



1、 2 Journal of Xihua University Natural Science Jan. 2006 Furt her more , some suggestions of management to t he gas sta2 tions have been given in t his paper. Key words :CN G station ; implicit safety problem ; accident analysis ; suggestion. automobile is a key fundamental equipment for EPS perfor2

2、 mance test in lab. This paper describes t he structure design and identification of t he electro2hydraulic loading system of EPS in automobile in order to obtain preferable performance and preci2 sion of loading. The loading rules can be found from power as2 sisted characteristics and PID control o

3、f t he system is conduct2 ed. The simulation results of Simulink show t hat t he feasibility of t he met hod and t he design of system conform to t he require2 ments and t he characteristics of system are effectively im2 proved. Key words :electro2hydraulic loading ;power assisted steer2 ing ; PID c

4、ontrol ;simulation Research on Electrical Controlled Injection Sys2 tem f or CNG Engine Improved from the Original Y H465 Q 21 E WU Ben2cheng ( School of Transportation and Automobile Engi2 neering of Xihua University ,Chengdu 610039 China ,SUN Ren2yun ,et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UN IV ERSIT Y. v. 25

5、, no 111 PP117219 , 1/ 2006. ( ISSN 16732159X ; In Chinese Abstract : The electrically controlled sequential multiple in2 jection system of CN G engine is presented in detail in t his pa2 per , which is improved based on an original YH465Q21 E gas engine wit h optimized induction and combustion syst

6、em . The high2energy electronic ignition wit hout ignition distributor is adopted and a way is raised , which is used for controlling igni2 tion advance and dwell control of every cylinder. The ignition timing and injection quantity of CN G are exactly controlled . The function of ECU is verified by

7、 test , t he test result shows t hat it has a good performance. Key words : CN G engine ; electronic controlled injection ; high2energy ignition Routing Mechanism and Improvement of Pastry Peer2to2Peer Net work YU Zhong2tao ( School of Mat hematics & Computers Engineering , Xihua University , Ch

8、engdu 610039 China ,L IU Xing2wei. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UN IV ERSIT Y. v. 25 , no 111 PP127230 , 1/ 2006. ( ISSN 16732159X ; In Chinese Abstract :After introducing t he routing mechanism of tra2 ditional Pastry P2P network model , t his paper proposes a new routing algorit hm based on unstructured hybr

9、id network. It im2 proves t he precision ,and reduces t he traffic in t he network by importing index2node and search2nod. The performance analysis shows t hat t he new routing algorit hm is more effective. Key words :pastry ; P2P ;routing algorit hm Net work Flow Model f or Fixed Job Schedul ing Pr

10、oblem SUN Hong (A TC Depart ment , China Civil Aviation Flying College CAAC Scientisfic Research Base of Cicil Aviation Flight Technology and Safety , Guanghan 618307 China , YAN G Wei , et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UN IV ERSIT Y. v. 25 , no 111 PP120222 ,1/ 2006. ( ISSN 16732 159X ; In Chinese Scalable

11、 Filtering of XML Data f or Web Ser2 vices L IU Ning ( School of Mat hematics & Computers Engineering , Xi2 hua University , Chengdu 610039 China , TAN San. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UN IV ERSIT Y. v. 25 , no 111 PP131233 ,1/ 2006. ( ISSN 16732 159X ; In Chinese Abstract : This paper investigates t he g

12、eneralized fixed job scheduling problem ( FJ SP , in which t he available processors are limited , t he job2processor matching has to be considered and processor2assigning cost is minimized. By constructing a job2 schedule network t hat can present job2time relationship , t he FJ SP is transformed t

13、o a network flow problem , and a 021 inte2 ger programming mat hematical model is developed. Key words : fixed job scheduling problem ; job2schedule network ; 021 integer programming ; mat hematical model Abstract : Scalable content2based routing architecture for Web applications can handle t he gro

14、wing number of XML mes2 sages associated wit h Web services , t his paper develops tree2 structure filters for fast matching XML data using XPat h and proposes a hierarchical XML collateral routing architecture t hat adopts data share strategy and filter share strategy to support extremely high traf

15、fic loads. Key words :XML ; XPat h ; Web service ; SOAP ; WSDL Study on the Electro2hydraul ic Servo Loading System of EPS in Automobile L IU Hai2quan ( School of Transportation and Automobile Engineer2 ing of Xihua University ,Chengdu 610039 China ,CHEN Chong ,et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UN IV ERSIT Y. v. 25 , no 111 PP123226 , 1/ 2006. ( ISSN 16732159X ; In Chinese Engineering Calculation Using VB and Fortran Mixed2Language Programming WAN G Xiao2ying ( School of Energy and Environment ,Xihua Uni2 versity ,Chengdu


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