



1、Dee , sf. Hel o! in the r unuIt h e Srng F l hed I ne lesion of fu saf ree milon k W, an inceae of 77 mi in kW.Sils Iald 7D!biin k W, ecedi ng s 一I- . I,_. I 一 . -Lelciecy of moe tham*.srng a nd a uumn 0fsryinspcIRela bltyinexequ eons, 10d c0nIol a11 aaBaaty acnd i nspeci n,ae”.or iS4、,iceseoouc1nm0

2、ntntatives Cofeence 20 13sof 330 milo kW thed 715% foma yea mrie.h, Wr.p, fulanua Exe _Ivebacki n caeu anay of Ie _n et si -in, 203 pment plasbudge, a i ncea - of 79 milin k W. Sry meaues upanned outags 25 tb_. 一.- - - - - -.o-cin-iey and Ie0ympc Ga - a,011% re ducin ove Iesmepei od a yar ealerHee o

3、nbeal of my cmlay w ork reors IIe neal by, for cnsrain.Pla I, 202 ba ck in ! XX pow er compaies adee to the pa,s 17 gea spirit fr guinne, compehe- implement theicieItc cniept of d l ogeI prom I Ing cs desip saIgy ndads fouson impl -eIain, 11a,mang eI coniuusy im,r ousnnss fi naca idiat ors IIl prfis

4、 of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua bu - e of 17 milin Yua,b nd t he Daa ng compay i 1119 miinYuan, a I icese of 176 mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at ga- fu.一 l_ II. .1. . .1 I. I 一_ _l - -I - _ _L., L, I .I . L. I I JI _. II _ 一 一 . L LL - - nl_ -II - .11.一 .111. _ II - . . II. -I . I _I I _ II - -“or

5、icheets isi - shoud a ddee to t he wo、angemet .sembbsis sleI gIe nig tecnolgi ca esar c, sengIe n hi _en ha zars conIol ad iIiscsaey Eer consuclon loknew se ps The w o、anget systm fr impr-menI Focs on pr omotig the powe of thecmpa i y mannget systm and the aplcaion a id implement!1on of Ie s t y lop

6、 fiesa managment . m, improve the s y mannget systm, relnaement a nd conI ol s.c a nd saddadie d, and Ie de dc. I nof ., maae a hamonious and dem ocac amoshee of Ie good siu.n lai nidca os ae as fol owst I e bale,i ndiat I r. po-we ge neain totaed 785 bi.on k W, bby ond Ie a nnu. budge mpl -ena.n -

7、pally of 35Enegy powe sup, sandad ca compl eig 3Q1I g/kW, do-w 01g kW; ieg d auXliay po-we cnsmpI on i 52%, ddw ssins lefrmanne gra ty rdule d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g kW, sulu dixde 114 g 、W NOx 052 g kW; dus emo L _ I . I- .一 _ _| _ - _ _ I. II _ I _一 一 . _ _ _| 一 II 一 . _ _ . I Lze Ie .s

8、emof laey cnIol. Furherrrguae rty rouInes, m ley iupevson a nd mang et new ok re ay 11che-cosidloop. te ngIeig thelupevsia nd mannget of hav oaton of steghening the s y suevsiof ousouci ng conIac or. Caar - out in .Troubleshooting,manageme ntmechanism,give fulloftechnical supervision a nd realizatio

9、n oftrouble shooti ng, management,improve d process management.TCompletesupercritical630MWsimulation systemdevincreased.Strengt hen t he characteristi cs ofsupercriticalunitmajorissues,gradually clearingthe particularity ofsupercriticalunit andregularitoiltimemanagement,switch actisurement software,

10、improvesthe pr oducti on level of lean manag ement. Increase d investment i n scienceand technolog y, reporting science a ndtechnology proje cts a nd 14te chnical proje cttotalcostper centage ofthetotalannual production out put of0.25%.Large -scalecoal-fire dpowerpla ntflue gasde sulfuri zation, de

11、nitrificationcomplete development and appli cation ofkeytechnol ogies project , w on thenati onalscie ncea ndte chnol ogyprogressse condpri ze.63 0MW supercriti cal units optimizedcontr olstrategiesand the630MWdevel opme ntandapplication ofon-lical units, supercritical600MW unit s ofturbi ne drivenb

12、oilerfeedp setofcomprehensivctivelyone ortwo arinformativing,onotuetcrehancohlogybenchmarki 一 ncehas improvedf urther. Modifythe inspeB logicagain,a ndensure the successofthe RB. Innovati ngthemechanism ofmaintenance manageme nt,implemented a proje ctmanager system.Successfulcompletionoftwo autonomo

13、us maintey.Accom plish tw o cir culati ngpumpsre pairand overhaul offour Mills,maintenance teamstoget exercise.Promote thework ofenergy saving and consumptionreducing, completethe unitenergyconsumptiKL-M型Q開關(guān)Nd: YAGB光治療機臨床資料咨詢 激光手術(shù)前,醫(yī)生應詳細向每位患者介紹疾病信息、治療選責、風險、優(yōu)勢、并發(fā)癥和預期結(jié)果。咨詢過 程中醫(yī)生應注意患者的禁忌癥信息。相關(guān)警告:1) 禁忌癥

14、/或文身有禁忌癥,醫(yī)生針對這些禁忌使用KL-M型Q開關(guān)Nd: YAG激光治療機系統(tǒng)祛除良性色素性病變和癥應特別注意,否則可能產(chǎn)生副作用。因糖尿病蜜劑、結(jié)締組織疾病、放療或化療引起的愈合障礙;對局麻、抗生素或其他藥物有過敏反應;亮光引起的突發(fā)疾病;心理性神經(jīng)病患者,包括酒精或濫用藥物;期望不切實際的患者;無法或不愿遵循術(shù)后護理要求的患者;患有癌癥或預惡性疾病的患者。2)適應癥皮膚軟組織的切割、切除、消融和汽化532nm波長祛除淡紅色墨水文身祛除痣祛除微小血管性病變祛除咖啡斑3)醫(yī)生應告知患者下述可能并發(fā)癥:(1)暫時性色素減退。大多數(shù)患者術(shù)后治療部位會出現(xiàn)色素減退,皮膚顏色變淡。該現(xiàn)象是暫時性的

15、,一般最多持續(xù)4周。然而,若進行后續(xù)治療,則色素減退可能會持續(xù)最多8個月或更長時間。(2)色素沉著?;颊咝g(shù)后可能會因為愈合反應出現(xiàn)色素沉著的風險,該現(xiàn)象Nd:YAG激光不常見。如果發(fā)生此現(xiàn)象,可能持續(xù)6個月。建議發(fā)生色素沉著的患者每天晚上涂抹對苯二酚進行治療,并且白天涂防曬霜(SPF 15)。(3)結(jié)疤。手術(shù)可能在極少數(shù)情況下引起結(jié)疤,包括肥厚性疤痕和非常少見的疤痕疙瘩。為了最大限度降低疤痕發(fā)生率,患者應該嚴格遵循規(guī)定進行術(shù)后皮膚護理。(4)紋理變化。治療過程中,患者真皮和表皮因受到激光沖擊波的作用造成機械損傷。該損傷可造成皮膚部分紋理發(fā)生變化。不過,絕大多數(shù)患者皮膚在術(shù)后4-6周內(nèi)恢復正常。

16、脂溢性角化癥1064nm波長祛除太田痣祛除黑色和藍色文身祛除普通痣祛文眉和祛老年斑(5)持久文身或色素。一些文身顆粒位于真皮內(nèi),無法徹底祛除。盡管進行了多次治療,但一些患者可能因為文身中含有金屬墨水顆粒而對激光照射無反應,也有一些患者可能在照射后文身發(fā)生變色。尤其是含有 氧化鐵的文身,開始文身可能是紅色,治療后變成了黑色。這些文身不能用激光進行治療。一些色素性病 變,例如黃褐斑,在手術(shù)治療后可能恢復原狀。重復治療可能會對病變有所改善,也可能不會改善。有效預期(成功以及失敗的可能性)Q開關(guān)Nd:YAG激光治療是一種無創(chuàng)傷或微創(chuàng)傷、安全性高的治療手段,許多患者治療后都有很好的效果,但少數(shù)患者可能術(shù)

17、后效果不佳。對介于二者之間的患者,應告知其具體情況,使其不要對手術(shù)效果的預期 不切實際。a iDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013-workshop,full back i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my com pany20

18、13w ork reports totheGe neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe partys 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevelopment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focusonimplementation, lea nmanagem e

19、nt, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa ndcontr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mainindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or:

20、powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled7.425billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh. -S ecurity measures: unplannedouta

21、ges2.5times.No personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccidentand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:totalprofits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbu

22、dget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76mil lionYua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integratedauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissions per

23、formancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g/kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust removaefficiency of more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: equivale nt availabilityfact orin 93.47%,in crease d 7.95% from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate 0.08%,0.16%re ductiono

24、verthe same peri oda yearearli er.Majorachievement s: first,we shoul da dheretot hetwo managementsystem basis, stre ngthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsic safety Enterprise construction took newste ps. -The tw o managementsystem for improvement. Focus onpr

25、 omotingthe powerofthecompa ny managementsystem andtheapplicati ona nd implementati on ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafetymanagementsystem,realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutines,safetysupervision a ndmanag ement netw orkrole to playtoachieve close

26、d -loop. Stre ngtheningthe supervisi on a nd management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengthening t he safety supervisi on ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Carried out inspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand

27、theOlympicGamesandother造成效果不良的主要原因可能與下列因素相關(guān):1 )色素細胞位置較深;2)患者對治療效果期望過高,想短時間內(nèi)治愈,中途改用其他方法治療。3)未按要求進行護理,使患部色素沉著或出現(xiàn)瘢痕。四 皮膚反應Q 開關(guān)與電燒或射頻燒灼治療相比,患者進行激光治療的疼痛感或疤痕發(fā)生幾率更小?;颊哌M行激光手術(shù)治療的疼痛感與橡皮筋彈到皮膚上的感覺相似,但主要取決于患者對疼痛的耐受程度。術(shù)后 12 小時內(nèi), 患者可能會感覺到治療部位發(fā)熱。建議進行冷敷或局麻直至疼痛消失。五 患者治療(一) 建議治療方案本公司不推薦特定激光參數(shù)或治療指南下述內(nèi)容為有Q開關(guān)Nd:YAG救光使用經(jīng)驗

28、的醫(yī)生所提供的患者治療信息和大量出版文獻上提供的治療建議。本公司對未正確使用激光系統(tǒng)所造成的傷害不承擔責任。Q開關(guān)Nd:YAG激光系統(tǒng)的治療程序包括:詳細了解患者醫(yī)療史、術(shù)前準備、麻醉、激光治療、術(shù)后敷料、用藥、指導和隨訪。;(二)不同病變的劑量測定下面的內(nèi)容為建議治療參數(shù),具體參數(shù)應根據(jù)患者個體情況進行更改確定。KL-M型Q開關(guān)Nd: YAG激光治療機系統(tǒng)可發(fā)射兩種波長的高能激光:1064nm(紅外)和532nm(可見綠光)。系統(tǒng)發(fā)射的激光被文身顆粒和黑色素選擇性吸收,然后激光能量轉(zhuǎn)化為熱量,產(chǎn)生光聲沖擊波,對靶組織造成機械破壞,從而達到祛除文身或色素性病變的目的。治療時,激光光斑最小覆蓋率

29、為10%,激光脈沖應覆蓋整個病變部位。組織照射過532nm 激光后會變白,照射完整個治療部位則此次治療完成。病變的照射劑量通常根據(jù)靶組織的反應確定。若使用 532nm激光,則皮膚變白即可:如果顏色變?yōu)楹稚?則說明劑量過高,此時應降低能量密度。對1064nm激光,皮膚稍變白即可。如果對組織造成嚴重破壞,則應降低能量密度。根據(jù)經(jīng)驗,對深色病變用低能量:對淺色病變用高能量。(三) 具體實施步驟1) 太田痣的治療方法( 1)術(shù)前準備患者清潔患處皮膚后用局麻軟膏涂患處(小面積病變無需麻醉),并用密封膜覆蓋45 分鐘然后擦凈殘留藥膏,用0.1%新潔爾滅消毒后準備治療,對眼睛周圍的皮損,患者需使用保護眼罩

30、蓋住雙眼。( 2) 參數(shù)選擇根據(jù)不同年齡、性別、發(fā)生部位、皮膚的顏色及膚色深淺選擇波長和能量密度。通常對兒童、皮膚較薄的部位或顏色稍淺的皮損,采用 Q開關(guān)1064nm激光,能量密度48J/cm2可調(diào),遞 增量0.25J/cm2 ,光斑直徑最大 2-3mm,首次為4J/cm2以后逐漸遞增至 8J/cm2。頻率為3.05.0Hz。操 作者戴防護鏡,激光手柄保持垂直狀態(tài),距離皮損表面0.5cm 依次掃描,治療時采用由外向內(nèi),由邊向里掃描,光斑密度為排列邊緣疊加,照射后太田痣皮膚表面顏色較治療前稍淺,并微隆起,表層色素重處呈灰白色,(有輕度的出血點時的能量為宜)太田痣周邊皮膚稍紅,局部區(qū)域有輕度皮下水

31、腫及淤血現(xiàn)象。根據(jù)太田痣顏色的深淺,一般需2-4 個周期,間隔二個月或更長時間治療一次,治療時每次大致需20-30分鐘。( 3) 術(shù)后護理術(shù)后皮膚可出現(xiàn)不同程度的腫脹、滲血,可予冰袋冷敷至滲血停止,也可外涂百多邦軟膏或金霉素眼膏。(若需包扎則在治療部位涂薄層金霉素軟膏覆蓋無菌紗布后用膠布固定)囑咐患者保持治療部位的清潔, 結(jié)痂自然脫落后注意局部防曬。保持創(chuàng)面干燥,以防止繼發(fā)感染,若感染可能會出現(xiàn)疤痕。 ( 4)大面積治療后局部略腫脹或有少量水泡,此為正常現(xiàn)象,6 小時后逐漸消退,創(chuàng)面形成痂皮,714 天且自然脫落,不要強行剝離,以免留疤。( 5 ) 治療期間不化妝,不飲酒,不做面膜,毛細血管擴

32、張不揉搓。要注意防曬,否則會產(chǎn)生短暫的色 素沉著。(6) 治療后,色素消退是一個緩慢的生物學過程,一般為13 個月。-.II L L Iy. Devel oped motorng enter prises.-Repairand maintenaon times, statistics, coal-ai dDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013million k Wh, an increase

33、 of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhthehan 99.8%.orin 93.47%,increased 7.95% from ayearearlier.-workshop,fullannual Exe cutiveback i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh

34、.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.same peri oda yearearli er.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe partys 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificcon

35、cept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously imprNo personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no maj oraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto m

36、ai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYua一 |_ II. .1一 I. I 一_ _| - -I - _ _L.一.一 , L, I .I . L. I JI _. II _ 一 一 . L LL - .一.- - nl_ _ 一 II - .11. . |_

37、_ II - _. .一Majorachievements: first,we shoulda dheretot hetwo managementsystem basis, strengthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsicsafety Enterpriseconstruction tooknewste ps. -The tw o managementsystem for improvement. Focus onpr omotingthe powerofthecompa

38、ny managementsystem andtheapplicationa nd implementation oftheove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness man,a n increase of1.76mil lionYua n, FCM a ssessment atgrade four.safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvetnagementa ndcontr olscientific a nd standardize d,

39、and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mai nindicat ors areasfoll-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissionsze thesystemofsaf

40、etycontrol.Further regows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust removasupervisia nd management o

41、f habitualvi olationof, strengthening t he safety supervision ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Carried out in太田痣的部位,面積大小,色素顆粒的深淺表現(xiàn)不一,治療早期選用1064nm波長激光,后期有可能需配合532nm波長激光進行治療,治療療程相對較長。2)文身或文眉祛除各種皮膚紋飾在國內(nèi)多以黑色或藍色單一色彩為主,原料多為各種品牌的墨水,去除時一般選Q開關(guān)1064nm激光、洗除紅色或黃色紋飾時可選用Q開關(guān)532nm激光。治療步驟:( 1 )、肥皂水清潔眉毛和文身處,必要時用麻醉軟膏涂眉毛患處,用密

42、封膜覆蓋45 分鐘,清洗局部皮膚常規(guī)消毒,大部分患者不需要麻醉。(2)、黑色染料選用1064nm波長,(能量200mJ400mJ的激光)紅色或套色(棕色咖啡色)染料用532nm波長,(能量100mJ200mJ的激光);將激光器調(diào)至能量密度為5-6J/cm2,光斑直徑為2mm (文身部位可對皮損深淺和皮膚厚薄選擇能量)并將激光束作用于皮損處。治療時以皮膚變白或有輕度飛濺,隨后皮膚輕度滲血為度。如有滲血者,先用紗布或棉簽擦凈血跡,然后用(紅霉素眼膏)涂創(chuàng)面。( 3)、治療后局部外涂(金霉素眼膏),如治療面積較大,可予冰敷10-20 分鐘以減輕疼痛及燒灼感并囑患處避免陽光直接照射,忌煙酒、辛辣,一個

43、月內(nèi)治療處不能使用化妝品。( 4)、1-3 天創(chuàng)面薄痂皮脫落。第一次治療色素未完全消退者,可間隔1-2 個月進行第二次治療。有幾個影響文身及文眉治療的因素,患者的皮膚類型,膚色和文刺時間以及文刺是專業(yè)人員或非專業(yè)人員所為。非專業(yè)陳舊黑色文身最易去除,因通常其中墨水較少,某些墨水可能對治療無反應,另外,膚色較深的患者色素改變的危險較大,術(shù)前應將以上情況向患者交代清楚,治療時一般不需麻醉,治療間期為4至 8 周,直至色素消失,治療后可形成痂皮,偶爾可形成水泡,局部需要應用抗生素處理,直至愈合。3)雀斑治療方法1、無需麻醉,治療前清潔患處皮膚,局部皮膚常規(guī)消毒。操作者戴防護鏡,將患者眼睛用激光防護眼

44、罩蓋住,然后將激光器調(diào)至波長532nm,頻率15Hz,光斑直徑23mm能量100mJ300mJ少數(shù)患者選用波長1064nm 。治療頭垂直對準面部皮損處逐個進行點擊或掃描,治療時點擊到所有雀斑,注意不要遺漏;激光擊射雀斑時以表皮變白色或表皮脫落為宜,如出現(xiàn)點狀出血。則說明治療能量過大。2、治療后局部外涂(金霉素眼膏),如治療面積較大,可予冰敷1020 分鐘,以減輕疼通及燒灼感,并囑患處避免陽光直接照射,忌煙酒、辛辣,一個月內(nèi)治療處不能使用化妝品。3、 13 天創(chuàng)面薄痂形成,710 天痂皮脫落,第一次治療色素未完全消退者,可間隔12 個月進行第二次治療。六 療效分析太田痣:同類波長的激光能量密度的

45、不同治療效果也不一樣,治療后的臨床反應也不相同,采用低能量密度的調(diào)Q激光治療,最大 400mJ,治療時皮膚有灼熱感,半小時后恢復正常,治療后無皮損及出血,部分治療區(qū)域有輕度皮下水腫及淤血,水腫在 3 小時內(nèi)消退,淤血一般在2 天消失, 第一次治療一般使用400mJ是因為淺表黑色素對激光吸收較充分,首次低能量密度對皮膚的刺激性小,熱損傷較小,術(shù)后臨床反應也較小,反之,顏色越深,吸收激光越多,熱損傷越大,所以設定的能量密度應由低逐步增高,治療次數(shù)視色素的深淺而定,與范圍大小無明顯關(guān)系。雀斑一般一次治療就可以除去80%以上,但是遺傳性原因的人有可能復發(fā)。警告:所有醫(yī)生應及時跟蹤此領(lǐng)域和Q開關(guān)Nd:Y

46、AG激光治療最新信息。表皮病變* 痣:用Q開關(guān)Nd:YAG激光系統(tǒng)的532nm波長激光治療1次,能量密度1.3-2.5J/cm2。* 脂溢性角化癥:能量密度)3 .5J/ cm2 o用浸有鹽水的紗布擦去變厚的表皮。如果仍有角化癥,再進行治療。* 咖啡斑:3mm光斑,能量密度I-4J/ cm2。完全祛除后幾周內(nèi)可能復發(fā);再次治療可完全祛除。治療 時應嚴格控制周圍正常黑素細胞、不正常但非活性的無黑色素的黑素細胞,或刺激黑素細胞活動還原病變的真皮信號。Delegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one s

47、ession offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhthehan 99.8%.orin 93.47%,in crease d 7.95% from ayearearlier.-workshop,fullannual Exe cutiveback i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit u

48、ation,discuss2013 development plans.budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.same peri oda yearearli er.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports totheNo personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccideMajorachievements: first,we shoulda dheretot h

49、etwo manageGe neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe partys 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, con

50、tinuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness mantand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli on

51、Yuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76mil lionYua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-I -I -.一 , L, I .I . L. I JI _. II _ 一 一 . L LL - .一.- - nl_ _ 一 II - .11. . |_ _ II - _. 一. 一 II _ _ II 一 一mentsystem basis, strengthe ning

52、technologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsicsafety Enterpriseconstruction tooknewste ps. -The tw o managementsystem for improvement. Focus onpr omotingthe powerofthecompa ny managementsystem andtheapplicationa nd implementation ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,

53、improvetnagementa ndcontr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity

54、of315-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust removaI I . I 一 一 L 一 . 一 - -LJ- . _ _ I. _ . _ _ _ L. L _ I . I- .一 _ _| _ - _ _ I. II _I_一 一 . . I _ |_ _ _ _ II 一 . _ _ . I Lze thesystemofsaf


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