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1、International trade practice主講:劉偉良主講:劉偉良TelTel:1392243943713922439437QQQQ:10472051221047205122Chapter 7 Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance1/49Overview of Ocean Marine InsuranceNeed for InsuranceCoverage of Ocean Marine Cargo InsuranceFundamental Principles of Cargo InsuranceMain Categories of General Carg

2、o InsuranceChoice of the Right CoverageInstitute of London UnderwritersMajor Types of Insurance PolicyWarrantiesAssignment of the Insurance PolicyPremiumCargo Insurance Claims保險是指投保人根據合同約定,向保險人支付保險費,保險人對于合同約定的可能發(fā)生的事故因其發(fā)生所造成的財產損失承擔賠償保險金責任,或者當被保險人死亡、傷殘、疾病或者達到合同約定的年齡、期限等條件時承擔給付保險金責任的商業(yè)保險行為。(中國保險法)P149-

3、1. Overview of Ocean Marine Insurance2/49Insurance is a contract whereby one party, in consideration of a premium paid, undertakes to indemnify the other party against loss from certain perils or risks to which the subject matter insured may be exposed to.Insurance4/49Fundamental Principles of Cargo

4、 Insurance1) Insurable interest - 可保利益原則Insurable means the person insuring must have the absolute ownership of the subject matter insured. Interest means that the person insuring must be the one who stands to bear some financial loss if the risk materializes.P152-保險利益原則指被保險人與保險標的物之間應具有利害關系。被保險人向保險人

5、提出索賠時,須證明自己同保險標的物有明確的利害關系。然而,現(xiàn)實中,保險人對被保險人的預期利益允予承保。如,買方對FOB、CFR條件下的貨物可以預先安排保險。n Insurable interest will be transferred from the seller to the buyer in intl trade through the transfer of insurance policy or certificate.n The time of transferring insurable interest from the seller to the buyer is the

6、time the seller endorses the insurance policy or certificate to the buyer.5/492) Utmost good faith - 最大誠信The principle of utmost good faith implies into each insurance contract a requirement to act with the highest degree of integrity towards the other party, to be full and frank in disclosure and t

7、o act with fairness. Utmost good faith is usually divided into three components: representations, concealments, and warranties.P152-訂立保險合同時,雙方須本著最大的誠信,把各自作為訂約依據的主要條件真實地、毫不保留地告訴對方,以便讓雙方決定是否簽約?,F(xiàn)實中,關鍵在于被保險人對保險人的誠信。被保險人的對保險標的物的陳述必須真實,否則,保險人有權解除合同。而對事實的陳述只要“基本正確”,表示期望或信心的陳述只要是善意,即視為真實。被保險人必須披露重要事實,否則保險人有

8、權解除合同。被保險人不得違反保證。被保險人保證對某一事項的作為或不作為,或保證某種情況的存在或不存在。否則,不論被保險人是否有過錯,保險人均可解除合同,或要求修改承保條件,增加保費,等等。6/493) Indemnity - 補償補償The principle behind indemnity is a financial restoration to a level just before the accident or injury or illegal act. The assured should not profit from insurance and he should be i

9、n the same financial position after the loss as before the insured event takes place.P153-賠償金額以被保險人在保險標的中所具有的保險利益金額為限。保險人的賠償不應使被保險人因保險賠償而獲得額外利益。即,保險的賠償是使被保險人在遭受損失后,經過補償能恢復到他受損前的經濟狀態(tài),而不是使被保險人通過補償而獲得額外利益。7/494) Proximate Cause - 近因近因Proximate cause refers to the first peril in a chain of events that r

10、esult in a loss. Most property insurance policies require an insured peril to be the immediate or proximate cause of a loss for coverage to apply. The loss must be a direct result of an insured peril.P154-n 保險人只對承保風險與保險標的損失之間有直接因果關系的損失負賠償責任。n 在風險與保險標的損失關系中,若近因屬于被保風險,保險人應負賠償責任;近因屬于除外風險或未保風險,則保險人不負賠償責

11、任。n 近因,是指在風險和損失之間,導致?lián)p失的最直接、最有效、起決定作用的原因,而不是指在時間上或空間上最接近的原因。n例如,貨輪買了平安險,平安險只陪貨物全損,共同海損,和意外事故造成的單獨海損。結果,這貨輪在海上先遇觸礁,再遇風暴,然后被海盜搶劫,發(fā)生海戰(zhàn),導致貨物部分破壞和丟失。這個損失,保險公司賠不賠?分析:保險公司會先調查近因,如果該部分貨物損失時由于觸礁造成的,或者觸礁后的風暴造成的,則賠償。被海盜搶走的或打爛的,不賠。8/495) Subrogation 代位代位Subrogation means that when an underwriter has paid a loss

12、under his policy, he is entitled to place himself in the position of the assured to take over all rights of the assured in respect of the loss he has paid such as the title to the subject matter insured and the right in a law suit in case of an accident like a car collision or ship collision, for in

13、stance.P154-代位又稱代位求償權,是指被保險貨物發(fā)生保險事故遭受損失,依法律或約定應由第三人負責賠償時,被保險人從保險人處取得保險賠償時,應當把對該第三人的損害賠償請求權轉讓給保險人,由保險人行使被保險人的追索權利。承保范圍風險損失費用海上風險外來風險自然災害意外事故一般外來風險特殊外來風險全部損失部分損失實際全損推定全損共同海損單獨海損施救費用救助費用9/493. Coverage of Ocean Marine Cargo InsuranceP150-Perils of the sea海上風險Extraneous risks外來風險Fortuitous accidents意外事故

14、General extraneous risks 一般外來風險Special extraneous risks 特殊外來風險1)Risks 風險風險10/49Natural calamities自然災害P150-海上風險又稱海難,一般指船舶或貨物在海上運輸過程中發(fā)生或隨附海上運輸發(fā)生的風險,包括:自然災害和意外事故。11/49Perils of the sea - 海上風險海上風險PERILS OF THE SEA: Fortuitous accidents or casualties, peculiar to transportation on a navigable water, such

15、 as stranding, sinking, collision of the vessel, or any other hazards resulting from the unique environment of the sea. They include Natural calamities and Fortuitous accidents. Natural calamities: earthquake, hurricane, thunderstorm, and etc. 自然災害:指不以人的意志為轉移的自然界力量所引起的災害,如惡劣氣候、雷電、海嘯、地震或火山爆等人力不可抗力。 F

16、ortuitous accidents: fire, smoking, stranding, sinking, collision, and etc.意外事故:因偶然的非預料的原因所造成的事故。指:意外擱淺;觸礁;沉沒;碰撞;失蹤;火災;爆炸等。P150-General extraneous risks: theft, pilferage, rain damage, shortage, breakage, etc. (一般外來險:被保險貨物在運輸途中因偷竊、串味等外來原因所造成的風險。 如:盜竊;玷污;滲漏;破碎;潮受熱)。 Special extraneous risks: strike,

17、war, failure to deliver, etc. (特殊外來險:因軍事、政治、政策法令及行政措施等特殊外來原因所造成的風險與損失。如:戰(zhàn)爭、罷工、交貨不到、沒收等)。12/49Extraneous risks - 外來風險外來風險Extraneous risks are the ones that are resulted from any causes other than the perils of the sea. They include General risks and Special risks.外來風險海上風險以外的其他外來原因所造成的風險,包括一般外來險和特殊外來險

18、。 P150-Total Loss全部損失Partial Loss部分損失Actual Total Loss實際全損Constructive Total Loss推定全損General Average共同海損Particular Average單獨海損13/49P150-2)Marine Losses 海上損失海上損失海上損失指被保險貨物在海洋運輸中,因遭受海上風險而引起的損失,包括:全部損失和部分損失。14/49P150-Marine Losses - 海上損失海上損失Marine losses refer to the ones that are caused to the insured

19、 cargo during sea transport by the perils of the sea. They include Total Loss and Partial Loss.Actual total loss (實際全損) means the non-existence of the insured cargo in value.Constructive total loss (推定全損) is declared when the insured cargo becomes useless for practical purposes, or it has been damag

20、ed to such an extent that the cost of repairs or proceeding shipment to the destination will be equal to or even greater than the value of itself.15/49P150-Total Loss: Destruction of the insured cargo to the extent that nothing of value is left and the item cannot be repaired/rebuilt to its pre-dest

21、ruction state. They include Actual total loss and Constructive total loss.Total Loss - 全部損失全部損失全部損失簡稱全損,指保險貨物遭全部損失,包括:實際全損;推定全損。 General Average (共同海損) a sacrifice made for the common safety of both the cargo and the ship. It must be a partial, deliberate and reasonable sacrifice undertaken for the

22、common safety of the adventure in time of peril. Particular Average (單獨海損) - a loss at sea, as through accident or negligence粗心大意, that is borne solely by the owner of the lost or damaged property. it must be caused by accident or negligence rather than deliberate action. 16/49P150-Partial Loss - 部分

23、損失部分損失Partial loss means the total loss of part of the insured cargo or damage to all or part of the insured cargo. They include General average & Particular average.部分損失指未達到全部損失程度,貨物的經濟價值沒有完全喪失,不屬于實際全損和推定全損的損失,包括:共同海損;單獨海損。 Requirements for General Average 確有危及船舶、貨物和其他財產的迫切的確有危及船舶、貨物和其他財產的迫切的“共

24、同危險共同危險”n 存在真實的危險,即存在危及船、貨的客觀事實。主觀臆測的危險不是真正的危險,因錯誤判斷而采取的措施不屬于共同海損行為。n 危險是同一海上航程中的船貨共同面臨的,即當危險發(fā)生時危及船貨的共同安全,若不及時采取,船舶和貨物都有滅失或損壞的危險。 采取的措施必須是有意、合理且有效的采取的措施必須是有意、合理且有效的n “有意”,指共同海損的發(fā)生是人為的結果,而非意外造成的損失。n “合理”,指本著以最小犧牲換取船、貨安全的原則而采取的措施。n “有效”,指船長等所采取的措施達到了使船、貨脫離危險的目的,勞而無功等未能避免損失的措施,就失去了作出共同海損的意義。 作出的犧牲和支付的費

25、用必須是非常的作出的犧牲和支付的費用必須是非常的“非?!?,指為了共同安全,船長等人員采取措施所造成的犧牲、費用超出正常范圍,屬于特殊的或額外的費用。 17/49Sue and labor expenses(施救費用): Expenses resulted from measures taken by the insured or his agent to prevent him from suffering further losses.Salvage charges(救助費用): Charges for actions taken by those other than the insure

26、d, the carrier and the insurer, who come to salvage the ship and the consignments.18/493) Expenses - 費用費用Expenses will be incurred in reducing the loss of the subject matter insured either by the assured himself or a party other than the insurer and/or the assured. They include Sue & Labor Expen

27、ses, and Salvage Charges海上貨運保險的費用指為營救被保險貨物所支出的費用,主要有:施救費用;救助費用。P151-n例1:棉花著火,為了滅火,把附近的衣服淋濕了,衣服損失算什么費用?nSue and labor expensesn例2:棉花著火,為了快速滅火,把門鎖踢壞了,門鎖損失算什么費用?nSue and labor expensesn例3:船著火,附近船只過來救援,用水槍滅火,水槍的使用費,算什么費用?nSalvage charges海輪的艙面上裝有1000臺拖拉機,航行中遇大風浪襲擊,450臺拖拉機被卷入海中,海輪嚴重傾斜,如不立即采取措施,則有翻船危險,船長下令

28、將余下550臺拖拉機全部拋入海中,最后才使得船及船上的其他貨物得救。問:這1000臺拖拉機的損失屬于單獨海損還是共同海損?19/49Case Studyn450臺單獨海損,550臺共同海損Main Categories 險別Basic Coverages 基本險(主險)Additional Coverages附加險F.P.A.-平安險General additional 一般附加險Special additional 特殊附加險W.P.A.-水漬險A.R.- 一切險20/495. Main Categories of General Cargo InsuranceP154-1) China I

29、nsurance Clauses CICnFree from Particular Average / F.P.A. (平安險平安險)nprovides coverage only for general average and total loss of cargo together with ship or aircraft.n保險人原則上原則上僅對發(fā)生的全部損失及共同海損承擔賠償責任。(另加意外事故造成的單獨海損。)P88- 在運輸過程中,由于自然災害和運輸工具發(fā)生意外事故,造成被保險貨物的實際全損和推定全損; 因運輸工具遭遇擱淺、觸礁、沉沒、互撞、與流冰或其他物體碰撞及滅失、爆炸等意外

30、事故造成被保險貨物的全部或部分損失。 只要運輸工具曾發(fā)生擱淺、觸礁、沉沒、焚毀等意外事故(不論是否這種意外事故發(fā)生前或后曾在海上遭遇惡劣氣候、雷電、海嘯等自然災害),造成的被保險貨物的部分損失。 在裝卸轉船時被保險貨物一件或數(shù)件落海所造成的全部或部分損失。FPA Coverage24/49P88- 被保險貨物對遭受承保責任內危險的貨物采取搶救、防止或減少損失的措施而支付的合理費用,但不得超過該批被救貨物的保險金額。 運輸工具遭遇自然災害或意外事故,需在中途的港口或在避難港停靠,因而引起的卸貨、裝貨、存?zhèn)}及運送貨物所產生的特別費用。 發(fā)生共同海損所引起的犧牲、分攤費用和救助費用。 運輸契約訂有“

31、船舶互撞條款”,按該條款應由貨主償還船方損失。 FPA Coverage24/49Basic Coverages - 基本險基本險(主險主險)21/49P155-With Particular Average / W.P.A. (水漬險水漬險)n provides cover against all loss or damage due to marine perils or perils of sea including partial loss or damage.n 承保責任除包括平安險責任外,還負責賠償因惡劣氣候引發(fā)的被保險貨物的部分損失。All Risks / A.R. (一切險一切

32、險)n provides protection against risks covered by FPA and WPA as well as general extraneous risks. n 責任范圍除包括平安險和水漬險的所有責任外,還包括貨物在運輸中因一般外來風險導致的損失(但不包括特殊風險的損失)。 23/49F.P.A.W.P.A.Particular Average(自然災害導致)General extraneous risksAll RisksTotal Loss + General Average+意外事故造成particular averageCIC Coverage C

33、hartP155-Special extraneous risksSpecial additional coverageGeneral additional coverageFree from Particular Average / F.P.A. (平安險平安險)n provides coverage only for general average and total loss of cargo together with ship or aircraft.n 保險人原則上原則上僅對發(fā)生的全部損失及共同海損承擔賠償責任。(另加意外事故造成的單獨海損。)Basic Coverages - 基

34、本險基本險(主險主險)With Particular Average / W.P.A. (水漬險水漬險)n provides cover against all loss or damage due to marine perils or perils of sea including partial loss or damage.n 承保責任除包括平安險責任外,還負責賠償因惡劣氣候引發(fā)的被保險貨物的部分損失。即FPA加海上自然災害導致的單獨海損。All Risks / A.R. (一切險一切險)n provides protection against risks covered by FP

35、A and WPA as well as general extraneous risks. n 責任范圍除包括平安險和水漬險的所有責任外,還包括貨物在運輸中因一般外來風險導致的損失(但不包括特殊風險的損失)。 n Special additional coverage(特殊附加險)n Provides protection against special extraneous risks including: Failure to Deliver, Import Duty, On Deck, Rejection, Aflatoxin, War Risks, Strike Risks, and

36、 Fire Risk Extension Clause, F.R.E.C.-for Storage of Cargo at Destination Hong Kong, including Kowloon, or Macao (交貨不到險;進口關稅險;倉面險;進口拒收險;黃曲霉素險;戰(zhàn)爭險;罷工險;港澳存?zhèn)}火險責任擴展條款)。 22/49Additional Coverages - 附加險附加險 General additional coverage(一般附加險)n Provides protection against general extraneous risks including:

37、Theft, Pilferage偷竊 and Non-delivery (T.P.N.D), Fresh Water and/or Rain Damage, Shortage, Leakage, Intermixture and Contamination玷污, Clash破損 and Breakage, Taint傳染 of Odor, Sweating and Heating, Hook Damage, Breakage of Packing, and Risk of Rust(偷竊/提貨不著險;淡水雨淋險;短量險;滲漏險;混雜、沾污險;碰損/破碎險;串味險;受熱受潮險;鉤損險;包裝破損險

38、;銹損險)。P156-n我方向澳大利亞出口坯布我方向澳大利亞出口坯布100100包。我方按包。我方按合同規(guī)定投保水漬險。貨物在海上運輸途合同規(guī)定投保水漬險。貨物在海上運輸途中因艙內食用水管漏水,致使該坯布中的中因艙內食用水管漏水,致使該坯布中的3030包浸有水漬。請問:對此損失應向保險包浸有水漬。請問:對此損失應向保險公司索賠還是向船公司索賠?公司索賠還是向船公司索賠?分析:食用水管漏水是淡水雨淋險,屬于一般附分析:食用水管漏水是淡水雨淋險,屬于一般附加險,不屬于水漬險承保范圍加險,不屬于水漬險承保范圍, ,應向船公司索應向船公司索賠賠n上海某單位以上海某單位以CIFCIF條件從國外進口某貨條


40、扣押,爾后進口商因提貨不著便向我保險公司進行索賠,我保險公司認為不屬保險公司進行索賠,我保險公司認為不屬于保險責任范圍,不予賠償。請分析是否于保險責任范圍,不予賠償。請分析是否賠償賠償, ,為什么?為什么?n戰(zhàn)爭險是特殊附加險n國內某公司向銀行申請開立信用證,以國內某公司向銀行申請開立信用證,以CIFCIF條件向法國采購奶酪條件向法國采購奶酪3 3公噸,價值公噸,價值3 3萬萬美元,提單已經收到,但貨輪到達目的美元,提單已經收到,但貨輪到達目的港后卻無貨可提。經查,該輪在航行中港后卻無貨可提。經查,該輪在航行中因遇暴風雨襲擊因遇暴風雨襲擊( (我方僅投水漬險我方僅投水漬險) ),奶,奶酪被水浸

41、泡,船方將其棄于海中。于是酪被水浸泡,船方將其棄于海中。于是我方憑保險單向保險公司索賠,保險公我方憑保險單向保險公司索賠,保險公司拒賠。請問:保險公司能否拒賠?司拒賠。請問:保險公司能否拒賠? 保險公司不能拒絕賠償,暴風雨是自然災保險公司不能拒絕賠償,暴風雨是自然災害害倉至倉條款,即保險公司的保險責任,是從被保險貨物運離保險單載明的起運(港/地)的發(fā)貨人倉庫開始,一直到貨物到達保險單載明的目的港/地收貨人倉庫時為止。Warehouse to warehouse clause26/49W/W clauseA marine cargo insurance policy provision that

42、 extends the protection from the warehouse at which the shipment originates to the one at which it terminates.Coverage also terminates at the situations listed below:60 days after the insured goods are discharged from the ship at the destination port.If the insured goods are to be forwarded to a des

43、tination other than that to which it is insured, coverage terminates at the time of the commencement開始 of transit to such other destination. If the insured takes the goods for allocation, distribution, or storage other than ordinary course of transit at a warehouse before the destination, coverage t

44、erminates upon completion of unloading the goods from carrying vehicle at such warehouse.保險責任終結的另外一些情況:1)投保貨物在目的港卸貨60天后2)如果投保貨物臨時改變目的(港、地),則保險責任從航線開始轉變那一刻終止。3)如果投保貨物被要求分派,拆分配送,或者在半路存放倉庫,沒有按規(guī)定直接運達目的地,那么保險責任在從原運輸工具上卸下那一刻終止。案 例n某公司以某公司以CFRCFR上海從國外進口一批汽車零件,并上海從國外進口一批汽車零件,并據賣方提供的裝船通知及時向中國人民保險公司據賣方提供的裝船通知

45、及時向中國人民保險公司投保了水漬險,后來由于國內用戶發(fā)生變更,我投保了水漬險,后來由于國內用戶發(fā)生變更,我方通知承運人貨改卸黃埔港。在貨由黃埔港裝火方通知承運人貨改卸黃埔港。在貨由黃埔港裝火車運往南京途中遇到山洪,致使部分貨物受損。車運往南京途中遇到山洪,致使部分貨物受損。(1 1)我進口公司是否可以據此向保險公司索賠?)我進口公司是否可以據此向保險公司索賠?(2 2)如果海輪正常于)如果海輪正常于6 6月月1 1日抵達上海港并開始卸日抵達上海港并開始卸貨,貨,6 6月月3 3日全部卸在碼頭貨棚中而未運往收貨人日全部卸在碼頭貨棚中而未運往收貨人倉庫。倉庫。 問:保險公司的保險責任至哪一天終止?

46、問:保險公司的保險責任至哪一天終止?分析分析:(:(1 1)保險公司會拒賠。中國人民保險公保險公司會拒賠。中國人民保險公司司海洋運輸貨物保險條款海洋運輸貨物保險條款規(guī)定基本險的責規(guī)定基本險的責任起訖采用的是倉至倉條條款。倉至倉條款規(guī)任起訖采用的是倉至倉條條款。倉至倉條款規(guī)定如果被保險貨物需轉運至非保險單所載明的定如果被保險貨物需轉運至非保險單所載明的目的地時,則以該項貨物開始轉運時終止。目的地時,則以該項貨物開始轉運時終止。 (2 2)保險公司的保險責任到)保險公司的保險責任到8 8月月2 2日即告終日即告終止。根據限制條款:當貨物從目的港卸離海輪止。根據限制條款:當貨物從目的港卸離海輪時起算

47、滿時起算滿6060天,不論貨物是否進入收貨人倉庫天,不論貨物是否進入收貨人倉庫,保險責任均告終止。,保險責任均告終止。25/49Exclusions of insurance policyLoss or damage caused by the intentional act or fault of the insured;Loss or damage falling under the liability of the consignor;Loss or damage arising from the inferior quality or shortage of the insured g

48、oods prior to the attachment of this insurance;Loss or damage arising from normal loss, inherent 固有的 vice 缺點 or nature of the insured goods, loss of market and/or delay in transit and any expenses arising therefrom;Risks and liabilities covered by the ocean marine (cargo) war risks clause and strike

49、s, riot and civil commotion clauses under C.I.C.P155-被保險人的故意行為或過失造成的損失;屬于發(fā)貨人責任引起的損失;在保險責任開始前,被保險人已存在的品質不良或數(shù)量短差造成的損失;被保險貨物的自然損耗、本質缺陷、特性以及市價跌落、運輸延遲引起的損失和費用; 海洋運輸貨物戰(zhàn)爭險條款和貨物罷工險條款規(guī)定的責任范圍和除外責任。The basic coverages before 1982: FPA, WPA and All Risks.28/49P156-2) Institute Cargo Clause ICC協(xié)會貨物條款協(xié)會貨物條款Instit

50、ute Cargo Clauses, made by the Institute of London Underwriters, came into effect on January 1, 1982 and are widely used around the world. The main clauses are as follows:Institute Cargo Clauses (A)Institute Cargo Clauses (B) Institute Cargo Clauses (C) Institute War Clauses (Cargo)Institute Strikes

51、 Clauses (Cargo)Malicious Damage Clauses貨物條款貨物條款A(A險)險)貨物條款貨物條款B(B險)險)貨物條款貨物條款C(C險)險)戰(zhàn)爭險條款(貨物)罷工險條款(貨物)惡意損害險條款 n英國倫敦保險協(xié)會制定的英國倫敦保險協(xié)會制定的“協(xié)會貨物條協(xié)會貨物條款款”Institute Cargo ClausesInstitute Cargo Clauses,ICCICCn(前面說的是(前面說的是中國人民保險公司制定了各中國人民保險公司制定了各種涉外保險業(yè)務條款,總稱為種涉外保險業(yè)務條款,總稱為“中國保險條中國保險條款款”(China Insurance Claus

52、esCICChina Insurance ClausesCIC)協(xié)會貨物保險條款的種類l 協(xié)會貨物(協(xié)會貨物(A A)險條款)險條款l 協(xié)會貨物(協(xié)會貨物(B B)險條款)險條款l 協(xié)會貨物(協(xié)會貨物(C C)險條款)險條款責任范圍:責任范圍: C C險險 B B險險 A10%), you need to talk to your insurer for consent.41/49Premium = coverage amount * premium ratePremium = CIF price*(1+optional coverage rate)*premium rateEquations

53、P133-45/49我司出口一批貨物,價格為USD2000/MT CIF倫敦 ,買賣雙方同意按此價加一成投保一切險加戰(zhàn)爭險。保險公司的費率分別為1.2%和0.3%。問:保險費(Premium)為多少?如改報CFR價,應為多少?Questionsn 保險費 = USD2000*(1+10%)*(1.2%+0.3%) = USD33.00 n CFR價 = USD2000-USD33=USD1967 12. Cargo Insurance Claims 保險索賠保險索賠Ownership of damaged cargoThe insurance company has no legal title to the goods, and therefore, the assured must protec


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