1、:1. Except for the special circumstance in which historians record events they themselves have witnessed, scholars can only obtain historical facts throughsources. (120-1)A. biasedB. first-handedC. writtenD. unreliableE. intermediary:§ firsthand§ secondhand=intermediary:2. The paradoxical
2、characteristic of the reliable employee Donna is her, as we consider her usual feigning illness to escape from her labor. (119-2)A. halcyonB. charlatanC. malingeringD. retributionE. earnestness:§ charlatan,諧音“殺了他”,大家都要殺掉。§ 廣義上的:quack,sham,fake,imposter,fraud:3. The citys traffic-planning d
3、epartment has been working hard to (i)drivers. Closely spaced stop lights have been added on roads into town, causing delays. Pedestrian underpasses designed to allow traffic to flow freely across major intersections have been (ii). (120-4):blank(i)blank(ii)A assistD enhancedB calmE stabilizedC disc
4、ourageF removed§ pedestriann. agoing on foot: walker 行人adj. commonplace, unimaginative 平淡的,乏味的§ 平淡的,乏味的:dreary,dull,humdrum,jejune,monotonous,tedious,wearisome§ 陳詞濫調(diào):cliché,trite,banal,platitude,triusm,stale:4. Gelles urges readers of Abigail Adams letters to consider their (i):
5、in Adams era women weredenied a publica separate from that of their husbands. That said, Gelles then (ii)topromote Adams from a writer of private letters to a public figure, arguing that she was a significantforce for change.(120-5):blank(i)blank(ii)A valueD strainsB contextE neglectsC styleF fails&
6、#167; valuable§ invaluable§ valueless:5. The enthusiasm that many English artists and writers felt regarding the Labour Party (i)amid complaints that arts funding remained as (ii). And even though the government recently announced a significant funding boost for the Arts Council, some art
7、leaders still refuse to (iii) Labour. (117-5):blank(i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A intensifiedD far-reachingG trustB resurfacedE parsimoniousH condemnC wanedF staggeringI ignore§ wane=ebb 都是不及物動詞64-8. Although in the mid-1970s nuclear power seemed poised for a still greater role in energy supply,in fac
8、t theof its prestige had already begun.A. evaluationB. waningC. defenseD. underminingE. ebbingF. vindication:6. Despite the occasional (i)of their venues, the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply (ii)conference, each day consisted of nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels enlive
9、ned by pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. The only (iii)sensorydeprivation of the sessions came from the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.(34-6):blank(i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A seclusionD sycophanticG allusion toB opulenceE asceticH ramification ofC eno
10、rmityF mercenaryI respite from§ 廣義上表示“豐富”的詞§ wealthy, rich, opulent, affluent, abundant, plentiful, ample, bountiful:7. Some kinds of deadly bacteria, including those that cause tetanus, tuberculosis, and botulism, remain _ until something triggers their insidious activity.(35-9)A. harmles
11、sB. innocuousC. anomalousD. aberrantE. efficaciousF. undetectable:§ until用法:單獨使用時=before例:The ticket is valid until March.not until句型,翻譯成“直到.才.”例:I will not buy the tickets until I hear from you.:8. The Great Lakes wolf is a_, stumping scientists as to whether it is a subspecies of the gray wol
12、f or a distinct species.(13-7)A. prototypeB. riddleC. paragonD. mE. legendF. conundrum:§ conundrum諧音記憶法=“可難琢磨”§ 廣義“謎”總結(jié):riddle,conundrum,enigma,puzzle:9. Despite the _of medical information available through, the Internet, and mobile devices,not many patients are taking advantage of the po
13、tential of electronic communications for health-related needs.(15-8)A. wealthB. complexityC. intricacyD. profusionE. resurgenceF. overload:§ “利用”的幾種表達方式take advantage ofutilizemake use ofexploit:10. Most of the drugs used to treat celiac disease that are now in development would not eliminate t
14、he need for a gluten-free diet but would helpsymptoms when some gluten is unintentionally ingested.(119-9)A. diagnoseB. extirpateC. allayD. palliateE. ascertainF. undermine:§ 廣義上“減輕”總結(jié):abate,alleviate,assuage,mitigate,mollify,palliate,soothe:1. Demographic relationships that have beenmay not be
15、 useful targets for prolonged study: that very characteristic suggests that they may continue to change rapidly. (116-1)A. staticB. enervatedC. intransigentD. moribundE. mutable:§ 廣義上“變化的”詞匯總結(jié):capricious,mercurial,fickle,volatile,unstable,inconstant,mutable:2. There is_ in the directors most re
16、cent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in itsscript safely at bay.(19-2)A. a mawkishnessB. a predictabilityC. an austerityD. an ostentatiousnessE. an emotiveness:,§ keep sth. at bay:3. Early in the development of ice age theories, physicists identified the processing( slow g
17、yration) and wobbling of Earths spin axis as the likely drivers of the ice ages, but geologists (i), and even the painstaking work done in the 1920s and 1930s by Mihution Mplankovitch failed to (ii)of many of the days geological experts. (112-3):blank(i)blank(ii)A demurredD anticipate the ascentB ac
18、quiescedE assuage the qualmsC expatriateF acknowledge the consensusdriver: one that provides impulse or motivation 驅(qū)動器,驅(qū)動程序,驅(qū)動者廣義上的“”總結(jié):challenge,object to,defy,dispute,:4. The trade in scientifierature in nineteenth-century Germany was so robust that publisherconstantly worried about (i)of new titl
19、es, an anxiety that gave even relatively undistinguished authors, who made their living writing technical treatises, (ii).(26-4):blank(i)blank(ii)A pricesD limited public relevanceB suppliesE enviable scholarly credentialsC embargoesF strong bargaining positions§ 一些生活中能夠見到的GRE單詞:robust 樂百氏-強壯的-
20、保護safeguardcrest 佳潔士-山頂kindle-點亮vogue 時尚雜志-時尚-躲避dodgecanon 佳能-經(jīng)典rejoice 飄柔-愉快:5. Those who blame the inadequacies of science education for students lack of reasoning skills perpetuate their productive notion of science as (i), unique in its capacity to inoculate us against superstition and ignorance
21、. Certainly a good science education can (ii)habits of mind, but the (iii)effect of education in nonscientific, humanistic subjects such as literature and history should not be underrated.(118-5):blank(i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A vocationalD counter uncriticalG unforeseenB empiricalE discourage rigorousH
22、 salutaryC salvationalF temper creativeI pedestrian§ 一類大家容易理解錯的詞:exaggerate,inflate,underrate,under-emphasize,under-appreciate,overstatement:6. The characters in this comic strip fret about the (i)of their “l(fā)ittle counterculture lives”,especially when terrible things are happening in the world,
23、 but the cartoonist makes their lives(ii)in ways that do not seem (iii)at all. Real things happen herebirths, deaths, adoptions,affairs, breakups, commitments, ceremonies, civil unionand they matter.(39-5):blank(i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A unpredictabilityD stagnateG outlandishB arduousnessE resonateH in
24、consequentialC trivialityF competeI intangible§ resonate§ v. to produce or exhibit resonance 共鳴§ v. to relate harmoniously 與一致§ v. to have importance in meaning 有重要意義:7. The notionsnotwithstandingit was first proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning physicistit was neglected for many ye
25、ars until some unexpected observations led to its revival. (113-10)A. pedigreeB. antecedentsC. precursorsD. originE. brillianceF. novelty:§ notwithstanding后置的用法§ 例:Willian Perkins, his fiery speaking style notwithstanding, has long been seen as the moderateface of his political party.:8. A
26、lthough the biography never explicitly assesses what role the dynamic between Mr. Merrillsality, the author offers plenty of_.(27-parents might have played in the development of his 7)A. mystificationB. elucidationC. speculationD. reflectionE. obfuscationF. conjecture:9. As astronomers do not yet ha
27、ve a good understanding of the fundamental nature of dark matter, itshould not be a surprise that astronomy students ideas about dark matter are, at best,. (111-10)A. superficialB. sketchyC. inconsistentD. mistakenE. outdatedF. far-fetched:10. The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history
28、 has proved useful but also_, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.(27-10)A. slipperyB. elusiveC. fruitlessD. deceptiveE. futileF. compelling:§ slippery§ adj. causing or tending to cause something to slide or fall 滑的§ adj. not precise or fixed in mean
29、ing 不確定的,棘手的§ adj. not to be trusted 不的:1. As a result of lacking a strong opposing organization to, the chief focused their rancor on one another at the conference where the issues were put forward and intended to be resolved.(120-2)A. immolateB. excoriateC. parleyD. exterminateE. collaborate:
30、2. The science commus perennial lament over inadequate budgets has come to seem increasing _, because government support for science and engineering has never been greater.(47-1)A. vitalB. hopelessC. poignantD. condescendingE. disingenuous:§ Has never been greater=very great:3. In the early 199
31、0s, the discovery of a new microbe in wastewater led microbiologists to (i) ammonias conversion to nitrogen compounds. Called anammox (for anaerobic ammonia oxidation), the microbe was converting into nitrogen gas in the absence of oxygen, a reaction previously assumed to be (ii). (113-3):blank(i)bl
32、ank(ii)A question existing dogma aboutD hazardousB abandon efforts to facilitateE irreversibleC raise health concerns regardingF impossible4. As he has matured as a scholar, Felmar has come to see the merit of qualification. His which early in his career he (i), are now often (ii).(47-3)s,:blank(i)b
33、lank(ii)A stated as absolutesD hedgedB refused to revealE simplifiedC backed up extensivelyF reiterated§ qualify:§ v. to declare competent or adequate 認證,使§ v. to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form 限制,限定§ unqualified 絕對的,完全的§ qualification 限制,限定:5. The
34、fall of the monarchical order produced a score of fragile successor states in Europe that (i) ethnic discontent and revanchism. This (ii), when fused with those states inherent feebleness, make for power voids and political (iii).(119-6):blank(i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A kept downD cosmopolitanismG cures
35、B overshadowedE hierarchyH fluiditiesC simmered withF volatilityI redundancies§ overshadow的用法:v. to exceed in importance=outweigh:6. Viewing people as social atoms that obey rather simple rule (which are not unlike the laws ofphysics), one may discover certain (i). Take, for example, the way ch
36、annels emerge when peoplemove in crowds. In the midst of initially (ii)movements, onebegins to follow anotherinan effort to avoid collisionsand streams of movement emerge. As more people join in, there is greater pull on others to join the flow, and the particular channels become (iii).(50-5):blank(
37、i)blank(ii)blank(iii)A apparent contradictionsD inflexibleG self-defeatingB unproductive tendenciesE straightforwardH self-aggrandizingC lawlike regulationsF chaoticI self-perpetuating§ self-aggrandizing和self-perpetuating的區(qū)別:7. With regard to verity, neutrality, and transparency, nothing about
38、the Internet makes it any differentthan Gutenbergs printing press, which could servejust as well as truth. (111-9)A. fantasyB. bureaucracyC. protocolD. disinformationE. mendacityF. panic:§ just as well as truth 也可能是事實:8. In the northeastern United States, beaver populations had been critically
39、reduced or even_ in large areas at the end of nineteenth century; as a result, several states instituted prohibitions on beaver trapping.(35-7)A. diminishedB. extirpatedC. eliminatedD. devaluedE. weakenedF. underrated:§ 廣義上的“”總結(jié):extirpate,eliminate,rule out,strip away,exclude,eradicate,annihila
40、te,obliterate,exterminate:9. Once the judge had been found guilty of corruption, it was not long before he found himself his position. (116-9)A. revolted byB. divested ofC. stripped ofD. recognized byE. enamored ofF. absorbed by:10. The difficulty of reforming electoral politics is not lack of the r
41、ight tools but the need to put theminto the hands of impartial agents: the goal should be to build capacity whilepartisanship.(49-8)A. expeditingB. constrainingC. facilitatingD. deterringE. exacerbatingF. lamenting:§ partisan: one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance:1. In 1
42、831, a domestic insurrection that had stirred central Italy was squelched by the Austrian army, but while this invasion destroyed the immediate results of the movement, it could notthe insurrections causes, which continued to be felt. (113-1)A. ignoreB. extirpateC. fathomD. anticipateE. underscore:2
43、. While the writer was best known for her much-ballyhooed_, her impact reached far beyond memorable quips.(37-2)A. pensivenessB. drollnessC. stoicismD. fastidiousnessE. congeniality:§ quip: n. something strange, droll, curious, or eccentric:3. At one time researchers viewed the placebo effe(i),
44、 a statistical (ii)_ faced by thoseattempting an objective evaluation of the efficacy of potentially legitimate therapies. That view has changed: the placebo effect is today seen as an important part of the healing process.(115-3):blank(i)blank(ii)A a boonD incrementB a touchstoneE annoyanceC an imp
45、edimentF deviation4. Harpers draw, while (i)in the United States for years, has remained (ii)in London, wherethe public greets virtually every work with unabashed enthusiasm. (67-3):blank(i)blank(ii)A in eclipseD controversialB unrivaledE unsurpassedC unchangedF unexceptional§ eclipse§ v.
46、surpass§ n. a falling into obscurity or decline:5. There is (i)evidence that the giant African land snail a. fulica is a serious threat to the spread of human disease. Giant snails do carry rat lungworminfection by which is a common cause of meningitisbut so do many other snail species. Moreove
47、r, if the threat posed by a. fulica were(ii), one would expect to see an increase in disease rates (iii)a rise in the spread of snails. However, in places like New Caledonia, explosions in giant snail populations have coincided with a fall in the number of meningitis cases. (111-5):blank(i)blank(ii)
48、blank(iii)A abundantD containedG corresponding toB ambiguousE recognizedH predatingtleF majorI giving way to§ 常用的一些表示“”意思的詞匯總結(jié):little,few,hardly,scarcely,rarely,barely,seldom:6. (i)have often shrilled that Australias Great Barrier Reef is dying, a result of agricultural runoff from the (ii)Queensland coast. In truth, the preservation of the reef (iii), a combination of active government intervention and the beneficial effects of r
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