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1、高二下冊10Unit 17 Life in the future第 17 單元 末來的生活Lesson 65 1 Dialogue第 65 課 1 對話Jenny and Mei Ge are computer experts at the same factory.They are discussing future plans.a new詹妮和梅格是同廠的計算機能手。她們正在討論末來的計劃。of it a lotJENNY:Do you think our manager is going to have factory built? People have been talkingrec

2、ently.詹妮:你認為我們的經理要打算建造一家新工廠嗎?近來人們對此談得很多。, but he hasn'tMEI GE:I simply don't know.He mayhave plans yet spoken to me about them.梅格:我一點也不知道。他也許有計劃,卻他還沒有跟我談他的 想法呢。JENNY:Do you think it's possible that it will happen?詹妮:你認為有可能建廠嗎 ?MEI GE:Of course. Right now we can't produce goods quickl

3、y enough for all our customers. Manyof them have to wait sixmonths for their goods.梅格:當然可能了。 現在我們還不能很快的為我們所有的顧客生 產出商品。許多顧客需要等半年才能拿到他們所需的商品。JENNY:What's theproblem with building the new factory then?詹妮:那么 , 建新廠有什么問題嗎 ?MEI GE:The problem is finding land for it. The majority of people in the town w

4、ant to encourage new industry in the area. New jobs are needed because a number of people are out of work. But some people don't want good farmland to be built on.梅格:問題是給它找個地皮。 城市里的大多數成年人都希望新工 廠在區(qū)域內。 因為新工作需要很多失業(yè)的人。 但是有些人不愿把 好的農田用來建廠房。JENNY:I can see the problem.What do you think is likely to hap

5、pen?詹妮:這個我知道 . 你認為最有可能發(fā)生的是什么事let him built aMEI GE:I think our manager will persuade the government tonew factory. It's quite likely thatdecision will be made before the end of the year.梅格:我認為我們的經理要說服政府讓他建立新工廠。很可能年底前會做出決定。JENNY:Is there anything that we can do?詹妮:有什么需要我們幫忙的嗎 ?MEI GE:I don't

6、think so.We just ave to trust our manager.梅格:我想幫不上吧。我們只能相信經理了。Lesson 66 Reading comprehension第 66 課 1 閱讀理解How many of the ollowing subjects are mentioned in this article? space travel computers industry agriculture health education research food面這些科目有多少個在這篇文章中被提到 . 空間 旅行 計算機 工業(yè) 農業(yè) 健康 教育 研究 食物LIFE IN

7、 THE FUTURE(1)末來的生活 (1)Throughout the world,computers will be used more and more in the future. They are already being used in agriculture and industry. For example,many farms now use computers to control the growing conditions of vegetables and other plants. In glasshouses,computers control the wat

8、ering of the plants as well as the light and the temperature. It's possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperature by 1 degree centigrade.將來全世界會越來越多地使用計算機。 當前計算機已經用于 農業(yè)和工業(yè)。 比如說, 許多農場用計算機來控制蔬菜的和其它農 作物的生長條件。在溫室里,計算機既控制著作物的灌溉,也控 制著的光照和溫度。 溫度增加一度你會賺錢還是蝕本計算機就可 能

9、算得出來。In their personal lives people will also use computers more and more. Instead of going to the bank,they will use a computer and a telephone to change money and to pay their electricity bills and so on. Houses will be controlled by a central computer. Lights will go off if no one is in the room.

10、 The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. You will be able to telephone home half an hour before returning and,by speaking into the telephone, you will be able to tell the computer to turn on the heating and the hot water. The computer will recognize your voice and c

11、arry out the instructions.在個人生活中, 人們也將越來越多地使用計算機。 人們不用 上銀行,他們可以用計算機和電話就可以換錢、付電費等等。房 屋將由一臺中央計算機來控制。 如果沒有人在房里, 燈就會自動 熄滅。計算機可以識別人的聲音,這種想法使很多人感到驚奇。你可以在回家的半小時前給家里打電話你對著電話機說話 , 你可以叫計算機打開取曖器和熱水器。 計算機可以別你的聲音, 完成 你的指示。The possibility that the majority of the labour force will work at home is often discussed.

12、 It will be much more convenient than spending a lot of time travelling to work every day. People will be able to use the videophone for conferences. They will be able to do drawings and send them by mail or by fax.大多數勞動力可以在家工作的可能性人們經常討論。 在家工 作比每天去上班在路上花大量時間要方便得多。 人們可以用可視 電話來開會。 他們將能在家里制圖并通過郵件和傳真把圖紙

13、寄出 去。Computers will be used more and more in transport. Railways in Japan already use them to work out the best distance between trains. Trains will be operated by computer and many of them will have no drivers.在運輸方面也將越來越多地使用計算機。 日本的鐵路部門已 經有計算機算出列車之間的最佳距離?;疖噷⒂捎嬎銠C來操縱, 其中許多將會是無人駕駛的。Space travel will b

14、ecome much cheaper. In 1993 a new spacerocket with no wings was developed in the USA. This typeof rocket is able to return to the earth and land on itslegs. As a result,costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.太空旅行將會更便宜 .1993 年美國研制了一種新型的滑有機翼的太空火箭 . 這種火箭能夠反回地面 , 用它的腿著陸 .因此,火箭的成本將會降低 90%之多 .In the fiel

15、ds ofeducation,health and research, computerswill continue to play an important part. It will be partof everyone's education to learn computer skills.Information records,for example of patients withthe sameillness, are now kept on computer. It is possible to havegroup of these records collected

16、and printed. Computerprograms for storing whole texts are already welldeveloped.You can type the nameof a subject,e.g."Printingin China,"and the computer will give you a worldwide list of magazineand book titles. The next step is to search the titles formore information. Finally you can ch

17、oose certain textsand read them on your computer screen. If you want a copyof the article or page,it can be printed out and sent toyou.在教育,健康和科研領域里, 計算機將會繼續(xù)發(fā)揮重要作用。學習計算機技術將會成為每個受教育者的一個組成部分。 信息檔 案,比如說患相同疾病的病人檔案,現在都保存在計算機上。也有可能把一組這樣的檔案收集并打印出來。 存儲本檔案的計算機程序已經研制完備。你打一個課題的名稱,比如說," 中國的印刷術 ",計算機就會給

18、你提供一份全世界有關這方面的有雜志名和書名的清單。下一步就是查標題,以獲得更多的信息。最后你 可以選某幾篇文章, 在計算機屏幕上閱讀。 如果你想需要一份這 樣的文章或其中的一頁,計算機還可以把它打出來送給你。Lesson 671 Reading comprehension第 67 課 1 閱讀理解LIFE IN THE FUTURE:ANOTHER OPINION (2)末來的生活另一種意見 (2)At present,many people in western countries spend too much moneyon new possessions that they do not

19、 need,such as lots of new clothes. This is a waste of money,energy and materials,and also causes pollution.目前,西方國家的許多人花費太多的錢來購置不必要的新物品,例如大量的新衣服。這是浪費金錢、能源和材料,并且造成 污染。Many people,both young and old,are against this expensive way of life. They believe that the basic needs of the world's population

20、should be satisfied first,like food and medical care. Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now.許多人, 包括年輕的年老的, 都反對這種大手大腳的生活方 式。他們主為全世界居民的基本需要,象食品和醫(yī)療,應該首先 得到滿足。整個世界的財富將來有可能比現在更加公平合理地在 國與國之間分享。Take health for example.Western countries sp

21、end a lot of moneyon treating sick people.They do expensive operationsto give people newhearts.It would be more practicalto look after the health of people before they get ill! So people will be advised to keep fit in many ways.They will be encouraged to eat healthy foods,not to smoke and to drink less beer and wine.以醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生為例。 西方國家花費大量的金錢給病人治病。 他 們給病人作耗費巨資的心臟移植手術。 而在患病之前注意衛(wèi)生保 健可能會更加實際一些。 因些, 將來要勸告人們多方面地注意衛(wèi) 生保健,要鼓勵人們吃有利于健康的食物, 不要抽煙, 要少喝酒。At present developed countries use too much e


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