



1、1/ 6十、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞(I)閱讀下面材料,用括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式填空。1_(admit)intoacollegeoruniversityintheUK,wemustproveourselvestohave a strong ability in spoken and written English.2 He didnt feel a bit nervous when _ (interview)No.Hed had a lot of time _ (prepare) for it after all.3WealllikeJamesbecauseheisamanwhoeverybodythinks

2、ispleasant_ (get) along with.4Theworkerswereworkingfrom7:00am.to7:00pm.thatday,_(stop)once at noon to have their lunch.5Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy, saying that he wasnot the one_(blame)6He keeps himself _ (inform) of the current events by readingthreenewspapers a day.7 _(prai

3、se) by his teachers made him regain the confidence inhimself.8Yesterday I went to see him, only_(learn) that he had goneabroad twodays before.9Everyyear,agoodmanytouristsareattractedtovisittheoldtemple(date) back to theeleventh century.10His first book _ (publish) last month is based on a true story

4、.11What a speech he has delivered!Really good! I could hardly imagine myself_ (make) to make a speechinpublic.12The girl is a student at Oxford University, _(study) for a degreeinEnglish literature.2/ 613Lucyisbelievedtohavebeenkilledbyavampire.Shewasseen_(enter)Draculas castle last week and has nev

5、er come out.14Clearly and thoroughly_ (write), the book inspires confidenceinstudents who wish to seek their own answers.15He hurried to the hall, _(follow) by two guards.16Not _ (complete) the program, they have to stay there foranothertwo weeks.17Todaywehavechatrooms,textmessagesandemail,butweseem

6、_ (lose)the art of communicating facetoface.18Itsstandardpracticeforacompanylikethisone_(employ)asecurityofficer.19Allflights_(cancel)owingtotheheavyfog,manypassengerscoulddonothing but take trains.20 Your car requires _ (repair), Jeff.Sure. You know it is also what I want to have _ (repair) for lon

7、g.考點(diǎn)集訓(xùn)(四十五)十、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞(H)閱讀下面材料,用括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式填空。1 _(light) by some red lanterns, our house looks beautiful, so Idontthink it needs _(decorate)2 Why are you so familiar with my close friend Nipple?Yeah, I happen, believe it or not,_(meet) him in a packed trip.3 How about your travel?You can hardly imagine

8、what difficulty we have had _ (explore) thevastdesert.4Since I dont like surfing the Internet, shall I go to the library instead (get) theinformation we need?3/ 65 Mr Wang, I have trouble _ (understand) the text.Remember _(read) it three times at least.6 Hi,Betty.Would you like to go to see a movie

9、with me tonight?Sorry,Mary.Not_(prepare)tomorrowslessons,Ihavenotimetogooutwith you.7 _(dress) in a red dress, she was easy _(pick) out in thebigcrowd.8The speaker raised his voice so as _ (make) himself _ (hear)bythe listeners.9Astheywerewalkingaround,theynoticedaman_ (sit)againstatree.10Ann never

10、dreams of there_(be) a chance for her to go abroad.11 The styleof painting _ (adopt) by the artist is hard to imitate.12I regret_(tell) you all present that only one job will be offeredin the department.13Herewe found little snow, as most of it seemed _ (be) blown offthemountain.14Sir,doyouhaveanyth

11、ing_ (type)thisafternoon?Ifthereisnothingtodo, I wonder if I can ask for leave.15The deal _ (complete) next week will allow Charney to make agreatfortune in the stock market.16People believe that the China Dream is not very difficult(realize)so long as thewhole nation works hard for it.17Thedinnerpa

12、rtywasasuccess,butwethoughtitwasapitynot_ (invite) you.18 Would you permit me _ (smoke) here?Sorry. We dont permit _ (smoke) here in the reading room.19 _(warn) of danger in the street at night, she had to go homewitha friend _(accompany) her.4/ 620I find it absolutely _ (astonish) that you didnt li

13、ke it.考點(diǎn)集訓(xùn)(四十六)十、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞(皿)閱讀下面材料,用括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式填空。1Thereisntanydifferencebetweenthetwo.Ireallydontknowwhich_oose)2 What do you think of the two students _ (select) to take part inthecompetition?They are hardworking as well as intelligent.3Howdoyourespondwhen_ (ask)whetheryourgirlfriendorwifelooksfat?Nev

14、er say what you thi nk. She just wan ts some reassura nc肯定)from you thatshesattractive.4Im sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your test.How can that be? I did it as_(tell) in class.5Tom is said _ (write) his composition.If so, lets not disturb him.6Thereisnodoubtthat_ (achieve)agoal,onenee

15、dsnotonlyknowledgebutalso good personalities.7Did you enjoy yourself last night?Yes, its very nice of you. I appreciated_(invite) to the party.8Theold couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog(follow) them.9They considered_(buy) a computer, which wasconsidered_ (be) agreat

16、 help in their work.10 Why do you look so sad?There are so many problems remaining _ (settle)5/ 611I still remember _ (take) to the hospital, supported by myclassteacher when I was ill at school.12Put everything _(belong) to you in your bag, notothers.13 _(bring)upinapoorfamilymadeJackveryhardworkin

17、gwhenhewasstill young.14 Is there any possibility of our team_ (win) the match?Im notsure.15 _(judge) by his look, he doesnt think much of ourplan.16 _(impress)withtheperformancebyLily,thejudgesgaveherahighscore.17Squaredancing_(claim)tohelpmaintainfitnesshascausedconflictsbetween the Damas and the

18、neighboring residents.18I have learned that clothes _ (buy) online are of poorquality.19Postage _ (include), the necklace will cost you at least 650yuan.20Onreturninghome,shefoundanote_(attach)tothedoor,_(read)“Callinlater.”十、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞(I)1To be admitted 2.interviewed; to prepare 3.to get 4.rmed7.Beingpraised8.tolearn9.dating10.published11.beingma de12.studying 13.to enter 14.written15followed16.havingcompleted/completing17.tobelosing/tohavelost18.toem ploy19.having been ca


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