



1、ISO5832-1 第一部分Wrought stainless steel 鍛造不銹鋼1、范圍ScopeISO5832 這部分對用鍛造不銹鋼制造的外科植入物指定了相對應(yīng)的特定的測試方法。this part of iso5832 specifies the characteristics of,and corresponding test methods for,wrought stainless steel for use in the manufacture of surgical implants.提供最適宜的兩種類型的不銹鋼化學(xué)基礎(chǔ)成分(見表1)Provision is made for

2、 two types of stainless steel based on chemical composition(see table 1)NOTE 1 用使用本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)材料加工的最終產(chǎn)品的試樣的力學(xué)性能不必完全與本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定的指標(biāo)相同。NOTE 22、規(guī)范性引用文件normative references下列文件中的條款通過本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的引用而成為本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的條款。 凡是注日提的引用文件, 其隨后的所有的修改修訂版本均不適于本標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 但是,為了鼓勵根據(jù)本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)達(dá)成協(xié)議的各方的研究,凡是沒有注明日期的引用文件,其最新版本均適用于本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。ISO 377Steel and steel products-Loca

3、tionand preparation of samples and test pieces formechanical testing.ISO 404.3、化學(xué)成分chemical composition3.1試驗樣本 test samples用于分析的樣品應(yīng)符合ISO 377 規(guī)定。The selection of samples for analysis shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 377.3.2鑄造分析 Cast analysis剛的化學(xué)成分應(yīng)符合表1 的規(guī)定。 Cr 含量和 Mo 含量按照下列公式計算所得(C 值)應(yīng)該不小于

4、26。The cast analysis of the steel when determined in accordance with clause 6 shall comply with the chemical composition specified in table1.The molybdenum and chromium contents shall be such that the C value obtained from the formula given below is not less than 26.C=3.3W Mo +W Cr其中:W Mo 鉬的含量,用質(zhì)量百分

5、比表示;W Cr 鉻的含量,用質(zhì)量百分比表示。表 1化學(xué)成分元素質(zhì)量百分比 %碳0.03硅1.0錳2.0磷0.025硫0.01氮0.1鉻17.0 19.0鉬2.25 3.50鎳13.015.0銅0.50鐵余量4、微觀條件下的完全退火microstructure in the fully annealed condition4.1 晶粒度grain size奧氏體的晶粒度按照第六條規(guī)定不得大于5 級。the austenitic grain size,determined in accordance with clause6,shall not be coarser than grain siz

6、e No.5.4.2 微觀結(jié)構(gòu)microstructure根據(jù)條款6 進(jìn)行檢測時,此不銹鋼應(yīng)不含鐵素體、X 相或者 相。the steel shall have a structure free fromdelta ferrite,chior sigma phase,when examined inaccordance with Clause 6.4.3 非金屬夾雜物含量inclusion content鋼鐵應(yīng)該檢驗非金屬夾雜物的含量, 在熱軋階段完成尺寸定型以后應(yīng)該與第六條的規(guī)定相一致,不得超過表 2 的規(guī)定。the non-metallic inclusion content of the

7、 steel,determined at finished size after a hot-rolling process stage,and in accordance with Clause 6,shall not exceed the limits given in Table 2.注意:有必要符合真空或者電渣冶煉法清潔條件規(guī)定。Note: it can be necessary to use vacuum or electroslag melting to produce a steel complying with these cleanliness requirements.表

8、2 夾雜物規(guī)定Table 2 inclusion content limitsInclusion contentreference numberType of inclusion夾雜物級別夾雜物類型ThinThick細(xì)系列粗系列A1.51B1.51C1.51D1.515力學(xué)性能 Mechanical properties5.1試樣 test pieces選擇的樣品和拉伸試件應(yīng)該符合ISO 377 的規(guī)定。the selection and preparation of samples and test pieces for tensile shall be in accordance with

9、 ISO 377.5.2 拉伸試驗Tensile test鋼在棒材、 絲材、板材、帶材形式下的拉伸性能實驗應(yīng)該與條款六相一致,必須分別符合表3、 5、 6 的規(guī)定。the tensile properties of the steel in the form of bars,wires,and sheet and strip,when tested in accordance with Clause 6,shall comply with the values specified in Tables 3,5 and 6 respectively.5.3 標(biāo)記長度 gaugelengthmm。試

10、樣的直徑 d 或者橫截面 SS 指的是試樣的原始橫截面積單位分別應(yīng)符合, 標(biāo)記長010,度應(yīng)該為 5.65× S0or 50 mm( 見表 4 或表 7) 。S0 is defined as the original cross-sectional area in square millimetres. in accordance with test piece diameter,D1 or section profile,S0,respectively,the gauge length shall be either 5.65 × S0 or 50 mm(see tabl

11、e 4 and table 7).6實驗方法Test methods用于確定ISO5832 本部分的規(guī)定的測試方法應(yīng)該符合表8 所列的要求。the test methods to be used in determining compliance with the requirements of this part of ISO 5832 shall be those given in table 8.表 3 鋼棒的力學(xué)性能Diameter orTensile0.2% proof stress ofElongarion afterConditionthicknessstrengthnon-pr

12、oportional elongarionfracture/Gauge length直徑或者厚度拉伸強度0.2%的非比例伸長應(yīng)力折斷后的伸長率 /標(biāo)記長度狀態(tài)dRmRp0.2minAminmmMPaMPa%退火的全部490 Rm 69019040冷加工 22860 Rm 110039012超硬 8 1400表 4 標(biāo)記長度和產(chǎn)品之間的對應(yīng)Table 4 Correspondence between gauge length and productGauge lengthProduct標(biāo)記長度產(chǎn)品50 mm5.65× S0Round bar, wiresd 5mmd 5mm圓鋼,鋼絲S

13、ections,profiles22截面,輪廓面S0 40mmS0 40mmTable 5 Mechanical properties of wires表 5 鋼絲的力學(xué)性能直徑抗拉強度折斷后的伸長率 /標(biāo)記長度狀態(tài)Rm MPaAmin %d mm0.025d0.131000300.13 d0.23 930300.23 d0.38 89035退火400.38d0.5 8600.5d 0.65 82040d0.65 800400.2 d0.71600Rm18500.7 d1.01500Rm1750冷拔1.0 d1.51400Rm16501.5 d2.01350Rm1600冷拉狀態(tài)下訂貨的鋼絲,可

14、按照需方的更高強度等級供貨,力學(xué)性能指標(biāo)有供需雙方協(xié)商確定。Table 6 Mechanical properties of strip and sheet表 6 帶材和板材的力學(xué)性能Tensile0.2% proof stress ofElongarion afterConditionstrengthnon-proportional elongarionfracture/Gauge length拉伸強度0.2%的非比例伸長應(yīng)力折斷后的伸長率 /標(biāo)記長度狀態(tài)RmRp0.2minAminMPaMPa%退火的490 Rm 69019040冷加工860 Rm 110069010Table 7 Correspondence between gauge length and thickness of the product表 7 標(biāo)記長度和厚度和產(chǎn)品之間的對應(yīng)Gauge lengthProduct標(biāo)記長度產(chǎn)品5.65× S050 mmRound bar, wiresd 1.5mmd 1.5mm圓鋼,鋼絲Table 8 Test methods表 8 實驗方法ParameterRelevant clause or subclauseTest method參數(shù)有關(guān)的條款和列表實驗方法化學(xué)成分ISO 437碳ISO 439硅ISO 629錳3ISO 671硫I


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