1、2016 年4月自考國際商務英語(05844)試卷及答案解釋完整版絕密啟用前4812016年4月高等教育自學考試全國統(tǒng)一命題考試國際商務英語試卷(課程代碼05844)本試叁共3頁,蹣分100分,考試時間15。分鐘中考生答曜注意事項:L本卷所有試摩必班在等融卡上作答由答在試卷上無效,試卷空白處和背面均可作草稿紙。1必須注明大、小題號,使用ES亳米黑色字跡簽字筆作答。3合理安排答題空間超出答施區(qū)域無效cI .Ttnslate the following wartL: and exprcsUom fk*om English intn Chine肥(10%)1. tross-bcmder Irai懵i
2、cdun2、abKilute advanUgfi3. Free bn Board% nei pwibons5. confirmed letter of credit6. shipping marki7. iiKliivcl quoteg. traded options marked9. GeiiEraJized System of Preference10. difTcienbal treatmentH. Traumate the following words and exprESsions from Chinese into Englishf 10郭11.外匯技術進步 B-初級產品 U.資
3、本市場 15.承兌交單 16.大宗貨物 17.自有承運人IS.交貨費用19.國際收支2。.關稅配頰國際商務英語試卷第1頁(共3頁)III. Match the words and expressions on tbe left with tbe explanations on the right(1O%)21.assessa.done by one side or party only22.decentralizeb.a tax on the diHerence between the cost of an item and its selling price23.unilaterallyc.
4、to judge an amount or value24.contracting partiesd.distribute the administrative powers over a less concentrated area25.bane.the terminal to which goods arc sent26.impeccablef.signatories of an agreement27.destinationgfaultless28.deposith.required as a condition for something else29.prerequisite1.pr
5、ohibit t foibid30.YATj-money paid as part payment that is owedIV. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviatioa in English (10%)31. non-tariff barrier32. maturity33. shareholders34. insurance policy35. OECDV. Answer the following questions in English(20% )3
6、6. What is acquisition? What is the advantage of it?37. What is a Donnlraft credit? How many types can it be claniGed into?38. Why is securily so important to MNEs?39. What are the major differences between a free trade area and a customs union?VI. Translate the following into Chinese(15 %40. Transp
7、ortation plays a major role in the producUon process. It allows the entrepreneur to assemble more easily the raw materials and labor inputs needed to make a specific product. The same transportation system moves intermediate products to other producers for subsequent use in their production process,
8、 and it moves finished products to conwmers.國際商務英語試卷第2頁(共3頁)41. With the development of manufacturing and technology t there arose another incentive for trade, i. c. international specialization-one country producing more of a commodity than it uses itMlf and selling the remainder to other countries
9、. Such specialization constitutes an important basis for international trade.VU. Translate the following into English(25%)42 .國際復興開發(fā)銀行的資金有相當大的一部分來自它的留存盈余以及償還貸款的不斷流 人。43 .要評估某一市場的潛力.人們往往要分析其收入水平,因為它為那里居民的購買力高低提 供了線索。44 . WTO爭端解決機制是當今國際水準上最為活躍的體系,而且對國際法的持續(xù)發(fā)展具有重 大意義。45 .在國際貿易中,幾乎不可能使付款和實際交貨同時進行。46 . 19
10、44年44國在美國布雷頓森林舉行會議,計劃在世界貿易和貨幣方面實現更好的合作。國際商務英語試卷第3頁(共3頁)2016年4月高等教育自學考試全國統(tǒng),命題考試國際商務英語試題答案及評分參考(課程代碼05844)i . Translate the following words and ere pressions from English into Chinese (10%)1.冊境交易3.船而交貨價5.保兌信用證7.(匯率)間接標價9.普惠制2.絕對利益(優(yōu)勢)4.實際頭寸&唆頭8期權交易市揚10.差別待遇國際商務英譜試履答案及評分參考第2頁(共3頁)n . Translate tl&g
11、t;e rollowinx w>nL$ and expressions from Chiacxe into EiiRliS>( 10%)12. technical wnprovemenfs14. capital niarkd6. bulk got也g. forwaniing clmrgeA20. tariff quotaII. foreign currency13. primary commnclitioi15. dcMiimrnt agoing neap3nx17. private earner19. balance M puynu iitHI. Match the words
12、aud expressions on the left with the explanations on the right( 10%)22. d23. a24. f25. i26. g27. c28. j29. k30. bIV. Make brief explanations of the folloiving terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in Engfish (10%)31. all fonns of man-mACr obslruclion5 to intcrnaiitirml trade other than tan
13、ffs, including A tMd ilil<jq:22W51«piuhibition& and quotum t etc.32. lilts time 藺卜匕n a note or bill of exchange or a lean hecom« due33. a petwn whu owns one ur more «harM in a company34. a (incumrnt uu?<l Iik covering possible risks35. Organalion for fxxnomie Cooperation and
14、 DevelopineDlV. Answer the following questfuns in English(20%)評分標準:5分:包含所有信息點,謂寸流魴。無語法錯誤或只有少員拼寫和潛法錯誤。4分:基木包公所打答案要點。有一些拼寫和厝法伊設,但不影明理解,3分:包含了一部分信息點,咱答案要點不全,拼寫和詒法錯誤較多。2分:答案要點狹失,拼寫和陪法錯設很多,句了不近%無法正常理和,1分:顯然2成回答龍口 ,但只行軍碎的單詞和我達,沒有完竺的句子出現”36. Acqu加lion ia purcha城ng existing facilities. It 、h cocrincn means
15、erf entering a new market The assets of the acquired Ann such as e<iuipmcntt technology t employees, bnuid narws and disthbutivn networks are all there for iim:. The purchaser can simply integrate all then: into its uverull strategy and doe not hdvc to start from scratch and luce the difficulties
16、 in the greenfield strategy.37. If |uymenl b to be mack by prwentation of the docujncnis without the formalily of drawing and presenting a draftT such credit 卜 iion-drafl credit. It can be cldoiGcd into Iwo typo,: payin匕n【credit and deferred payment credit.38. Security is ver)> important to any M
17、NE because: 1) profit is if il cannot be secured by 小會 MNF and transferred wherever it so desires ; 2) its assets and investmente must be reared; 3) a favorable bubinns envirucinicnt must aho bu secured. Without aecurityt an MNE 19 survival cun nevar be assured.39. A free trade urea is lower than a
18、cMtarru uaion. Mcmbcni of a free trade area removes bnrrioni to the flow of goods and setvieot:hem*4Td but (iiSferent members may havedifferent tarifT rales or efuota restrictiorui 於 regards to trade with on laid ew. MetnlieiH of a customs union adapt ibe same trade policy toward countries outside llitu orguiiuhon in addition lu ubulishing trade barnem among 由erx»c】ves.VI. Translate the foDowinx into Chiiicse(15%)40 .運物在生產過程中起著重
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