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1、高三情態(tài)動詞復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)(一)1. You might just as well tell the manu facturer that male customers the furniture. (04 春)B. shallno t like the desig n ofC. may2. According to the local regulations, anyone who intends to get a driver ' license (05 春) A. canA. mustD. needtake an eye test.B. mustC. would3. The boss

2、has give n every one a sp ecial holiday, so we _A. can tB. mustn tC. needn tD. maygo to work tomorrow. (07 春)D. shouldn4. When I was youn g, I was told that IA. wouldn 'B. needn'_ play with matches. (08 春)C. must n'tD. dare n't5. You know he is not going to let us leave early if wege

3、t the work done. (06 春)p rovide more p rogrammes. (09 春)A. can'tB. may notC. should n'tD. must n't6. Cable televisi on is very popu lar no wadays because itA. canB. needC. mustD. should7. Howof the article?you say that you really un dersta nd the whole story if you have covered only part

4、(03)A. canB. mustC. need8. Black holesA. canD. maynot be see n directly, so determ ining the nu mber of them is a tough task. (06)B. shouldC. mustD. n eed9. There's no light on; theyA. can'tB. must n't be at home. (2006 全國 I)C. need n'tD. should n't10. One of the few things youab

5、out the weather. (09 北京) B. mustsay about En glish people with certa inty is that they talk a lotA. needC. shouldD. can11. Therebe any difficulty about p ass ing the road test since you have p ractised a lot in thedriv ing school.(05)A. mustn t B. shan tC. shouldnt D. needn t12. Accord ing to the ai

6、r traffic rules, youswitch off your mobile phone before board ing. (08)A. may13. How' s your tourarou nd the North Lake? Is it beautiful?Itbe, but it is now heavily polluted. 2007 全國卷 IA. will14. Tom, you _A. wouldn 'B. canC. wouldD. shouldD. mustleave all your clothes on the floor like this

7、! ( 2005 全國卷 1) B. mustn 'C. needn'D. may notB. wouldC. should15. Childre n un der 12 years of age in that country p ublic library. (04)A. mustB. maybe un der adult sup ervisi on whe n in aC. canD. need16. Guess what! I have got an A for my term paper.Great! You _ read widely and put a lot o

8、f work into it. (07)B. shouldC. must have D. should haveA. must17. ItA. mayhave bee n Tom that p arked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (09)B. canC. mustD. should18. John, look at the time. you play the piano at such a late hour? (2005 全國卷 3)B. CanC. MayD. Needwell not want to go on t

9、he trip - she hates traveling. (08 全國 II)B. canC. mustD. maystay here until she comes back. ( 09 全國 2)A. Must19. LizaA. will20. I can't leave. She told me that IA. canB. mustC. will D. mayhave completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn 'tbe enjoying himself by the seaside. (2005 北京卷 )A. should

10、 B. must22. In crowded places like airports2007 北京卷 A. canB. may21. HeC. wouldn ' t D. can 't and railway stations, you take care of your luggage.C. mustD. will23. -Must he come to sign this paper himself?- Yes, he (2006 廣東)A. needB. must24. John promised his doctor he( 08 北京卷)C. mayD. willn

11、ot smoke, and he has never smoked ever since.A. mightB. shouldC. could25. - I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.- It Harry's. He always wears green. (2005 廣東卷 )A. has to beB. will beC. mustn't beD. wouldD. could beTranslation1. 我可以借用你的英語筆記嗎?(may)2. 他姐姐會做很可口的法國菜。(can)3努

12、力必定會有好結(jié)果。(must)4沒有空氣不可能有生命。(can)5. 你最好不要過長時間看電視。 (better)6. 這位老外說得很慢,好讓我能聽懂他所講的話。(-so that-)練習(xí)(二)1. He paid for a seat, when hehave entered free. (2005 山東卷)A. couldB. wouldC. mustD. n eed2. Do you know where David is? I could n 'fi nd him any where.Well. Hehave gone far his coat ' s still he

13、r(2005 湖北卷)A. shouldn'tB. must n'tC. can'tD. would n 't3. If Ip la n to do anything I wan ted to, I'd like to go to Tibet and travel through as muchD. ought toof it as possible. (2005 湖北卷) A. wouldB. couldC. had to4. -Lucy does n 'm ind lending you her dict ion ary.-She. I

14、9;ve already borrowed one. (2005 湖南卷)A. can'tB. must n'tC. need n'tD. should n't5. Tom is n ever late for work. Why is he abse nt today?Somethingto him. (2005 江西卷)A. must happenB. should have happenedC. could have happenedD. must have happened6. The World Wide Web is sometimes joki n

15、gly called the World Wide Wait because itvery slow. (2005 浙江卷) A. shouldB. mustC. willD. canbe7. I was on the highway whe n this car went past followed by a p olice car. They150 kilometers an hour.( 2005 重慶卷)A. should have bee n doingB. must have bee n doingC. could have doneD. would have donehave b

16、een more than six years old when the accident happened.(2005 天津卷)A. should n'tB. could n'tC. must n'tD. need n'tgo on the trip with us, but she isn 'quite sure yet. (2005 安徽卷)B. mustC. mayD. canat least8. I9. Hele n _A. shall10. This cake is very sweet. Youa lot of sugar in it. (

17、2005 遼寧卷)A. should putB. could have putC. might putD. must have put11. - The woma n biologist stayed in Africa study ing wild ani mals for 13 years before she retur ned.-Oh, dear! Shea lot of difficulties! (2005 江蘇卷)A. may go throughB. might go throughC. ought to have gone throughD. must have gone t

18、hrough12. - I think I 'll give Bob a ring.-You. You haven 'been in touch with him for ages. (2006 江蘇)work at inconvenientA. willB. mayC. have toD. should13. Some aspects of a pilot 'jobbe boring, and pilots oftenhours. (2006 湖南)A. can; have toB. may; canC. have to; mayD. ought to; must14

19、. Wehave p roved great adve nturers, but we have done the greatest march ever made inC. shouldn ' tD. must n tthe past ten years. (2006 天津)A. needn ' t B. may not15. -Is Jack on duty today?-It be him. It 's his turn tomorrow. ( 2006 四川)A. mustn ' tB. won' tC. can ' tD. needn

20、'tsing, I would invite her to the party. ( 2006 福建)A. couldn ' t B. shouldn ' t C. can ' tD. might not_ have come this morning. ( 2006 陜西) C. can ' t16. If it were not for the fact that she17. As you worked late yesterday, youA. needn ' tB. mayn ' t18. -May I smoke here?-

21、If you , choose a seat in the smoking section.A. should B. could C. mayD. mustn 't2006 山東)D. must19. The teacher have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time on him,I suppose. 2007 安徽卷 A. shouldB. canC. wouldD. must20. My MP4 player isn 'tin my bag. Where I have put

22、 it? 2007 福建卷 A. canB. mustC. shouldD. would21. The biggest problem for most plants, which _ is that animals like to eat them. 2007 湖南卷 A. shan ' t B. can ' tC. needn ' t D. mustn ' t22. She looks very happy. She have passed the exam. 2007 江蘇卷 I guess so. It's not difficrualtlla.

23、 fteA. shouldjust get up and run away when threatened,D. might23. Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. You it in the wrong place. 2007 江西卷 A. must put B. should have put C. might putD. might have put24. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area

24、A. need repairingB. needs to repairC. needs repairingD. need to repair25. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I have driven her there.2007 陜西卷 A. couldB. couldC. must. 2007 陜西卷 B. mustC. mightD. shouldTranslation1. 你擦一下窗好嗎?(would)2. 這個練習(xí)必須仔細做。 (need)3. 他寧可什么也不干也不愿用功點。(would rathe

25、r)4但愿他能在英語上多花點時間和精力。(wish)5在課堂上應(yīng)該鼓勵學(xué)生發(fā)表不同的觀點。(encourage)6他居然那么傻會相信她的謊言,真令人驚奇。(surprising)練習(xí)(三)1. -What does the sig n over there read?-No personsmoke or carry a lighted cigarette , cigar or pipe in this area. 2007 四川卷A. willB. mayC. shall2. My cat ' s reafOt.Youhave given her so much food. 2007

26、浙江卷t B. couldn ' t C. shouldn ' tA. would nD. mustD. mustn ' t3. What do you thi nk we can do for our aged paren ts?Youdo anything except to be with them and be yourself. 2007 重慶卷A. don t have toC. mustn tB. ought n t toD. can 't6. You don 'have to know the name of the author to

27、find a book. You the title.(08 湖南卷)A. mustB. n eedfind the book byC. canD. would4. Turn off the TV, Jack.your homework now?Mum, just ten more minutes, please. 2007 遼寧卷A. Should you be doingB. Should n't you be doingC. Could n't you be doi ngD. Will you be doi ng5. It is usually warm in my ho

28、metown in March, but itbe rather cold sometime. (08 福建卷)D. wouldA. mustB. canC. should7. -I'm sorry. Iat you the other day.-Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. ( 08 江蘇卷)A. shouldn' t shoutB. shouldn ' t have shoutedC. mustn ' t shoutD. must nt have shoutedit without you. (0

29、8 山東卷)8. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don tth ink weA. can man ageB. could have man agedC. could man ageD. can have man aged9. What a pity. Considering his ability and experienee, hebetter. (08 江西卷)A. n eed have doneB. must have doneC. can have doneD. might have donebe really diffic

30、ult at times even though he s a nice person in general. (08 遼寧卷)B. shouldC. canD. must10. PeterA. shall11. -What sort of house do you want to have? Someth ing big?-Well, itbe big that s not important( 08 陜西卷)A. mustn t B. needn t C. can tD. won t12. Although thisA. must13. Yousound like a simple tas

31、k, great care is needed.(08 四川卷)B. mayC. shallD. shouldbe hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!( 08 浙江卷)A. wouldn ' t B. can ' tC. mustn ' tD. needn 'thave left school, for her bike is still here.( 08 天津卷)A. can ' tB. wouldn ' t C. shouldn' t15. -1 can tfi nd my

32、 purse any where.-Youhave lost it while shopping. ( 08 重慶卷)B. canC. should14. SheD. needn tA. mayD. would16. Some people who don 't like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they people. (09 安徽) A. mustB. may17. But for the help of my English Competition. ( 09 福建) A. would not win C. would win1

33、8. It ' s the office! So you Oh, sorry. ( 09 湖南)just be quietC. shouldteacher, ID. wouldthe first prize in the English WritingB. would not have won D. would have wonknow eating is not allowed here.A. mustB. willC. may19. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There A. shouldB. would20. I

34、don ' t care what people think. Well, you . (09 四川)A. couldB. wouldC. willC. should21. This printer is of good quality. If it at our expense. (09 天津) A. wouldB. shouldC. could22. Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?D. needbe twelve. ( 09 海南)D. shallD. mightbreak down within the first year, we would

35、repair itD. might She in the classroom. I saw her there just now. ( 09 重慶)B. should have beenA. shall beC. must be D. might have been23. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently. (09 江蘇)A. could express B. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed24. Wit

36、h his good sense of direction, he quickly and easily get round in the new city.A. can B. must C. should D. need25. Many introduced plants be cultivated in special soils for some time before they aretransplanted in the field, otherwise they won 't survive. A. mustB. mightC. couldD. wouldTranslati

37、on1. 你敢冒這個險嗎?(dare)2. 你應(yīng)當早些提醒我。should)3. 我們最好能征求一下老師的意見。advice )4. 禁止參觀者在博物館內(nèi)拍照。(must)5. 路是濕的,昨晚肯定下雨了。(must)6. 10 年前沒人能料到如今這么多中國人買得起汽車。afford )練習(xí)(四)1. Sweet seen ts, such as the smell of roses, to work in woma n.help to relieve pain but the effect only seemsA. mustB. couldC. shouldD. need2. The supe

38、r girl ' story helped her understand how a girl of her age sudde niy realized she had become famous.A. shallB. mustC. canfeel whe n she3. Betty complained her husba nd her housework.D. mightcome back with three guests whe n she was busy withA. might4. YouB. wouldC. mustD. couldbe drive n out of

39、the school if you dare to cheat in the exam.B. mustC. willD. shallA. may5. Mother has pro mised me that shebe back before long to atte nd my comin g-of-age cere mony.A. shallB. ought toC. mayD. can6. - Shall I go and buy more food and drinks for the p arty?-No, we have prep ared a fridge of those. T

40、hatA. canB. shouldC. mightbe quite eno ugh.D. may7. If you pour oil into water, it _A. shallB. willfloat.C. can8. Whe n she was a Senior 2 stude nt, sheD. mayspend some spare time read ing some famousworks on Sun days.A. shouldB. wouldC. could9. It is really surprising that the hotelA. shouldB. woul

41、dD. mightbe heavily booked eve n at this time of the year.C. canD. mightstart.11. The kid is crying, for heA. dares notjump over the ditch.B. dares not toC. dare not toD. does nt dare to12. The man you saw in the meet ing room just now trip in Asia.A. won 'be Mr. Joh nson; he is on a bus in essB

42、. mustn 'C.needn'D. can '13. He lear ned to sp eak the Ian guage so quickly and well that he a foreig ner.A. musthave bee n take n forB. couldC. shouldD. need14. -Do you think we are going the right way to the City Hall?-Sorry, I 'm not sure. But itbe.A. mightB. shouldC. mustD. can15

43、. A mature in dividual is one who can see a p roblem from all sides. In fact, those who cannot ornot apo logize are not truly mature people.B. mayC. mustA. willD. could16. -When do you thi nk you will get home?-I am not sure. Still Ibe home by 8 o 'lock. If it 'later tha n that, I ' call

44、 you.B. mustC. canD. n eedA. should10. It is said that few situati ons are more annoying tha n struggli ng with a compu ter thatA. mustn 'B. can 'C. won 'D. shan'17. The train was ten minutes late, so IA. couldn 'tB. shouldn 't_ have run all the way to the station.C. needn

45、9;tD. mustn 't18. The biggest problem for most plants, which is that animals like to eat them.just get up and run away when threatened,A. shan 'tB. can 'tC. needn'tD. mustn 't19. Often listening to MP3 with a high-volume A. must B. may C. should 20. Some aspects of a pilot 's

46、 job inconvenient time.lead to permanent hearing loss. D. needbe exciting,but pilots often have to work atD. ought to21. -When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. -They be ready by 12:00.A. must B. shouldA. wouldB. canC. needD. needC. might22. Alex said he had a wonderful book

47、 Emma like, and that he 'd be happy to lend it to her.C. can D. might23. The purpose of education be to provide students with a value systemrather thanA. have toB. shouldto prepare them for a specific job.A. willB. should24. It 's nearly 7 o'clock. Jack A. mustB. needD. may be here at any moment.C. should D. canC. could25. Iadmit the truth of your remarks, although they go against my interests. A. can but B. may not toC. can't butD. need butTranslation1. 你以前常常旅游嗎? (use)2. 燈亮著,他一定在房間里。(must)3. 年輕時,他總是熬夜。 (would)4. 她去法國之前已經(jīng)會說一點法語。(able)5. 昨天他不可能看電視,因為他知道快要考試了。(can)K


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