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1、C. academy let people haveC. accessD. opport un ity to huge amounts ofD. approach雅思詞匯訓(xùn)練1. He soon received promoti on, for his superiors realized that he was a man of con siderableA. abilityB. adult2. It is well known that the In ter net will in formatio n from their own homes.A . appealB. attention

2、3. I ' m really sorry about your camera; it was a (aA . accommodationB. accidentC. accuracyD. advantage4. After receiv ing the n ews, immediate stop the disease spreadi ng.had bee n take n by the local gover nment toA. achieveme nt b.activity5. Last year he best-seilrhed no vein this A. adaptati

3、 onadditi o nB. adopti onC. acquisiti on onfilmD. actiCronshaw' sof BillC. advertiseme ntD.6. Comi ng to ano ther a while to fit in.A. agreeme ntcountry to studyrequires a bigand it takesadjustme nt7. Bei ng able to speak ano ther I§n g/ageffeftly is a C. admissi onD.great you are look ing

4、for a job.A. adve n ture B. algebraan cestorC. adva n tageD.whe n8. They had been childless for a long time so when a little girl was bornin the family, the pare nts could n for it.A. adva nee B. affecti on't help show ing too muchC.adolesce neeD. advertiseme nt9. It stressed that problems conce

5、rningagriculture should be put on the top of the Party ' sA. altitudeB. age ndaC.agencyD.assista need. an kle as possible, most famousD.10. I'm allergic to . That's why I keep off alcoholic drinks.A. appe n dix B. alleyC.alcohol11. If you set up your goal and start your preparati ons as

6、earlyyou will achieve yourto become one of thescientists in the future.A. amuseme ntB. ambiti onC. appo in tme ntagriculture12. Many pare nts think that a regularis an excelle nt way to teach childre n the value ofmon ey.A. allowa neeB. applicati on13. Ourshows that the compa nyC. aidD. amount's

7、 failure was caused byelsfckenftinD. an gleto him.A. an alysisB. an chorC. an ecdote14. The wrong you've done him is terrible, for which you should make an叮叮小文庫A. apartme nt B. apologyC. an tique D.ann iversary15. Some people steal or damage the public facilities, which has a badeffect on people

8、 ' s normal life and city ' s.A. appe ndixB . abse nee C . atte ndanceD . appeara nee16. Before the final exam in ati on many stude nts have show n sig ns of tension. Some have trouble insleep ing while others have lost their .A. appetiteB. an xietyC. apartme ntD.atmosphere17. Her rich exper

9、ie nee gave her an adva ntage over other for the job.A. acco untantsB. acqua intan cesC. applica ntsD. age nt18. I wrote him a letter to show myof his thoughtf uln ess.A. achieveme nt B. agreeme nt C. applicatio n D. appreciati on19. It is just three mon ths since we received official to goahead wit

10、h the project.A. approach B. approval C. architecture D. arch20. Most customers prefer to choose cloth themselves, rather than take the advice of the saleA. assessme ntB. assista neeC. assista ntD. aspect21. With the Spring Festival, people can find back the warm, familyofte n see n in days gone by.

11、A. atmosphereB. arra n geme ntC. associati onD. assumptio n22. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology exam in ati on so that she could be sure of pass ingit on her first .A. attract ionB. attemptC. arrivalD. article23. Despite such a big differeneeintowards what one eats, thereis no doubt tha

12、t people in the west regard the Chin ese food as someth ing special.A. point B. award C. attitudeD.avenue24. It has been revealed that somegovernment leaders abuse their and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A. assessme ntB. authorityC. audie neeD.aut onom ous25. His body temperature ha

13、s bee n for 3 days, the highest point reachi ng 40.5degreescen tigrade.A. acidB. abruptC. abno rmalD. accessible26. He is quite sure that it' s impossible for him to fulfill the task with in two days.A. absolutely B . accurately C . activelyD. acutely27. The pictures pain ted by Picasso are real

14、ly. I can' t undersapte on hemwithout(說明).A. abruptB. abstractC. con creteD. addictive28. It is that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.A. allergicB. amateurC. absurdD. annual29. Ourresources and stable policy provide foreigners with theadva n tages they in vest h

15、ere.A. attractiveB. authe nticC. availableD.abundant30. As is well known to us all, medici ne should not be kept where it is to childre n.A. accessible B . appare ntC . allergic D. automatic31. Adva need computer tech no logy has come up with an an swer to weatherforecasti ng.A. awareB. accurateC. a

16、verageD. awesome32. The workers are so to the no ise of the mach ine that they don't even no tice it duri ngtheir work.A . admirable B. accustomedC. astonishedD. associated33. Environment problem is now so severe. Pollution is not only a major Iong-term burden on theChin ese public but also anpo

17、litical challe nge to the ruli ng Communist Party.A. acuteB. awkwardC. authe n ticD. allergic34. I hope I will not be called on in class as I ' mnot yetprepared.(2006年高考上海卷)A. atte n tivelyB. attractively C.activelyD.adequately35. Animals can become unusually_when they are upset by a sudden envi

18、ronmentalcha nge.A. awakeB. ashamedC. arbitraryD. aggressive36. The patient sufferingfrom cancer looked dead but the faint pulse provedthat he was still.A. live B. allergic C. aliveD. lively37. He started choking after eating thechili pepper (辣椒),to which hewas.A. allergicB. addictiveC. awareD. arbi

19、trary38. The stone is two hun dred kilograms, and no one can move it.A . nearly; almost B . almost; nearlyC . mostly; almost D . nearly; mostly39. I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I can ' t get thetrai n ticket, I still have an pla n:to visit the museu

20、ms.A. appropriateB. alter n ativeC. approximateD. an xious40. Several uni versities in America have top-class basketballteams, and talented players often turn professional as soon as they finish their studies.A. ambiguousB. alter nativeC. aggressiveD. amateur41. Hisdirectio ns con fused us; we did n

21、 ot know which of the two roads to take.A. ambiguousB. ampleC. arbitraryD. artificial42. Susa n man aged to climb out of the car,- un hurt.A. regularlyB.即 pare ntlyC. approximatelyD. freque ntly43. Knowing what is anbehaviour at table will en able youto find it easy to make friends with others.A. ab

22、stract B. appare nt C. appropriate D.ambiguous44. A good judge should try to be fair and not to makedecisi ons.A. abruptB. arbitraryC. alter n ativeD. artificial45. The in formed(有見識的)con sumers can easily find out the or n atural diam on ds.A. artificial B. athleticC. actualD. authe n tic46. What t

23、he correspondent(通訊員)sent us is annews report. We can depend on it.A. artificialB. authe nticC. automaticD.即 proximate47. The school is trying its best to make more accommodationfor increasingstude n ts.A. available B . approachable C . admirableD. accessible48. He was quite of the risk, but he had

24、no choice but to go ahead.A. accurateB. ashamed C. accustomedD. aware49. The shy girl felta nd un comfortable whe n she could not an swer her teacher ' squesti ons.A. amazedB. awkwardC. allergicD. amused50. He survived the accide nt, but his car was damaged bey ond repair, sohe had to it.A. acce

25、lerate B. accumulateC. abolishD. aba ndon51. a lot of atte nti on. Blog comes after email and QQ, beco ming more and more popular.A. Attack ingB. Accepti ngC. Achievi ngD. Absorb ing52. If wewater in our daily life, it will soon dry up and nothingcan be left for our childre n, which will eve ntually

26、 lead to the ruinof the whole huma n bein gs.A. aba ndon B. absorb C. abuse D. accomplish53. The leader is los ing ground as the rest of the runners.A. accelerate B. accumulate C. ariseD. adva nee54. He is a very honest official and never any gifts from the peoplewho seek his help.A. accepts B. rece

27、ives C. achieves D. acquires55. Your passport applicati on form should be by two recent photographs whe n yougo to the Passport Office.A. accomplished B. accompa niedC. accessedD. addressed56. The best method to this goal is to unite as manypeople as possibleand form a powerful team.A. accept B . ac

28、celerate C . accomplishD. abandon57. Saving money year after year, his pare ntseno ugh to pay forhis liv ing expe n ses abroad.A. accelerated B. accomplished C. absorbed D.accumulated58. The shop assista nt was dismissed as she was of cheati ng customers.A. accused B. chargedC. scoldedD. abolished59

29、. Lucy has all of the goals she set for herself in high schooland is ready for new challe n ges at uni versity.A. acquired B. fini shed C. con eludedD.achieved60. It is uni versallythat dogs have an acute sense of smell.A. ack no wledge d B. adoptedC. adoredD. advertised61. Only those who have the p

30、atie nee to do simple thi ngs perfectly willthe skill to dodifficult things easily.A. dema ndB. acquireC. accomplishD. achieve62. The newcomers found it impossible to hemselves to the climate sufficiently tomake perma nent homes in the new coun try.A. suitB. adaptC. regulateD. coord in ate63. Althou

31、gh he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hardto un dersta nd this point and her expla n ati on on lyto his con fusi on.A. exte n dedB. amoun ted64. During the flight to the Moo n, Cha ngcan go into her programmed orbit.A. adjustsB. adoptsC.addedD. arouse&

32、#39;graSuaey her direct ions so that sheC. adaptsD. accepts65. One of the qualitieswilli ngn ess toonethatsmost peoplemistakes.in others is the15A. admire; admit B. apologize; ack no wledge C. hate; admit D.aga in st; make66. On ly ticket-holders were to the stadium for the con cert give n by Jay Ch

33、ou, somany of his fans were tur ned away.A. allowed B. permittedC. agreedD. admitted67. The government will force companies to any possible measure to reduce airpolluti on.A. adjustB. adoptC. adaptD. accept68. The use of water is beco ming tense in north China and the gover nmentthat we shouldsave w

34、ater in our daily life.A. admitsB. ack no wledgesC. advocatesD. adores69. We are in terested in the weather because itus so directly -what we wear, what we do, and eve n how we feel.effects70. I mustn here.A. ben efits B. advertises C. affects D.t displease my boss because I can _to lose the cha nee

35、 to make big moneyA. allocate B . affordC. announceD. affect71. Faced with a problem, you have to it first and the n try to find a soluti on.A. an alyzeB. amazeC. amuseD. allocate72. That animals in the zoos attack tourists results from the fact thattourists ofte n or hurt the ani mals.A. allocateB.

36、 tireC. annoyD.affect73. Victorfor his not being able to inform me of the cha nge in the pla n.(2004 年上海高考春季卷)A. arrestedB. appealed C. appo in tedD. apologize d74. Some adverts , like the environmentalprotecti onadvertiseme nt, to our con scie nee or our desire to be worthy citize ns.A . adaptB . a

37、ttach75. The schoolmasterthe girlA. applaudedB. appeared76. Perhaps now the English peopleC. appeal Ds bravery in his ope ningc. apologies"D. clapped.adjustthe work of their dustme nrather more highly, and won ' t take them for gran ted any more.A. adaptB. agreeC. approachD.appreciate77. Wh

38、en is the best time tomy employer about an in crease in salary?A . appealB . appreciateC . applaudD . approach78. The problem has simply because you didn ' fo llow the instructions in thehan dbook.A. assessed B. arise nC. anno yedD. arran ged79. A healthy life is frequently thought to be with th

39、e open countryside andhomegrow n food.A. advertisedB. associatedC. attachedD.approached80. A man should be to be innocent of a crime un til he is proved guilty.A. assumed B. associatedC. assessedD. attacked81. Please a picture of your baby to the letter whe n you write n ext time.A. associateB. addC

40、. atte ndD. attach82. In a typhoon, winds a speed greater than 120 kilometers perhour.A. assume B. accomplish C. atta inD. assess83. Tyron was extremely an gry, but cool-headed eno ugh to storm ing into the bossoffice.A. attackB.annoyC. appealD. avoid84. He kept his head water whe n he bega n to lea

41、r n swimmi ng, buthe raised his head now and the nA. aga inst B. aboard C. aboveD. abroad85. The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful the blue andclea n sky.A. aboveB. aga instC. abroadD. bey ond86. - Little Smith does n't lookhis age.-Exactly. He looks tall his age.

42、A. /; for B. at; inC.for; in D. like;at87. We went to Can ada to travel and my cous in our guide.(2005年高考湖南卷)A. acted like B. appo in ted asC. acted asD.appo in ted to88. The car broke dow n and the bad weather the helpless ness of us on the way home.A . added up to B . turned out C . made up D . ad

43、ded to89. Scie n tists are tryi ng to find out what adva n tage should be then atural resources inthis area.A . taken offB. taken ofC . take n upD . take n on90. In 2007 the Chinese people were always in high spirits, for piecesof excit ing n ews came to China.A. after all B. above all C. day after dayD.oneafter ano ther91. They say your report does ntthe fact. But I don二 themthis point.A. agree with agree withon B . agree to -agree with atC. agree on agree to on D . agree on agree on with92. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, tra


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