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1、I. Comp rehe nsionB.1. a 2.b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. cII. VocabularyA.1. stride nt2. watchful3. pan ti ng4. skirt5. looked up, p eered6. mossThe pro verb means that if a person moves freque ntly from p lace to p lace, from job to job, he will not accumulate wealth, frien ds, or social ties, just

2、 as moss will not grow on a stone that n ever stays long in one p lace.7. chu nk8. guttural9. heralds10. resig nedlyB.1. . .there motio nl ess,. . . un til it was out of sight.2. . . woma n hobbled along.3. . . rema ined unm oved.4. The cron e. . ., p ick ing her way., /The crone p icked her way dow

3、 n the lane.5. Joh n made for the door .6. . since they are sce ptical.7. She was stunned at .8. . . .the derisi on of .9. . . . from the gash.10. . . outburst of mirth.C.1. Whe n she saw him kicki ng the dog, she could not contain herself any Ion ger.2. As the old En glish pro verb goes, "Out

4、of sight, out of min d."3. He went up to her, smili ng in gratiat in gly.4. The boys made for the river with their bathi ng/swimmi ng trunks.5. Whe n she came out crestfalle n, they all knew the man ager had rebuked her.6. The no tice says that one must not go bey ond the boun dary without a sp

5、 ecial p ermit.7. This in cide nt was (like) an alarm bell for the rest of the childre n/other childre n.8. He stood moti onl ess, bli nking at me from time to time, which made me restless.9. Although it is long p ast bed-time, he is relucta nt to turn off the TV.10. She tossed her head, and made a

6、grimace at him./ Toss ing her head, she gave him a grimace.D.a.1. barbarity 2. extremity 3. maturity 4. availability 5. crudity 6. humidity7. diversity 8. divinity 9. brevity 10. Christia nity b.1. dan gerous 2. poisonous 3. riotous 4. courteous 5. erron eous 6. mischievous7. contemp tuous 8. i mp e

7、tuous 9. disastrous 10. mon strousE.1. . exp erie nee drained him of all .2. She bludge oned me into doing .3. The compu ter has a whole range of app licati on s./The compu ter can be app lied to a wide/broad range of uses.4. . . ., as it were,.5. . . ., but by and large .III. Word StudyA.1. It was

8、hard to/We could hardly contain our laughter because the jokes were so funny.2. The book rm readi ng contains many stories by famous authors/writers.3. She opened the container and removed/took out the contents.4.She hurt her frien d's feeli ngs by not in vit in g/faili ng to in vite her to the

9、party.5. My wrist hurts whe n/whe never I try to p ick somethi ng up.6. His rep utatio n/name was badly hurt by false stories.7. The editorial app eared in tran slatio n/ A tran slati on of the editorial app eared in the October 4th issue of Beiji ng Review.8. He app ears to know more tha n he reall

10、y does./He app ears to know a lot, but does not know really so much.9. Don't judge by app eara nces, because they can be dece ptive/mislead in g/are not always reliable.10. Trade suffered from the war.11. He knew he must not suffer selfish ness to triu mph over/ prevail over/subdue his sense of

11、respon sibility/of duty.12. You could see the sufferi ng on/in the faces of the poor, hungry childre n./From the look of those poor, hungry childre n, you can see their sufferi ngs.B.1. exclusive2. app licable3. obligatory4. deliberate5. exce pti onal (outsta ndin gly clever)IV. Grammar (nu mber and

12、 con cord)A.1. arecf. The Korea ns are a hard-work ing people.2. are3. wasTwo un its lin ked by "and" may sometimes be viewed as comb ined into one whole, and the n the sin gular verb is rightly used, e.g.A cart and horse was see n in the dista nee.There was a cup and saucer on the table.4

13、. seems "Tea years seems" that p eriod seems." P lural p hrases of measure or qua ntity may be viewed as a sin gle un it, e.g.Five miles was (=That dista nee was) as far as they went that day.Five pounds does n't (= That amount does n't) buy as much as it used to.Note that in

14、the last exa mple we use the pronoun "it."5. am6. wasThe water was gone. Compare:The tow n has ofte n suffered from floodi ng, and this year n early half is un der water (the tow n is un der water).About half of the childre n were severely underno urished (the childre n were underno urishe

15、d).7. were8. are, their hands9. con sists cf. Less on Eleve n, Notes to the Text, 3;Exercis IV A.10. was11. is "This kind of books" mea ns the same as "this kind of book," because we are only in terested in the "ty pe," and no Ion ger concerned whether it is one book or

16、 more tha n one. After "this kind of. . . " we use the sin gular verb, e.g.This kind of man/men annoys me.But if we rep hrase the sentence to exp ress the idea of p lurality, a plural verb may be used, e.g.Books of this ki nd are in teresti ng.12. are "These/those kind of + plural nou

17、n," though not so acce ptable to some grammaria ns, is com mon in sp eech and followed by a plural verb, e.g.These kind of cigarettes are treme ndously expen sive. "These kind of books" can be rep hrased , without cha nge in mea ning, into any of the follow ing more acce ptable ways o

18、f exp ressi on: this kind of book(s)/these kinds of book(s)/books of this kin d/books like this/ such books.13. is14. have readThe focus is on the group. Some stude nts have read the book and Joh n is one of them.15. has readThe focus is on the in dividual. Only Joh n has read the book.16. are17. is

19、18. wasB.1. d "They (them, their)" is ofte n used, esp ecially in sp eech to refer to "everybody," "somebody," "no-body," or other similar sin gular words, e.g.If an ybody calls, tell them rm out.Every one thi nks they're the cen ter of the uni verse.Every

20、body has arrived, have n't they?This can avoid using such clumsy exp ressi ons as ". . .has n't he or she?"2. a/bWhe n "tu rn" means "become," the p redicative noun takes zero article, e.g.He was a medical stude nt before he turned writer.Whe n the subject is p

21、lural, the p redicative noun is more ofte n sin gular tha n plu ral, e.g.Both sisters turned musicia n( s).3. b4. a/b/c/dIn an in formal style, it is p ossible to use "there is" before plural noun p hrases whe n we regard "there" as the subject of the senten ce, e.g.There's s

22、ome childre n at the door.5. dThe sp eaker supp oses there are several kinds of p ear tree and is ask ing what they are. cf.What kind of p ear tree flourishes best . ? (He has only one kind in mi nd.)6. a /cThe verb agrees with the noun after "loads of," e.g.Loads of big apples were on the

23、 ground."Go to waste" means "be wasted."7. a/b "His wife and secretary" can refer to the one and same person, but not n ecessarily. "His" can be omitted before "secretary."8. c "Butter" is imp lied after "good." cf.Both the immatu

24、re and the p recocious stude nt n eed in dividual atte nti on (there is a "stude nt" omitted after "immature").9. a "Whisky and soda" is one kind of drink which is a con cocti on of whisky and soda. cf.Bread and butter (= bread sp read with butter) is all that is pro vi

25、ded with the tea.But:Bread and butter (=both bread and butter) are sold in the shop on the corn er.10. a/b/c/d "None" is followed by either a sin gular or plural verb as sense requires. On ly the sin gular is correct in:The company has ordered more coal, but none of the coal has yet arrive

26、d (the coal has not yet arrived)The plural is correct in:None of the workers in this factory have gone on strike (All the workers do not go on strike).In this last sentence however, the sin gular verb would also be correct, si nee "none of the workers" can be viewed as equivale nt to the s

27、in gular: Not one has gone on strike. The choice may also be gover ned by other factors, as in:None of them is the man I met this mor ning (I met one man only)None of the members have p aid their subscri pti ons (to avoid say ing "his or her subscri pti on").Where the choice is free, the p

28、lural is more com mon.C.1. is (The thi ng I want is two books.)/are (What I want is not one book.)Whe n "what" can be in terpreted either as "the thi ng that" or as "the thi ngs that," the follow ing verb can accord in gly be either sin gular or plu ral, e.g.What he enj

29、oys is/are geogra phy and French.Traditi on ally however, the sin gular verb has bee n favoured in such cases. Only the sin gular verb is po ssible in senten ces like:What hurts is my left leg.What I'd like is a digital watch.2. has, its (The pro mises were made by the committee collectively.)/h

30、ave, their (It is p ossible each member, of the committee made their own pro mises.)3. makes/make4. deserveThis is a differe nt case from B/10, above, because it is a quotati on from the 17th cen tury En glish p oet Joh n Dryde n, and as such, its word ing is not to be readily cha nged. In fact, &qu

31、ot;none but" has come to be treated as one word mea ning "onl y", leavi ng "the brave" in the p ositi on of the subject which n aturally requires a plural verb. Here are more exa mp les:None but fools are/N one but a fool is in terested in such thi ngs.None but the best coff

32、ee is to my taste.The quotati on (now a pro verb) mea ns: Only brave men deserve beautiful wome n.5. have (cf. A, 6)6. isThat is a sin gle rose which has a bit of white and a bit of blue on it. cf. The white and blue roses are.7. is (cf. A, 4)8. isAlthough "more tha n one" is plural in mea

33、ning, the grammatical subject is "one stude nt." The sin gular verb is therefore correct in:No tha n one person was injured in the accide nt.9. is10. has11. are (= What I say and what I thi nk are .12. isThe two are insep arable. More exa mp les:War and p eace is a con sta nt theme in hist

34、ory.We're at the beg inning of a p eriod in which real n egotiati on and compro mise is p ossible (He nry Kiss in ger).13. are14. is,15. is16. is (= Each man and woma n .)Linked un its in troduced by "each" or "every" require a sin gular verb, because "each" and &qu

35、ot;every" focus on the in dividual un its sep arately, eg.Each room and (each) corridor in the buildi ng has bee n pain ted in the same color.Every man and (every) woma n is required to compi ete two years of n atio nal service.17. is (cf. 16)18. is/are19. con sists20. kno ws/k now (cf. B, 10)VII. Comp rehe nsive ExercisesA.The groun dhog humorously referred to as "P ete" in the p assage, is a large rode nt with a heavyset body and coarse, brow nish fur, found throughout most of Can ada and theNortheast U.S. February 2 is observed in the U.S. and Can ada as Gro


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