1、合同精品辰 ItT-h J-荿螃襖羄肅芁xxxx 施工合同Con structi on Con tract of xxxx蒂螞膅袀螂荿膁蚈薇肁發(fā)包方(甲方)Party A: xxxxxxxx承包方(乙方)xxxxParty B: xxxx、建筑安裝工程承包合同條例 xx年x月x日在xx簽訂。本合同由如上列明的甲、乙雙方按照中華人民共和國合同法 以及國家相關(guān)法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定,結(jié)合本合同具體情況,于accord ing to the“ Con tract Law of the“Regulati on on Build ing and In stallati on Con tract ing Con
2、tractThis con tract is sig ned by the two P arties in xxxx on xxxx People s Republic of China ” , the and other releva nt n atio nal laws and regulati ons, as well as the sp ecific n ature of this p roject第一條總則Article 1 Gen eral Princip les1.1合同文件Con tract Docume nts本合同包含合同、展示、施工圖紙、作法說明、招投標文件以及合同所指的
3、其他文件,它 們均被視為合同的一部分。合同文件應(yīng)該能夠相互解釋,互為說明。組成本合同的文件及優(yōu)先 解釋的順序如下:本合同、中標通知書、投標書及其附件、標準、規(guī)范及有關(guān)技術(shù)文件、圖紙、 工程量清單及工程報價單或預(yù)算書。合同履行中,發(fā)包人承包人有關(guān)工程的洽商、變更等書面 下一或文件視為本合同的組成部分。This con tract in cludes the con tract itself, exhibits, con struct ion draw in gs, explan ati ons of work p rocedures, ten der docume nts, as well as
4、 other docume nts sp ecified by thecon tract.The con tract docume nts should be mutually explain able and mutually descri ptive. The docume nts that con stituted the con tract and the p riority hierarchy of explan ati ons of the docume nts are as follows: this con tract; the official letter of wi nn
5、ing the ten der; Letter of biddi ng and its ann ex, sta ndards, guideli nes, and releva nt tech ni cal docume nts, draw in gs, Bill of Quan tity (BOQ), quotati on of p rices, and p roject budget. During the impi eme ntatio n of the con tract, any writte n agreeme nts or docume nts betwee n two p art
6、ies such as cha nge-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this con tract.1.1.1項目概況Project In troduct ion1.1.2工程名稱:xxxxName of P roject: xxxx1.1.3工程地點:xxxxLocati on of P roject: xxxx1.1.3.1工程范圍:除了本合同其他條款另有說明外,乙方應(yīng)提供為履行合同所需的所有服務(wù), 用品以及其他保障工程進行所需的必要花費以完成下列工作:Scope of the p roject: uni ess ot
7、herwise explained by other articles in this con tract, Party Bshall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the impIementationof thiscon tract; the scope of p roject in cludes, but not limited to:室內(nèi)裝飾工程,詳見附件一和附件二Inner decorati on, see appen dix 1 & 2室外裝飾工程(門窗、屋面、臺階等),詳見附件一和附件二Fa
8、?ade(i ncludi ng doors, win dows, roof and stairs) see appen dix 1 & 2電器工程,詳見附件一和附件二Electro nic Engin eeri ng, see appen dix 1 & 2空調(diào)工程,詳見附件一和附件二Air Con diti oning System, see appen dix 1 & 2給排水及采暖工程,詳見附件一和附件二Water Supply, Sewage and Heati ng System, see appen dix 1 & 2消防工程Fire Con trol System, see a
9、ppen dix 1 & 2其他圖紙上所列項目(任何對原定設(shè)計的變更應(yīng)提供新的圖紙并有甲方的簽字確認)以上所 有的工程項目以下統(tǒng)稱為工程”。a X ”P rojectOther items listed in the con struct ion draw ings (any cha nged draw ings shall be p rovided and con firmed by Party A). All these aforeme nti oned items are gen erally referred ashereafter.承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程質(zhì)量,
10、包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程Nature of Con tract ing: Party B shall be respon sible for both labor and materials for this p roject, and will respon sible for the quality of this p roject, safety, as well as code of con duct duri ng the con struct ion p roject.甲方工地代表由甲方指派。 rep rese ntat
11、ive of Party A shall be appoin ted by Party A 開工日期xxxxDate of the p roject beg inning: xxxx竣工日期xxxxDate of the p roject compi etio n: xxxx驗收內(nèi)容包括但不僅限于:隱蔽工程;分項工程; 于驗收未能一次通過而導(dǎo)致后續(xù)工程開工的延遲, 方作為罰金,但最多不超過工程總價款的5%。實驗報告;材料檢驗報告。如果由乙方將按照每日工程總款的 2 %0金額賠償給甲工程質(zhì)量:質(zhì)量合格,達到本合同要求和國家質(zhì)量驗收標準,并確??⒐を炇找淮魏细瘛!?Excellent ” , an
12、d shall meet the requirements byQuality of Project: The quality should bethis con tract and the Nati onal Quality Stan dards, and should be guara nteed to be acce pted at the first atte mpt upon p roject compi eti on, and shall also LEED certified. The scope of as-built acceptance includes, but not
13、limit to: concealed work,itemized project, reports of exp erime nts, and rep orts of material testi ng. In the event of p roject fails to be acce pted at the first inspection and thus in curs delays beg inning of the subseque nt p rojects. Party B shall compen sate Party A at the daily rate of 2% of
14、 the total con tract amount as pen alty, but thetotal amount shall not exceed 5% of the total con tract amount.1.1.8工程資質(zhì):在實施此合同所涉及的工程時,乙方應(yīng)確保其具有相關(guān)資質(zhì)。如乙方因為不具 備相關(guān)資質(zhì)導(dǎo)致甲方的損失或工程進度的滯后,乙方承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。Qualificati ons: Party B rep rese nts and warra nts it is comp ete nt and legitimate to carry out the services tha
15、t set forth un der this Agreeme nt whe n impi eme nti ng this con tract. Party B shall be respon sible for any delay of the con struct ion in duced by their in sufficie nt qualificati ons.1.2合同價款:Con tract Amount本合同價款為人民幣xxxx,為固定總價合同價款。The total con tract amount is xxxx, which is fixed con tract amo
16、unt本合同包括設(shè)備材料費、人工費、機械費、管理費、利潤、稅金、代辦費用、保險費、運輸費、 勞務(wù)費用、總承包服務(wù)費以及為完成工程所必須的其他一切費用,和工程各系統(tǒng)檢驗檢測、安 裝調(diào)試等費用。該款項為甲方應(yīng)付給乙方的全部費用,并已經(jīng)包含物價變動因素。This agreement includes the cost of equipment and materials, labor cost, machinery cost, man ageme nt cost, p rofit, tax, gover nment charges on behalf of P arty A, in sura nee
17、, transpo rtati on, labor, subc on tract service fee, and all other cost for the compi eti on of the project, as well as every system testing, installation, and commissioning costs. This total con tract amount is exact amount that Party A shall pay to Party B and it in cludes the fact ofP rice fluct
18、uati on.1.3工程結(jié)算Final Audit of p roject1.3.1本工程計價依據(jù) GB50500-2008建設(shè)工程工程量清單計價規(guī)范采用固定總價,除施工 期間甲方要求變更現(xiàn)有圖紙及發(fā)生的增減項洽商,甲方將作價格調(diào)整。This Project is using fixed total amount according to GB50500-2008 the Pricing Guideli nes by Code of Quan tity in Con struct ion Projects, exce pt that Party A may make p rice adjus
19、tme nt in the event of the exist ing con structi on draw ings are cha nged or add or remove any con struct ion work accord ing to the request of P arty A1.3.2所有的人工費用都不得以任何理由進行過調(diào)整,結(jié)算時只接受投標文件中約定的價格。All labor cost shall NOT be adjusted in any event. Only the prices stimulated in the biddi ng docume nts
20、 are acce pted at the final audit after comp leti on.1.3.3因工程調(diào)整而產(chǎn)生的工程洽商,如洽商費用超過人民幣五萬元整,則洽商文件必須在工程中期驗收當日被提交給甲方,所產(chǎn)生的洽商費用在交付中期款時一并核算結(jié)清。如洽商費用低 于五萬元人民幣整,則洽商文件必須在工程驗收當日內(nèi)提交給甲方,所產(chǎn)生的費用在交付工程 驗收款時一并核算結(jié)清。If the cost of cha nge orders are over RMB 50,000 Yuan, the n all cha nge orders issued because of the con s
21、truct ion adjustme nts shall be submitted to Party A on the same day of the con struct ion mid-term check and acce ptance, and the app roved amount will be p aid to Party B with the con struct ion mid-term p ayme nt; if the costs of the cha nge orders are less tha n 50,000 Yuan, then all change orde
22、rs issued because of the construction adjustmentsshall besubmitted to Party A on the same day of the con struct ion comp leti on check and acce ptance, and the approved amount will be p aid to Party B with the con structi on compi eti on p ayme nt.第二條:政府批復(fù)Article 2 Gover nment App rovals2.1乙方負責(zé)協(xié)助甲方辦
23、理此項施工需要辦理的所有政府報批,包括但不僅限于消防、環(huán)保的 報批與其他與本工程相關(guān)的報批,甲方負責(zé)政府行政審批的費用。Party B shall be respon sible to pro cess gover nment app rovals related to the p roject, in cludi ng but n ot limited to: fire con trol, environment p rotecti on and other app rovals related to this Project. Party A is respon sible for the
24、 costs of these app rovals2.2乙方負責(zé)其工程報備Party B shall be respon sible for con struct ion app licatio ns, app rovals and related costs.2.3乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)2.2所述報備不全而導(dǎo)致的政府罰金,并且不能順延工期。Party B shall be responsible for any governmentfines due to incompiete approvalp rocesses, and should NOT cause delay in the con stru
25、ct ion p eriod.第三條:甲方的權(quán)利和義務(wù)Article 3 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party A3.1向乙方提供經(jīng)確認的施工圖紙或做法說明五份,并向乙方進行現(xiàn)場交底,向乙方提供施工 所需要的水電設(shè)備,并說明使用注意事項。Party A shall p rovide FIVE copies of con firmed con struct ion draw ings and explan ati ons of work p rocedures, and shall con duct tech ni cal clarificati on. Party
26、A shall p rovide Party B with n ecessary water and po wer equipment and the in structi ons on using the equipment.3.2指派xxxx為甲方駐工地代表,負責(zé)合同的履行。對工程質(zhì)量、進度進行監(jiān)督檢查,辦理驗 收、變更事宜。甲方的工地代表如果認為乙方的某雇員行為不當或散漫不羈,或甲方認為該雇 員不能勝任,則乙方應(yīng)立即進行撤換,并且未經(jīng)甲方實現(xiàn)書面許可,乙方不得在施工中再行雇 傭該等人員。被撤換的任何人員應(yīng)盡可以能立即由甲方代表所批準的勝任的人員代替。Party A appoints xx
27、xx as the on-site rep rese ntative to sup ervise the fulfillme nt of con tractobligations,to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handleissues such as acce ptance and variati ons.In the event of the on-site rep rese ntative of PartyA believes that any empio yee of Party
28、 B has improper con duct or misbehaviors, or if Party A con sider such empio yee is not comp ete nt for the releva nt work, Party B shall dismiss and rep lace this empio yee immediately; and uni ess hav ing received consent by Party A in writ ing in adva nee, Party B shall no Ion ger hire the sp eci
29、fied empio yee in the follow ing p hase of this p roject. Party B should make every effort to rep lace the dismissed empio yee with comp ete nt personnel authorized by on-site rep rese ntative of Party A.3.3甲方按照付款約定向乙方支付工程款。Party A should make p ayme nts to Party B accord ing to the p ayme nt terms.
30、3.4如甲方認為乙方確已無能力繼續(xù)履行合同的,則甲方有權(quán)解除合同,乙方必須在接到甲方 書面通知后兩周內(nèi)撤離場地以便乙方繼續(xù)施工。對乙方完成工程量的結(jié)算不作為撤離場地的條 件,結(jié)算應(yīng)在竣工一個月之內(nèi)完成,付款方式按照本合同條款。In the eve nt of Party A con sider P arty B is in deed un able to further fulfill its con tract obligati ons, then Party A has the right to term in ate the con tract, and Party B should v
31、acate the p roject site with in two weeks after receivi ng P arty As no tice, so that P arty A can resume con struct ion as soon as po ssible. Con firmati on of fini shed qua ntity shall NOT be regarded as a p rerequisite to Party Bs vacati on of the p roject site, and the con firmati on should be p
32、ro cessed with in one month after the p roject comp leti on.Payme nt shall be made accord ing to the p ayme nt termsin this con tract.3.5甲方有權(quán)要求乙方按照甲方的組織設(shè)計和施工工期進行施工,乙方如對甲方的要求和指令 不予執(zhí)行的,則按照乙方違約處理,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。Party A has the right to in struct Party B to do the con struct ion accord ing to Party As orga n
33、i zati on and planned con struct ion p eriod; in the event of Party B ignores and refuses to observe Party As in struct ions, Party B will be deemed as breach of the con tract, and Party B shall be held respon sible for the liabilities of breach ing the con tract.3.6甲方有權(quán)要求乙方服從甲方的統(tǒng)一安排和管理,乙方的施工人員必須遵守各
34、項規(guī)章制度。 對于乙方施工人員違規(guī)操作所產(chǎn)生的后果,乙方承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。甲方有權(quán)從工程總價款中扣除 相應(yīng)的款項。Party A has the right to in struct Party B to observe the gen eral arran geme nt and man ageme nt by P arty A, and the con struct ion staffs of P arty B must observe all rules and regulati ons. Party B shall be fully respon sible for the con seq
35、ue nces of such violati ons by the staff of PartyB. Party A has the right to directly deduct the corres ponding amount from the total con tract amount.3.7甲方所有的通知可以以書面或口頭形式發(fā)出,乙方接獲甲方的通知后應(yīng)根據(jù)通知規(guī)定的內(nèi) 容執(zhí)行。All no tices from Party A can be made both in writ ing and orally, but the oral in struct ions are onl
36、y app licable to the rep rese ntative of P arty A.Party B shall, upon receivi ng no tices fromParty A, execute the corres ponding matters accord ing to the content of the no tices.3.8未經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方不得將工程轉(zhuǎn)讓或分包,對于乙方將工程擅自轉(zhuǎn)讓或分包的,甲方有 權(quán)解除合同,乙方必須接受并承擔(dān)由此造成的一切后果。Party B shall NOT tran sfer or subc on tract the p r
37、oject to any third party without the consent of Party A; in the event of Party B tran sfers or subc on tracts the p roject to any third party without the consent of Party A, Party A has the right to term in ate the con tract, and Party B must acce pt and be respon sible for any con seque nee of such
38、 violati on.3.9甲方有權(quán)制定專業(yè)分包商,并按照乙方在投標文件中承諾的配合管理費率向乙方支付配合 管理費。Party A has the right to appoint sp ecial sub-c on tractors, and shall pay the man ageme nt fee to Party B accord ing to the rate of subc on tract man ageme nt and coord in ati on fee sti pu lated in the biddi ng docume nts3.10按照招標文件中的相關(guān)條目,甲
39、方有權(quán)自行采購材料供給乙方,并按照乙方在投標文件的 相關(guān)條目中汲取人工費、機械費、輔助材料費等向乙方支付費用。甲方?jīng)]有義務(wù)向乙方支付其 他費用。Party A has the right to pu rchase and p rovide Party B with materials on its own, and shall pay labor cost, mach inery cost, and accessory cost to Party B accord ing to the releva nt terms in the biddi ng docume nts. Party A ha
40、s no obligati ons to pay any other costs to P arty B第四條:乙方的權(quán)利義務(wù)Article 4 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party B4.1參加甲方組織的施工圖紙或做法說明的現(xiàn)場交底,擬定施工方案和進度計劃,交由甲方審 定。施工過程中,乙方按照甲方的有關(guān)指示及修改變更要求進行相應(yīng)調(diào)整。Party B shall p artici pate in the tech ni cal clarificati on on con struct ion draw ingsandexplan ati ons of work p
41、rocedures orga ni zed by Party A, and should devel op the con structi on plan and the p rogress schedule for Party A to review.During con struct ion, Party B shouldmake such adjustme nt to the con struct ion plan and the p rogress schedule per Party As in struct ion and cha nge-orders.4.2指派xxxx為乙方駐工
42、地代表,負責(zé)合同的履行,按照要求組織施工,保質(zhì)保量、按期完成 施工任務(wù)。解決由乙方負責(zé)的各項事宜。乙方駐工地代表在本公司的工作時間不得少于90%工作日。Party B appoints xxxx as the on-site rep rese ntative of Party B to take charge of fulfilli ng the con tract obligati ons. The on-site rep rese ntativeof Party B shall orga nize the con structi onaccord ing to con tract requ
43、ireme nts so that the p roject can be compi eted accord ing to the quality and quantity requirements and on a timely manner. The on-site representative of Party B shall work on the p roject site for no fewer tha n 90% of the total work ing days.4.3嚴格執(zhí)行施工規(guī)范、安全操作規(guī)程、防火安全規(guī)定、環(huán)境保護規(guī)定。嚴格按照圖紙或做法說 明進行施工,做好各項質(zhì)
44、量檢查記錄,參加竣工驗收,編制竣工資料及工程結(jié)算。Party B shall strictly observe con struct ion guideli nes, safety requireme nts, fire safety regulations, environment protection regulations and LEED requirements. Party B shall do the con struct ion by strictly adheri ng to the con structi on draw ings and explan ati ons of
45、 work procedures, and shall effectively record each QA/QC inspection. Party B shall attend the compi etio n acce ptance, and deve lop at-built submittals and final p roject audit.4.4根據(jù)甲方和設(shè)計方一致通過的設(shè)計圖紙進行施工,遵從甲方工地代表和設(shè)計方的指示,如 乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)在工程標準和設(shè)計圖之間存在不一致時,應(yīng)以書面形式通知甲方和設(shè)計方。Party B shall carry out the con struct io
46、n accord ing to the desig n draw ings agreed upon by bothParty A and the desig ner, shall observe the in struct ions of desig ner and the rep rese ntative ofParty A; in the event of Party B finds inconsistenee betweenproject standards anddesigndraw in gs, Party B should inform the desig ner and Part
47、y A in writi ng.4.5遵守國家或地方政府及有關(guān)部門對施工現(xiàn)場管理的規(guī)定及甲方的規(guī)章制度,妥善保護好施 工現(xiàn)場周圍的建筑物、設(shè)備管線等不受損壞。做好施工現(xiàn)場保衛(wèi)、消防和垃圾消納等工作,處 理好由于施工帶來的擾民問題及周圍單位(住戶)的關(guān)系;如果由于乙方導(dǎo)致任何設(shè)施、設(shè)備 或管道在工地內(nèi)外受損。將由乙方賠償損失。乙方負責(zé)與甲方的施工協(xié)調(diào)事項,并獨自完全承 擔(dān)所有相關(guān)責(zé)任。Party B shall observe p olicies of on-site man ageme nt by the state and local gover nment authorities as w
48、ell as Party As rules and regulati ons; Party B shall compen sate for the losses to any facilities, equipment or pip eli nes both in side and outside of the con structi onyardcaused by p arty B. Party B shall be respon sible for the coord in ati on of con struct ion issues with party A, and shall in
49、dependen tly and fully assumes corres ponding respon sibilities.任何原建筑物結(jié)構(gòu)的拆改或設(shè)備管道的挪移,乙方應(yīng)向甲方申報;在甲方批復(fù)前,不得擅自動 工。P arty B should report to p arty A of any demoliti on of or variati on to any origi nal buildi ng structure or re-p ositi on of equipment pip es;Party B will refrain from any such work p rior
50、toreceiving P arty A s approval4.7乙方應(yīng)保護所有設(shè)備以及工程成品,并承擔(dān)竣工移交前所引起損壞的損失賠償。Party B should protect all equipment and finished parts, and shall assume compensation respon sibilities of any losses p rior to compi eti on han d-over.4.8 乙方負責(zé)用擴展保險責(zé)任批單為與建筑物相關(guān)的工程以及工程所需的材料購買工程一切 險,乙方及乙方分包商(以下簡稱分包商”)應(yīng)對工程進行中自己或其他方的財
51、產(chǎn)出資購買相應(yīng)的保險,這些財產(chǎn)包括:工棚,鐵架塔,腳手架,工具及其他的一些材料。Party B shall pu rchase Con structi on All Risks In sura nee for the p roject and required materials related to the buildi ng structure by using exte nded coverage en dorseme nt; duri ng con struct ion. Party B and its subc on tractors (hereafter abbreviated a
52、s subc on tractors) should pu rchase corres ponding in sura nee for their own or other p arties prop erties, such as temporary con struct ion barracks, ir on frames and towers, scaffold ing, ute nsils and other materials.4.9從工程開始至工程竣工驗收報告上所列明的日期之日止,乙方應(yīng)全權(quán)負責(zé)整項工程。不管 任何原因?qū)е碌墓こ痰膿p壞,乙方負責(zé)修理還原,以使整個工程竣工時能完全依照
53、合同要求以 及甲方工地代表的指示,狀況良好。From the beg inning of con struct ionto the compi etio ndate st ipu latedby the as-builtacce ptance rep ort, Party B will be fully respon sible for the en tire p roject.Party B shall fix andrein state and damages to the p roject items regardless of the cause, so that the p roje
54、ct shall be in good con diti on upon compi eti on, accord ing to the con tractrequireme ntsand thein struct ions of Party As rep rese ntative.4.10除非合同另有規(guī)定,乙方應(yīng)就下列事項獨自完全承擔(dān)如下賠償責(zé)任,并確保甲方完全免責(zé):與因工程施工及維修而對人身造成的任何傷害或損害或?qū)ω敭a(chǎn)造成任何損害有關(guān)的所有損失及 權(quán)利要求。但在下列情形下的賠償或補償除外:fully assume the following all injury and rights cl
55、aims a result of the constructionUni ess otherwise sp ecified, Party B should independen tly and compensation liabilities, and exempt Party A from all liabilities: related to any personal injuries or property damage or loss as p roject, exce pt for the follow ing compen sati on or reimburseme nt:4.1
56、0.1工程或其任何部分永久性使用或占用工地。P erma nent use or occ up ati on of land by the p roject or any part of the p roject.4.10.2甲方享有在任何土地上,下,里或穿越其施工的權(quán)利。Party A has the right to traverse the con structi on site from above, ben eath, or in side the site.4.10.3根據(jù)合同規(guī)定對財產(chǎn)的損傷或傷害是工程施工或維修之不可避免的后果時。The property damage or l
57、oss is an in evitable loss caused by the con structi onor rep airaccord ing to the con tra requireme nts.4.11乙方保證施工現(xiàn)場清潔,符合環(huán)境衛(wèi)生管理的有關(guān)規(guī)定,交工前清理現(xiàn)場達到甲方要求, 如達不到甲方的要求,乙方承擔(dān)因自身違反規(guī)定造成的損失和罰款。Party B shall kee p the con struct ion site clea n and meet the regulati ons of en vir onment san itati on, and make sure
58、 the con diti on of the site meets the requireme nts of Party A.If thecon diti on of the con struct ion site does NOT meet the requireme nts of Party A, P arty B shall be respon sible for any loss or fine as a result of its own violati on of such regulati ons.4.12乙方必須要按照施工圖所顯示的設(shè)計要求施工,并符合施工規(guī)范規(guī)定。所有因?qū)κ┕D的誤解或疏忽引起的施工錯誤,須返工者,其一切費用均有乙方自負,且不得因此延長完工期 限。Party B MUST adhere to the desig n requir
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