1、122011 級財(cái)管英語 7 班:Quiz details個人測試成績記錄試卷:2011 級快班網(wǎng)絡(luò) 3 練習(xí)題 3編號:2011-3-3試卷滿分:100姓名:朱曉丹學(xué)號:班級:登錄:2012-10-1710:37:52交卷:2012-10-17 11:52:16上機(jī)地址:老師是否已批卷:尚未批卷批卷時(shí)間:圖例:/ Right or marked by instructorX Wrong|? To be marked by instructorClickONCEO n the speaker ico n to start liste ning!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦!Part
2、 1 Word Dictatio n(每小題:分)Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. Duringthe first time, write the word that you hear. Check your an swers as you liste n the sec ond time.Click ONCEon the speaker icon to start listening!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。Part 1
3、Word Dictation( 每小題:1 分;滿分:5 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.1rawraw2.1receiptreceipt3.1/crawlcrawl4.1alertalert5.1certifycertifySubtotal :5老師評語:Part 2 Un dersta nding Short Conv ersati ons(每小題:Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear some short con versati ons. Liste n carefullyand choose the best an swer to the q
4、uesti ons you hear.Questi ons 1 to 1 are based on the follow ing passage.1A. The speakers are welfare caseworkers.B. The speakers have clea ned up their apartme nt.C. The speakers live together and receive welfare mon ey.D. The speakers have had their welfare payme nts reduced.Questi ons 2 to 2 are
5、based on the follow ing passage.2A. The man has arrived this morning from Thailand.B. The man is going to Thaila nd the n ext day.C. The man has bought some bags in Thaila nd.D. The man would like to take the woman to Thailand.Questi ons 3 to 3 are based on the follow ing passage.3A. He cant speak t
6、he Ian guage.B. He does nt know how to speak to n ative speakers.C. He sometimes makes mistakes in pronun ciati on and ten ses.D. He have difficulty un dersta nding n ative speakers.Questi ons 4 to 4 are based on the follow ing passage.4A. The woma ns leg is broke n.B. The accide nt was too minor to
7、 lead to a break.C. X-rays are the only way to know if there is a break.D. The woma ns pain is probably minor.Questi ons 5 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage.5A. The man would like to do somethi ng to help people.B. The man would like to do somethi ng to get rich.1C. The man thinks the woma n
8、should do someth ing to make her rich.D. The man thinks the woma ns new job is good.Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations( 每小題:1 分;滿分:5 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.1CC2.1BB3.1CC4.1CC5.1DDSubtotal :5老師評語:Click ONCEo n the speaker ico n to start liste ning!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。:否則就聽不成啦!Part 3 Un dersta nding Long Conv
9、 ersatio ns(每小題:分)Directions:In this section youll hear a long conversationor conversations.Listencarefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage.A. Pare nts.5B. Rich people.C. Food.D. Pare nts.2A. Steak and potatoes.B. Hamburger
10、 and Fre nch fries.C. In dia n food.D. Lamb.3A. The speakers are not rich.B. The speakers are disappo in ted.C. The speakers are eati ng now.D. The speakers are in In dia.4A. Her mother likes In dia n food.B. Her mother is keep ing her from eati ng now.C. Her mother will make the food.D. Her mother
11、will get a job.A. Teacher and stude nt.B. Brother and sister.C. Mother and son.D. Father and daughter.Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations( 每小題:1 分;滿分:5 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.1CC2.1CC3.1AA4.0XICB5.1DDSubtotal :4老師評語:Click ONCEo n the speaker ico n to start liste ning!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。J否則就聽不成啦!Part 4 Un der
12、sta nding Passages(每小題: 分)Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear a passage or passages. Liste n carefully and choose the bestanswer to the questions you hear.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage.A. A school for han dicapped people.B. Physical or men tai han dicaps.C. The souther n
13、 part of New Jersey.D. Ordinary schools for people.2A. New methods of educati on are nt for every one.B. Men tal and physical challe nges pose a problem.C. They cannot get along with other stude nts.D. They wish to train and support themselves.3A. Surrou nding walls.B. Han dicapped people.C. Normal
14、relati ons.D. Apartme nts and houses.4A. Joh n R. Tullis is han dicapped.B. Stude nts at Ban croft make mon ey.C. The outside world seems in terest ing to the han dicapped.D. The Ban croft Commu nity is completely ope n to the world.5A. Cook meals.B. Buy their own furniture.C. Wash their clothi ng.D
15、. Pay pho ne charges.Part 4 Understanding Passages( 每小題:1 分;滿分:5 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.1AA2.1BB3.1AA4.1/BB5.1DDSubtotal :5老師評語:Part 5 Multiple Choice(每小題:分)Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1This diploma (畢業(yè)文憑 )_ that you have completed high school.A. en titlesB
16、. certifiesC. securesD. approves2If the rain does nt stop, people will be faced_ serious flood ing.A. toB. aboutC. withD. by3The gia nt corporati on was maki ng a take-over_ for a fertilizer pla nt.A. con trolB. bidC. effortD. proposal4Yet in a_ democracy, such a declarati on cannot easily be made;
17、in deedthe opposite must be proclaimed.A. liberalB. liableC. liberatedD. reliable5The article_Chin as educati onal achieveme nts duri ng the past 20 yearsand outl ined its developme nt pla ns for the new cen tury.A. predictedB. wit nessedC. highlightedD. inten sified6The man ager promised to have my
18、 compla int_A. looked throughB. looked intoC. looked overD. looked after7He is watch ing TV Hes_ to be clea ning his room.A. knownB. supposedC. regardedD. con sidered8I recog ni zed him at on ce, but his n ame_me for the mome nt.A. escapedB. missedC. failedD. ig nored9I have already comme nted that
19、colours will not show up unl ess the_ofthe light is sufficie ntly great.A. inten sityB. den sityC. inten ti onD. temperature1It is well-k nown that the retired workers in our cou ntry are_ free0 medical care.A. in volvedB. associated withC. enti tled toD. assig ned to1 The room is dark; Mr. Smith_to
20、 bed.1A. should goB. should have goneC. must goD. must have gone1The famous actress did not show up at the party,_is disappo in ti ng.2A. thatB. whichC. whatD. it1_ I admit there are problems, I dont agree that they can not be solved.3A. AsB. WhileC. ForD. Despite41 He is not_to recover from the sho
21、ck in one day or two.A. possibleB. probableC. capableD. likely1No educati onal system is perfect. Each one has its_5A. bordersB. fron tiersC. limitsD. limitati ons1 The girl will get_her n ervous ness once she is on stage.6A. overB. throughC. offD. away1 Scarcely had the old man gone out_7A. that it
22、 started to rainB. than it started to rainC. when it started to rainD. and it started to rain1 You are in vited to the party_ at our in stitute 8:00 . tomorrow.8A. hav ing bee nB. give nC. to giveD. to be give n1 The editor_ the article to make it fit the space available in a magaz ine.9A. cut dow n
23、B. cut offC. cut awayD. cut out2 There are usually at least two_of look ing at every questi on.0A. meansB. opinionsC. directi onsD. waysPart 5 Multiple Choice( 每小題:2 分;滿分:40 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.2BB2.2CC3.2BB4.2AA5.2CC6.2BB7.2BB8.2AA9.21/1AA102/CC112DD122BB132BB142DD150XIBD162了AA172CC182/DD190XIDA200虞BDS
24、ubtotal :34老師評語:Part 6 Cloze (with four choices provided)(每小題: 分)Directi ons: Read the followi ng passage carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices give nfor each bla nk.Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.Have you ever met any caseworkers Most caseworkers are hi
25、ghly idealistic whe nthey beg in their 1. . However, they cha nge after a few years in a system that2. requires people to lie. They3. to become cyn ical. They also start to4.detectives. Sometimes this role is easy: big compa nies are very5. to pay anymoney to welfare clients illegally. Those on welf
26、are might like to be paid fortheir services 6. the table. Employers dont ofte n do this,7. the gover nmentfinds out about all the money these people make. Any extra in come they earn8.the cen tral gover nmen ts computer. Sadly the law does not9. welfare clie ntsto work part time. Thus, they arent ab
27、le to make a gradual 10. away from welfare. Many welfare clientswould 11. to pay for some of their living expenses on their own. They will be happy if they can12.hav ing to call their caseworker. Thiswill save them from 13. situati ons. When they n eed somethi ng as simple as14.to their wheelchair t
28、hey would like to han dle it themselves. Most would agree19. help their clients. Someday people like me will thrive under a new systemthat the system n eeds15. . Perhaps legal experts should16. defe nders of thewelfare clie nts.In truth, the system so easily lends itselfto 17. by the welfaregivers.
29、This would act as a balanee against the caseworkerstendency to vigorously18. any un truths.Caseworkers often try to search for liestold by theirclientsthat will en courage them, not seek to20. them of cheating! But it is hard tomake our voice heard by policy-makers.Part 6 Cloze (with four choices pr
30、ovided)( 每小題:1 分;滿分:20 分)小題得分對錯我的答案客觀1.1careerscareers2.1practicallypractically3.1tendtend4.1/act likeact like5.1relucta ntrelucta nt6.1un derun der7.1thereforetherefore8.1goes intogoes into9.1/allowallow101/shiftshift111Zlovelove121avoidavoid131embarrass ingembarrass ing141repairsrepairs1511/1to be
31、 cha ngedto be cha ngedDirecti ons: Read the followingpassages carefully andchoose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage.During the long vacati on I was accepted as a trainee bus con ductor. I found the jobfiercely demanding
32、 even on a short route with a total of about two dozen passengers.I pulled the wrong tickets, forgot the change and wrote up my log (行程記錄 )at theend of each trip in a way that drew hollow laughter from the inspectors. The inspectors were likely to check atany time. A con ductor with twenty years ser
33、vice could be dismissed if an inspector caught him acceptingmoney without pulling a ticket.It was hot that summer: 100 Fahre nheit ( 華氏 )every day .In side the bus it was30 hotter still. It was so jammed in side that my feet were nt touch ing the floor.161act asact as171abuseabuse181/seek outseek ou
34、t190XIhad ratherrather tha n200disapprovecon victSubtotal :18老師評語:(每小題:分)Part 7 Reading Comprehension(Multiple Choice)眨眼睛)the sweat out of my eyes. There was no hope of collectingany fares.In these circumsta nces I was scarcely to blame. I did nt eve n know where we were, but I guessed we wereat the
35、 top just before Market Street. I pressed the bell, the doors closed, and the bus surged forward. Therewere shouts and yells from dow n the back, but I thought they were the angry cries of passe ngers who hadnot got on. Too late I realized that they were coming from within the bus. The automatic doo
36、rs at the back ofthe bus had closed arou nd an old ladys n eck as she was getti ng on. Her head was in side the bus. The restof her, carry ing a shopp ing bag was outside. I knew none of this at the time.Whenl at last sig naled the driver to stop, he crashed to a halt and ope ned the automatic doors
37、. The woman dropped to the road. Un fortu nately, the car beh ind turned out to be full of inspectors. Since it would havemade headlines if a university student had almost half-killed a woman of an advaneed age, I was given theopportunity to leave quietly.1What do we lear n about the in spectors in
38、the first paragraphA. They found the writer amus ing.B. They n ever wore uni forms.C. They were feared by employees.D. They distrusted older employees.2Why was the writer un able to do his job properlyA. He was nt tall en ough.B. The buses were too fast.C. People avoided pay ing.D. He could nt move.
39、I could nt bli nk(3The old lady in the in cide nt described_ .A. was injuredB. fai ntedC. was draggedD. hit her head4When the in cide nt with old lady happe ned,_.A. the writer had already decided to give up the jobB. the writers employers wan ted to avoid publicityC. the writer was offered the cha
40、nee to continueD. the con seque nces were as the writer expected5What is the writers attitude now to the jobA. He feels resp on sible for the in cide nt that en ded it.B. He thinks that he was un fairly treated by the in spectors.C. He is ashamed that he was in capable of doing it properly.D. He bel
41、ieves that it was an impossible job to do well.Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage.Urban ( 城市的)life has always involved a balancing of opportunities and rewardsaga inst dan gers and stress; its moving force is, in the broadest sen se, mon ey. Opportunities to makemoney make compet
42、itionstressful; it is often at its most intensein the largest cities, where opportunitiesare greatest. Crime has always flourishedin the relative anonymity (人所不矢知)of urban life, but todays ease of movementmakes its control more difficult than ever; there is much evidence that its extent has a direct
43、 relati on shipto the size of commu nities. City dwellers (居民)may becometrapped in their homes by the fear of crime arou nd them.As defe nse aga inst these developme nts, city dwellers tend to use various strategiesto try and reduce the pressures upon themselves: con tacts with other people aregen e
44、rally made brief and impers on al; doors are kept locked; teleph one n umbers maybe ex-directory(未列入電話號碼簿的);journeys outside the home are usually hurried,rather tha n a source of pleasure.Inner areas of cities tend to be abandoned by the more successful and left to those who have done badly inthe co
45、mpetitive struggle or who bel ong to min ority groups; these people are the n geographically trappedbecause so much econo mic activity has migrated to the suburbs and bey ond.Prese nt-day architecture and pla nning have eno rmously worse ned the huma n problemsof urban life. Old-established neighbor
46、hoods have been ruthlessly (無情地 )sweptaway, by both public and privateorganizations,usually to be replaced by huge, ugly,impersonal structures. People have been forced to leave their familiar homes, usually to be re-housed intower blocks which are inconvenient,and fail to provide any settingfor huma n in teracti on or support. The dest
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