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1、Employers con templat ing in dividual appraisal systems vs. team appraisal systems weigh thepros and cons of develop ing and impleme nting a performa nee man ageme nt system thatworks in the best interest of the company and its employees. Team appraisal systems have theirben efits as they attempt to

2、 evaluate every team member on an equal basis, while in dividualappraisal systems are subject to bias based on a supervisors subjective assessmentof oneemployee that cannot be justified for an en tire team of employees being evaluated.Collaborati on?It may be easier to determineemployees abilities r

3、elated tocollaborationin team-based appraisals because team successdepe ndson collaborative work ingrelati on ships.However, assupervisors assig n in dividual employees to teams, collaborati on is an obvious expectation and may, therefore, appear to be forced upon employees. In dividual appraisals t

4、hatevaluate an employees ability to collaborate with coworkers measures collaborati onon an orga nic level, in stead of the expectati onsassociated with teamwork. When supervisors appraise in dividual employees abilities towork collaboratively with others, the appraisal also in cludes an employees a

5、bility todeterm ine whe n or if collaboration is necessary.Fun cti onal Kno wledge?Team members with greater job knowledge or higher levels of functional expertise ofte npick up the slack for team members who lack their cohorts experience in the field. Usingteam appraisals,evaluat ing job kno wledge

6、 is difficult at best. I ndividual appraisals ofte n focusspecifically on an employees ability to dem on strate proficiency in certain job-specificduties, and therefore, provide more accurateassessme ntsofemployeestre ngthsandweak nesses.Outcomes?The differe neebetwee nmeasuri ngoutcomes for teams v

7、s.in dividuals is mi ni mal where appraisals are concern ed. The same time man ageme ntskills n ecessary to complete assig ned projects in a team-based situati on are virtually thesame requireme nts for in dividual accomplishme nts.On the other hand, whe n theteammisses deadlines and is unable to fu

8、lfill a supervisors expectations, team members working relati on ships tend to suffer. Evaluati ng the ability to develop productive worki ngrelati on shipsthe nbecomes an additional factor upon which a supervisor has to assess team performa nee.Resolvi ng time man ageme nt issues in a team-orie nte

9、d situati on is much more challengingtha naddress ing time man ageme ntproblems an in dividualemployeemay have.Compe nsati on and Rewards?Many employers compensationstructures are tied to employeeperforma nee, meaning salary in creases, bonu ses and incen tives reflect how wellemployees perform thei

10、r job duties. Compe nsatio nrewards for team-basedappraisals arentimpossible, but some team members might con sider them un fair because there arelikely to be in equities in the distributio n of rewards for team achievements. Thedisadvantage of team rewards is that they cannot reas on ably ack no wl

11、edgeindividualemployeecon tributio ns.Usingin dividualappraisals inperforma nee man ageme nt to justify compe nsati on and employee rewards is easilyaccomplished.Differe nces Betwee n In dividual & Team Performa nee Evaluati onsby Dia na Wicks, Dema nd MediaPerforma nee evaluatio ns are useful i

12、n giving employers in formati on on the performa nee oftheir workers and recog nize gaps for trai ning. They are also an importa nt tool for givingemployees feedback on areas of growth, and com muni cate what the employer expects of them.As compa nies embrace work ing in teams, evaluati on has expa

13、nded to in elude team performanee evaluati on, which differs with in dividual performa nee evaluati on in several waysParametersAn in dividuals job descripti on forms the basis of in dividual evaluati on.At the on set of employme nt, you receive a job descripti on of theposition that you will fill.

14、These are the parameters used to assess your competence andsuitability in that position. For team evaluation, a supervisor uses the goals set for the team tocon duct an evaluatio n. The gen eral performa nce of the team is an in dicator of the performance of the team members. The good or poor perfor

15、ma nce of a team has a direct beari ng on thescores of team members.OutcomesHow well the members of a team are able to relate has a direct impact on the teams output. Adysf unctional team can have a n egative impact on the in put of otherwise compete nt individuals. Un cooperative team members can s

16、low dow n compete nt employees or in compete ntemployees may ben efit from the cover of more compete nt members in the team and thereforeend up taking advantage of a teams goodperforma nce. On in dividual evaluati on, you take full resp on sibility of your performa nce. Thereis a direct link to any

17、successes or failures to you as an in dividual.GoalsTraditi on ally, people were used to work ing and gett ing appraisals as individuals. Over time,organizations are recognizing the need of teams to accomplish tasks. Where a compa ny is transit ing to a more team-oriented setup, team evaluation is a

18、n important tool of giving themanagement information on the kind of training needed for its employees to make the tran sition. Team evaluati on can in clude peer evaluation of each team member. If peer evaluation ismisused, compla ints among members and strife may arise, defeati ng the purpose of wo

19、rk ing inteams. As an in dividual, you get evaluati on on your contribution to the teams output.Compe nsati onIn dividual evaluati on has a direct link to compe nsati on, in clud ing bonu ses, salary in creaseand promoti on. While it is not impossible to reward workers based on team evaluati on, the

20、process can be tedious and result in demoralizati on and grumbli ngs. If you base compe nsati onon team performa nee, members may end up blami ng peers for not accomplish ing tasks or mayfeel that others who put in more effort should get more recognition. It is worth mentioningthough that your perfo

21、rma nee as an in dividual and your relati on with peers can be a poin ter toyour suitability for a leadership positi onCompared to American firms, Japanese firms will have little written documentation for appraisals.Compared to American firms, appraisal criteria in Japanese firms will be less widely

22、 known byemployeesCompared to American firms, appraisals in Japanese firms will focus on longterm rather thanshort-term projects.Compared to their American counterparts, Japanese firms have been describedas having a broader scope, focusing on a relatively wide set of goals and activities.For example

23、, Japanese employee bonuses are tied to the broader performance of theorganization and bonuses frequently comprise a significant portion of take homepay (Abegglen & Stalk, 1985). This broad focus is also seen in the practices of jobrotation and training activities where generalists rather than specialists aredeveloped (Rohlen, 1974; Ouchi, 1981; Clark, 1979). Additionally, appraisals arefreque ntly based on bus in ess unit or group performa nee, rather tha n on employeespecificskills or abilities (Itoh, 1994).Compared to American firms, appraisals in Japanese firms will


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