (熟義: adj.安全的 )He is a safe man.You can count on him.79say vt.假定;顯示;表明 (熟義: vt. 說)Say that war breaks out,what will you do?80shoulder v承擔 (熟義: n.肩膀 )Young people should le

22、arn to shoulder the blame.81. spring v跳,躍;突然出現(xiàn) (熟義: n.春天;泉水 )The spring has run dry. 這眼泉干涸了。This is a dead spring. 這彈簧失去了彈性。He rose with a spring. 他一躍而起。The ball sprang back and hit him. 球彈回打在他身上。Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.82. seat vt. 可容納 ,坐得下 人(熟義: n.座位)Our hall can s

23、eat 1 000 people. 我們的大廳可容納 1000 人。83. second n. 秒(熟義: num.第二 )A minute is equal to sixty seconds. 一分鐘等于 60 秒。84. some adv. 大約 (熟義: pron. 一些)There are some fifty students in our class. 我們班大約有五十個學生。85. sound vt. 使發(fā)出聲音If there is a fire, please sound the fire alarm. 如果發(fā)生火災,請按火警。 86strength n 強項,優(yōu)點,優(yōu)勢 (

24、熟義: n.力氣)Maths is not my strength.87. table n. 表格(熟義: n.桌子)This is a railway timetable. 這是一張火車時刻表。88. tear vt. 撕(熟義: n.眼淚 )He tore the letter open. 他將信撕開了。89. word n. 消息,情報 (熟義: n.字,單詞 )Word comes that there will be a film this evening. 有消息說,今晚將有一場電影。90. world n. 界/領域(熟義: n.世界)He is very popular in

25、the world of music. 他在音樂界頗受歡迎。91walk n行業(yè)(熟義: v.& n行走;步行 )This society welcomes people from all walks of life.92wear vt.表露,流露,面帶 (熟義: vt. 穿戴)The girl always wears a happy smile.93weigh v權衡;斟酌 (熟義: v.稱 的重量;重達 )Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing th!is94. wind vt. 使彎曲前進 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 (熟義

26、: n.風)The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east長. 城自西向東蜿蜒前進。95. way n. 領域,場合 (熟義: n.方法,路 )Science can help peasants in many ways.科 學可在很多領域對農民們有幫助。96. will n. 意志,決心 (熟義: aux.將。 n. 遺愿,意志力 ) He has a strong will. 他有堅強的意志。2 高考前必看的 70個短語&50 個金句1. In conclusion, people around the world shoul

27、d protect the water resources. 總之,全世界的人都應當保護水資源。in conclusion 總之2. Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials.我們班的同學提出了這一想法,以更好利用廢舊材料。come up with 提出;make (good) use of (充分) 利用3. Last but not least, we should make good use of water in our daily life. 最后但同樣重要的是,我們日常生活中應該充分利用

28、水。 last but not least 最后但同樣重要的是4. As far as Im concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution to air pollution. 就我個人而言,騎自行車是一個解決空氣污染的好辦法。as far as be concer就ned 而言;關于; solution to 的解決辦法5. Littering makes our school dirty, and does harm to the image of our school. 亂扔垃圾使我們的學校臟亂,并且有損學校的形象。do harm to / d

29、o . harm 傷害;對有害6. Immediate actions should be taken to improve the environment. 應當立即采取行動來改善環(huán)境。take immediate actions 立即采取行動;7. Online voting becomes increasingly popular, and many competitions get people involved in it.在線投票越來越盛行,很多比賽都讓人們參與進來投票。increasingly popular 越來越流行; be / get involved (in / with

30、) 參與8. Chinese knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.中國結象征友誼、愛情和好運。stand for 象征9. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. 我們讀書除了為獲取知識外, 還可以得到樂趣和靈感。in addition to 除之外 ( 還)10. For one thing, reading literary books can help to improve my writing skills and broade

31、n my horizons. For another, they can enrich my life.首先,閱讀文學書籍有助于提高我的寫作技能并開闊視野。 再者,還能豐富我的 生活。for one thing, for another (thing首) 先,再者 11. This time I will introduce Tang Poetry to you, which is of great help in learning Chinese.這次我要向你介紹唐詩,它對學習漢語有很大幫助。introduce sb / sth to sb 向某人介紹某人 / 某事物; (be) of gr

32、eat help 很有幫助的12. Of the two ways of sharing books, the latter wins my favour. 這兩種分享書籍的方法之中,我更喜歡后者。13. Generally, I am in favour of the view. 總的來說,我贊成這個看法。in favour of 贊同;支持14. Dont hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. 如果你有任何問題,隨時問我。hesitate to do sth 猶豫做某事15. Im writing to apply for the po

33、sition as a student volunteer. 我寫信申請作學生志愿者。apply for 申請16. Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms. 生活不僅有陽光,還有風雨。consist of 由構成;由 組成 not onlybut also.17. We should be brave in front of difficulties.我們應該勇敢面對困難。in front (of) 在 ( 前) 面;在 ( 面) 前18. We should value what we have and try our best

34、 to overcome any difficulty in life. 我們應該珍惜我們所擁有的,并盡最大努力克服生活中的困難。value 重視;珍視; do / try one s 盡be力st; overcome difficulties 克服困難19. As long as you have a dream, keep trying and youll make it. 只要你有夢想,不斷努力就一定會成功。as long as只要; make it 做到 / 成功20. Faced with difficulties, they never give up but try their

35、best to find a way out. 碰到困難時,他們從不放棄,而是努力尋找解決的辦法。(be) faced with 面臨 / 面對; give up 放棄; try one s best to do s盡th力做某事21. I was totally engaged in my study and seldom paid attention to my mothers feelings.我完全投入到學習中,很少關注母親的感受。be engaged in sth 忙于某事; pay attention to 注意22. Im easy to get along with and I

36、 like to make friends. 我容易相處并且喜歡交朋友。get along with 與 相處融洽23. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. 作為一個活躍的年輕人,我喜歡體育運動和戶外活動。an outdoor activity 一項戶外活動24. Some of us always take it for granted (that) our parents or grandparents should take care of us.我們中的有些人總是理所當然地認為,父母或者

37、祖父母應該照顧我們。take . for granted (that) 認為 理所當然25. If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. 如果你方便的話,我們 8 點半在學校門口碰面吧。It is convenient (for sb) to do sth (某人 ) 方便做某事26. I can do my bit to help with the housework so as to share mothers daily burden.我盡自己的一點力來幫忙做家務,以分擔媽媽的日常負擔。do

38、one s b盡it自己的本分; so as to 為了27. As Teachers Day is approaching, our class decide to hold a party to celebrate the important day.教師節(jié)日益臨近,我們班決定舉行聚會來慶祝這個重要的節(jié)日。28. On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. 我代表我校,向您表示熱烈的歡迎。on behalf of 代表; express welcome to sb 對某人表示歡迎29.

39、We should take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequently. 我們應該經常積極參加體育運動和戶外活動。take an active part in 積極參與30. The activity got us close to nature and gave us relaxation from heavy school work.這次活動讓我們走近了大自然,使我們從繁重的課業(yè)中解脫出來。get close to 接近31. Outdoor activities are really helpful in bui

40、lding up my body and enriching my school life.戶外活動確實對我增強體質和豐富學校生活有益。be helpful in doing sth 對做某事有幫助32. Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge, after-class activities also free me from the heavy work of study.除了強身健體和豐富知識之外,課后活動也讓我從繁重的學業(yè)中解脫出來。enrich 豐富; free sb from 使某人擺脫33. I read the an

41、nouncement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.閱讀了你們在網上發(fā)布的夏令營布告,對此我很感興趣。post 張貼 / 發(fā)布; be interested in 對 感興趣34. In a word,good listening can show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship and can really enable us to get close

42、r to each other.總之,認真傾聽可以表示尊重,增進理解,并改善人際關系,確實能使我們拉近彼此的距離。promote 促進;improve 改善in a word 總之;enable sb / sth to do sth 使某人 / 某事物做某事;get close to 接近35. It is greatly important to try to keep a good relationship with other classmates.努 力和其他同學保持良好關系非常重要。It is important to do sth 做某事很重要;keep a good relati

43、onship with 與保持良好的關系36. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together.這是一個像我這樣的獨生子女學習分享和共同協(xié)作的好機會。an opportunity to do sth 做某事的機會37. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.爬山時,我們沐浴著溫暖的陽光,欣賞著美麗的風景38. With the Spring Fest

44、ival drawing near, people will hold all varieties of activities. 隨著春節(jié)的臨近,人們將舉辦豐富多彩的慶?;顒?。draw near 接近 / 靠近;a variety / varieties of 各式各樣的39. Whats worse, some drivers do not think it vital to obey traffic rules.更糟糕的是,一些司機不認為遵守交通規(guī)則是極為重要的。what s worse更糟糕的是; think it vital to do sth 認為做某事至關重要40. Traffic issues not only affect our everyday life, but may also threaten peoples lives.交通問題不僅影響我們的日常生活,而且可能危及到人的生命。not only baulst o 不僅而且;issue問題41. With the he


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