1、單位門衛(wèi)工作制度門衛(wèi)管理制度為強化門衛(wèi)管理,確保單位的經營管理有序進行,單位資產安全,特制定本制度。第一條適用范圍綜合股,專職門衛(wèi)員工,本單位辦公區(qū)域和全體員工,以及來賓。 本制度適用于公司第二條責任 :綜合股安全員、負責人對本制度的運行質量負監(jiān)督、管理責任 ; 公司專職門衛(wèi)對本制度的實施質量負執(zhí)行責任 ; 公司全體員工對本制度的實施負維護責任。第三條制度細則 :( 一) 門衛(wèi)值班出勤時間 :早班時間段為 8:00-16:00,中班時間段為 16:00-24:00,晚班時間段為 0:00-8:00 。每隔 1 個小時要巡邏、巡視全公司各區(qū)域一次。( 二) 形象與儀態(tài) :1( 門衛(wèi)在崗員工應按統(tǒng)
2、一著裝,穿戴整齊,掛好上崗;2. 不得留長胡子、長指甲,保持儀容整潔、精神狀態(tài)上佳、態(tài)度謙和、認真負責 ;3. 恪盡職守、文明執(zhí)勤、禮貌待客。嚴禁離崗、睡崗或酗酒、閑聊等,因事離開或巡察辦公樓、宿舍時,崗位應有人代班 ; 4. 禮貌接聽電話,對上級的吩咐和通知事項,應及時傳達 ; 嚴禁接打私人電話 ;5. 不允許態(tài)度粗暴、故意刁難員工或外來人員,一經發(fā)現,將按照公司管理規(guī)定的勞動紀律的相關規(guī)定嚴肅處理 ; 6. 應絕對服從上級命令,切實執(zhí)行任務,以身作則,不得偏袒徇私,嚴禁監(jiān)守自盜。7. 遇有重大事件或可疑人物,應臨危不亂,不卑不亢,果斷做適當的處置,并立即報告直接上級。8( 領導班子,或綜合
3、股事先告知來訪的重要來賓及政府官員進出本單位時,應行注目禮,以示敬重。( 三) 進出門衛(wèi)管理細則1( 對于外來賓客要進入本單位,須驗明身份,并對來賓進行憑外來人員進出單位登記表登記 ( 登記材料 : 介紹信或個人身份證 ) may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research
4、 and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflectionbehavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work ()single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionallyreflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the ef
5、fective fill inpassengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teacherson itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promo
6、te teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and2( 嚴格執(zhí)行公司物資管理規(guī)定,任何物資進出公司大門,均應進行檢查,特殊物資需在門衛(wèi)登記,未經登記的物資,門衛(wèi)人員不予放行; 凡單位進出貨物必
7、須持有相關部門的有效證明 ( 如放行條 ) ,經核對無誤后方可放行,否則,不予放行。3. 門衛(wèi)負責管理單位內的機動車和非機動車停放秩序。員工的自行車、摩托車現暫停放在倉庫門口及公共衛(wèi)生間問口,本單位公家機動車輛停放在院內靠墻指定位置按車號停放。4( 未經單位領導批準,不允許新聞媒體等機構到公司采訪、攝像。5( 負責做好單位郵件的接收登記、簽收分發(fā)工作。6( 在上班后和下班前半個小時內將自動門完全打開,在上班時間將自動門只留兩人能通過的空隙 , 在 22:00-7:00之間則將自動門全部關閉, 如有車輛進入 , 要仔細檢查。( 四) 門衛(wèi)室環(huán)境管理細則1. 單位門衛(wèi)室要保持清潔、安靜,物品放置應
8、定位規(guī)范。2( 嚴禁在崗門衛(wèi)和閑雜人員在單位門衛(wèi)室內飲酒、打牌。3( 單位內、外閑雜人員不得無故在本單位門衛(wèi)值班室逗留、閑聊、嬉笑、打鬧、借故刁難、糾纏門衛(wèi)值班人員。一旦出現,門衛(wèi)應立即電話請示直接上級( 部門負責人 ) 處理,處理未果,可拔110 尋求支持。4. 保持門衛(wèi)應承擔的公共區(qū)域環(huán)境衛(wèi)生區(qū)域的清潔、門衛(wèi)室內物品擺放整齊、美觀。( 五) 安全巡查1( 負責辦公樓、宿舍的安全巡視、公共區(qū)域的水電監(jiān)管,以及夜間查崗并登記。2. 夜班 00:00-05:00 期間,每隔 1 個小時要進行安全巡邏、巡視全局各區(qū)域一次。加強巡察,對單位物品、水電設施進行檢查,防止意外事件的發(fā)生,確保辦公樓、宿舍
9、安全 ; 若發(fā)現問題要及時報告有關領導處理。因工作失職,給單位造成損失者,追究當班門衛(wèi)責任。3.熟記單位內各處水、電開關,門鎖及消防器材放置地點。發(fā)現公共區(qū)域的電燈、門窗等有缺損時,應報單位直接領導并及時處理。( 六) 工作記錄1. 交接班時,應將注意事項交代清楚,并將值班中所發(fā)生的重要事項登記門衛(wèi)值班記錄。2( 按單位規(guī)定填寫、保存值班的各項工作記錄,每一個月的第一天上交綜合股存檔。ust pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down andteachers
10、' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, momote and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normalto reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to prf purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself t
11、o daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, the oion 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection
12、3 6.25% b. sometimes reflect ou ofbetween life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on y eacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationshipmay be less ser
13、ious about our t25. 附則本制度由城區(qū)煙草專賣局綜合股負責指導執(zhí)行、考核。解釋權歸本局綜合股負責。time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same ans tot
14、istics, and our spirits, most of theteachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best meide the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the stagn beses reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0
15、0% d. often reflection30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 desion you of daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimm you ationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection be
16、havior data analysis 41st probleout our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relmay be less serious ab3門衛(wèi)職位職責職位名稱門衛(wèi) 所屬部門綜合股綜合股安全員無 直接上級直接下級1、學歷、專業(yè)知識 :初中以上學歷,具備一定的物業(yè)管理知識,復原退伍軍人優(yōu)先。任職資格 2( 工作經驗 : 有從事門衛(wèi)工作經歷,做過專業(yè)保安公司員工優(yōu)先職責表述 : 遵
17、章守紀1、遵守勞動紀律,按時上、下班,不遲到、早退。職 工作2 、行為端莊,服裝整潔,對來客來訪接待禮貌。責 任務3 、24 小時無脫崗現象,白天無睡崗事件發(fā)生。一考核重點 : 遲到、早退次數 ; 接待有無投訴 ; 睡崗、脫崗次數。職責表述: 制度執(zhí)行力1、門衛(wèi)室內應保持肅靜,嚴禁閑雜人員進入門衛(wèi)室聊天,逗留職 2 、門衛(wèi)在崗人員嚴禁酒后上班或在崗飲酒。工作 責 任務 3 、外來人員進出公司,必須按規(guī)定辦理相關手續(xù)。二 4 、按規(guī)定進行夜間巡查,防止突發(fā)安全事故出現??己酥攸c : 閑雜人員滯留門衛(wèi)次數,飲酒上崗、在崗次數,未給外來人員辦理進出手續(xù)次數,人員、物資進出大門未檢查次數。抽查到未進行
18、夜間巡查次數。職責表述 : 職業(yè)責任感職 1 、對公司忠誠,與來人來訪客人交際中,注重維護公司形象,無抵毀公司的言行。 工作 責 2 、日常安全巡查工作中對龍頭漏水、長明燈和亂放物品應進行及時通報并處理。 任務 三 3 、對安全隱患應在 15 小時內書面上報,對突發(fā)安全事件應立即電話上報。考核重點 : 抵毀單位言行次數,長明燈視而不見次數,對不道德現象麻木次數。對安全隱患、事件上報的及時性。職責表述 : 道德品行 職 工作 1 、自我約束,絕不伙同員工私拿公物,損害公司利益。針對員工行為,應及時上報和處理。責 任務 2 、潔身自好,杜絕私自占有公司財產的欲望出現,絕不監(jiān)守自盜。四考核重點 :
19、對員工私拿公物未上報、處理,自盜公司財物金額。職責表述 : 環(huán)境衛(wèi)生責任職 工作 1 、保持門衛(wèi)室衛(wèi)生清潔,物品放置有序。ust pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down andteachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, momote and our
20、 spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normalto reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to prf purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, the oion 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often refle
21、ction 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflect ou ofbetween life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data anal
22、ysis 41st problem you on y eacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationshipmay be less serious about our t4責 任務 2 、每天按規(guī)定打掃公司劃分給門衛(wèi)應做的公共衛(wèi)生,絕不出現未按規(guī)定打掃現象??己酥攸c : 門衛(wèi)衛(wèi)生檢查是否合格,不合格次數,公共區(qū)域生未打掃次數。 五 time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured bymeans of words your thoughts down and promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same ans totistics, and our spirit
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