1、StoreEver MSL6480 Tape LibrarySCSI Reference GuideAbstractThis document describes the SCSI Media Changerd Set for the HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library.Part Number: QU625-96352 Published: February 2016Edition: 2 Copyright 2015, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LPThe information contained
2、 herein is subject to change without notice. The only warres for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and servicesare set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Hewlett Packard Enterp
3、rise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained puter software. Valid license from Hewlett Packard Enterprise required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and
4、 Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendors standard commercial license.Links to third-party websites take you outside the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website. Hewlett Packard Enterprise has no control over and is not responsible for information outside the
5、Hewlett Packard Enterprise website.Contents1 Introduction52 Media changerd set6About configuration changes6ds allowed in the presence of reservations6About the NOTY condition7Partitioning handling8SCSI abort handling8Mailslot handling9Cartridge generation handling93 Supported SCSIds10Exchange medium
6、 (A6h)11Initialize element status (07h)12Initialize element status with range (37h)12Inquiry (12h)13INQUIRY: Standard Page14Unit Serial Number page (80h)16HPE INQUIRY: Device identification page (83h)17Firmware Build Information page (C0h)18INQUIRY: Vital Product Data page (00h)19INQUIRY: Management
7、 Network Address page (85h)19HPE Specific Inquiry Data page (CCh)20HPE Specific Page (D0h)21LOG SELECT (4Ch)22LOG SENSE (4Dh)23Log Page Header format24Supported Pages Log Page (00h)24Event Log Page (07h)25Event Structure25Temperature Log Page (0Dh)26Tape Alert Log Page (2Eh)26Statistics Counter Page
8、 (30h)27Error Log Page (34h)29HPE Event Log Page (36h)30HPE Event Description Log Page (38h)32HPE Key Definition Log Page (3Ah)32HPE Key Value Definition Log Page (3Bh)33HPE Device Status Page (3Eh)33Mode Select (15h)39Control Extension page (0Ah)41Tape Alert page (1Ch)42Element Address Assignment p
9、age (1Dh)42Transport Geometry Parameters page (1Eh)43Device Capabilities page (1Fh)44Mode Select (55h)45Mode Sense (1Ah)46Mode Parameter List47Mode Sense (5Ah)52Mode Parameter List53Mode Parameter Header53Move Medium (A5h)53Persistent Reserve In (5Eh)54Contents3Persistent Reserve Out (5Fh)57Position
10、 to Element (2Bh)59Prevent / Allow Media Removal (1Eh)59Buffer (3Ch)60Vendor Unique Mode61Descriptor Mode61Data Mode62Echo Mode62Echo Buffer Descriptor Mode63Element Status (B8h)63Element status data64Element descriptors66Medium transport element status page (01h)66Storage element status page (02h)6
11、8Import/Export element status page (03h)70Data transfer element status page (04h)72Release (17h)75Release 10 (57h)75Report LUNs (A0h)76Report supported operation codes (A3h)77Report timestamp (A3h)81Send diagnostic (1Dh)82Receive diagnostic results (1Ch)83Send volume tag (B6h)84Set timestamp (A4h)86
12、Requesse (03h)87Request volume element address (B5h)89Reserve (16h)91Reserve 10 (56h)91Test unity (00h)92Write buffer (3Bh)92Write data mode93Vendor unique operation mode93Echo buffer mode94d status byte and timeouts95d timeouts9545 Supported tape alert flags986 L&TT support ticket information1007 U
13、sed sense keys, ASC and ASCQ1018 Support and other resources103Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support103Accessing updates103Websites103Customer self repair104Remote support104Documentation feedback104Glossary1054Contents1 IntroductionThis document describes the HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Libra
14、ryd set.The SCSI media changerds are based on the specifications shown in Page 5. Forfurther information about the specifications referenced in Table 1 see.Table 1 SCSI media changerd specificationsA media changer logical unit receivesds to move volumes between various elementtypes in the element ad
15、dress space. The element types are storage, import-export, data transfer, and medium transport. The volume handling robotic subsystem, addressed as a medium transport element, moves volumes within a media changer. The media changer logical unit maintains an inventory of volumes and the element addre
16、sses. The media changer logical unit reports this inventory when requested as well as identifying the element address assigned to different types of elements.5DocumentT10 versionANSI INCITS versionSMC-2T10/1383-D rev 7ANSI INCITS 382-2004SPC-3T10/1416-D rev 23ANSI INCITS 4082005SAM-2T10/1157-D rev 2
17、4ANSI INCITS 366-20032 Media changerAbout configuration changesd setThe media changer is equipped with a web-based remote management interface (RMI) and an operator control panel (OCP) interface. These interfaces allow a user to make configuration changes. When a user makes a change to the media cha
18、nger configuration, the media changershall inform the applicationby means of a unit attention with the sense data set to MODEPARAMETERS CHANGED (06/2A/00).ds allowed in the presence of reservationsThes of whichds are allowed under a reservation are described in “ds ds or theallowed in the presence o
19、f reservations” (page 6). The RESERVE/RELEASEPERSISTENT RESERVE IN/OUTmedia changer.ds are used to manage the reservation state of theTable 2ds allowed in the presence of reservations6Media changerd setdMedia changerby another initiatorEXCHANGE MEDIUMINITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUSINITIALIZE ELEMENT STATU
21、MENT STATUS (curdata=0)ELEMENT STATUS (curdata=1)AllowedRECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTSRELEASE (6 & 10)AllowedREPORT LUNSAllowedREPORT SUPPORTED OPERATION CODESREPORT TIMESTAMPAllowedREQUESSEAllowedTable 2ds allowed in the presence of reservations (continued)Allowed complete normally.ds received from SCS
22、I initiators not holding the reservation shouldds received from SCSI initiators not holding the reservation shall terminatethed with a RESERVATIONY conditionstatus.About the NOTWhen the media changer is unable to accept medium accessds it shall report CHECKCONDITION status on medium accessds. The se
23、nse data shall be set to explain whythe media changer is unable to perform the requested medium accessd. All non-mediaaccessds shall be executed as specified.The media changer is unable to process medium access for any of the reasons listed in “Sense codes for NOTds successfully when noty Y conditio
24、ns” (page 7).Table 3 Sense codes for NOTY conditionsNotes1.2.3.After a power on or device reset, the media changer initializes automatically. When a magazine is inserted, the media changer re-initializes automatically.When transitioning from NOTY toY, the media changer shall return a NOTY TOY TRANSI
25、TION unit attention (06/28/00) before returningY status. y4.Moveds from any interface will be queued and therefore not cause Notstatus. After moving media using an interface other than the SCSI interface, all affectedpartitions shall return a NOTThe following non-media accessY TOY TRANSITION unit at
26、tention (06/28/00).ds are processed when the media changer is noty:INQUIRY LOG SENSEMODE SENSEAbout the NOTY condition7NOTY reasonSense codeNotesInitializing after POR02/04/01 NOTY, IN PROCESS OF BECOY1, 3Magazine removed02/3B/12 MEDIUM MAGAZINE REMOVEDMagazine inserted02/04/01 NOTY, LOGICAL UNIT IS
28、EVENT/ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL (prevent=0) ELEMENT STATUS (CURDATA=1)RELEASE (6)RELEASE (10) REPORT LUNSREQUESSEWRITE BUFFERPartitioning handlingThe library supports partitioning into multiple logical libraries. The media changer may be partitioned when it has more than one tape drive. A partitioned med
29、ia changer behaves the same as an un-partitioned media changer with the following conditions:The number of storage slots and data transfer elements a configuration.justed to match the newThe media changer serial number in the INQUIRY data changes to differentiate between the new partitions.d executi
30、on time increases. A partitioned media changer may be requested toexecute more than one media accessd at the same time. Since thesedsare executed sequentially, the enabled partitions. SCSIum execution time is multiplied by the number ofd timeouts (see “d timeouts” (page 95) are basedon an unpartitio
31、ned library without parallel movements.Mailslot magazines are potentially shared between multiple partitions. Individual slots of a mailslot magazine are only assigned to one partition. Nevertheless mailslot magazines can only be opened completely, which affects all owning partitions. If multiple pa
32、rtitions set a media removal prevention to their mailslots, the magazine can only be opened after all media removal preventions have been released.SCSI abort handlingA task is aborted when an event or SCSI initiator device action causes termination of the task prior to its successful completion.The
33、following events cause one or more tasks to be aborted:The return of an Execute FAILUREAn I_T nexus loss A logical unit reset A hard resetA power on conditiond service response of SERVICE DELIVERY OR TARGETOn such conditions the system aborts the current SCSId. Any mechanical operations,however, sti
34、ll need to complete. The SCSI initiator can immediately start executing a newd. A newd will be executed as soon as possible.A unit attention condition with an additional sense code set to SCSI BUS RESET OCCURRED is generated.8Media changerd setMailslot handlingWhen a user inserts or removes a cartri
35、dge from thslot, the FULL bit of the elementdescriptor describing thslot changes. This event is signaled to the applicationbymeans of a unit attention condition (for example, IMPORT/EXPORT ELEMENT ACCESSED). The IMPEX bit of the element descriptor is set if the cartridge in mailslot has been added b
36、y a user. If the cartridge came from a storage element, the IMPEX bit is not set.When an applicationrequests to move a cartridge to or from the import/export elementwhile thslot is open (removed from the locked position), the MOVE MEDIUMdreturns CHECK CONDITION status with the sense data set to ILLE
37、GAL REQUEST, DOOR OPEN (05/04/83).Whenever a partition has medium removal prevented by means of the PREVENT MEDIUMREMOVALmailslots in the samd, opening or closing of th slot magazine.slot is prevented for all partitions usingWhen medium removal is prevented by means of the PREVENT MEDIUM REMOVALd,mo
38、veds to or from the import export element are not prevented.When a user enables or disables thslot feature from the RMI or OCP, the assigned elementaddresses of all storage elements and the number of storage elements changes. This importantevent is signaled to the application PARAMETERS CHANGED.by m
39、eans of a unit attention condition, such as MODEIf a SCSId comes in while thslot is removed, the robot will service thatdand then inventory thslot magazine if it was inserted during the SCSId.Cartridge generation handlingThe library detects and stores the LTO generation of each cartridge in its inve
40、ntory, which provides smart cartridge management. The media changer is aware of what cartridges are supported by which tape drive. The media changer will report CHECK CONDITION status on MOVE MEDIUMand EXCHANGE MEDIUMds that cause a medium generationbetween a tapedrive and a cartridge (for example w
41、hen attempting to move an LTO-4 cartridge into an LTO-2 drive).The tape library will report CHECK CONDITION status on MOVE MEDIUM and EXCHANGEMEDIUMds when a drive has encryption enabled and a cartridge generation unable tosupport encryption is moved to this drive.Possible sense data on these medium
42、 generations are:Mailslot handling9Sense KeyASCASCQDescription5h30h12hILLEGAL REQUEST, the destination tape drive does not support the cartridge generation at the source element address5h80h5BhILLEGAL REQUEST, the destination tape drive cannot encrypt data due to (unsupported) cartridge generation a
43、t the source element address3 Supported SCSIThe media changer supports the SCSIdsds shown in Page 10.Table 4 Media changerd set10Supported SCSIdsdOperation codeStandardHandled by the LUN driveINITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS07hSMC-2EXCHANGE MEDIUMA6hSMC-2INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS WITH RANGE37hSMC-2INQUIRY1
46、YesRESERVE (10)56hSPC-3YesSET TIMESTAMPA4hSPC-3SEND DIAGNOSTIC1DhSPC-3SEND VOLUME TAGB6hSMC-2Table 4 Media changerd set (continued)Exchange medium (A6h)The EXCHANGE MEDIUMd allows an applicationto replace a volume at anelement address with another volume. The media changer can exchange volumes betwe
47、en a mix of Storage Elements, Import/Export Elements, and Data Transfer Elements. The volume in the Source Address element is moved to the First Destination Address element and the volume that previously occupied the First Destination Address element is moved to the Second Destination Address elemen
48、t. The Second Destination Address element may or may not be the same as the Source Address element.Table 5 EXCHANGE MEDIUMdField descriptionsMedium Transport AddressThis field specifies the medium transport element used to execute theExchange Mediumd. This value can be set to either 0 or the current
49、lyvalid Medium Transport Element address.Source AddressThe volume in the Source Address element is moved to the First Destination Address element address. The Source Address can be a Storage Element address, Import/Export Element address or a Data Transfer Element address.The volume in the First Des
50、tination Address is moved to the Second Destination Address. The First Destination Address can be a Storage Element address, Import/Export Element address or a Data Transfer Element address.First Destination AddressExchange medium (A6h)11BitByte765432100Operation Code (A6h)1Obsolete2(MSB)Medium Tran
51、sport Address(LSB)34(MSB)Source Address(LSB)56(MSB)First Destination Address(LSB)78(MSB)Second Destination Address(LSB)910Inv1Inv211FSCControl12(MSB )Failover Session Key(LSB).15dOperation codeStandardHandled by the LUN driveTEST UNITY00hSPC-3WRITE BUFFER3BhSPC-3Second Destination AddressThe Second
52、Destination Address element may or may not be the same as the Source Address element. The Second Destination Address can be a Storage Element address, Import/Export Element address or a Data Transfer Element address.An Invert bit of 1 specifies that the medium should be inverted or rotated prior to
53、depositing the medium into the destination element. The media changer does not support medium rotation. Both INV1 and INV2 must be set to 0.Failover session sequence count (This field is only used internal to the library.) If the failover session key is not associated with a failover session tracked
54、 byInv1/Inv2FSCFailover Session Keythe library, thed is terminated with CHECK CONDITION status withthe sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST and the additional sense code setto FAILOVER SESSION SEQUENCE ERROR. (This field is only used internal to the library.)Initialize element status (07h)Thisd directs
55、the medium changer to check all existing elements for tape volumes andany status relevant to that element. Thisd provides means for an applicationtoget a quick response from aElement Statusd that may follow, and is useful aftera power failure, if tape medium has been changed by an operator, or if subsyste
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