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1、附件3中華人民共和國海關(guān)進出境航空器數(shù)據(jù)項填制規(guī)范模板說明:數(shù)據(jù)項號數(shù)據(jù)項名稱數(shù)據(jù)項出處數(shù)據(jù)項名稱英文定義數(shù)據(jù)項填制要求數(shù)據(jù)項出處公共航空器備案0001航空公司代碼050 Carrier identificationTo identify a party providing the transport of goods between named points.從事國際間航行任務(wù)的航空公司向IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)申請的兩字代碼或向ICAO(國際民用航空組織)申請的三字代碼??偣咎顑勺执a,與總公司兩字代碼相同的子公司填三字代碼。0002英文航空公司名稱049 Carrier nameN

2、ame and address of party providing the transport of goods between named points.從事國際間飛行任務(wù)的航空公司在中國民航總局申請備案的英文名稱;必須填寫全稱,禁止縮寫0003中文航空公司名稱049 Carrier nameName and address of party providing the transport of goods between named points.從事國際間飛行任務(wù)的航空公司在中國民航總局申請備案的中文名稱;必須填寫全稱,禁止縮寫0004航空器注冊編號167 Identification

3、 of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.填寫航空器編號+“/”+4位關(guān)區(qū)代碼航空器編號為民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0005機型UNTDED 7242 Model numberReference assigned by a manufacturer to designate grouping of products within the same structura

4、l design.航空公司向中國民航總局備案的航空器型號0006航空器國籍175 Nationality of means of transport crossing the border, codedNationality of the active means of transport used in crossing the border, coded.航空公司向中國民航總局備案的航空器國籍0007國籍證書編號UNTDED 4192 Certificate. TextText of official certification, legalisation or stamp etc.航空公

5、司向中國民航總局備案的國籍證書編號0008最大起飛重量UNTDED 6298 Vehicle laden weightActual total weight (mass) of the transport means and the goods loaded on it.航空器在中國民航總局備案的最大起飛全重;單位:千克(KG)0009標準客艙布局載客人數(shù)140 Number of PassengersTotal number of the passengers on board a means of transport.比照航空器在中國民航總局備案的航空器座位數(shù);單位:人0010航空器所有方

6、式UNTDED 8281 Transport Means. Ownership.CodeCode specifying the ownership of a means of transport.填寫“自有”或“租賃”或“其他”,如填寫“其他”需在0012項“備注”中填寫具體情況0011交付日期UNTDED 2001 Date. Date.Date TimeTo specify a calendar day, expressed by the combination ofyear, month and day (CCYYMMDD).航空器正式交付使用日期,填制格式:4位年份+2位月份+2位日期

7、0012備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項0013航空器所有人163 Party relationship, indicatorIndication as to whether or not there is any relationship between two parties such as financial relationship.民用航空器所有人的姓名或者名稱通用航空器備案0014航空器傳輸代理人代碼061 Agent, cod

8、edIdentification of a party authorised to act on behalf of another party.填寫在中國海關(guān)進出境運輸工具管理系統(tǒng)備案的航空器代理企業(yè)代碼0015航空器傳輸代理人英文名稱060 Agent - nameName and address of a party authorised to act on behalf of another party.填寫在中國海關(guān)備案的航空器代理企業(yè)英文名稱0016航空器傳輸代理人中文名稱060 Agent - nameName and address of a party authorised

9、to act on behalf of another party.填寫在中國海關(guān)備案的航空器代理企業(yè)中文名稱0017航空器所有人163 Party relationship, indicatorIndication as to whether or not there is any relationship between two parties such as financial relationship.民用航空器所有人的姓名或者名稱0018所有人證件類型170 Additional document type, codedCode specifying the name of an a

10、dditional document.所有人為自然人的按照所持有效證件單選數(shù)字“06、12、13、14、16、21、22、23、25、70、71、74、75”填寫;所有人為法人填寫“75”,同時在備注欄中注明申報證件為組織機構(gòu)代碼證06 代表“一次有效臺灣居民來往大陸通行證”、12代表“公務(wù)護照”、13代表“因公普通護照”、14代表“普通護照”、16代表“五年有效臺灣居民來往大陸通行證”、21代表“往來港澳通行證(16頁,多次有效)”、22代表“往來港澳通行證(8頁,一次有效)”、23代表“前往港澳通行證”、25代表“大陸居民往來臺灣通行證”、70代表“香港特別行政區(qū)護照”、71代表“澳門特別

11、行政區(qū)護照”、74代表“中華人民共和國居民身份證”、75代表“其他證件”0019所有人證件號碼003 Additional document reference numberIdentifier of a document providing additional information. 所有人所持有效證件的編號0020航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used in crossing t

12、he border.填寫航空器編號+“/”+4位關(guān)區(qū)代碼航空器編號為民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0021機型UNTDED 7242 Model numberReference assigned by a manufacturer to designate grouping of products within the same structural design.航空公司向中國民航總局備案的航空器型號0022航空器國籍175 Nationality of means of transport crossing the border, codedNationality

13、of the active means of transport used in crossing the border, coded.航空公司向中國民航總局備案的航空器國籍0023國籍證書編號UNTDED 4192 Certificate. TextText of official certification, legalisation or stamp etc.航空公司向中國民航總局備案的國籍證書編號0024最大起飛重量UNTDED 6298 Vehicle laden weightActual total weight (mass) of the transport means and

14、the goods loaded on it.航空器在中國民航總局備案的最大起飛全重;單位:千克(KG)0025標準客艙布局載客人數(shù)140 Number of PassengersTotal number of the passengers on board a means of transport.比照航空器在中國民航總局備案的航空器座位數(shù);單位:人0026航空器所有方式UNTDED 8281 Transport Means. Ownership.CodeCode specifying the ownership of a means of transport.填寫“自有”或“租賃”或“其他

15、”,如填寫“其他”需在0012項“備注”中填寫具體情況0027交付日期UNTDED 2001 2001 Date. Date.Date TimeTo specify a calendar day, expressed by the combination ofyear, month and day ( CCYYMMDD).航空器正式交付使用日期,填制格式:4位年份+2位月份+2位日期0028備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項航班備案0029英

16、文航空公司名稱049 Carrier nameName and address of party providing the transport of goods between named points.從事國際間飛行任務(wù)的航空公司在中國民航總局申請備案的英文名稱;必須填寫全稱,禁止縮寫0030中文航空公司名稱049 Carrier nameName and address of party providing the transport of goods between named points.從事國際間飛行任務(wù)的航空公司在中國民航總局申請備案的中文名稱;必須填寫全稱,禁止縮寫0031航

17、空公司代碼050 Carrier identificationTo identify a party providing the transport of goods between named points.航線航班填寫從事國際間航行任務(wù)的航空公司向IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)申請的兩字代碼或向ICAO(國際民用航空組織)申請的三字代碼??偣咎顑勺执a,與總公司兩字代碼相同的子公司填三字代碼。;通用航班填寫國內(nèi)代理企業(yè)的組織機構(gòu)代碼證號0032航空器傳輸代理人061 Agent, codedIdentification of a party authorised to act on beh

18、alf of another party.填寫在中國海關(guān)進出境運輸工具管理系統(tǒng)備案的航空器代理企業(yè)代碼0033航空器地面代理人061 Agent, codedIdentification of a party authorised to act on behalf of another party.填寫在中國海關(guān)進出境運輸工具管理系統(tǒng)備案的航空器代理企業(yè)代碼 0034航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight

19、number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0035執(zhí)行任務(wù)類型UNTDED 1507 Designated Class. CodeCode specifying a designated class.按照實際情況單選數(shù)字代碼進行填寫。 其中1代表“客機”、2代表“貨機”、3代表“客貨機”、4代表“公務(wù)機”、5代表“救援飛機”、6代表“專機”、7代表“客包機”、8代表“貨包機”0036航班性質(zhì)UNTDED 1507 Designated Class. CodeCode specifying a designated class.按照實際情況選擇數(shù)字代碼進

20、行填寫。其中1代表“來自關(guān)境外”、2代表“駛往關(guān)境外”、3代表“來自關(guān)境內(nèi)”、4代表“駛往關(guān)境內(nèi)”、5代表“國際轉(zhuǎn)國際”0037備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項航段0038序號006 Sequence numberNumber indicating the position in a sequence.按照航段順序依次填寫的流水號0039出發(fā)港212 Conveyance facility location at departureIden

21、tification of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport departs.按照出發(fā)航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0040目的港211 Conveyance facility location at arrivalIdentification of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport arrives.按照目的航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫長期飛行計劃0041長期離港時間209 Itinerary depa

22、rture date and timeDate and time vessel departs at itinerary port.按照該航班向中國民航總局備案的夏秋或冬春計劃中的離港時間填寫;時間格式為24小時制,具體格式為“HHMM+08”0042長期抵港時間208 Itinerary arrival date and timeDate and time vessel arrives at itinerary port.按照該航班向中國民航總局備案的夏秋或冬春計劃中的抵港時間填寫;填寫格式為24小時制,具體格式為“HHMM+08”0043有效期起始日期UNTDED 2001 Date. D

23、ate.Date TimeTo specify a calendar day, expressed by the combination ofyear, month and day (YYMMDD or CCYYMMDD).按照中國民航總局批復(fù)的該航班夏秋或冬春計劃中的有效期起始日期填寫,填寫格式為“CCYYMMDD”0044有效期結(jié)束日期UNTDED 2001 Date. Date.Date TimeTo specify a calendar day, expressed by the combination ofyear, month and day (YYMMDD or CCYYMMDD

24、).按照中國民航總局批復(fù)的該航班夏秋或冬春計劃中的有效期結(jié)束日期填寫,填寫格式為“CCYYMMDD”0045每周執(zhí)行情況105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.根據(jù)航班每周實際運營情況分別按照1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7填寫;其中數(shù)字1至7代表周一至周日,例如航班運營情況為周一、周三、周五、周日填寫為“1357”當(dāng)日飛行計劃0046航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of t

25、ransport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0047航班日期UNTDED 2280 Departure date (and time)Date and or time of the departure of means of transport, in figures and words.填寫當(dāng)日航班飛行計劃日期,格式為“CCYYMMDD”0048出發(fā)港UNTDED 3215 Place of departure, codedTo identify the port,

26、 airport or other type of location from which a means of transport is scheduled to depart or has departed按照出發(fā)航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0049目的港UNTDED 3259 Place of destination, codedTo identify the port, airport or other type of location at which a means of transport is scheduled to arrive or has arrive

27、d按照目的航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0050計劃離港時間UNTDED 2195 Estimated time departureDate and or time when a transport means is scheduled to depart.按照該航班飛行計劃的離港時間填寫;時間格式為24小時制,具體格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0051計劃抵港時間UNTDED 2348 Estimated arrival date (and time) at destinationDate and or time of the estimated arrival o

28、f means of transport, in figures and words.按照該航班飛行計劃的抵港時間填寫;時間格式為24小時制,具體格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0052執(zhí)行任務(wù)類型UNTDED 1507 Designated Class. CodeCode specifying a designated class.按照實際情況單選數(shù)字代碼進行填寫。 其中1代表“客機”、2代表“貨機”、3代表“客貨機”、4代表“公務(wù)機”、5代表“救援飛機”、6代表“專機”、7代表“客包機”、8代表“貨包機”0053備注105 Free textFree text field avai

29、lable to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項進境預(yù)報動態(tài)0054航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0055進港航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a jo

30、urney of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0056航班日期173 Date of arrival at place of dischargeDate of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.填寫進境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0057出發(fā)港212 Conveyance facility location at departureIdenti

31、fication of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport departs.按照上一個起飛航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫(包括所有國內(nèi)、國外航空港)0058目的港211 Conveyance facility location at arrivalIdentification of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport arrives.按照接受申報航空港的IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0059離港時間209 Itin

32、erary departure date and timeDate and time vessel departs at itinerary port.填寫上一港實際起飛時間或計劃起飛時間;時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”;航程不足4小時的,航空器起飛前申報;航程超過4小時的,航空器抵達本港的4小時以前申報;0060預(yù)停機位010 Ships stay referenceIdentifier of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.填寫航空器預(yù)計??康慕?jīng)本港海關(guān)確認的機位號碼0061預(yù)報

33、卸機時間029 Consignment unloading date timeDate and time the cargo was outturned.根據(jù)預(yù)計抵港時間計算得出的貨物預(yù)計卸機時間;時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0062預(yù)計抵港時間208 Itinerary arrival date and timeDate and time vessel arrives at itinerary port.填寫根據(jù)離港時間計算所得的時間或飛行計劃中的預(yù)計抵達時間;時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0063備注105 Free

34、 textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項進境確報動態(tài)0064航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0065進港航班號149 Conveyance referen

35、ce numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0066航班日期173 Date of arrival at place of dischargeDate of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.填寫進境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0067離港時間209 Itinerary departure d

36、ate and timeDate and time vessel departs at itinerary port.填寫上一港實際起飛時間,時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0068目的港211 Conveyance facility location at arrivalIdentification of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport arrives.按照接受申報航空港的IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0069抵港時間208 Itinerary arrival dat

37、e and timeDate and time vessel arrives at itinerary port.填寫航空器實際落地時間;時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0070??繖C位010 Ships stay referenceIdentifier of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.航空器到達境內(nèi)航空港后,實際??康慕?jīng)本港海關(guān)確認的機位號碼0071備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender fo

38、r information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項航空器在港動態(tài)0072航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0073進港航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport

39、, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0074航班日期173 Date of arrival at place of dischargeDate of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.填寫進境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0075停靠港044 Itinerary codeName of a single port of call or other location of the itinera

40、ry of a means of transport, coded.航空器目前停靠的航空港;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0076??繖C位010 Ships stay referenceIdentifier of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.航空器當(dāng)前實際??康慕?jīng)本港海關(guān)確認的機位號碼0077在港狀態(tài)State of aircraftFree text field available to the message sender for information.繼續(xù)執(zhí)行國際飛行任務(wù)的航空器在航空港

41、??科陂g,依據(jù)實際情況選擇數(shù)字“1、2、3、4”,1代表“移泊”、2代表“待命”、3代表“維修”、4代表“其他(必須在“備注”中填寫具體原因)”0078備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項離境預(yù)報動態(tài)0079航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport

42、used in crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0080出港航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0081航班日期169 Date of departure from place of loadingDate / scheduled date of the go

43、ods depart the place of loading, coded.填寫出境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0082出發(fā)港212 Conveyance facility location at departureIdentification of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport departs.航空器目前??康暮娇崭?;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0083目的港211 Conveyance facility location at arrivalIdentifica

44、tion of a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport arrives.航空器計劃飛抵航空港;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0084預(yù)計離港時間209 Itinerary departure date and timeDate and time vessel departs at itinerary port.航空器從本港出發(fā)的預(yù)計離地時間;時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”;航空器預(yù)計駛離本港的2小時以前申報0085停靠機位010 Ships stay referen

45、ceIdentifier of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.航空器從本港起飛前最終??康慕?jīng)海關(guān)確認的機位號碼0086備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項離境確報動態(tài)0087航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify t

46、he means of transport used in crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0088出港航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0089航班日期169 Date of departure from place of loadingDate / sc

47、heduled date of the goods depart the place of loading, coded填寫出境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0090離港時間209 Itinerary departure date and timeDate and time vessel departs at itinerary port.航空器從本港出發(fā)的實際離地時間。時間格式為24小時制,數(shù)據(jù)格式為“CCYYMMDDHHMM+08”0091出發(fā)港212 Conveyance facility location at departureIdentification of

48、a terminal, warehouse or yard where a means of transport departs.航空器起飛前??康暮娇崭?;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0092備注105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.填寫其他未盡事項或特殊說明事項進港航班取消0093航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for exam

49、ple voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0094航班日期173 Date of arrival at place of discharge timeDate of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.填寫需要取消的進港航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0095取消目的港代碼044 Itinerary codeName of a single port of call or other location of the itiner

50、ary of a means of transport, coded.取消航班所涉及的國內(nèi)航空港代碼;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0096取消原因105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.航空公司關(guān)于航班取消原因的文字說明離港航班取消0097航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flig

51、ht number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0098航班日期169 Date of departure from place of loadingDate / scheduled date of the goods depart the place of loading, coded.填寫需要取消的離港航班計劃執(zhí)行日期;格式為“CCYYMMDD”0099取消出發(fā)港代碼044 Itinerary codeName of a single port of call or other location of the itinerary of a mean

52、s of transport, coded.取消航班所涉及的國內(nèi)航空港代碼;按照航空港IATA(國際航空運輸協(xié)會)三字代碼填寫0100取消原因105 Free textFree text field available to the message sender for information.航空公司關(guān)于航班取消原因的文字說明總申報單證0101航空器注冊編號167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, codedIdentifier to identify the means of transport used i

53、n crossing the border.民用航空器在使用前向一國的民航管理機構(gòu)注冊所獲發(fā)的編號0102航班號149 Conveyance reference numberTo identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.按照航空公司向中國民航總局備案的相關(guān)內(nèi)容填寫0103航班日期169 Date of departure from place of loading;173Date of arrival at place of dischar

54、geDate / scheduled date of the goods depart the place of loading, coded.;Date of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.進境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期(進境(港)航班填寫);出境(港)航班計劃執(zhí)行日期(出境(港)航班填寫);格式均為“CCYYMMDD”0104進出境(港)標識166 Customs procedure, codedCode specifying a procedure performed by Customs on goods which are subject to Customs control.根據(jù)本次航班實際情況填寫“A”或“D” ;A代表進境(港),D代表出境(港)0105機組人數(shù)119 Number of CrewTot


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