



1、環(huán)境工程導論復習資料、名詞解釋Environment: The surroundings of, and in flue nces on, a particular item of in terest.All the eleme nts over which a desig ner has no con trol and that affect a system or itsin puts and outputs.環(huán)境:圍繞著某一事物(主體)并對該事物會產(chǎn)生某些影響的所有外界事物(客體)。environmental issues: Environmental issues are harmfu

2、l effects of human activitity on the biophysical environment.環(huán)境問題:由于人類活動作用于周圍環(huán)境所引起的環(huán)境質量變化,以及這種變化對人類的生產(chǎn)、生活和健康造成的影響。Pollution : The introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adversechange.Polluti on can take the form of chemical substa nces or en ergy, such as no ise, heat o

3、r light.環(huán)境污染:人類直接或間接地向環(huán)境排放超過其自凈能力的物質或能量,從而使環(huán)境的質量降低,對人類的生存與發(fā)展、生態(tài)系統(tǒng)和財產(chǎn)造成不利影響的現(xiàn)象。water quality: chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water.It is a measure of the con diti on of water relative to the requireme nts of one or morebiotic species and or to any huma n n eed or purpose.水與其中所含雜

4、質共同表現(xiàn)出來的物理學、化學和生物學的綜合特性。chemical oxyge n dema nd: Chemical oxyge n dema nd (COD) test is com mon ly used toin directly measure the amount of orga nic compo unds in water. Most applicati ons of CODdeterm ine the amount of orga nic polluta nts found in surface water or wastewater.在一定條件下,采用一定的強氧化劑處理水樣時

5、,所消耗的氧化劑量。biochemical oxyge n dema nd,:BODis the amountof dissolvedoxyge n n eededby aerobicbiological orga ni sms in a body of water to break dow n orga nic material prese nt in a give n water sample at certa in temperature over a specific time period.在一定期間內,微生物分解一定體積水中的某些可被氧化物質,特別是有機物質所消耗的溶解氧的數(shù)量。以

6、 mg/L或ppm表示。water pollution : Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse cha nge.con tam in ati on of water bodies (e.g .l akes, rivers, ocea ns, aquifers and groun dwater). Water polluti on occurs whe n polluta nts are directly or in directly disch

7、arged into water bodies without adequate treatme nt to remove harmful compo un ds.排入水體的污染物在數(shù)量上超過了該物質在水體中的本底含量和自凈能力即水體的環(huán)境容量,從而導致水體的物理特征、化學特征發(fā)生不良變化,破壞了水中 固有的生態(tài)系統(tǒng),破壞了水體的功能及其在人類生活和生產(chǎn)中的作用 biologicalwastewatertreatme nt:This is a brief summary of the various tech niq ues that have bee n developed to treat

8、 wastewater by biological means. They accomplish what is gen erally called sec on dary treatme bic sewage treatment: Aerobic biological treatment is performed in the presenee of oxyge n by aerobic microorga ni sms (pri ncipally bacteria) that metabolize the orga nic matter in the wastewater,

9、thereby produc ing more microorga ni sms and in orga nic en d-products (pri ncipally CO 2, NH3, and H2O).好氧生物處理:在水中有游離氧(分子氧)存在的條件下,以好氧微生物為主的微生物使有機物降解的處理方法。air polluti on: con tam in ati on of the in door or outdoor en viro nment by any chemical,physical or biological age nt that modifies the n atura

10、l characteristics of大氣污染由于人類活動或自然過程引起某些物質進入大氣中,呈現(xiàn)出足夠的濃度,達到足夠的時間,并因此危害了人體的舒適、健康和福利或環(huán)境污染的現(xiàn)象particulate matter (顆粒污染物)an air polluti on term for a mixture of solid particles andliquid droplets found in the air.solid waste,: com mon ordinary household and commercial waste, called refuse or mun icipal so

11、lid waste.固體廢棄物是指人類在生產(chǎn)、消費、生活和其他活動中產(chǎn)生的固態(tài)、半固態(tài)廢棄 物質(國外的定義則更加廣泛,動物活動產(chǎn)生的廢棄物也屬于此類),通俗地說, 就是“垃圾”。主要包括固體顆粒、垃圾、爐渣、污泥、廢棄的制品、破損器皿、 殘次品、動物尸體、變質食品、人畜糞便等。有些國家把廢酸、廢堿、廢油、廢 有機溶劑等高濃度的液體也歸為固體廢棄物no ise: which is defi ned as unwan ted sound-unwan ted by huma ns. which en compasses roadway noise, aircraft noise,industria

12、l noise as well as high-intensity sonar.二/三、填空/選擇1. Basic physical qua ntity in en vir onmen tal en gi neeri ng 在環(huán)境工程中的基本物理量In the SI system, there are seve n fun dame ntal un its: kilogram, meter, sec ond, kelvi n, ampere, can dela, and mole.SI制的七個基本單位:質量kg,長度m,時間s,熱力學溫度K,電流單位A, 光強度單位cd (坎德拉),物質的量m

13、ol2. Relati on betwee n qua ntitative no tatio n and related qua ntities of concen trati on 濃度定量表示法及相關量之間的關系Mass concen trati on P 質量濃度:the mass of a con stitue ntm divided by the volume rriiPi =.of the mixture V:Volume concentration(D體積濃度: The volume of a constituent divided by the擊 ViVi = 77-volum

14、e of all constituents of the mixture prior to mixing:Molar concentration (c)摩爾濃度:The amount of a constituent divided by the volume Tliq =滬of the mixture :Number concentration C)粒子數(shù)濃度: The number of entities of a constituent in a mixture divided by the volume of the mixtureCharacteristics of mass bal

15、a nee equati on at steady state.在穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)下的質量平衡方程的特點 In put + gen erati on output con sumpti on = accumulati onNotes: 1. generation and consumptionterms refer only to gen erati on of products and con sumpti on of reacta nts as a result of chemical react ion. If there is no chemical reacti on the n these

16、 terms are zero.2. Apply to a system3. Apply to total mass and comp onent massChemical kinetics:(化學動力學) Kinetics is the study of the rates of chemical processesi n an effort to un dersta nd what it is that in flue nces these rates and to develop theories which can be used to predict the(動力學是一門研究禾 U率

17、的化學過程,以理解這些利率是什么影響和發(fā)展理論可以用來預測).化學反應的方向和限度問題。若可能進行,多長時間能實現(xiàn)?微觀上如何進行的?-反應速率和機理問題。reaction order, : Reaction order is always defined in terms of reactant (not product) concen tratio ns.The order of a reacta nt is not related to the stoichiometric coefficie nt of=© In cA = kt + Bthe reacta nt in the

18、 bala need chemical equati on.first-order reacti on 級反應的特征:(1)反應速率與濃度的一次方呈正比反應速率系數(shù)k的單位:s-1或min-1ln c、t呈直線,斜率=-k(4)半衰期與起始濃度co無關 半衰期t1/2:當CA=C0 /2時所需的時間dt一 c = ktzero-order react ion,零級反應:c與t成直線關系c0cde = k dtcot1/2與c0成正比t 1 / 2sec on d-order react ion,2 1/c - t作圖為直線,斜率為 k; 半衰期t1/2與起始濃度呈反比。二級反應特點1 1 .k

19、tc co切2 j(/ok Co/2 Co速率系數(shù)-13-1k 單位:mol -dm -sChmical reactor:化學反應器:characteristics of ideal reactor models, in cludi ng batch reactor, PFR and CSTR.理想反應器模型的特性,包括間歇反應器CSTR , PFR。包括間歇反應器 CSTR : Substrate is continuously fed to a reactor and immediately mixedwith the entire reactor content.基板連續(xù)送入反應堆立即混

20、合反應堆整個內容No gradie nts of concen tratio n with respect to locati on.不隨位置的濃度梯度Efflue nt concen trati on equal to the reactor concen trati on.出水濃度等于反應器濃度PFR: Perfect mixing in the radial dimension (uniform cross section concentration)完美的徑向尺寸混合(截面濃度)No mixing in the acial direction, or no axial dispersi

21、on (segregated flow沒有混合 在軸線方向,或無軸向色散(分離流)Water quality:水的質量:conventional water quality index, including suspended solids(SS), dissolved oxygen (DO), chmical oxygen dema nd (COD), biochemical oxygen dema nd (BOD), TOC, et al.常規(guī)水質指 標,包括固體懸浮物(SS),溶解氧(DO),化學需氧量(COD),生化需氧量(BOD),TOC, et al.。China ' wa

22、ter quality standard 中國的水質標準Water pollution control:水污染控制:Objectives for primary, sec on dary and tertiary sewage treatme nt.目標為初級,二級和三級污水處理。processes in prilim inary sewage treatme nt, clarifier, 在初步的污水處理工藝,澄清池,Typical processes for suspended growth system and attached growth system 懸浮生長系統(tǒng)的典型 流程和附著

23、生長系統(tǒng)(附著生長系統(tǒng)):trickling filters(滴濾池),biotowers(塔式生物濾池),and rotating biological contactors(生物轉盤 ),where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface.附著生長系統(tǒng):微生物群體在處理設備內呈懸浮狀態(tài)生長,并和污水接觸使之凈化的方法Air pollution control 空氣污染控制Methods for removal of particulate matters and gaseous air pollut

24、a nts. 對顆粒物和氣態(tài)空氣污染 物的去除方法。? 顆粒物的去除方法 Dust collector除塵器(除塵裝置)Wet scrubbers濕式除塵器/洗 滌式 除塵器 Inertial separatorsFabric filtersWet scrubbersElectrostatic precipitators Unit collectorsChina ' ambient air quality standard中國的環(huán)境空氣質量標準? 規(guī)定的控制項目包括化學性、物理性、生物性和放射性污染? 規(guī)定了 13種化學性污染的濃度限值。中華人民共和國國家標4K室內空氣質蠱標準J8 5

25、M標旺伉筋 tlijRrtt222£更爭空調TC16-242+IT對濕摩40-80腳理性*%30 60空吒疏連m/s0 3理爭寺調130.24tn.jXh -人3CP*5mg/m10.50bms/mJOu24ih±5j(a隕化礙cociWffZnV10IH均值-SKffcCCb%0.10日平均值9inLE/ni"0,20lh均值10化學性WMO.me/m'0, 16lh呦便111WTTGHQmg/m1O. IOlh均慣12華匚益mg/tYpO. 1 1小呦儼13甲笨亡tfi0.20midjfla14二甲華C.HwmH/ma .20IhJiMfflIS橋幷I

26、曰菲EB且Pnjj/m?1.0日平溝ta16可嘅人mu/m3*oa 15日平均破17總押 岌件有fllWTVOCmg/m50.608HJ 值1細誦總L數(shù)cfu/m52500依 UECtHS 定 h放耐性車3尺rtBq/m"4OQ年平JSjfjkf fyAfi水 年巧軋 新叫賦哩朮不小于標淮蹴、隱溫理. 相 時枇厘幷的零致輕車不光于標龍値; b和功水平即達到此水平 HilStWE-FMfruW低寧內氯撤就.卒標赧由國家殛駅監(jiān)督懺雛憐斑總局、H生胖和國瞅邱傑局于20"勺】月2日徨布.20013月】曰宜嶷“Solid waste managemen 固體廢物管理生活垃圾危險廢物.

27、產(chǎn)生-收集-運輸-利用-貯存-處理Category of solid waste.固體廢物的分類。分工業(yè)固體廢物Principles for solid waste management 固體廢物管理的原則Noise control噪聲控制Strategies for reduction of noise. 用于降低噪音的策略1噪聲源的控制2聲音傳播途徑上的控制3保護接受者2標準值城市5郵境噪聲標準值$嚇:晝間夜間0類5 0分貝4 0分貝1類5 5分貝4 £分貝2類6 0分貝5 0分貝3類6 5分貝5 5分貝4類7 0分貝5 5分貝China ' no ise-related

28、 sta ndards 中國的噪聲相關標準四、計算題Applicati on of mass bala nee equati on at steady state.Caculati on of biochemical oxyge n dema ndTran sformatio n from qua ntitative no tati on to related qua ntities of concen tratio nfor air polluta nts, vice versa.1靜態(tài)平衡(二)穩(wěn)態(tài)反應系統(tǒng)【例2 2 3 一個湖泊的容積10 OXlOn有一流罡為5 Orr/s.污 染物敢懇

29、為10 5吵1_的憂污染支流濟入該湖泊同時,還右一污水排放口將 污水排入湖泊,污水流量為0 &nVs,濃S&IOOmfiXL.污染物的降解速率 常數(shù)為0 20 d1.偃設污邊物陵在湖泊4®至風 目湖水不詞棗錢等原團 増加戴者減少°求阻態(tài)情況祎藍出水中污染物的濃度.張二0 解:假設完全混合意味若湖泊中的污染1»濃度等于3E出水中的污染物濃度(二)穩(wěn)態(tài)反應系統(tǒng)解:假設5£全混合意味著湖泊中的污染物濃度莽于流岀水中的污染物濃度L0xl05-5.5xl03/7-+23.1xl05p = 04.1 一家腌制品加工企業(yè)產(chǎn)生含鹵素廢水。廢水中NaCI濃

30、度13,000 mg/L ,排放量400L/min。受納河流上游來水流量5X 106 L/d , NaCI濃度20 mg/L。廢水匯入點下游有一重要的垂釣場,其中魚類對鹽的耐受濃度上限為200 mg/L。A.排放廢水中鹽的濃度應為多少才能保證河流中的鹽濃度低至200 mg/L ?Soluti on4%和0.5%,流量分別為 80 L/min和4.2污水處理廠初次污泥和二次污泥的固體濃度分別為96 L/min,試求混合后污泥中的固體濃度?混合污泥濃縮后的固含量為8%,假設濃縮池中污泥沉降充分,試求濃縮后的污泥量(L/min )和溢流水量?Soluti onThe mass of water pe

31、r liter is 1 kg, so that the concentrations of solids in primary sludge and sec on dary sludge are 40 g/L and 5 g/L, respectively.Thus, the concen tratio ns of solids in mixed sludge is,the concen trati ons of solids after compressi on is 8 g/L,Thus,2.BOD的計算例題:9.1 BOD測試結果如下:DO濃度(培養(yǎng)前)8mg/L,DO濃度(培養(yǎng)后)O

32、mg/L稀釋倍數(shù)1:10試求a. BOD5 濃度?b. 最終的BOD濃度?Solution a. BOD5 =I-FBOD5=8-0=8 mg/Lb.BOD=(8-O)1O=8O mg/L3大氣從定量法對空氣污染物濃度的相關物理量的轉換,反之亦然Chapter 12*12.11 環(huán)境空氣質量標淮(GB 3095-2012)中.SO】和NQ的24小時平均 液度的二標推隈值廿別為150 和帥鶴旳試分別轉優(yōu)為體積疔數(shù).(假 定2天辰和1個大氣壓)"(參考會氏質童報度宀腫T (標態(tài)加K和1個大T壓)22.4例題,在25匸親件下,某室內空氣一氧化碳的體積分數(shù)為9 0X10 用 質意濃度表示一氧

33、比碳的濃度* +解t根據(jù)理魁氣體狀態(tài)方程*恤01空氣在h燦和下的休積為",r = uow = 2444i範化犠(CO)的分子質量為2馳砸b所LCO的質量濃度為*9K10-5 x28 itim 飽=1UJ mam2) 4-12.41/1000&12.11solution_6_3_8SO2=(150*10 6/64)*24.44*10 3=5.7 X08_6_3_8NO2 =(80*10 6/46) *24.44*10 3=4.3 X08五、問答題The arran geme nt and process of activated sludge system and fixed

34、film system.Raw WaterAeration TankTreatedWaterChrifiti r-SettkrRecycle Sludyeactivated sludge system:To Sludge TreatrnDt曝氣池、二沉池、曝氣系統(tǒng)、污泥回流及剩余污泥排放The rema in der called surplus activated sludge or waste activated sludge is removed from the process and sent to sludge process ing by digesti on, either u

35、n der an aerobic or aerobic con diti ons prior to disposal in order to maintain a relatively constant concentration of microorganisms in the system.由初次沉淀池流出的廢水和從二次沉淀池底部回流的活性污泥,同時進入曝氣池, 混合液在曝氣的作用下,得到足夠的溶解氧并使活性污泥和廢水充分接觸,廢水中的可溶性有機污染物為活性污泥所吸附,并為存活在活性污泥上的微生物群體所分解,使廢水得到凈化。在二次沉淀池內,泥水分離。處理水排放,活性污泥在污泥區(qū)內進行濃縮,

36、并以較高的 濃度回流曝氣池。由于活性污泥不斷地增長,部分污泥作為剩余污泥從系統(tǒng)中排出,也可以送往初次沉淀池,提高初沉效果。Fixed-film/attached growth systems(附著生長系統(tǒng))trickling filters(滴濾池),biotowers(塔式生物濾池),and rotating biological contactors(生物轉盤), where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface.微生物附著在惰性介質上生長形成生物膜,污水通過膜表面得到凈化的方法。滴濾池: A t

37、rickling filter consists of a fixed bed of rocks, lava, coke, gravel, slag,polyurethane foam, sphagnum peat moss, ceramic, or plastic media over which sewage or other wastewater flows downward and causes a layer of microbial slime (biofilm) to grow, covering the bed of media.生物轉盤:In the case of the

38、RBC, the support media are slowly rotati ng discs that are partially submerged in flow ing wastewater in the reactor.Oxygen is supplied to the attached biofilm from the air when the film is out of the water and from the liquid whe n submerged, since oxyge n is tran sferred to the wastewater by surfa

39、ce turbule nee created by the discs' rotati on. As the micro-orga ni sms grow, they build up on the media un til they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided by the rotati ng discs in the sewage.Efflue nt from the RBC is the n passed through a sec on dary clarifier where the sloughed biolo

40、gical solids in suspe nsion settle as a sludge.The sludge is withdraw n from the clarifier for further treatme nt.六、論述題個人對當今一些主要大氣環(huán)境和水環(huán)境問題的認識和看法。Air polluti onthe release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere.Com mon gaseous polluta nts in clude carb on mono xide, sulfur dioxide, chlorof

41、luorocarb ons (CFCs) and n itroge n oxides produced by in dustrya nd motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as n itroge n oxides and hydrocarb ons react to sun light. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM 10 to PM 2.5.Ozone Layer Depleti onOzone layer is a layer of gas that sits 25-30 km above


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